Y Cyfarfod Llawn
Yn y fersiwn ddwyieithog, mae’r golofn chwith yn cynnwys yr iaith a lefarwyd yn y cyfarfod. Mae’r golofn dde yn cynnwys cyfieithiad o’r areithiau hynny.
In the bilingual version, the left-hand column includes the language used during the meeting. The right-hand column includes a translation of those speeches.
Cyfarfu'r Senedd yn y Siambr a thrwy gynhadledd fideo am 13:30 gyda'r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair.
The Senedd met in the Chamber and by video-conference at 13:30 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.
Rŷn ni'n cychwyn nawr. Croeso, bawb, i'r cyfarfod y prynhawn yma.
Good afternoon. We are about to begin. Welcome to this afternoon's meeting.
If I can welcome everybody to the meeting this afternoon.
Os caf i groesawu pawb i'r cyfarfod y prynhawn yma.
Cyn i ni ddechrau busnes heddiw, dwi eisiau nodi y newyddion trist a glywyd dros y bythefnos diwethaf yma am farwolaeth ein cyn-Aelod ni, Mick Bates. Mae nifer ohonom ni, mae'n siŵr, yn cofio presenoldeb Mick yn ein plith ni yn ystod tri thymor cyntaf y Senedd yma, ac roedd yn gyfrannwr pwysig, cyson a blaengar ar faterion cynaliadwyedd yn ystod y cyfnod yna. Dwi'n siŵr ein bod ni i gyd yn dymuno estyn pob cydymdeimlad at deulu a chyfeillion Mick Bates yn ystod y cyfnod anodd yma iddyn nhw.
Dwi eisiau hefyd hysbysu'r Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 26.75, fod y Bil Addysg Drydyddol ac Ymchwil (Cymru) a Bil Deddfau Trethi Cymru etc. (Pŵer i Addasu) wedi cael Cydsyniad Brenhinol.
Before we begin today's business, I want to note the sad news received over the past fortnight on the passing of former Member, Mick Bates. Many of us, I'm sure, will remember Mick, who was with us for the first three terms of this Senedd, and he made an important, consistent and prominent contribution on issues around sustainability during that period. I'm sure that we would all wish to extend our full sympathies to the family and friends of Mick Bates during this difficult time.
I also wish to inform the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 26.75, that the Tertiary Education and Research (Wales) Bill and the Welsh Tax Acts etc. (Power to Modify) Bill have been given Royal Assent.
Yr eitem gyntaf y prynhawn yma yw'r cwestiynau i'r Prif Weinidog, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Gareth Davies.
The first item this afternoon is questions to the First Minister, and the first question is from Gareth Davies.
1. Beth yw cynllun Llywodraeth Cymru i sicrhau rhagoriaeth addysgol yn sir Ddinbych? OQ58379
1. What is the Welsh Government’s plan to achieve educational excellence in Denbighshire? OQ58379

Llywydd, provision of education in Denbighshire remains the responsibility of the county council and, where relevant, the diocesan authorities. They operate within the framework established by the Welsh Government and this Senedd. This September, for example, schools across the nation will begin delivery of the new Curriculum for Wales.
Llywydd, mae darparu addysg yn sir Ddinbych yn parhau i fod yn gyfrifoldeb i'r cyngor sir a phan fo'n berthnasol, awdurdodau'r esgobaeth. Maen nhw'n gweithredu o fewn y fframwaith a sefydlwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru a'r Senedd hon. Fis Medi eleni, er enghraifft, bydd ysgolion ar draws y genedl yn dechrau cyflwyno'r Cwricwlwm newydd i Gymru.
Thank you for that answer, First Minister. As you may be aware, over the summer, Christ the Word Catholic School in Rhyl received a damning Estyn report following an inspection, which has resulted in special measures being imposed on the school. Now, the school is still very much in its infancy having only been opened in 2020 following a merger between the former Ysgol Mair and Blessed Edward Jones schools. And this is further compounded by the fact that Wales is lagging behind fellow UK nations in the GCSE results league table, leaving my constituents concerned that further education and/or university opportunities may not be available for those aspiring to get on in life. So, what assurances can you give people in Rhyl that the Welsh Government is working with the school senior leadership team, Denbighshire County Council and the governing body to rectify these issues and provide a plan of how you aim to turn around the fortunes of exam results so that my constituents aren't left behind?
Diolch am yr ateb yna, Prif Weinidog. Fel efallai y byddwch chi'n gwybod, dros yr haf, derbyniodd Ysgol Gatholig Crist y Gair yn y Rhyl adroddiad damniol gan Estyn yn dilyn arolygiad, sydd wedi arwain at orfodi mesurau arbennig ar yr ysgol. Nawr, mae'r ysgol yn dal i fod yn ifanc iawn ar ôl cael ei hagor yn 2020 yn unig ar ôl uno hen ysgolion Ysgol Mair a Bendigaid Edward Jones. Ac mae hyn yn cael ei gymhlethu ymhellach gan y ffaith bod Cymru ar ei hôl hi o'i chymharu â'i chyd wledydd yn y DU yn y tabl cynghrair canlyniadau TGAU, gan adael fy etholwyr yn bryderus efallai na fydd cyfleoedd addysg bellach a/neu brifysgol ar gael i'r rhai sydd â'r uchelgais o lwyddo mewn bywyd. Felly, pa sicrwydd allwch chi ei roi i bobl yn y Rhyl bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio gydag uwch dîm arweinyddiaeth yr ysgol, Cyngor Sir Ddinbych a'r corff llywodraethu i ddatrys y problemau hyn a darparu cynllun o ran sut yr ydych chi'n bwriadu gwella canlyniadau arholiadau fel nad yw fy etholwyr yn cael eu gadael ar ôl?

Well, Llywydd, unfortunately the Member mixes up two completely different issues. I am, of course, aware of the inspection report into Christ the Word. I was able to discuss this with the new leader of Denbighshire council and with the cabinet member responsible for education. It is, as the Member, I imagine, is aware, a complicated situation because it is a voluntary aided school. It is the diocesan authorities that are responsible for the hiring of staff at the school, and there is a job of work to be done there, as the inspection report sets out, to make sure that standards of teaching and learning at the school are brought up to what would be regarded as acceptable elsewhere.
There is a great deal of support being offered by the consortium and by the local authority, and evidence will now be needed—and it's the responsibility of the governing body to provide the action plan—that shows how the recommendations of the Estyn report will be put into practice. There is a need for evidence that the advice that is being provided is being properly followed up. I was encouraged to learn that the new cabinet member for education, Councillor Gill German, is meeting the school authorities in the next week or so, and that the head of service for education at Denbighshire is meeting the Bishop of Wrexham this week. So, I think we can be confident that a great deal of attention is coming together by the relevant authorities to make sure that the improvements that are clearly necessary at the school are put into place.
The more general points that the Member made about examination results are simply mistaken in fact and have no relevance to the actions that will be taken by the authorities in the case of the individual school.
Wel, Llywydd, yn anffodus, mae'r Aelod yn cymysgu dau fater cwbl wahanol. Rwy'n ymwybodol, wrth gwrs, o'r adroddiad arolygu ar Grist y Gair. Llwyddais i drafod hyn gydag arweinydd newydd Cyngor Sir Ddinbych a gyda'r aelod cabinet sy'n gyfrifol am addysg. Mae hi, fel y mae'r Aelod yn gwybod, dybiwn i, yn sefyllfa gymhleth gan ei bod hi'n ysgol wirfoddol a gynorthwyir. Yr awdurdodau esgobaethol sy'n gyfrifol am gyflogi staff yn yr ysgol, ac mae gwaith i'w wneud yn hynny o beth, fel mae'r adroddiad arolygu yn nodi, i wneud yn siŵr bod safonau addysgu a dysgu yn yr ysgol yn cael eu codi i'r hyn a fyddai'n cael ei ystyried yn dderbyniol mewn mannau eraill.
Mae llawer iawn o gymorth yn cael ei gynnig gan y consortiwm a chan yr awdurdod lleol, a bydd angen tystiolaeth nawr—a chyfrifoldeb y corff llywodraethu yw darparu'r cynllun gweithredu—sy'n dangos sut y bydd argymhellion adroddiad Estyn yn cael eu rhoi ar waith. Mae angen tystiolaeth bod y cyngor sy'n cael ei ddarparu yn cael ei ddilyn yn iawn. Cefais fy nghalonogi o ddarganfod bod yr aelod cabinet newydd dros addysg, y Cynghorydd Gill German, yn cyfarfod ag awdurdodau'r ysgol yn yr wythnos neu ddwy nesaf, a bod pennaeth y gwasanaeth addysg yn sir Ddinbych yn cyfarfod ag Esgob Wrecsam yr wythnos hon. Felly, rwy'n credu y gallwn ni fod yn hyderus bod llawer iawn o sylw yn dod at ei gilydd gan yr awdurdodau perthnasol i wneud yn siŵr bod y gwelliannau sy'n amlwg yn angenrheidiol yn yr ysgol yn cael eu rhoi ar waith.
Yn syml, mae'r pwyntiau mwy cyffredinol a wnaeth yr Aelod am ganlyniadau arholiadau yn wallus mewn gwirionedd ac nid oes ganddyn nhw unrhyw berthnasedd i'r camau a fydd yn cael eu cymryd gan yr awdurdodau yn achos yr ysgol unigol.
2. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am yr ymchwiliad sy'n benodol i Gymru i farwolaethau sy'n gysylltiedig â COVID mewn cartrefi gofal? OQ58416
2. Will the First Minister provide an update on the Wales-specific investigation into COVID-related deaths in care homes? OQ58416

I thank the Member for that question, Llywydd. Certain categories of care home residents are already included within the national programme of work announced in January this year by the health Minister. Learning from the early period of the programme is being used to support the care home sector in investigating remaining COVID-related deaths.
Diolch i'r Aelod am y cwestiwn yna, Llywydd. Mae rhai categorïau o breswylwyr cartrefi gofal eisoes wedi eu cynnwys yn y rhaglen waith genedlaethol a gyhoeddwyd ym mis Ionawr eleni gan y Gweinidog iechyd. Mae'r hyn a ddysgwyd o gyfnod cynnar y rhaglen yn cael ei ddefnyddio i gynorthwyo'r sector cartrefi gofal i ymchwilio i weddill y marwolaethau sy'n gysylltiedig â COVID.
Diolch, Prif Weinidog. The information that there would be a greater and specific investigation into care homes was widely shared on social media by the COVID-19 Bereaved Families for Justice Cymru campaign group, following their meeting with you a few weeks ago, and it would be helpful to receive clarity on the approach timeline and whether it will cover discharging the elderly from hospital to care homes without testing. In addition to seeking clarity on this, the bereaved families also reported that they had discussed with you the investigations of hospital-acquired infections in Welsh hospitals. Can you confirm, First Minister, when reporting and implementing of the recommendations will take place? And I understand the campaign group have prompted your team and the health Minister's team on this twice but have not heard anything since, and, given that 1,619 investigations have been completed, I'm told families still haven't been contacted and are desperate for an update.
Diolch, Prif Weinidog. Cafodd y wybodaeth y byddai ymchwiliad mwy a phenodol i gartrefi gofal ei rannu'n eang ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol gan grŵp ymgyrchu COVID-19 Bereaved Families for Justice Cymru, yn dilyn eu cyfarfod gyda chi ychydig wythnosau yn ôl, a byddai'n ddefnyddiol cael eglurder ynghylch amserlen y dull a pha un a fydd yn ymdrin â rhyddhau'r henoed o'r ysbyty i gartrefi gofal heb brawf. Yn ogystal â gofyn am eglurder ynghylch hyn, dywedodd y teuluoedd mewn profedigaeth hefyd eu bod nhw wedi trafod ymchwiliadau i heintiau mewn ysbytai yng Nghymru gyda chi. A allwch chi gadarnhau, Prif Weinidog, pryd y bydd adrodd a gweithredu'r argymhellion yn digwydd? Ac rwy'n deall bod y grŵp ymgyrchu wedi holi eich tîm chi a thîm y Gweinidog iechyd ar hyn ddwywaith ond heb glywed unrhyw beth ers hynny, ac, o ystyried bod 1,619 o ymchwiliadau wedi'u cwblhau, rwy'n clywed na chysylltwyd â theuluoedd o hyd ac maen nhw'n ysu am ddiweddariad.

Well, thank you to Heledd Fychan for those additional questions. She's right to say that I have, once again, met the bereaved families group earlier this month, so not many days have elapsed since that meeting, and, in the extraordinary circumstances of last week, I think it's understandable that not every question has been responded to immediately. So, for the sake of clarity, then, Llywydd, anyone whose care is funded by the NHS, including people who were transferred from hospital into a care home, and who subsequently contracted coronavirus and died within 14 days of transfer, those cases are already covered by the 'Putting Things Right' regulations, and those incidents are already being investigated following the actions that the health Minister outlined earlier this year. We are able to do that because there is a direct line from the NHS to the care of those patients.
The general care home sector, as the Member will know, is far more diverse than that: over 1,000 registered adult care homes in Wales, the vast majority of those privately owned. Inevitably, that adds complexities and challenges to the investigation process when you're relying on that much wider set of individuals and circumstances. Individual health boards are already reporting the results of the investigations that they are carrying out. Aneurin Bevan health board reported and put up onto their website their first report in June of this year, and Swansea bay did the same in July, and I expect health boards to continue to do that. The delivery unit, which was funded by the Minister in order to assist with consistency of approach in every part of Wales, will produce its interim report in March of next year, and a final report will be provided in March of 2024.
Wel, diolch i Heledd Fychan am y cwestiynau ychwanegol yna. Mae hi'n iawn i ddweud fy mod i, unwaith eto, wedi cyfarfod â'r grŵp teuluoedd mewn profedigaeth yn gynharach y mis yma, felly nid oes llawer o ddiwrnodau wedi mynd heibio ers y cyfarfod hwnnw, ac, o dan amgylchiadau eithriadol yr wythnos ddiwethaf, rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n ddealladwy na ymatebwyd i bob cwestiwn ar unwaith. At ddibenion eglurder, felly, Llywydd, unrhyw un y mae'r GIG yn ariannu ei ofal, gan gynnwys pobl a drosglwyddwyd o'r ysbyty i gartref gofal, ac a ddaliodd coronafeirws wedyn a fu farw o fewn 14 diwrnod o gael ei drosglwyddo, mae rheoliadau 'Gweithio i Wella' eisoes yn cwmpasu'r achosion hynny, ac mae'r digwyddiadau hynny eisoes yn cael eu hymchwilio yn dilyn y camau a amlinellodd y Gweinidog iechyd yn gynharach eleni. Rydym ni'n gallu gwneud hynny oherwydd bod llinell uniongyrchol o'r GIG i ofal y cleifion hynny.
Mae'r sector cartrefi gofal cyffredinol, fel y bydd yr Aelod yn gwybod, yn llawer mwy amrywiol na hynny: dros 1,000 o gartrefi gofal oedolion cofrestredig yng Nghymru, y mwyafrif helaeth o'r rheini dan berchnogaeth breifat. Yn anochel, mae hynny'n ychwanegu cymhlethdodau a heriau at y broses ymchwilio pan fyddwch chi'n dibynnu ar y set lawer ehangach honno o unigolion ac amgylchiadau. Mae byrddau iechyd unigol eisoes yn adrodd canlyniadau'r ymchwiliadau y maen nhw'n eu cynnal. Adroddodd a chyhoeddodd bwrdd iechyd Aneurin Bevan eu hadroddiad cyntaf ar eu gwefan ym mis Mehefin eleni, ac fe wnaeth Bae Abertawe yr un peth ym mis Gorffennaf, ac rwy'n disgwyl i fyrddau iechyd barhau i wneud hynny. Bydd yr uned gyflawni, a ariannwyd gan y Gweinidog er mwyn cynorthwyo gyda chysondeb o ran y dull gweithredu ym mhob rhan o Gymru, yn llunio ei hadroddiad interim ym mis Mawrth y flwyddyn nesaf, a bydd adroddiad terfynol yn cael ei ddarparu ym mis Mawrth 2024.
First Minister, data related to the number of deaths due to COVID in care homes shows that, in Wales, COVID-19 was the second leading cause of death in male and female care home residents in both the first and second waves of the pandemic. Given that winter and, indeed, the flu season are fast approaching, I am sure that many people will be worried about the safety of elderly and vulnerable people, especially if we see another deadly COVID-19 strain emerge. Given that the Welsh Government has declined to have a Wales-only COVID inquiry, I'm keen to know what evidence and data analysis this Government has subsequently used to develop its strategic plan for care and nursing homes, going forward, and how you have used this analysis to develop plans for the safe transfer of residents to and from care accommodation, the safe treatment and care that they receive whilst in care, and what measures have been put in place to prevent and control future outbreaks. Thank you.
Prif Weinidog, mae data sy'n gysylltiedig â nifer y marwolaethau o ganlyniad i COVID mewn cartrefi gofal yn dangos, yng Nghymru, mai COVID-19 oedd yr ail brif achos o farwolaeth ymhlith preswylwyr cartrefi gofal gwrywaidd a benywaidd yn ystod ton gyntaf ac ail don y pandemig. O gofio bod y gaeaf ac, yn wir, tymor y ffliw yn prysur agosáu, rwy'n siŵr y bydd llawer o bobl yn poeni am ddiogelwch pobl oedrannus ac agored i niwed, yn enwedig os gwelwn ni straen COVID-19 marwol arall yn dod i'r amlwg. O gofio bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi gwrthod cael ymchwiliad COVID i Gymru yn unig, rwy'n awyddus i wybod pa dystiolaeth a gwaith dadansoddi data y mae'r Llywodraeth hon wedi eu defnyddio wedi hynny i ddatblygu ei chynllun strategol ar gyfer cartrefi gofal a nyrsio, yn y dyfodol, a sut rydych chi wedi defnyddio'r gwaith dadansoddi hwn i ddatblygu cynlluniau ar gyfer trosglwyddo preswylwyr yn ddiogel i lety gofal ac oddi yno, y driniaeth a'r gofal diogel y maen nhw'n eu cael tra'u bod nhw mewn gofal, a pha fesurau sydd wedi cael eu rhoi ar waith i atal a rheoli achosion yn y dyfodol. Diolch.

Well, an all-Wales inquiry would not be of any help to someone wanting to look forward, as the bulk of the Member's question did, to conditions in care homes in Wales over the coming winter. I'm grateful to the Member for the question, Llywydd, because it just enables me to remind everybody in the Chamber and beyond that coronavirus has not gone away. We saw, earlier in this summer, record numbers of people falling ill with the omicron wave compared to any other part of the pandemic period. And, although the link between falling ill and severe illness has been successfully eroded by vaccination, just being ill with coronavirus itself is a difficult experience, and the more vulnerable you are, the more difficult it is likely to be. So, that is why we have prioritised care home residents for the autumn booster campaign. First letters inviting people to come forward for vaccination were issued on 15 August. The first vaccinations happened on 1 September. Yesterday, while most people were focusing on the events that were happening at Westminster Abbey, vaccination teams in Wales were out there in care homes making sure that all those vulnerable residents had the earliest possible opportunity to be vaccinated.
That's a general message that I hope Members here will help to convey to the population at large. There is a fear amongst the professional community that, because people feel that coronavirus is in the rear-view mirror, we will not have the take-up of vaccination that we would have seen in earlier waves. Nothing will be more important to do on the day that you get the invitation than to go and have that vaccination, and that is particularly true, of course, for elderly and vulnerable residents in our care homes, which is why they have been put, in Wales, at the front of the queue.
Wel, ni fyddai ymchwiliad Cymru gyfan o unrhyw gymorth i rywun sydd eisiau edrych ymlaen, fel y gwnaeth y rhan fwyaf o gwestiwn yr Aelod, at amodau mewn cartrefi gofal yng Nghymru dros y gaeaf nesaf. Rwy'n ddiolchgar i'r Aelod am y cwestiwn, Llywydd, oherwydd mae'n caniatáu i mi atgoffa pawb yn y Siambr a thu hwnt nad yw coronafeirws wedi diflannu. Gwelsom, yn gynharach yn yr haf eleni, y niferoedd uchaf erioed o bobl yn mynd yn sâl gyda'r don omicron o'i gymharu ag unrhyw ran arall o gyfnod y pandemig. Ac er bod y cysylltiad rhwng mynd yn sâl a salwch difrifol wedi cael ei erydu yn llwyddiannus gan frechu, mae bod yn sâl gyda'r coronafeirws ei hun yn brofiad anodd, a'r mwyaf agored i niwed ydych chi, y mwyaf anodd y mae'n debygol o fod. Felly, dyna pam rydym ni wedi blaenoriaethu preswylwyr cartrefi gofal ar gyfer ymgyrch pigiad atgyfnerthu'r hydref. Cafodd y llythyrau cyntaf yn gwahodd pobl i ddod ymlaen i gael eu brechu eu hanfon ar 15 Awst. Digwyddodd y brechiadau cyntaf ar 1 Medi. Ddoe, tra'r oedd y mwyafrif o bobl yn canolbwyntio ar y digwyddiadau a oedd yn mynd rhagddynt yn Abaty Westminster, roedd timau brechu yng Nghymru allan yna mewn cartrefi gofal yn gwneud yn siŵr bod yr holl drigolion agored i niwed hynny yn cael y cyfle cyntaf posibl i gael eu brechu.
Mae honno'n neges gyffredinol yr wyf i'n gobeithio y bydd Aelodau yma yn helpu i'w chyfleu i'r boblogaeth yn gyffredinol. Mae ofn ymhlith y gymuned broffesiynol, oherwydd bod pobl yn teimlo bod y coronafeirws y tu ôl i ni, na fydd gennym ni'r niferoedd yn manteisio ar y brechiad y byddem ni wedi eu gweld mewn tonnau cynharach. Fydd dim byd yn bwysicach i'w wneud ar y diwrnod y cewch chi'r gwahoddiad na mynd i gael y brechiad hwnnw, ac mae hynny'n arbennig o wir, wrth gwrs, i breswylwyr oedrannus ac agored i niwed yn ein cartrefi gofal, a dyna pam maen nhw wedi cael eu rhoi ym mlaen y ciw yng Nghymru.
Arweinwyr y pleidiau i holi'r Prif Weinidog nesaf. Arweinydd y Ceidwadwyr, Andrew R.T. Davies.
Party leaders to question the First Minister next. The leader of the Welsh Conservatives, Andrew R.T. Davies.

Thank you, Presiding Officer. If I may, with your permission, put on the record my sincere thanks and my group's thanks to the Commission staff over the events of the period of mourning, and in particular the extensive preparations that went into the King's reception here last Friday? If I could also thank the First Minister for the civil servants who put a huge amount of work at very short notice into the arrangements around Llandaf cathedral, and the generosity that the First Minister extended to party leaders and others to attend events in London as part of the Welsh delegation? I'd just like to put my thanks on the record for that, First Minister.
First Minister, there is a cost-of-pain crisis within our NHS. Many people, sadly, in orthopaedics are waiting for procedures for a considerable amount of time, some as long as two years and more. We heard from you in July that there was to be an orthopaedic summit held by the Minister in August, but we've had no update as to any positives that might have emerged from that summit. Could you now update us as to what exactly has happened from that summit and what we might see as we go into the winter months so that people can have confidence that they will get the procedures that they require?
Diolch, Llywydd. Os caf i, gyda'ch caniatâd, gofnodi fy niolch diffuant a diolch fy ngrŵp i staff y Comisiwn dros ddigwyddiadau'r cyfnod o alaru, ac yn arbennig y paratoadau helaeth a wnaed ar gyfer derbyniad y Brenin yma ddydd Gwener diwethaf? A gaf i hefyd ddiolch i'r Prif Weinidog am y gweision sifil a wnaeth lawer iawn o waith ar fyr rybudd ar y trefniadau o ran eglwys gadeiriol Llandaf, a'r haelioni a ddangosodd y Prif Weinidog tuag at arweinwyr y pleidiau ac eraill i fod yn bresennol yn y digwyddiadau yn Llundain yn rhan o ddirprwyaeth Cymru? Hoffwn gofnodi fy niolch am hynny, Prif Weinidog.
Prif Weinidog, mae argyfwng costau poen o fewn ein GIG. Mae llawer o bobl, yn anffodus, ym maes orthopaedeg yn aros am driniaethau am gryn dipyn o amser, rhai cyn hired â dwy flynedd a mwy. Clywsom gennych chi ym mis Gorffennaf bod uwchgynhadledd orthopedig yn cael ei chynnal gan y Gweinidog ym mis Awst, ond nid ydym ni wedi cael unrhyw ddiweddariad ynglŷn ag unrhyw bethau cadarnhaol a allai fod wedi deillio o'r uwchgynhadledd honno. A allech chi roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i ni nawr ynglŷn â beth yn union sydd wedi digwydd o'r uwchgynhadledd honno a'r hyn y gallem ni ei weld wrth i ni gyrraedd misoedd y gaeaf fel y gall pobl fod yn hyderus y byddan nhw'n cael y triniaethau sydd eu hangen arnyn nhw?

Llywydd, the health Minister will be very happy, I know, to provide Members with an update on the more detailed results of the summit. In general, the leader of the opposition is right to draw attention to the pressures that the health service is under and the very hard work that is going on to try and recover the ground that was lost during the pandemic. Very long waits in the Welsh NHS continue to fall. Activity in our NHS continues to recover. In the last month for which figures are available, we are back to 97 per cent of all out-patient activity, compared to the month before the pandemic began. And in planned operations, we're back to over 80 per cent. Now, that means there's still ground to go. The COVID issue that Joel James raised is still part of that picture. A thousand staff in the NHS in Wales are not in work today either because they have COVID themselves or they've been in direct contact with somebody who has. So, a huge amount of work is going on inside the health service to try and recover ground and to be able to deal with people whose operations are outstanding. The context remains a challenging one.
Llywydd, gwn y bydd y Gweinidog iechyd yn hapus iawn i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Aelodau am ganlyniadau manylach yr uwchgynhadledd. Yn gyffredinol, mae arweinydd yr wrthblaid yn iawn i dynnu sylw at y pwysau sydd ar y gwasanaeth iechyd a'r gwaith caled iawn sy'n cael ei wneud i geisio adennill y tir a gollwyd yn ystod y pandemig. Mae arosiadau hir iawn yn GIG Cymru yn parhau i ostwng. Mae gweithgarwch yn ein GIG yn parhau i wella. Yn ystod y mis diwethaf y mae ffigurau ar gael ar ei gyfer, rydym ni yn ôl i 97 y cant o'r holl weithgarwch cleifion allanol, o'i gymharu â'r mis cyn i'r pandemig ddechrau. Ac mewn llawdriniaethau wedi'u cynllunio, rydym ni'n ôl i dros 80 y cant. Nawr, mae hynny'n golygu bod gwaith i'w wneud o hyd. Mae'r mater COVID a gododd Joel James yn dal i fod yn rhan o'r darlun hwnnw. Nid yw mil o staff yn y GIG yng Nghymru yn gweithio heddiw naill ai oherwydd bod ganddyn nhw COVID eu hunain neu maen nhw wedi bod mewn cysylltiad uniongyrchol â rhywun sydd â COVID. Felly, mae llawer iawn o waith yn digwydd y tu mewn i'r gwasanaeth iechyd i geisio adennill tir a gallu ymdrin â phobl sy'n disgwyl am eu llawdriniaethau. Mae'r cyd-destun yn parhau i fod yn un anodd.
I appreciate the context is a challenging picture, to say the least, First Minister. Other parts of the United Kingdom have managed to bring the extensive waiting lists that they had for the two-year period down and, in fact, in some cases, eliminated those waits. In Wales, we see in excess of 60,000 individuals on those waiting lists. I had hoped that I would have heard something more tangible about the summit that you yourself referred to in July that was happening in August around orthopaedic services. Surgical hubs have been talked of at length in this Chamber by me and you in questions, but also the Royal College of Surgeons have pointed out the benefits of dedicated surgical hubs in bringing waiting times down. Now, I appreciate that surgery happens at all district general hospitals, but the definition of a surgical hub, as defined in other parts of the United Kingdom, allows for all of the procedures to take place in a secure setting, and ultimately a secure staffing base, to allow the processes to continue to bring those waiting times down. Can you update us today as to the roll-out of surgical hubs here in Wales, and what resources has the Welsh Government made available to health boards to allow for those establishments to be created within our district general hospitals?
Rwy'n gwerthfawrogi bod y cyd-destun yn ddarlun heriol, a dweud y lleiaf, Prif Weinidog. Mae rhannau eraill o'r Deyrnas Unedig wedi llwyddo i leihau'r rhestrau aros helaeth yr oedd ganddyn nhw yn ystod y cyfnod o ddwy flynedd ac, mewn gwirionedd, mewn rhai achosion, wedi dileu'r rhestrau aros hynny. Yng Nghymru, rydym ni'n gweld dros 60,000 o unigolion ar y rhestrau aros hynny. Roeddwn i wedi gobeithio y byddwn i wedi clywed rhywbeth mwy pendant am yr uwchgynhadledd y gwnaethoch chi eich hun gyfeirio ati ym mis Gorffennaf a oedd yn digwydd ym mis Awst ynghylch gwasanaethau orthopedig. Mae hybiau llawfeddygol wedi cael eu trafod yn helaeth yn y Siambr hon gennyf i a chi mewn cwestiynau, ond hefyd mae Coleg Brenhinol y Llawfeddygon wedi tynnu sylw at fanteision hybiau llawfeddygol pwrpasol o ran lleihau amseroedd aros. Nawr, rwy'n sylweddoli bod llawdriniaeth yn digwydd ym mhob ysbyty cyffredinol ardal, ond mae'r diffiniad o hyb llawfeddygol, fel y'i diffinnir mewn rhannau eraill o'r Deyrnas Unedig, yn caniatáu i'r holl driniaethau ddigwydd mewn lleoliad diogel, a chanolfan staffio ddiogel yn y pen draw, i ganiatáu i'r prosesau barhau i leihau'r amseroedd aros. A allwch chi roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i ni heddiw ynghylch cyflwyno hybiau llawfeddygol yma yng Nghymru, a pha adnoddau a wnaed ar gael gan Lywodraeth Cymru i fyrddau iechyd er mwyn caniatáu i'r sefydliadau hynny gael eu creu o fewn ein hysbytai cyffredinol ardal?

I thank the Member for that question, Llywydd. Very long waits in Wales continue to fall as well. They were 4 per cent down in the last month for which figures are available. A word of caution about assuming that everything is fine in any other part of the United Kingdom in relation to the NHS, and some of the claims that are made: when you look at the exceptions that lie behind them—'We have achieved this, apart from this, apart from that, apart from the other'—I think the figures are not to be taken just at the headline value.
As for surgical hubs, we have indeed discussed them here before. The leader of the opposition will know that there are particular geographical challenges in Wales in identifying any hospital as being given over entirely to planned surgery, because those hospitals continue to provide necessary emergency responses as well. Nevertheless, there are efforts in different parts of the NHS in Wales to try to concentrate more planned surgery on a smaller number of sites in order to be able to protect the resources—the theatre space, the ward space—to allow planned surgery to go ahead.
At the orthopaedic summit, a whole range of these issues was discussed. How can we, in orthopaedics, make better use of things that prevent people from needing operations in the first place? If you are waiting for an operation, what more can be done to make sure, through physiotherapy and so on, that you can be looked after while you are waiting? As we emerge from the COVID experience, what more can we do to return theatres to the level of productivity that they were able to manage before the additional cleaning regimes became necessary to prevent the spread of the virus? All of these things were discussed and the Minister, as I said, will provide more details of it.
In parts of Wales, as I said—in Hywel Dda, at the Prince Philip Hospital; in Swansea bay at the Neath Port Talbot Hospital—dedicated protected space is being provided. They are not surgical hubs in the way that that definition is used elsewhere, but they perform the same function.
Diolch i'r Aelod am y cwestiwn yna, Llywydd. Mae arosiadau hir iawn yng Nghymru yn parhau i ostwng hefyd. Roedden nhw 4 y cant yn is yn ystod y mis diwethaf y mae ffigurau ar gael ar ei gyfer. Gair o rybudd am dybio bod popeth yn iawn mewn unrhyw ran arall o'r Deyrnas Unedig o ran y GIG, a rhai o'r honiadau sy'n cael eu gwneud: pan edrychwch ar yr eithriadau sydd y tu ôl iddyn nhw—'Rydym ni wedi cyflawni hyn, ac eithrio hyn, ac eithrio hynna, ac eithrio'r llall'—rwy'n credu na ddylid derbyn y ffigurau ar sail y penawdau yn unig.
O ran hybiau llawfeddygol, rydym ni yn wir wedi eu trafod nhw yma o'r blaen. Bydd arweinydd yr wrthblaid yn gwybod bod heriau daearyddol penodol yng Nghymru o ran neilltuo unrhyw ysbyty yn llwyr i lawdriniaeth wedi'i chynllunio, gan fod yr ysbytai hynny yn parhau i ddarparu ymatebion brys angenrheidiol hefyd. Serch hynny, mae ymdrechion mewn gwahanol rannau o'r GIG yng Nghymru i geisio canolbwyntio mwy o lawdriniaeth wedi'i chynllunio mewn nifer lai o safleoedd er mwyn gallu diogelu'r adnoddau—y lle mewn theatrau, y lle ar wardiau—i alluogi llawdriniaeth wedi'i chynllunio i ddigwydd.
Yn yr uwchgynhadledd orthopedig, trafodwyd amrywiaeth eang o'r materion hyn. Sut gallwn ni, ym maes orthopaedeg, wneud gwell defnydd o bethau sy'n atal pobl rhag gorfod cael llawdriniaethau yn y lle cyntaf? Os ydych chi'n aros am lawdriniaeth, beth arall y gellir ei wneud i wneud yn siŵr, drwy ffisiotherapi ac yn y blaen, y gallwch chi gael gofal tra eich bod chi'n aros? Wrth i ni ddod allan o brofiad COVID, beth arall allwn ni ei wneud i ddychwelyd theatrau i lefel y cynhyrchiant yr oedden nhw'n gallu ei chyrraedd cyn i'r cyfundrefnau glanhau ychwanegol ddod yn angenrheidiol i atal lledaeniad y feirws? Trafodwyd yr holl bethau hyn a bydd y Gweinidog, fel y dywedais, yn rhoi mwy o fanylion amdanyn nhw.
Mewn rhannau o Gymru, fel y dywedais i—yn Hywel Dda, yn Ysbyty'r Tywysog Phillip; ym mae Abertawe yn Ysbyty Castell-nedd Port Talbot—mae lle gwarchodedig penodol yn cael ei ddarparu. Nid ydyn nhw'n hybiau llawfeddygol yn y ffordd y defnyddir y diffiniad hwnnw mewn mannau eraill, ond maen nhw'n cyflawni'r un swyddogaeth.
I take from your answer, First Minister, that we do not have dedicated surgical hubs here in Wales. I appreciate that you identified three, I think it was, hospitals there that have areas identified for specialist surgery, but they wouldn't fall under the criteria of surgical hubs. Is it your Government's ambition that, should people find themselves on a waiting list for a considerable period, it should be able to actually offer a second offer, so that they could go to an alternative establishment and have that procedure undertaken, as happens in other parts of the United Kingdom?
Indeed, previous Welsh Governments have made this available to people who have found themselves, in their own locality, having inordinate waits placed on their procedures, which, as I said, does give a cost-of-pain crisis to that individual, whether that be emotional, whether that be a monetary loss, because they are unable to work, or whether that be a whole host of other issues that compound that individual's ability to get on with life. Would it be the Welsh Government's ambition to create a second-offer scheme that would allow patients to access that ability, where those facilities exist, so that they could get that procedure done in a timely manner?
Rwy'n cymryd o'ch ateb, Prif Weinidog, nad oes gennym ni hybiau llawfeddygol penodedig yma yng Nghymru. Rwy'n sylweddoli eich bod chi wedi nodi tri, rwy'n credu, o ysbytai yn y fan yna sydd ag adrannau wedi'u nodi ar gyfer llawdriniaethau arbenigol, ond ni fydden nhw'n cael eu cwmpasu o dan feini prawf hybiau llawfeddygol. A yw'n uchelgais i'ch Llywodraeth, os bydd pobl yn cael eu hunain ar restr aros am gyfnod sylweddol, y dylai allu cynnig ail gynnig mewn gwirionedd, fel y gallen nhw fynd i sefydliad amgen a chael y lawdriniaeth honno, fel sy'n digwydd mewn rhannau eraill o'r Deyrnas Unedig?
Yn wir, mae Llywodraethau Cymru blaenorol wedi gwneud hyn ar gael i bobl sydd wedi cael eu hunain, yn eu hardal eu hunain, yn gorfod dioddef arosiadau difrifol am eu llawdriniaethau, sydd, fel y dywedais i, yn rhoi argyfwng cost poen i'r unigolyn hwnnw, boed hynny'n emosiynol, boed hynny'n golled ariannol, oherwydd nad yw'n gallu gweithio, neu boed hynny'n lu o broblemau eraill sy'n cymhlethu gallu'r unigolyn hwnnw i fwrw ymlaen â bywyd. A fyddai'n uchelgais i Lywodraeth Cymru greu cynllun ail gynnig a fyddai'n caniatáu i gleifion gael mynediad at y gallu hwnnw, lle mae'r cyfleusterau hynny'n bodoli, fel y gallen nhw gael y llawdriniaeth honno yn brydlon?

Well, I thank again the leader the opposition for that. I am very familiar with the second-offer scheme that we had here in Wales over a decade ago, having been heavily involved in it at the time. We already use capacity outside the area in which somebody lives in order to be able to accelerate treatment wherever we can. We are using capacity in the not-for-profit sector. We are encouraging health boards to make sure that if they are able to, they work collaboratively together, so if there is capacity in a neighbouring health board, that becomes used for patients as well.
There were downsides to the second-offer scheme that those of us involved will remember. Many patients are very reluctant to travel long distances for treatment. What they look for is effective treatment as close to home as possible, and not everybody is resourced—not simply in monetary terms, but just in terms of having somebody who can go with you. Our second-offer scheme paid for you to be accompanied by a family member or a friend if you were going a long distance for an orthopaedic operation, for example. Not everybody's in a position to be able to find somebody in a position to do all of that, so what you found was that some people were able to take advantage of the second-offer scheme—not always the people who were in greatest clinical need—whereas other people, their circumstances simply meant that the scheme wasn't useable by them. So, a simple return to a scheme of the sort we had before, I don’t think that is what we will be looking for. But we do expect the health service to use every available piece of capacity, and not simply to expect that people will use the capacity directly available in their own local health board area.
Wel, diolch eto i arweinydd yr wrthblaid am hynna. Rwy'n gyfarwydd iawn â'r cynllun ail gynnig a oedd gennym ni yma yng Nghymru dros ddegawd yn ôl, ar ôl cymryd rhan fawr ynddo ar y pryd. Rydym ni eisoes yn defnyddio capasiti y tu allan i'r ardal lle mae rhywun yn byw er mwyn gallu cyflymu triniaeth lle bynnag y gallwn. Rydym ni'n defnyddio capasiti yn y sector di-elw. Rydym ni'n annog byrddau iechyd i wneud yn siŵr eu bod nhw'n cydweithio os ydyn nhw'n gallu, felly os oes capasiti mewn bwrdd iechyd cyfagos, mae hwnnw cael ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer cleifion hefyd.
Roedd anfanteision i'r cynllun ail gynnig y bydd y rhai ohonom ni a gymerodd ran ynddo yn eu cofio. Mae nifer o gleifion yn amharod iawn i deithio pellteroedd maith i gael triniaeth. Yr hyn y maen nhw'n chwilio amdano yw triniaeth effeithiol mor agos at adref â phosibl, ac nid oes gan bawb adnoddau—nid yn unig o safbwynt ariannol, ond dim ond o ran cael rhywun sy'n gallu mynd gyda chi. Roedd ein cynllun ail gynnig ni yn talu i aelod o'r teulu neu ffrind fynd gyda chi os oeddech chi'n teithio pellter maith i gael llawdriniaeth orthopedig, er enghraifft. Nid yw pawb mewn sefyllfa i allu dod o hyd i rywun mewn sefyllfa i wneud hynny i gyd, felly'r hyn a welsoch chi oedd bod rhai pobl yn gallu manteisio ar y cynllun ail gynnig—nid y bobl a oedd â'r angen clinigol mwyaf bob amser—tra bod pobl eraill, roedd eu hamgylchiadau yn golygu'n syml nad oedd modd iddyn nhw ddefnyddio'r cynllun. Felly, dychweliad syml i gynllun o'r math a oedd gennym ni o'r blaen, dydw i ddim yn meddwl mai dyna fyddwn ni'n chwilio amdano. Ond rydym ni'n disgwyl i'r gwasanaeth iechyd ddefnyddio pob darn o gapasiti sydd ar gael, ac nid disgwyl yn syml y bydd pobl yn defnyddio'r capasiti sydd ar gael yn uniongyrchol yn eu hardal bwrdd iechyd lleol eu hunain.
Arweinydd Plaid Cymru, Adam Price.
Plaid Cymru leader, Adam Price.

Diolch, Llywydd. Prif Weinidog, Governments all over Europe are asking urgently what more they can do to help their citizens with the cost-of-living crisis, and with the rising cost of fuel, making public transport more affordable has become a key theme. Spain has announced free rail journeys from September until the end of the year. In Germany we've had the highly successful €9 a month ticket trialled over the summer, which will now become a €49 a month scheme for the whole of next year, following agreement with the Länder regional Governments yesterday. In Austria, we've had the climate ticket, which works out at €3 a day, and the Republic of Ireland cut fares by 20 per cent in May.
These policies do two things at once: they push money into people's pockets and they pull pollution out of their lungs. Do you see the merits of this kind of approach, and will we see it being implemented here in Wales?
Diolch, Llywydd. Prif Weinidog, mae Llywodraethau ledled Ewrop yn gofyn ar frys beth arall y gallan nhw ei wneud i helpu eu dinasyddion gyda'r argyfwng costau byw, a gyda chost gynyddol tanwydd, mae gwneud trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus yn fwy fforddiadwy wedi dod yn thema allweddol. Mae Sbaen wedi cyhoeddi teithiau trên am ddim o fis Medi tan ddiwedd y flwyddyn. Yn yr Almaen, rydym ni wedi gweld y tocyn €9 y mis hynod lwyddiannus yn cael ei dreialu dros yr haf, a fydd bellach yn troi'n gynllun €49 y mis ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf i gyd, yn dilyn cytundeb gyda Llywodraethau rhanbarthol Länder ddoe. Yn Awstria, rydyn ni wedi gweld y tocyn hinsawdd, sy'n cyfateb i €3 y dydd, ac fe wnaeth Gweriniaeth Iwerddon ostwng prisiau tocynnau 20 y cant ym mis Mai.
Mae'r polisïau hyn yn gwneud dau beth ar unwaith: maen nhw'n gwthio arian i bocedi pobl ac maen nhw'n tynnu llygredd allan o'u hysgyfaint. A ydych chi'n gweld rhinweddau'r math yma o ddull, ac a fyddwn ni'n ei weld yn cael ei roi ar waith yma yng Nghymru?

Well, I'm aware of the schemes, and I'm aware of the two merits that the Member mentioned, Llywydd. They do a third thing as well: they reduce the revenues available to those companies that provide those services, so lowering fares leaves a gap that has to be filled. The leader of Plaid Cymru will be aware of the tens and tens of millions of pounds that the Welsh Government has had to provide to bus services and train companies in order to make good the collapse of the fare books as a result of coronavirus. So, yes, I'm absolutely aware of the schemes, I see their merits, they do not come cost free, and the Welsh Government's budget today is worth more than £600 million less in purchasing power than it was in November of last year, when the comprehensive spending review set it. So, while I see the merits, I'd need to understand better where the leader of Plaid Cymru thinks the funding for such schemes is to be found within the Welsh Government budget.
Wel, rwy'n ymwybodol o'r cynlluniau, ac rwy'n ymwybodol o'r ddau rinwedd y soniodd yr Aelod amdanyn nhw, Llywydd. Maen nhw'n gwneud trydydd peth hefyd: maen nhw'n lleihau'r refeniw sydd ar gael i'r cwmnïau hynny sy'n darparu'r gwasanaethau hynny, felly mae gostwng prisiau tocynnau yn gadael bwlch y mae'n rhaid ei lenwi. Bydd arweinydd Plaid Cymru yn ymwybodol o'r degau ar ddegau o filiynau o bunnoedd y bu'n rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru eu darparu i wasanaethau bysiau a chwmnïau trenau er mwyn unioni chwalfa'r llyfrau tocynnau o ganlyniad i'r coronafeirws. Felly, ydw, rwy'n gwbl ymwybodol o'r cynlluniau, rwy'n gweld eu rhinweddau, dydyn nhw ddim yn dod am ddim, ac mae cyllideb Llywodraeth Cymru heddiw werth mwy na £600 miliwn yn llai o ran grym prynu nag yr oedd ym mis Tachwedd y llynedd, pan y'i pennwyd gan yr adolygiad cynhwysfawr o wariant. Felly, er fy mod i'n gweld y rhinweddau, byddai angen i mi ddeall yn well o le mae arweinydd Plaid Cymru yn credu y gellir dod o hyd i'r cyllid ar gyfer cynlluniau o'r fath yng nghyllideb Llywodraeth Cymru.
Reductions in prices for public transport fares actually don't automatically, inevitably lead to that kind of revenue reduction. It depends on the elasticity of demand for public transport. This is the case that the rail unions have been making, that, actually, if you reduce fares, you increase patronage, and of course you have a situation at the moment that, still, train journeys have only returned to around 50 to 70 per cent of pre-COVID levels. So, I think the First Minister is wrong in his analysis there.
Now, generally speaking, fare increases in rail transport in Wales follow the retail price index in July, which would mean an increase of 11.8 per cent for next year. Can the First Minister at least say that we're not going to see that? Scotland and England have announced a freeze in fares until at least March next year; in Northern Ireland, rails fares have been frozen since 2019. If the First Minister's not prepared to say he'll reduce fares, can he at least commit to the kind of fare freeze that we've seen introduced elsewhere?
Nid yw gostyngiadau i brisiau tocynnau trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus yn arwain yn awtomatig, yn anochel at y math yna o ostyngiad refeniw mewn gwirionedd. Mae'n dibynnu ar hyblygrwydd y galw am drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus. Dyma'r ddadl y mae'r undebau rheilffyrdd wedi bod yn ei gwneud, sef, mewn gwirionedd, os byddwch chi'n gostwng prisiau tocynnau, rydych chi'n cynyddu nifer y defnyddwyr, ac wrth gwrs mae gennych chi sefyllfa ar hyn o bryd lle mae teithiau trên, o hyd, wedi dychwelyd i tua 50 i 70 y cant o'r lefelau cyn COVID yn unig. Felly, rwy'n credu bod y Prif Weinidog yn anghywir yn ei ddadansoddiad yn y fan yna.
Nawr, yn gyffredinol, mae cynnydd i brisiau tocynnau trafnidiaeth reilffordd yng Nghymru yn dilyn y mynegai prisiau manwerthu ym mis Gorffennaf, fyddai'n golygu cynnydd o 11.8 y cant ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf. A all y Prif Weinidog o leiaf ddweud nad ydym ni'n mynd i weld hynny? Mae'r Alban a Lloegr wedi cyhoeddi y bydd prisiau tocynnau yn cael eu rhewi tan o leiaf fis Mawrth y flwyddyn nesaf; yng Ngogledd Iwerddon, mae prisiau tocynnau rheilffordd wedi cael eu rhewi ers 2019. Os nad yw'r Prif Weinidog yn barod i ddweud y gwnaiff ostwng prisiau tocynnau, a all o leiaf ymrwymo i'r math o rewi prisiau tocynnau yr ydym ni wedi ei weld yn cael ei gyflwyno mewn mannau eraill?

Well, it's an interesting argument that the leader of Plaid Cymru makes. He wants to persuade us that elasticity of demand for public transport could be affected in the way that he suggested, and yet he has to tell me at the same time that patronage of the rail industry is nowhere near what it was prior to the pandemic, despite the over £100 million that the Welsh Government has spent in keeping fares at a level that would not have been beyond what they were previously. So, I'm afraid it is simply not a basis on which public policy could responsibly be conducted to say that we could take a punt on the idea that we could reduce fares and it would pay for itself. Unfortunately, I'm afraid the real-world experience is that that is not the case, and the Welsh Government budget—. Although, I'm very happy to take advice from Plaid Cymru on this. If you're prepared to tell me where the money could be taken from in order to mount such an experiment, I'd be very pleased indeed to look at that.
I'm aware, of course, of the way in which fares are calibrated through the consumer price index at the level of inflation at a point in the month, and the Welsh Government is looking, with those who provide our transport services, at what the impact of that will be on fares for next year and what we might be able to do to respond to that dilemma.
Wel, mae'n ddadl ddiddorol y mae arweinydd Plaid Cymru yn ei gwneud. Mae eisiau ein perswadio ni y gallai hyblygrwydd y galw am drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus gael ei effeithio yn y ffordd yr awgrymodd, ac eto mae'n rhaid iddo ddweud wrthyf i ar yr un pryd nad yw nifer cwsmeriaid y diwydiant rheilffyrdd yn agos at yr hyn yr oedd cyn y pandemig, er gwaethaf y £100 miliwn a mwy y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ei wario i gadw prisiau tocynnau ar lefel na fyddai wedi bod y tu hwnt i'r hyn yr oedden nhw gynt. Felly, mae gen i ofn nad yw'n sail y gellir llunio polisi cyhoeddus arni yn gyfrifol i ddweud y gallem ni gamblo ar y syniad y gallem ni ostwng prisiau tocynnau ac byddai'n talu amdano'i hun. Yn anffodus, mae gen i ofn mai'r profiad yn y byd go iawn yw nad yw hynny'n wir, ac mae cyllideb Llywodraeth Cymru—. Er, rwy'n hapus iawn i gymryd cyngor gan Blaid Cymru ar hyn. Os ydych chi'n barod i ddweud wrthyf i o ble y gellid cymryd yr arian er mwyn cynnal arbrawf o'r fath, byddwn yn falch iawn yn wir o edrych ar hynny.
Rwy'n ymwybodol, wrth gwrs, o'r ffordd y caiff prisiau tocynnau eu graddnodi drwy'r mynegai prisiau defnyddwyr ar lefel chwyddiant ar adeg yn y mis, ac mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn edrych, gyda'r rhai sy'n darparu ein gwasanaethau trafnidiaeth, ar beth fydd effaith hynny ar brisiau tocynnau ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf a'r hyn y gallem ni ei wneud i ymateb i'r cyfyng-gyngor hwnnw.
I have to say that the argument you're making is directly in contradiction to what Labour-affiliated unions like ASLEF are saying, that, actually, a substantial reduction could help us increase a modal shift that will create a new habit of using public transport, which will actually have benefits in terms of revenue generation.
Let's move from rail to buses. The Labour mayor of the north-west of England, Andy Burnham, has capped bus journey fares in Greater Manchester to £2 for adults and £1 for children, and, indeed, the UK Government now is going to follow that for England in January of next year. Why don't we do the same in Wales? Capping it to £2 would halve, pretty much, the average cost of a single journey in Swansea. It would address the huge increase we've seen in Arriva bus fares in north-west Wales. Are you comfortable, First Minister, with a Labour regional mayor in England and a Conservative Government in England doing more for bus travellers at the moment than a Labour Government here in Wales?
Mae'n rhaid i mi ddweud bod y ddadl yr ydych chi'n ei gwneud yn gwbl groes i'r hyn y mae undebau sy'n gysylltiedig â Llafur fel ASLEF yn ei ddweud, y gallai gostyngiad sylweddol, mewn gwirionedd, ein helpu ni i gynyddu newid dulliau teithio a fydd yn creu arfer newydd o ddefnyddio trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, a fydd wir yn arwain at fanteision o ran cynhyrchu refeniw.
Gadewch i ni symud o'r rheilffordd i fysiau. Mae maer Llafur gogledd-orllewin Lloegr, Andy Burnham, wedi capio prisiau tocynnau bws ym Manceinion Fwyaf i £2 i oedolion a £1 i blant, ac, yn wir, mae Llywodraeth y DU bellach yn mynd i ddilyn hynny ar gyfer Lloegr ym mis Ionawr y flwyddyn nesaf. Pam na allwn ni wneud yr un peth yng Nghymru? Byddai ei gapio i £2 yn haneru, fwy neu lai, cost gyfartalog un daith yn Abertawe. Byddai'n mynd i'r afael â'r cynnydd aruthrol yr ydym ni wedi ei weld i brisiau tocynnau bws Arriva yng ngogledd-orllewin Cymru. A ydych chi'n gyfforddus, Prif Weinidog, gyda maer rhanbarthol Llafur yn Lloegr a Llywodraeth Geidwadol yn Lloegr yn gwneud mwy i deithwyr ar fysiau ar hyn o bryd na Llywodraeth Lafur yma yng Nghymru?

Well, Llywydd, the leader of Plaid Cymru has had three opportunities this afternoon to explain to people in Wales how he would fund the proposals that he puts in front of us. Every time he gets to his feet, he spends more money. Every time he does it, he can't offer us a single suggestion—not a single suggestion—as to which Welsh public service would have to be reduced in order to fund his latest wheezes. Now, I think Members here might understand that unions affiliated to the Labour Party are a little bit more likely to talk to us than they may be to talk to him, and I can assure you—[Interruption.] You may not like it, but it turns out to be true. And I can assure you that, when we talk to them, they understand the limitations of what Welsh Government budgets can do, even if he doesn't.
Wel, Llywydd, mae arweinydd Plaid Cymru wedi cael tri chyfle y prynhawn yma i egluro i bobl yng Nghymru sut y byddai'n ariannu'r cynigion y mae'n eu rhoi o'n blaenau. Bob tro mae'n codi i'w draed, mae'n gwario mwy o arian. Bob tro mae'n gwneud hynny, nid yw'n gallu cynnig yr un awgrym i ni—dim un awgrym—o ba wasanaeth cyhoeddus yng Nghymru y byddai'n rhaid ei leihau er mwyn ariannu ei fentrau diweddaraf. Nawr, rwy'n credu y gallai Aelodau yma ddeall bod undebau sy'n gysylltiedig â'r Blaid Lafur ychydig yn fwy tebygol o siarad â ni nag ydyn nhw o siarad ag ef, a gallaf eich sicrhau—[Torri ar draws.] Efallai nad ydych chi'n ei hoffi, ond mae'n digwydd bod yn wir. A gallaf eich sicrhau chi, pan fyddwn ni'n siarad â nhw, eu bod nhw'n deall cyfyngiadau'r hyn y gall cyllidebau Llywodraeth Cymru ei wneud, hyd yn oed os nad yw ef.
3. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddatganiad am gymorth i'r sector darlledu yng Nghymru? OQ58389
3. Will the First Minister make a statement on support for the broadcasting sector in Wales? OQ58389
Diolch yn fawr i Hefin David am y cwestiwn. Wrth gwrs, mae'r sector yn chwarae rôl bwysig yn rhoi gwybodaeth i bobl yma yng Nghymru, ac i'n helpu ni i greu pethau i'n dinasyddion. Rydym ni'n cefnogi'r sector drwy becyn o bethau. Rydym ni'n gweithio gyda'r sector, ac i'w helpu nhw i wrthwynebu beth mae Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig yn ei wneud yn y maes hwn.
I thank Hefin David for the question. Of course, the sector plays an important role in informing people here in Wales, and in helping us to create content for our citizens. We support the sector through a range of actions. We work with the sector and help them to resist the proposals of the UK Government in this area.
The Prif Weinidog will be aware of the Plaid Cymru councillor who was pictured holding a gun, threatening to prevent English people from entering Wales, which was reported by the Local Democracy Reporting Service. [Interruption.] The councillor has been suspended by your party; don't shout 'Come on' at me. He's been suspended by your party. It was reported by the Local Democracy Reporting Service, and it was Rhiannon James who broke the story for the Caerphilly Observer. That was then shared nationally—it was in The Times, The Daily Telegraph, the Daily Mail, The Mirror, The Sun; it was shared also on the BBC. This demonstrates the importance of local democracy reporting in Wales, and particularly the value of the Caerphilly Observer.
Now, I know there's a task and finish group that's going to be reporting to Dawn Bowden later this year on how we can support further that sector. One of the things I'd like to say just in advance of that is that there are some things the Welsh Government could do, and I would say first of all is ensuring that Welsh Government advertisements are targeted towards those small hyperlocal news agencies, such as the Caerphilly Observer. They would benefit hugely from having Welsh Government ads in them. And also, the £100,000 the Welsh Government has put on the table this year, I think that that could be directed not at the likes of Newsquest or Reach, who already have a national conglomeration; I think it would be better targeted to those hyperlocal people, like the Caerphilly Observer. That's not to pre-empt the task and finish group, but I think that's really important. Can the First Minister just confirm that those views will be taken into account by the Deputy Minister when the time comes?
Bydd y Prif Weinidog yn ymwybodol o'r cynghorydd Plaid Cymru y tynnwyd llun ohono yn dal gwn, gan fygwth atal pobl o Loegr rhag dod i mewn i Gymru, a adroddwyd gan y Local Democracy Reporting Service. [Torri ar draws.] Mae'r cynghorydd wedi cael ei wahardd gan eich plaid; peidiwch â gweiddi 'Dewch ymlaen' arnaf i. Mae wedi cael ei wahardd gan eich plaid. Cafodd ei adrodd gan y Local Democracy Reporting Service, a Rhiannon James wnaeth gyhoeddi'r stori i'r Caerphilly Observer. Cafodd ei rhannu'n genedlaethol wedyn—roedd yn The Times, The Daily Telegraph, y Daily Mail, The Mirror, The Sun; fe'i rhannwyd hefyd ar y BBC. Mae hyn yn dangos pwysigrwydd adrodd ar ddemocratiaeth leol yng Nghymru, ac yn enwedig gwerth y Caerphilly Observer.
Nawr, rwy'n gwybod bod grŵp gorchwyl a gorffen sy'n mynd i fod yn adrodd yn ôl i Dawn Bowden yn ddiweddarach eleni ar sut y gallwn ni gefnogi'r sector hwnnw ymhellach. Un o'r pethau yr hoffwn i ei ddweud cyn hynny yw bod rhai pethau y gallai Llywodraeth Cymru eu gwneud, ac yn gyntaf oll byddwn yn dweud y dylid sicrhau bod hysbysebion Llywodraeth Cymru yn cael eu targedu at yr asiantaethau newyddion bach hyperleol hynny, fel y Caerphilly Observer. Bydden nhw'n elwa yn enfawr o gael hysbysebion Llywodraeth Cymru ynddyn nhw. A hefyd, y £100,000 y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ei roi ar y bwrdd eleni, rwy'n credu y gellid cyfeirio hwnnw nid at bobl fel Newsquest neu Reach, sydd eisoes â chyd-dyriad cenedlaethol; rwy'n credu y byddai'n cael ei dargedu'n well at y bobl hyperleol hynny, fel y Caerphilly Observer. Nid yw hynny'n bwriadu achub y blaen ar y grŵp gorchwyl a gorffen, ond rwy'n credu bod hynny'n bwysig iawn. A all y Prif Weinidog gadarnhau y bydd y safbwyntiau hynny'n cael eu cymryd i ystyriaeth gan y Dirprwy Weinidog pan ddaw'r amser?

I thank Hefin David. There are two different sums of money that are available through the Welsh Government. There is the Welsh public interest journalism fund, and nine awards have been made from it already. The Caerphilly Observer was one of the beneficiaries of it, along with organisations like Llanelli Online and Wrexham.com, all of which were very regular participants in the series of news conferences that we held during the COVID crisis and which did a very good job indeed of keeping their readers informed of those hyperlocal issues.
There then is another sum of £100,000, set aside as a result of the co-operation agreement. As Hefin David said, there is a group working on the best way in which that money can be deployed. I know that they are looking at the issue of how, through combining purchasing power, more money from the Welsh Government's advertising budget can be drawn down towards them. The Minister will have heard the remarks that the Member has made this afternoon, and I'm quite sure that they will be conveyed to that working group. And, of course, we look forward to being able to draw properly on their expertise.
Diolch i Hefin David. Mae dau wahanol swm o arian ar gael drwy Lywodraeth Cymru. Mae cronfa newyddiaduraeth budd cyhoeddus Cymru, ac mae naw dyfarniad wedi cael ei gwneud ohoni'n barod. Roedd y Caerphilly Observer yn un o'r buddiolwyr ohoni, ynghyd â sefydliadau fel Llanelli Online a Wrexham.com, yr oedd pob un ohonyn nhw'n gyfranogwyr rheolaidd iawn yn y gyfres o gynadleddau newyddion a gynhaliwyd gennym ni yn ystod argyfwng COVID ac a wnaeth waith da iawn yn wir o hysbysu eu darllenwyr am y materion hyperleol hynny.
Yna, ceir swm arall o £100,000, wedi ei neilltuo o ganlyniad i'r cytundeb cydweithredu. Fel y dywedodd Hefin David, mae grŵp yn gweithio ar y ffordd orau y gellir defnyddio'r arian hwnnw. Gwn eu bod nhw'n edrych ar y mater o sut y gellir tynnu mwy o arian tuag atyn nhw o gyllideb hysbysebu Llywodraeth Cymru, trwy gyfuno grym prynu. Bydd y Gweinidog wedi clywed y sylwadau y mae'r Aelod wedi eu gwneud y prynhawn yma, ac rwy'n eithaf sicr y byddan nhw'n cael eu cyfleu i'r gweithgor hwnnw. Ac, wrth gwrs, rydym ni'n edrych ymlaen at allu manteisio'n iawn ar eu harbenigedd.
First Minister, public service broadcasters are at the heart of the creative economy in Wales, boosting the television production sector, creating jobs and nurturing talent all across Wales and the rest of the UK. Aside from their economic contribution, they bring people together right across our country. Our public service broadcasters come into their own particularly at moments when our nation comes together, as we saw with some of the excellent coverage of the passing and the funeral of Her Majesty over the last week and a half, which, I think, has been a prime example of that. However, the contribution is under threat in an era where tv is increasingly delivered and consumed online, with the risk that global online technology platforms become gatekeepers of PSB programming. Without reform to the current system, UK audiences might struggle to find the PSB content that they value, and large financial sums will be extracted from its ecosystem and the UK creative economy by these online platforms. Therefore, First Minister, while I am aware, as Hefin David referred to, that there is that expert panel that has been set up by your Government to explore the possibility of devolving broadcasting to Wales, given the engagement of people with PSBs over the last week and a half, the concern around online consumption and the potential of audiences struggling to find the PSBs they value, how would you ensure that, if broadcasting were to be devolved to Wales, it would keep the content valued most to the people of Wales?
Prif Weinidog, darlledwyr gwasanaeth cyhoeddus sydd wrth wraidd yr economi greadigol yng Nghymru, gan roi hwb i'r sector cynhyrchu teledu, gan greu swyddi a meithrin talent ar draws Cymru a gweddill y DU. Ar wahân i'w cyfraniad economaidd, maen nhw'n dod â phobl at ei gilydd ar draws ein gwlad i gyd. Mae ein darlledwyr gwasanaeth cyhoeddus yn eu hanterth yn enwedig ar adegau pan ddaw ein cenedl at ei gilydd, fel y gwelsom ni gyda rhywfaint o'r darlledu rhagorol o farwolaeth ac angladd Ei Mawrhydi dros yr wythnos a hanner diwethaf, sydd, yn fy marn i, wedi bod yn enghraifft wych o hynny. Fodd bynnag, mae'r cyfraniad o dan fygythiad mewn oes lle mae teledu yn cael ei ddarparu a'i ddefnyddio fwyfwy ar-lein, gyda'r perygl bod platfformau technoleg ar-lein byd-eang yn dod yn borthmyn i raglenni darlledwyr gwasanaeth cyhoeddus. Heb ddiwygio'r system bresennol, gallai cynulleidfaoedd y DU ei chael hi'n anodd dod o hyd i gynnwys y darlledwyr gwasanaeth cyhoeddus y maen nhw'n ei werthfawrogi, a bydd symiau ariannol mawr yn cael eu tynnu o'u hecosystem ac economi greadigol y DU gan y platfformau ar-lein hyn. Felly, Prif Weinidog, er fy mod i'n ymwybodol, fel y cyfeiriodd Hefin David ato, o fodolaeth y panel arbenigol hwnnw a sefydlwyd gan eich Llywodraeth i archwilio'r posibilrwydd o ddatganoli darlledu i Gymru, o ystyried ymgysylltiad pobl â darlledwyr gwasanaeth cyhoeddus dros yr wythnos a hanner diwethaf, y pryder ynghylch defnydd ar-lein a'r potensial y gallai cynulleidfaoedd ei chael yn anodd dod o hyd i'r darlledwyr gwasanaeth cyhoeddus y maen nhw'n eu gwerthfawrogi, sut fyddech chi'n sicrhau, pe bai darlledu yn cael ei ddatganoli i Gymru, y byddai'n cadw'r cynnwys y mae pobl Cymru yn ei werthfawrogi fwyaf?

Surely the greatest threat to public service broadcasting in the United Kingdom comes from the proposals of his Government at Westminster to privatise Channel 4—utterly friendless as proposals and simply ideologically driven by the previous culture Secretary—the failure to find a proper basis for ensuring that funding of the BBC can be guaranteed into the future, and the failure of the UK Government to go out to consultation before the summer, as they promised us they would in June. We're still to see that consultation exercise launched. Now we must hope that the latest Conservative Government at Westminster takes a different view on these matters. Because I agree with what the Member has said: public service broadcasting is absolutely intrinsic to the way in which UK citizens and Welsh citizens are able to receive news that they regard as reliable and which allows them to be properly participating citizens. The big dangers to all of that are the ideological attacks that have been made on public service broadcasting by his friends in Westminster.
Siawns bod y bygythiad mwyaf i ddarlledu gwasanaeth cyhoeddus yn y Deyrnas Unedig yn dod o gynigion ei Lywodraeth ef yn San Steffan i breifateiddio Channel 4—yn gwbl ddi-gefnogwr fel cynigion ac wedi'u hysgogi'n llwyr ar sail ideolegol gan yr Ysgrifennydd diwylliant blaenorol—y methiant i ddod o hyd i sail briodol ar gyfer gwneud yn siŵr y gellir sicrhau cyllid y BBC yn y dyfodol, a methiant Llywodraeth y DU i gynnal ymgynghoriad cyn yr haf, fel y gwnaeth addo i ni y byddai ym mis Mehefin. Rydym ni'n dal i ddisgwyl gweld yr ymarfer ymgynghori hwnnw'n cael ei lansio. Nawr mae'n rhaid i ni obeithio bod y Llywodraeth Geidwadol ddiweddaraf yn San Steffan yn mabwysiadu gwahanol safbwynt ar y materion yma. Oherwydd rwy'n cytuno â'r hyn y mae'r Aelod wedi ei ddweud: mae darlledu gwasanaeth cyhoeddus yn gwbl gynhenid i'r ffordd y mae dinasyddion y DU a dinasyddion Cymru yn gallu derbyn newyddion y maen nhw'n ei ystyried yn ddibynadwy ac sy'n caniatáu iddyn nhw fod yn ddinasyddion sy'n cymryd rhan yn iawn. Y peryglon mawr i hynny oll yw'r ymosodiadau ideolegol sydd wedi cael eu gwneud ar ddarlledu gwasanaeth cyhoeddus gan ei gyfeillion yn San Steffan.
4. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddatganiad ar ddarparu gwasanaethau iechyd ym Mhreseli Sir Benfro? OQ58385
4. Will the First Minister make a statement on the delivery of health services in Preseli Pembrokeshire? OQ58385

Hywel Dda University Health Board continues to develop its proposals for the future delivery of services across its area. That has involved workshops with members of the public, staff and partners. The latest decisions were taken by the board at its meeting on 4 August.
Mae Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda yn parhau i ddatblygu ei gynigion ar gyfer darparu gwasanaethau ar draws ei ardal yn y dyfodol. Mae hynny wedi cynnwys gweithdai gydag aelodau'r cyhoedd, staff a phartneriaid. Gwnaed y penderfyniadau diweddaraf gan y bwrdd yn ei gyfarfod ar 4 Awst.
First Minister, it's vital that high-quality dental care is available to people when they need it, and yet I continue to receive correspondence from frustrated and indeed angry constituents who are living with discomfort and pain because they've not been able to access a local NHS dentist. In one case, a constituent was advised to buy a self filling kit in order to provide some temporary solution whilst waiting for an appointment. I'm sure you will find that totally unacceptable. I appreciate that we've experienced a COVID pandemic, but this is a long-standing issue that was prevalent well before the COVID pandemic. So, can you tell us what the Welsh Government is doing to ensure that people can have access, or indeed register, with an NHS dentist? Can you also tell us what intermediate support is being offered to patients who are waiting for long periods of time for dental services and treatment?
Prif Weinidog, mae'n hanfodol bod gofal deintyddol o ansawdd uchel ar gael i bobl pan fyddan nhw ei angen, ac eto rwy'n parhau i dderbyn gohebiaeth gan etholwyr rhwystredig ac yn wir dig sy'n byw gydag anghysur a phoen gan nad ydyn nhw wedi gallu cael mynediad at ddeintydd GIG lleol. Mewn un achos, cafodd etholwr ei gynghori i brynu pecyn hunan lenwi er mwyn cynnig rhyw ateb dros dro wrth aros am apwyntiad. Rwy'n siŵr y byddwch chi'n gweld hynny'n gwbl annerbyniol. Rwy'n sylweddoli ein bod ni wedi dioddef pandemig COVID, ond mae hon yn broblem hirsefydlog a oedd yn gyffredin ymhell cyn pandemig COVID. Felly, a allwch chi ddweud wrthym ni beth mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i sicrhau bod pobl yn gallu cael mynediad, neu yn wir cofrestru, gyda deintydd GIG? A allwch chi hefyd ddweud wrthym ni pa gymorth dros dro sy'n cael ei gynnig i gleifion sy'n aros am gyfnodau hir am wasanaethau a thriniaeth deintyddol?

I thank Paul Davies for that. I agree with him, of course, on the importance of dentistry. It's not that long ago in the Chamber, Llywydd, that it was being suggested that dentists across Hywel Dda would en masse decline to take up the new dental contract that has been available since 1 April. I'm very pleased to say that 92 per cent of contracts in Hywel Dda are now being provided under the new contract, and that the new contract is already working to do what we hoped it would do, which is to reduce the amount of handle-turning work that was required under the previous units of dental activity contract, and to release dental time to take on new patients.
Twenty-eight thousand new patients across Wales have received NHS dental treatment in the first three months of this calendar year, and we expect that anything up to 110,000 to 120,000 new patients will receive dental care from the NHS over the 12 months as a result of the contract. Given the very high take-up of the contract in the Hywel Dda area, that will begin to make a difference for some of the patients to which Mr Davies referred. As a Government, we continue to provide additional funding for dentistry across the NHS—recurrent funding provided last year and again this year in order to support our colleagues in the local health boards in trying to ensure that there are dental services available.
There is a longer term issue here, which it is very important that we grasp, and that is in the nature of the profession. As you know, if you go into a GP surgery and you need relatively minor things to be done, you're very likely to be seen by a practice nurse, by a paramedic or, if you need physiotherapy, by a physiotherapist—you won't automatically see a GP. We need similar diversification to happen in the dental profession, so that when people need relatively minor procedures, there will be people properly trained, capable of doing that under the supervision of a dentist, releasing the dentists themselves—the most highly trained people we have—to do the things that only a dentist can do. That is something that we have to pursue actively with the profession during the rest of this Senedd term.
Diolch i Paul Davies am hynna. Rwy'n cytuno ag ef, wrth gwrs, am bwysigrwydd deintyddiaeth. Nid yw mor bell yn ôl â hynny yn y Siambr, Llywydd, yr oedd hi'n cael ei awgrymu y byddai'r holl ddeintyddion ar draws Hywel Dda yn gwrthod cytuno ar y contract deintyddol newydd sydd wedi bod ar gael ers 1 Ebrill. Rwy'n falch iawn o ddweud bod 92 y cant o'r contractau yn Hywel Dda bellach yn cael eu darparu o dan y contract newydd, a bod y contract newydd eisoes yn gweithio i wneud yr hyn yr oeddem ni'n gobeithio y byddai'n ei wneud, sef lleihau faint o waith troi handlenni a oedd yn ofynnol o dan yr unedau blaenorol o gontract gweithgarwch deintyddol, ac i ryddhau amser deintyddol i dderbyn cleifion newydd.
Mae 28 mil o gleifion newydd ledled Cymru wedi cael triniaeth ddeintyddol y GIG yn nhri mis cyntaf y flwyddyn galendr hon, ac rydym ni'n disgwyl y bydd unrhyw beth hyd at 110,000 i 120,000 o gleifion newydd yn cael gofal deintyddol gan y GIG dros y flwyddyn o ganlyniad i'r contract. O ystyried y niferoedd mawr iawn sydd wedi manteisio ar y contract yn ardal Hywel Dda, bydd hynny'n dechrau gwneud gwahaniaeth i rai o'r cleifion y cyfeiriodd Mr Davies atyn nhw. Fel Llywodraeth, rydym ni'n parhau i ddarparu cyllid ychwanegol ar gyfer deintyddiaeth ledled y GIG—cyllid cylchol a ddarparwyd y llynedd ac eto eleni er mwyn cynorthwyo ein cydweithwyr yn y byrddau iechyd lleol i geisio sicrhau bod gwasanaethau deintyddol ar gael.
Ceir mater mwy hirdymor yma, y mae'n bwysig iawn ein bod ni'n mynd i'r afael ag ef, sef natur y proffesiwn. Fel y gwyddoch chi, os ewch chi i feddygfa deulu a'ch bod chi angen cael gwneud pethau cymharol fach, rydych chi'n debygol iawn o gael eich gweld gan nyrs practis, gan barafeddyg neu, os oes angen ffisiotherapydd arnoch chi, gan ffisiotherapydd—ni fyddwch chi'n gweld meddyg teulu yn awtomatig. Rydym ni angen arallgyfeirio tebyg i ddigwydd yn y proffesiwn deintyddol, fel y bydd pobl wedi'u hyfforddi'n iawn, sy'n gallu gwneud hynny o dan oruchwyliaeth deintydd pan fydd angen triniaethau cymharol fach ar bobl, gan ryddhau'r deintyddion eu hunain—y bobl fwyaf hyfforddedig sydd gennym ni—i wneud y pethau mai dim ond deintydd sy'n gallu eu gwneud. Mae hynny'n rhywbeth y mae'n rhaid i ni fynd ar ei drywydd yn weithredol gyda'r proffesiwn yn ystod gweddill tymor y Senedd hon.
5. Pa drafodaethau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'u cael gydag Elusen Ambiwlans Awyr Cymru ynglŷn ag ad-drefnu lleoliadau gorsafoedd yng Nghymru? OQ58386
5. What discussions has the Welsh Government had with the Wales Air Ambulance Charity regarding the reconfiguration of base locations in Wales? OQ58386

I thank Russell George for that question, Llywydd. The configuration of bases is the responsibility of the Wales Air Ambulance Charity. Officials of the Welsh Government have discussed the joint strategic review that has been undertaken by the charity and the emergency medical retrieval and transfer service, and those discussions have taken place with both organisations.
Diolch i Russell George am y cwestiwn yna, Llywydd. Elusen Ambiwlans Awyr Cymru sy'n gyfrifol am drefnu canolfannau. Mae swyddogion Llywodraeth Cymru wedi trafod y cydadolygiad strategol a gynhaliwyd gan yr elusen a'r gwasanaeth adalw a throsglwyddo meddygol brys, ac mae'r trafodaethau hynny wedi cael eu cynnal gyda'r ddau sefydliad.
Thank you, First Minister, for your answer. You will appreciate that Powys has no district general hospital, and large parts of Powys are extremely difficult to get to by road. A proposal to move the air ambulance base and crew from Welshpool has been met understandably with huge concern and opposition in my constituency. The people of mid Wales were left surprised and disappointed over the summer with the proposal from the Wales Air Ambulance Charity and the Welsh NHS’s emergency medical retrieval and transfer service. Can I ask what the Welsh Government’s view is on this proposal? Will there be a proper consultation, given the involvement of the Welsh NHS? Have you seen the data and analysis that sits behind this proposal, and would you and the Welsh Government be willing to make this information available? Despite the fact that the charity has said that they do not want funding from the Government, would the Government be prepared to consider funding so that there is an adequate air ambulance service in mid Wales with a base kept in mid Wales? You'll appreciate that this service is hugely valued and loved, which is why so many people donate to this charity, and this is why it has caused so much frustration and anger across mid Wales.
Diolch, Prif Weinidog, am eich ateb. Byddwch yn sylweddoli nad oes gan Bowys ysbyty cyffredinol dosbarth, ac mae rhannau helaeth o Bowys yn anodd iawn eu cyrraedd ar y ffordd. Mae cynnig i symud y ganolfan a'r criw ambiwlansys awyr o'r Trallwng wedi cael ymateb dealladwy o bryder a gwrthwynebiad enfawr yn fy etholaeth i. Cafodd pobl y canolbarth eu synnu a'u siomi dros yr haf gan y cynnig gan Elusen Ambiwlans Awyr Cymru a gwasanaeth adalw a throsglwyddo meddygol brys GIG Cymru. A gaf i ofyn beth yw barn Llywodraeth Cymru ar y cynnig hwn? A fydd ymgynghoriad iawn, o ystyried cyfranogiad GIG Cymru? A ydych chi wedi gweld y data a'r gwaith dadansoddi sy'n sail i'r cynnig hwn, ac a fyddech chi a Llywodraeth Cymru yn fodlon gwneud yr wybodaeth hon ar gael? Er gwaethaf y ffaith bod yr elusen wedi dweud nad ydyn nhw eisiau cyllid gan y Llywodraeth, a fyddai'r Llywodraeth yn barod i ystyried cyllid fel bod gwasanaeth ambiwlans awyr digonol yn y canolbarth a chanolfan yn cael ei chadw yn y canolbarth? Byddwch yn sylweddoli bod y gwerthfawrogiad a chariad mawr at y gwasanaeth hwn, a dyna pam mae cymaint o bobl yn rhoi i'r elusen hon, a dyma pam mae wedi achosi cymaint o rwystredigaeth a dicter ar draws y canolbarth.

Of course I understand the points that the Member makes on behalf of the people he represents. It has long been the position of the Wales Air Ambulance Charity that they do not wish to receive direct funding from the Welsh Government, and they do that for very good reasons to do with their own model. They are fiercely independent in that way. I know that they have provided public assurances that none of this is about cost cutting. It is simply about optimising the service that they provide. I have seen figures that come from the work that has been carried out, but they are not figures that belong to the Welsh Government; they belong to the air ambulance charity itself. It wouldn't be right for me, I think, to publicise those figures on their behalf, but they will undoubtedly be in the public domain. I do know that the chief ambulance commissioner is involved in discussions with the community health council as to the nature of consultation or engagement that will now be necessary with stakeholders when there are formal proposals to put in front of people, and that the chief ambulance commissioner is happy to offer a direct briefing to Members of the Senedd so that questions can be put to him and the proposals properly interrogated.
Wrth gwrs rwy'n deall y pwyntiau y mae'r Aelod yn eu gwneud ar ran y bobl mae'n eu cynrychioli. Safbwynt Elusen Ambiwlans Awyr Cymru ers tro yw nad ydyn nhw'n dymuno cael cyllid uniongyrchol gan Lywodraeth Cymru, ac maen nhw'n gwneud hynny am resymau da iawn yn ymwneud â'u model eu hunain. Maen nhw'n ffyrnig o annibynnol yn hynny o beth. Rwy'n gwybod eu bod nhw wedi rhoi sicrwydd i'r cyhoedd nad yw dim o hyn yn ymwneud â thorri costau. Y cwbl y mae'n ymwneud ag ef yw optimeiddio'r gwasanaeth y maen nhw'n ei ddarparu. Rwyf i wedi gweld ffigurau sy'n dod o'r gwaith a wnaed, ond dydyn nhw ddim yn ffigurau sy'n perthyn i Lywodraeth Cymru; maen nhw'n perthyn i'r elusen ambiwlans awyr ei hun. Ni fyddai'n briodol i mi, rwy'n credu, roi cyhoeddusrwydd i'r ffigurau hynny ar eu rhan, ond byddan nhw'n sicr yn y parth cyhoeddus. Gwn fod y prif gomisiynydd ambiwlans yn cymryd rhan mewn trafodaethau gyda'r cyngor iechyd cymuned ynghylch natur ymgynghori neu ymgysylltu a fydd bellach yn angenrheidiol gyda rhanddeiliaid pan fydd cynigion ffurfiol i'w rhoi o flaen pobl, a bod y prif gomisiynydd ambiwlans yn hapus i gynnig briff uniongyrchol i Aelodau'r Senedd fel bod modd gofyn cwestiynau iddo ac ymchwilio'n briodol i'r cynigion.
Dwi eisiau rhoi ar gofnod, i gychwyn, fy niolch diffuant i'r elusen ambiwlans awyr am eu gwaith yn achub bywydau. Maen nhw'n elusen sydd wedi profi i fod yn gwbl hanfodol i'n cymunedau, ac mae ein cymunedau ni yn codi miloedd o bunnoedd yn flynyddol fel arwydd o ddiolch. Ond ers i'r newyddion dorri fod yr ambiwlans awyr yn edrych i ganoli gwasanaethau hedfan, mae nifer fawr o etholwyr wedi bod mewn cyswllt efo fi, Cefin, Rhun a Siân yn mynegi pryderon am effaith hyn ar gymunedau diarffordd a gwledig y gogledd a'r canolbarth. Os ydy'r hofrennydd i'w gael ei ganoli yn Rhuddlan, er enghraifft, gan gau'r safle yn Ninas Dinlle, yna mae'n debyg y byddai hynny yn ychwanegu 20 munud ar daith i ben draw Llŷn neu i Gaergybi neu dde Meirionnydd. Gan fod canran o arian yr elusen yn dod o'r pwrs cyhoeddus, faint o ran ydych chi wedi chwarae fel Llywodraeth yn y broses hyd yma, a beth fyddwch chi fel Llywodraeth yn ei wneud yn wyneb y datblygiadau yma? Hefyd, roeddech chi'n dweud rŵan nad data'r Llywodraeth oedd hyn. Dim ond i'ch cywiro chi; data EMRTS ydy'r data sydd wedi cael ei roi. Felly, a wnewch chi ystyried rhyddhau'r data yna inni hefyd? Diolch.
I want to put on record, first of all, my sincere thanks to the air ambulance charity for their work in saving lives. They're a charity that have proved to be crucial to our communities, and our communities raise thousands of pounds per annum as a sign of thanks. But since the news broke that the air ambulance was looking to centralise its services, many constituents have been in touch with myself, Cefin, Rhun and Siân, expressing concerns about the impact of this on rural and remote communities in mid and north Wales. If the ambulance is to be centred in Rhuddlan, for example, closing the site at Dinas Dinlle, then it's likely that that will add 20 minutes to a journey to the end of the Llŷn peninsula or to Holyhead or to south Meirionnydd. As a percentage of the funding of the charity comes from the public purse, what part have you played as a Government in the process to date, and what will you as a Government do in light of these developments? Also, you just said that this wasn't Government data. Just to correct you; it's EMRTS data that has been provided. So, will you consider releasing that data for us too? Thank you.

Wrth gwrs dwi'n cydnabod y pwyntiau y mae'r Aelod yn eu gwneud ar ran y bobl sy'n byw yn ei etholaeth e, a phobl eraill, ond nid cwestiynau i'r Llywodraeth ydyn nhw. Nid ni sydd wedi gwneud y gwaith. Mae'r elusen yn arwain y gwaith, gyda'r bobl sy'n arbenigwyr yn y maes. Y data yw eu data nhw. Mae'r ddadl yn ddadl i'w gael gyda nhw. Fel y dywedais i wrth Russell George, maen nhw wedi dweud eu bod nhw’n fodlon dod fan hyn i gwrdd gydag Aelodau o'r Senedd, ac i ymateb i'r cwestiynau sydd gyda nhw. Hynny ydy'r ffordd orau i fynd ymlaen gyda rhywbeth lle dwi'n glir mai'r rheswm pam y mae'r elusen a'r bobl yn y maes wedi gwneud y gwaith yw eu bod nhw eisiau gwella'r gwasanaeth. Mae hynny'n bwysig i gydnabod o'r dechrau.
Of course I acknowledge the points that the Member makes on behalf of the people who live in his constituency, and others, but these aren't questions for the Government. We haven't done this work. The charity is leading on this work, with the people who have expertise in the field. The data is their data. The discussion and debate is to be had with them. As I said to Russell George, they have said that they are willing to come here to meet with Members of the Senedd and to respond to the questions that they have. That is the best way forward on an issue where I am clear that the reason why the charity and the people in this field have done this work is that they want to improve the service. That is important to acknowledge from the beginning.
6. Pa gamau y mae'r Prif Weinidog yn eu cymryd i ymgysylltu â Phrif Weinidog newydd y Deyrnas Unedig? OQ58388
6. What steps is the First Minister taking to engage with the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom? OQ58388

I have held several productive conversations with the new Secretary of State for Wales, but no opportunity to meet the new Prime Minister has as yet been forthcoming.
Rwyf i wedi cael sawl sgwrs gynhyrchiol gydag Ysgrifennydd Gwladol newydd Cymru, ond ni chafwyd unrhyw gyfle i gyfarfod â Phrif Weinidog newydd y DU eto.
Thank you for your answer, First Minister. I was encouraged to see your tweet welcoming Liz Truss to her new position. She is, of course, the third woman Conservative to hold that office. It's hugely important to the Welsh people that you and the new Prime Minister work together with mutual respect from both Governments to tackle the shared challenges that people face. I know at times, First Minister, you had, shall we say, a complicated relationship with the previous occupant of No. 10 Downing Street, so can we have assurance from you and your Ministers that you'll work constructively with the Prime Minister and her Government in a constructive manner to produce the best outcomes for the people of Wales in what will be very challenging months ahead?
Diolch am eich ateb, Prif Weinidog. Cefais fy annog i weld eich trydariad yn croesawu Liz Truss i'w swydd newydd. Hi, wrth gwrs, yw'r drydedd fenyw Geidwadol i feddu ar y swydd honno. Mae'n aruthrol o bwysig i bobl Cymru eich bod chi a Phrif Weinidog newydd y DU yn cydweithio â pharch at ei gilydd gan y ddwy Lywodraeth i fynd i'r afael â'r heriau cyffredin y mae pobl yn eu hwynebu. Gwn ar adegau, Prif Weinidog, bod gennych chi berthynas gymhleth, gadewch i ni ddweud, gyda phreswylydd blaenorol Rhif 10 Downing Street, felly a allwn ni gael sicrwydd gennych chi a'ch Gweinidogion y byddwch chi'n gweithio'n adeiladol gyda Phrif Weinidog y DU a'i Llywodraeth mewn modd adeiladol i sicrhau'r canlyniadau gorau i bobl Cymru yn yr hyn a fydd yn fisoedd heriol iawn i ddod?

Well, Llywydd, as the Member said, I welcomed the appointment of the latest Prime Minister—the fourth in six years—and I hope that it will be possible to conduct relationships between the UK Government and the other nations of the United Kingdom in that spirit of mutual respect. There has been no opportunity as yet to test the appetite of the new Prime Minister for such an approach. I think it would just be fair for me to say that, on the day that he was appointed, the then Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, telephoned me and telephoned the First Minister of Scotland, and the same thing happened on the first day that Theresa May was appointed and the day that David Cameron was appointed. Now, I understand that the new Prime Minister has not had the first week that she would have expected and that business as usual has not been characteristic of recent days, and now the Prime Minister has left the country. But, I hope that it will not long be delayed before she does find an opportunity to speak with the elected leaders of other Parliaments in the United Kingdom.
Wel, Llywydd, fel y dywedodd yr Aelod, fe wnes i groesawu penodiad Prif Weinidog diweddaraf y DU—y pedwerydd mewn chwe blynedd—ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd hi'n bosibl cynnal cysylltiadau rhwng Llywodraeth y DU a chenhedloedd eraill y Deyrnas Unedig yn yr ysbryd hwnnw o barch tuag at ei gilydd. Ni chafwyd cyfle eto i brofi awydd Prif Weinidog newydd y DU i ddilyn dull o'r fath. Rwy'n credu y byddai hi'n deg i mi ddweud, ar y diwrnod iddo gael ei benodi, fe wnaeth Prif Weinidog y DU ar y pryd, Boris Johnson, fy ffonio i a ffonio Prif Weinidog yr Alban, a digwyddodd yr un peth ar y diwrnod cyntaf i Theresa May gael ei phenodi a'r diwrnod y cafodd David Cameron ei benodi. Nawr, rwy'n deall nad yw Prif Weinidog newydd y DU wedi cael yr wythnos gyntaf y byddai wedi ei disgwyl ac nad yw busnes fel arfer wedi bod yn nodweddiadol o'r dyddiau diwethaf, ac mae Prif Weinidog y DU wedi gadael y wlad bellach. Ond, rwy'n gobeithio na fydd llawer o oedi cyn iddi gael cyfle i siarad gydag arweinwyr etholedig Seneddau eraill yn y Deyrnas Unedig.
First Minister, in your engagement with the new Prime Minister, when that happens, could I ask you to raise the pressing issue of clarification on the issue of fracking? Now, fracking is unsustainable and untenable environmentally and in respect of the climate change emergency. It contributes diddly squat to affordability or to supplying domestic UK markets because it is sold onto global markets for the profits of the shareholders of those companies. So, the Prime Minister and the Rt Hon Member for south-west Norfolk can frack to her heart's content in her constituency and receive, no doubt, the enduring thanks of her constituents, but if you do get a chance, First Minister, could you explain to the Prime Minister, in an idiom that she might well understand, 'You frack if you want to. Wales is not for fracking'?
Prif Weinidog, yn eich ymgysylltiad â Phrif Weinidog newydd y DU, pan fydd hynny'n digwydd, a allwn i ofyn i chi godi'r mater dybryd o eglurhad ar y mater o ffracio? Nawr, mae ffracio yn anghynaliadwy ac yn annaliadwy yn amgylcheddol ac o ran yr argyfwng newid hinsawdd. Mae'n cyfrannu dim byd o gwbl at fforddiadwyedd nac at gyflenwi marchnadoedd domestig y DU gan ei fod yn cael ei werthu i farchnadoedd byd-eang i sicrhau elw i gyfranddalwyr y cwmnïau hynny. Felly, gall Prif Weinidog y DU a'r Aelod Gwir Anrhydeddus dros dde-orllewin Norfolk ffracio cymaint ag y mae'n dymuno yn ei hetholaeth hi a chael, rwy'n siŵr, diolch tragwyddol ei hetholwyr, ond os cewch chi gyfle, Prif Weinidog, a allech chi esbonio i Brif Weinidog y DU, mewn idiom y gallai ei ddeall yn iawn, 'Ffraciwch chi os dymunwch. Nid yw Cymru am ffracio'?

Well, I do thank Huw Irranca-Davies for that. I can assure him that the Prime Minister's announcement in relation to fracking has no impact here in Wales, and the Welsh Government's policy remains entirely unchanged. We will not solve the energy crisis by reverting to ways of supplying energy that have done so much damage to our planet. And it is particularly frustrating to see time, energy and money being diverted in that direction when there is so much that could be done, and done more quickly and done with better effect by investing that time, energy and money in the production of renewable forms of energy generation in which Wales has such potential. Our efforts as a Government will be in that direction, looking to use our natural resources to find the power that will be needed here in Wales to develop those ideas that will be useful around the globe and to defend the energy security of the United Kingdom at the same time as making sure that we are not vulnerable to the global shifts that have created part of the cost-of-living crisis that faces families in Wales this coming winter.
Wel, diolch i Huw Irranca-Davies am hynna. Gallaf ei sicrhau nad yw cyhoeddiad Prif Weinidog y DU o ran ffracio yn cael unrhyw effaith yma yng Nghymru, ac nid yw polisi Llywodraeth Cymru wedi newid o gwbl. Ni fyddwn yn datrys yr argyfwng ynni trwy droi'n ôl at ffyrdd o gyflenwi ynni sydd wedi gwneud cymaint o ddifrod i'n planed. Ac mae'n arbennig o rwystredig gweld amser, egni ac arian yn cael eu dargyfeirio i'r cyfeiriad hwnnw pan fo cymaint y gellid ei wneud, a'i wneud yn gynt a'i wneud yn well trwy fuddsoddi'r amser, yr egni a'r arian hynny mewn cynhyrchu ffurfiau adnewyddadwy o gynhyrchu ynni lle mae gan Gymru gymaint o botensial. Bydd ein hymdrechion ni fel Llywodraeth i'r cyfeiriad hwnnw, gan geisio defnyddio ein hadnoddau naturiol i ganfod y pŵer y bydd ei angen yma yng Nghymru i ddatblygu'r syniadau hynny a fydd yn ddefnyddiol ledled y byd ac i amddiffyn diogelwch ynni'r Deyrnas Unedig ar yr un pryd â gwneud yn siŵr nad ydym ni'n agored i'r newidiadau byd-eang sydd wedi creu rhan o'r argyfwng costau byw sy'n wynebu teuluoedd yng Nghymru yn ystod gaeaf i ddod.
7. Pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n eu cymryd i wella gwasanaethau iechyd yng ngogledd Cymru? OQ58418
7. What steps is the Welsh Government taking to improve health services in north Wales? OQ58418

Diolch i Mabon ap Gwynfor, Llywydd, am y cwestiwn. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n gweithio gyda'r bwrdd iechyd lleol, er enghraifft drwy roi cymorth ariannol uniongyrchol, mynediad at arbenigedd clinigol cenedlaethol a chymorth ar gyfer datblygu'r bwrdd. Diben yr ymdrechion hyn ar y cyd yw sicrhau'r canlyniadau gorau posibl i gleifion.
I thank Mabon ap Gwynfor for the question. The Welsh Government works with the local health board, for example by providing direct financial assistance, access to national clinical expertise and support for board development. These joint endeavours are all directed to securing the best possible outcomes for patients.
Diolch yn fawr iawn i'r Prif Weinidog am yr ateb. Dwi am gymryd y cyfle yn sydyn i ddiolch i'r prif weithredwr, Jo Whitehead, am ei harweiniad o'r bwrdd dros y 18 mis diwethaf. Rôn i'n obeithiol y buasai pethau yn gwella o dan ei harweiniad hi, ond yn ei hadroddiad blynyddol olaf a gyhoeddwyd ym mis Awst, fe ddywedodd y prif weithredwr,
Thank you very much to the First Minister for that response. I want to take this opportunity to thank the chief executive, Jo Whitehead, for her leadership of the board over the past 18 months. I was hopeful that things would improve under her leadership, but in her last annual report published in August, the chief executive said,
'There are processes requiring significant improvement in relation to patient safety and compliance assurance'
'Ceir prosesau y mae angen eu gwella yn sylweddol o ran diogelwch cleifion a sicrwydd cydymffurfio'
—pan fo'n dod i'r bwrdd iechyd yng ngogledd Cymru. Bwrdd iechyd gogledd Cymru ydy'r unig fwrdd yng Nghymru i dderbyn sicrwydd cyfyngedig gan eu harchwilwyr. Mae'r adroddiad blynyddol yn un damniol, ac mae'n amlwg fod y bwrdd yn methu. Mae'n amlwg hefyd fod pob dim yr ydych chi fel Llywodraeth wedi trio'i wneud i ddatrys problemau'r bwrdd wedi methu. Ydych chi rŵan yn derbyn ei bod yn bryd edrych ar strwythur newydd ar gyfer darparu gofal iechyd yn y gogledd?
—when it comes to the health board in north Wales. The health board in north Wales is the only board in Wales to receive limited assurance from the investigation. The annual report is damning, and it's clear that the board is failing. It's clear that everything that you as a Government have tried to do to solve the problems of the board have failed. Do you now accept that it's time to look at a new structure for the provision of healthcare in north Wales?

Wel, Llywydd, dwi eisiau talu teyrnged hefyd i Jo Whitehead am bopeth mae hi wedi'i wneud, a thalu teyrnged i aelodau'r bwrdd. A hefyd, rŷn ni'n lwcus i ailapwyntio Mark Polin fel cadeirydd y bwrdd ar gyfer y tymor nesaf hefyd. A dwi'n gwybod bod y bwrdd a'r bobl sy'n arwain y bwrdd ar lefel clinigol yn dal ati i wneud beth yr oedd Jo Whitehead yn ei ddweud yn ei hadroddiad blynyddol hi. Fel rŷn ni wedi esbonio nifer o weithiau ar lawr y Cynulliad, dŷn ni fel Llywodraeth ddim yn meddwl mai'r ffordd orau i helpu pobl yn y gogledd yw rhoi'r bwrdd mewn sefyllfa ble nad ydyn nhw'n gwybod os bydd y bwrdd yn parhau. Dydy hwnna ddim yn mynd i helpu pobl i ganolbwyntio ar y gwaith sydd yna i'w wneud, gwaith rŷn ni'n awyddus, fel Llywodraeth, i helpu'r bwrdd gydag e yn y gwaith caled sydd o'u blaenau nhw.
Well, Llywydd, I too want to pay tribute to Jo Whitehead for everything that she has done and to pay tribute to members of the board, too. We were lucky to reappoint Mark Polin as chair of the board for the next term, and I know that the board and those leading at a clinical level are persevering in doing what Jo Whitehead set out in her annual report. As I've explained many times on the floor of the Chamber, we as a Government don't believe that the best way of helping people in north Wales is to put the board in a position where they don't know whether the board will continue. That isn't going to help people focus on the work that needs to be done, and that is work that we, as a Government, are eager to help the board with in undertaking the hard work that they are facing.
Ac yn olaf, cwestiwn 8, Jenny Rathbone.
Finally, question 8, Jenny Rathbone.
8. Pa asesiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud o sut y bydd agenda'r Prif Weinidog newydd yn effeithio ar strategaeth Llywodraeth Cymru i fynd i'r afael â'r argyfwng hinsawdd? OQ58414
8. What assessment has the Welsh Government made of how the new Prime Minister's agenda will impact the Welsh Government's strategy to tackle the climate emergency? OQ58414

Llywydd, we cannot ameliorate the immediate crisis of energy costs by worsening the long-term crisis of climate change. In Wales, we remain determined to deliver our net-zero commitments and to place the development of renewable energy at the forefront of our efforts to do so.
Llywydd, allwn ni ddim lleddfu argyfwng uniongyrchol costau ynni drwy waethygu argyfwng hirdymor newid hinsawdd. Yng Nghymru, rydym ni'n dal i fod yn benderfynol o gyflawni ein hymrwymiadau sero-net a rhoi lle blaenllaw i ddatblygu ynni adnewyddadwy yn ein hymdrechion i wneud hynny.
I'm concerned that borrowing over £100 billion on underpinning overpriced and unsustainable energy markets will still leave the poorest households in my constituency having to choose between heating and eating. What, if anything, can the Welsh Government do to protect citizens from having to pay for this mountain of debt for the next 20 years or more? And what levers, if any, does it give the Welsh Government to get energy-generating companies to decarbonise to protect our economy from this neoliberal madness and meet our net-zero target?
Rwy'n poeni y bydd benthyg dros £100 biliwn ar gefnogi marchnadoedd ynni sy'n rhy ddrud ac yn anghynaliadwy yn dal i adael yr aelwydydd tlotaf yn fy etholaeth yn gorfod dewis rhwng gwresogi a bwyta. Beth, os rhywbeth, all Llywodraeth Cymru ei wneud i amddiffyn dinasyddion rhag gorfod talu am y mynydd hwn o ddyled am yr 20 mlynedd neu fwy nesaf? A pha ysgogiadau, os o gwbl, y mae'n eu rhoi i Lywodraeth Cymru gael cwmnïau sy'n cynhyrchu ynni i ddatgarboneiddio i ddiogelu ein heconomi rhag y gwallgofrwydd neo-ryddfrydol hwn a bodloni ein targed sero-net?

I thank Jenny Rathbone for those important points. Llywydd, if it turns out on Friday that, as we hear, the UK Government intends to pay for the help that it will provide to citizens facing enormous hikes in their energy prices by putting the debt that will be raised to do so back into the hands of those households, then it will not have provided a solution at all. There are better ways—ways being used by other countries—to take some of the unexpected and enormous profits that are being made by energy companies in order to help them to deal with the current crisis. And there is the need, Llywydd, for a fundamental reform of the way in which energy markets operate.
Here in Wales this year, we expect that 56 per cent of all the energy used in Wales will be produced by renewable sources. Now, the sun didn't start charging more this summer and the wind isn't costing any more either, yet, despite the fact that more and more of the energy we consume is being produced by sources where there isn't a global crisis in costs, those bills are going up at the same rate as everything else. This just tells you that the way the energy market is organised simply does not reflect the new realities of energy generation.
The European Union has announced that it will sever the cost of electricity from the most expensive therm of gas bought on the previous day. That's how energy prices are driven—you look at the most expensive therm of gas you had to buy and you price the whole of energy accordingly, whether it relies on gas or on renewable sources. That simply is not a sustainable way of organising these markets and it leads to enormous distortions of the sorts of profits that we will see—the Treasury itself estimating that up to £140 billion-worth of unlooked-for profits will end up in the hands of energy companies over the next two years. Of course there are better ways of dealing with that crisis than making poor families the length and breadth of the United Kingdom pay for the next 20 years for the schemes that the UK Government appears to be bringing forward.
Diolch i Jenny Rathbone am y pwyntiau pwysig yna. Llywydd, os bydd yn ymddangos ddydd Gwener, fel rydym ni'n clywed, bod Llywodraeth y DU yn bwriadu talu am y cymorth y bydd yn ei ddarparu i ddinasyddion sy'n wynebu cynnydd enfawr i'w prisiau ynni trwy roi'r ddyled a fydd yn cael ei chodi i wneud hynny yn ôl yn nwylo'r aelwydydd hynny, yna ni fydd wedi cynnig ateb o gwbl. Mae gwell ffyrdd—ffyrdd sy'n cael eu defnyddio gan wledydd eraill—i gymryd rhywfaint o'r elw annisgwyl ac enfawr sy'n cael ei wneud gan gwmnïau ynni er mwyn eu helpu i ymdopi â'r argyfwng presennol. Ac mae angen, Llywydd, diwygiad sylfaenol i'r ffordd y mae marchnadoedd ynni'n gweithredu.
Yma yng Nghymru eleni, rydym ni'n disgwyl y bydd 56 y cant o'r holl ynni sy'n cael ei ddefnyddio yng Nghymru yn cael ei gynhyrchu gan ffynonellau adnewyddadwy. Nawr, ni wnaeth yr haul ddechrau codi mwy yr haf hwn ac nid yw'r gwynt yn costio mwy chwaith, ac eto, er gwaethaf y ffaith bod mwy a mwy o'r ynni rydym ni'n ei ddefnyddio yn cael ei gynhyrchu gan ffynonellau lle nad oes argyfwng byd-eang o ran costau, mae'r biliau hynny yn cynyddu ar yr un raddfa â phopeth arall. Mae hyn yn dweud wrthych chi nad yw'r ffordd y mae'r farchnad ynni wedi'i threfnu yn adlewyrchu realiti newydd cynhyrchu ynni.
Mae'r Undeb Ewropeaidd wedi cyhoeddi y bydd yn torri cost trydan o'r thermo nwy drytaf sy'n cael ei brynu ar y diwrnod blaenorol. Dyna sut mae prisiau ynni yn cael eu hysgogi—rydych chi'n edrych ar y thermo nwy drytaf roedd yn rhaid i chi ei brynu ac rydych chi'n prisio'r holl ynni yn unol â hynny, pa un a yw'n dibynnu ar nwy neu ar ffynonellau adnewyddadwy. Yn syml, nid yw honno'n ffordd gynaliadwy o drefnu'r marchnadoedd hyn ac mae'n arwain at afluniadau enfawr o'r mathau o elw y byddwn ni'n ei weld—mae'r Trysorlys ei hun yn amcangyfrif y bydd gwerth hyd at £140 biliwn o elw na chwiliwyd amdano yn mynd i ddwylo cwmnïau ynni dros y ddwy flynedd nesaf. Wrth gwrs, mae gwell ffyrdd o ymdrin â'r argyfwng hwnnw na gwneud i deuluoedd tlawd ar hyd a lled y Deyrnas Unedig dalu am yr 20 mlynedd nesaf am y cynlluniau y mae'n ymddangos bod Llywodraeth y DU yn eu cyflwyno.
Diolch i'r Prif Weinidog.
I thank the First Minister.
Yr eitem nesaf, felly, yw'r datganiad a chyhoeddiad busnes. Dwi'n galw ar y Trefnydd i wneud y datganiad hwnnw—Lesley Griffiths.
The next item, therefore, is the business statement and announcement, and I call on the Trefnydd to make that statement—Lesley Griffiths.

Diolch, Llywydd. Plenary business this week is as set out on the Plenary agendas published this morning. Draft business for the next three weeks is set out on the business statement and announcement, which can be found amongst the meeting papers available to Members electronically.
Diolch, Llywydd. Mae busnes Cyfarfod Llawn yr wythnos hon yn ôl yr hyn sydd wedi'i nodi ar yr agendâu y Cyfarfod Llawn a gafodd eu cyhoeddi y bore yma. Mae busnes drafft ar gyfer y tair wythnos nesaf wedi'i nodi ar y datganiad busnes a'r cyhoeddiad, sydd i'w weld ymhlith y papurau cyfarfod sydd ar gael i Aelodau yn electronig.
Minister, could I ask for a statement, please, from the Minister for education on the development of coding skills here in Wales?
The week before last, I visited the Office for National Statistics in Newport where concerns were raised and expressed that not enough emphasis is being placed on the teaching of coding skills in schools and that it's a heavily male-oriented vocation at the moment. Coding is undoubtedly a skill that every organisation needs, and today, coding is so fully integrated, not only across businesses, but also across our entire lives, that almost all businesses have some sort of code at their ultimate core.
Teaching youngsters how to succeed in the digital world is absolutely crucial, in my opinion, and one major issue is that the skills needed to get by in our digital lives are changing so fast that educators are actually struggling to keep up. A person's level of digital prowess is fast becoming a key determinant of their earning power, yet in Wales, it seems to be a patchwork of digital skills. In June 2017, the then education Minister launched 'Cracking the code: A plan to expand code clubs in every part of Wales', which made several commitments under different strategic headlines. So, may I ask for a statement on the results of the strategy and what the Welsh Government is doing specifically now to ensure that pupils in Wales are provided with specialist digital skills to keep pace with the scale of the challenges that lie ahead? Thank you.
Gweinidog, gaf i ofyn am ddatganiad, os gwelwch yn dda, gan y Gweinidog addysg ar ddatblygu sgiliau codio yma yng Nghymru?
Yr wythnos cyn diwethaf, gwnes i ymweld â'r Swyddfa Ystadegau Gwladol yng Nghasnewydd lle cafodd pryderon eu codi gan fynegi nad oes digon o bwyslais yn cael ei roi ar ddysgu sgiliau codio mewn ysgolion a'i bod yn alwedigaeth sy'n canolbwyntio'n gryf ar ddynion ar hyn o bryd. Yn ddiau, mae codio'n sgil sydd ei angen ar bob sefydliad, a heddiw, mae codio wedi'i gyfannu mor llwyr, nid yn unig ledled busnesau, ond hefyd ledled ein bywydau cyfan, bod gan bron bob busnes rhyw fath o god wrth ei graidd.
Mae dysgu pobl ifanc sut i lwyddo yn y byd digidol yn gwbl hanfodol, yn fy marn i, ac un mater mawr yw bod y sgiliau sydd eu hangen arnom i ni lwyddo yn ein bywydau digidol yn newid mor gyflym fel bod addysgwyr wir yn ei chael hi'n anodd ymdopi. Mae lefel gallu digidol unigolyn yn prysur ddod yn un o'r pethau allweddol sy'n penderfynu ei rym i ennill cyflog, ac eto yng Nghymru, mae'n ymddangos ei fod yn glytwaith o sgiliau digidol. Ym mis Mehefin 2017, lansiodd y Gweinidog addysg ar y pryd 'Cracio'r cod: Cynllun i ehangu clybiau codio ym mhob rhan o Gymru', a wnaeth sawl ymrwymiad o dan benawdau strategol gwahanol. Felly, a gaf i ofyn am ddatganiad o ran canlyniadau'r strategaeth a'r hyn y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud yn benodol nawr i sicrhau bod disgyblion Cymru yn cael sgiliau digidol arbenigol i gyd-fynd â maint yr heriau sydd o'n blaenau ni? Diolch.
Thank you. As the mother of a daughter who is a coder, I absolutely appreciate what you're saying about it being a very male-dominated sector. I don't know if you're aware—I'm sure you are—that it's National Coding Week this week. That was begun a few years ago now in recognition of the need to fill that growing skills gap that was there.
The Minister brought forward the digital competence framework in Wales 2022 just this year. It's an integral part, obviously, of the new curriculum that has come into being this month, and it is an area of learning that sets out how to teach children the knowledge, aptitude and skills that they need to be able to use technology and systems confidently, and also creatively and critically. I know that the Minister continues to work closely with the four regional skills partnerships to identify regional employment and skills priorities, and that's absolutely based on what employers are telling us they require going forward. The Minister specifically requested that RSPs consider digital skills as part of this work.
Diolch. Fel mam i ferch sy'n codio, rwy'n gwerthfawrogi'n llwyr yr hyn yr ydych chi'n ei ddweud am y sector; ei fod yn un i ddynion yn bennaf. Nid wyf i'n gwybod a ydych chi'n ymwybodol—rwy'n siŵr eich bod chi—ei bod hi'n Wythnos Codio Genedlaethol yr wythnos hon. Gwnaeth hynny ddechrau rai blynyddoedd yn ôl nawr i gydnabod yr angen i lenwi'r bwlch sgiliau cynyddol hwnnw a oedd yno.
Gwnaeth y Gweinidog gyflwyno'r fframwaith cymhwysedd digidol yng Nghymru 2022 dim ond eleni. Mae'n rhan annatod, yn amlwg, o'r cwricwlwm newydd sydd wedi dod i fodolaeth y mis hwn, ac mae'n faes dysgu sy'n nodi sut i ddysgu'r wybodaeth, y gallu a'r sgiliau sydd eu hangen ar blant i allu defnyddio technoleg a systemau yn hyderus, a hefyd yn greadigol ac yn feirniadol. Rwy'n gwybod bod y Gweinidog yn parhau i weithio'n agos gyda'r pedair partneriaeth sgiliau rhanbarthol i nodi blaenoriaethau cyflogaeth a sgiliau rhanbarthol, ac mae hynny'n gwbl seiliedig ar yr hyn y mae cyflogwyr yn ei ddweud wrthym ni eu bod angen wrth symud ymlaen. Gofynnodd y Gweinidog yn benodol bod partneriaethau sgiliau rhanbarthol yn ystyried sgiliau digidol fel rhan o'r gwaith hwn.
Oes modd cael datganiad, os gwelwch yn dda, gan y Dirprwy Weinidog Newid Hinsawdd ynglŷn â chyfathrebu gyda'r cyhoedd am newidiadau i wasanaethau Trafnidiaeth i Gymru, yn arbennig rhai munud olaf? Mae nifer o bobl wedi cysylltu gyda fi y bore yma wedi cael trafferth yn cyrraedd y gwaith, coleg, ysgolion ac apwyntiadau brys oherwydd bod trenau ddim yn rhedeg rhwng Pontypridd a Chaerdydd. Nid peth unigryw mo hwn; mae'n digwydd yn aml bod gwasanaethau yn cael eu canslo ar y funud olaf gyda dim digon o fysus ar gael i fynd â phobl pan nad yw'r trenau yn rhedeg. Mewn un enghraifft y bore yma, gwerthwyd tocyn trên i berson tua wyth cyn yna dweud wrthynt yn syth bin nad oedd trên yn rhedeg a byddai bws mini bob 15 munud. Gyda chymaint yn aros, roedd yn amlwg y byddai yn oriau tan fyddant yn cyrraedd Caerdydd, gan olygu eu bod wedi gorfod ffeindio ffordd amgen o gyrraedd. Nid yw hyn yn ddigon da ac mae cyfathrebu gyda'r cyhoedd yn echrydus, felly hoffwn wybod pa drafodaethau mae'r Llywodraeth yn eu cael er mwyn gwella cyfathrebu.
Yn ail, hoffwn hefyd ofyn am ddatganiad gan Wenidog yr Economi ynglŷn â'r paratoadau ar gyfer manteisio ar y proffil a ddaw yn sgil tîm dynion Cymru yn y pêl-droed yn cystadlu yng nghystadleuaeth Cwpan y Byd.
Is it possible to have a statement, please, from the Deputy Minister for Climate Change on communication with the public regarding changes to Transport for Wales services, particularly those made at the last minute? A number of people have contacted me, having had difficulty in getting to work, college, school and emergency appointments because the trains weren't running between Pontypridd and Cardiff. This is nothing new; it happens often with services being cancelled at the last minute with insufficient numbers of buses to take people when the trains aren't operating. In one example this morning, a train ticket was sold to a person around 8 o'clock before they were told straight away that the train wasn't running and that a minibus would be running every 15 minutes. With so many others waiting, it was obvious that it would be hours before they reached Cardiff, meaning that they had to find alternative transport. This isn't good enough, and communication with the public is appalling, so I'd like to know what discussions the Government is having to improve this communication.
Secondly, I'd also like to ask for a statement from the Minister for Economy on preparations to take full advantage of the Wales men's team's participation in the World Cup.
Thank you. In respect of your first question, you're quite right, the lack of communication is unacceptable if it was as you outlined, particularly in the case that you identified this morning. I am aware that the Deputy Minister for Climate Change meets regularly with the chief executive and other officers of Transport for Wales, and I will certainly ask him to update Members if there is anything further to say.
In relation to taking advantage of the many opportunities I think there will be right across many of our portfolios in the Welsh Government in relation to the World Cup in November in Qatar, the Minister for Economy obviously leads on major events, but other Ministers will also be participating. I know, from my portfolio point of view, Welsh food, and the promotion of Welsh food, we'll be having an event ahead of the World Cup in Qatar to promote that, and Ministers will bring forward statements as appropriate.
Diolch. O ran eich cwestiwn cyntaf, rydych chi'n hollol gywir, mae'r diffyg cyfathrebu'n annerbyniol os oedd fel yr oeddech chi wedi'i amlinellu, yn enwedig yn yr achos y gwnaethoch chi ei nodi y bore 'ma. Rwy'n ymwybodol bod y Dirprwy Weinidog Newid Hinsawdd yn cyfarfod yn rheolaidd â phrif weithredwr a swyddogion eraill Trafnidiaeth Cymru, ac yn sicr, byddaf yn gofyn iddo roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Aelodau os oes unrhyw beth arall i'w ddweud.
O ran manteisio ar y llu o gyfleoedd yr wyf yn credu y bydd yna ar draws nifer o'n portffolios yn Llywodraeth Cymru o ran Cwpan y Byd ym mis Tachwedd yn Qatar, yn amlwg, mae Gweinidog yr Economi yn arwain ar ddigwyddiadau mawr, ond bydd Gweinidogion eraill hefyd yn cymryd rhan. Rwy'n gwybod, o safbwynt fy mhortffolio i, bwyd Cymru, ac hyrwyddo bwyd Cymru, byddwn ni'n cynnal digwyddiad cyn Cwpan y Byd yn Qatar i hyrwyddo hynny, a bydd Gweinidogion yn cyflwyno datganiadau fel bo'n briodol.
Minister, I'd like to ask for two statements, if possible. We understand that there is an economic or a fiscal statement being made by the UK Government later this week. I'd like to ask for a statement from the Welsh Government on how that will impact our public services here in Wales. We're already concerned, I think, many of us on all sides of the Chamber, that economic mismanagement and economic illiteracy in London is already affecting our ability here to fund public services. The impact of galloping inflation is going to have an impact on our budgets, and, at the same time, if the UK Government is going to pursue a policy of tax cuts for the rich, we are going to see real impacts in our ability to deliver public services for everybody in this country. So, I'd be grateful if we could have a statement on that.
The second statement I'd like to ask for, Minister, is this: one of the issues we've seen over recent months has been the growing impact and the damage done to our economy by leaving the European Union. We have seen already investment decisions moving away from Wales, moving away from the UK. We've seen a £40 billion black hole in UK Treasury as a consequence of leaving the European Union. We're seeing growth affected as a consequence of Brexit. Will the Welsh Government commit to providing a regular update to all Members here on the damage that is being done to our economic well-being by Brexit and by the foolish economic policies being pursued by the UK Government, so that we can all understand the damage that Brexit is doing to our economy and our communities?
Gweinidog, hoffwn i ofyn am ddau ddatganiad, os yn bosibl. Rydym ni'n deall bod datganiad economaidd neu gyllidol yn cael ei wneud gan Lywodraeth y DU yn ddiweddarach yr wythnos hon. Hoffwn i ofyn am ddatganiad gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar sut bydd hynny'n effeithio ar ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yma yng Nghymru. Rydym ni eisoes yn bryderus, rwy'n credu, llawer ohonom ni ar bob ochr y Siambr, fod camreolaeth economaidd ac anllythrennedd economaidd yn Llundain eisoes yn effeithio ar ein gallu ni yma i ariannu gwasanaethau cyhoeddus. Mae effaith chwyddiant ar garlam yn mynd i gael effaith ar ein cyllidebau, ac, ar yr un pryd, os yw Llywodraeth y DU yn mynd i ddilyn polisi toriadau treth i'r cyfoethog, rydym ni'n mynd i weld effeithiau gwirioneddol yn ein gallu i ddarparu gwasanaethau cyhoeddus i bawb yn y wlad hon. Felly, byddwn i'n ddiolchgar os gallem ni gael datganiad ar hynny.
Yr ail ddatganiad yr hoffwn i ofyn amdano, Gweinidog, yw hyn: un o'r materion yr ydym ni wedi'i weld yn ystod y misoedd diwethaf yw'r effaith gynyddol a'r niwed a gafodd ei wneud i'n heconomi drwy adael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd. Rydym ni wedi gweld penderfyniadau buddsoddi yn barod yn symud i ffwrdd o Gymru, yn symud i ffwrdd o'r DU. Rydym ni wedi gweld twll du gwerth £40 biliwn yn Nhrysorlys y DU o ganlyniad i adael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd. Rydym ni'n gweld twf yn cael ei effeithio arno o ganlyniad i Brexit. A fydd Llywodraeth Cymru'n ymrwymo i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf reolaidd i'r holl Aelodau yma ynghylch y niwed sy'n cael ei wneud i'n lles economaidd gan Brexit a drwy ddilyn y polisïau economaidd ffôl y mae Llywodraeth y DU yn eu dilyn, fel y gallwn ni i gyd ddeall y niwed y mae Brexit yn ei wneud i'n heconomi a'n cymunedau?
Thank you. Well, if there is a fiscal statement coming forward from the UK Government, I'm sure the Minister for Finance and Local Government will update Members. You're absolutely right about the past few months. As a Government, we have £600 million less spending power since the comprehensive spending review brought forward by the UK Government last year, so we are very well aware of the impact on our budget. So, I do think the Minister will be very happy to update Members if there is such a statement later on this week or indeed this month.
In relation to your request around updating Members on the cumulative impact, if you like, of the damage that we believe has been done to our country from leaving the European Union, I think it would be very hard to bring that all together in a statement, but I think certainly the way that we've brought forward our policies—and certainly, in my own portfolio, I'll be bringing forward the agricultural Bill for instance and showing just how, the support for farmers, how we're having to adapt to that because we don't know what our budget will be.
Diolch. Wel, os oes yna ddatganiad cyllidol yn dod gan Lywodraeth y DU, rwy'n sicr y bydd y Gweinidog Cyllid a Llywodraeth Leol yn rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Aelodau. Rydych chi'n hollol gywir am y misoedd diwethaf. Fel Llywodraeth, mae gennym ni £600 miliwn yn llai o bŵer gwario ers yr adolygiad gwariant cynhwysfawr a gafodd ei gyflwyno gan Lywodraeth y DU y llynedd, felly rydym ni'n ymwybodol iawn o'r effaith ar ein cyllideb. Felly, rwy'n credu y bydd y Gweinidog yn hapus iawn i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i Aelodau os oes datganiad o'r fath yn ddiweddarach yr wythnos hon neu yn wir y mis hwn.
O ran eich cais ynghylch rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i Aelodau ar yr effaith gronnus, os mynnwch chi, o'r difrod yr ydym ni'n credu sydd wedi'i wneud i'n gwlad o adael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd, rwy'n credu y byddai'n anodd iawn dod â'r cyfan at ei gilydd mewn datganiad, ond rwy'n credu yn sicr y ffordd yr ydym ni wedi cyflwyno ein polisïau—ac yn sicr, yn fy mhortffolio fy hun, bydda i'n cyflwyno'r Bil amaethyddol er enghraifft ac yn dangos sut, y gefnogaeth i ffermwyr, sut yr ydym ni'n gorfod addasu i hynny oherwydd nid ydym ni'n gwybod beth fydd ein cyllideb ni.
Minister, in February of this year, a wind turbine at Gilfach Goch crashed to the ground, destroying its blades. I have since this challenged the Health and Safety Executive about the potential for this to happen elsewhere and what measures can be taken with landowners to ensure safety. As we potentially see an increase in the development of onshore wind, and we evaluate how to secure our long-term energy security, people need confidence that such turbines are safe. The Welsh Government says that it is pro clean energy, so will the Minister schedule a debate on how this can be achieved in a safe and sustainable way? Thank you.
Gweinidog, ym mis Chwefror eleni, cwympodd tyrbin gwynt yn Gilfach Goch i'r llawr, gan ddinistrio ei lafnau. Ers hynny, rwyf i wedi herio'r Awdurdod Gweithredol Iechyd a Diogelwch ynghylch y potensial i hyn ddigwydd rhywle arall a pha fesurau y mae modd eu cymryd gyda thirfeddianwyr i sicrhau diogelwch. Wrth i ni o bosibl weld cynnydd yn natblygiad ynni gwynt ar y tir, ac wrth i ni werthuso sut i sicrhau ein diogelwch ynni tymor hir, mae angen hyder ar bobl bod tyrbinau o'r fath yn ddiogel. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn dweud ei nod o blaid ynni glân, felly a wnaiff y Gweinidog drefnu dadl ynghylch sut y mae modd cyflawni hyn mewn ffordd ddiogel a chynaliadwy? Diolch.
I will certainly have a discussion with the appropriate Minister and report back to you.
Yn sicr fe gaf drafodaeth gyda'r Gweinidog priodol ac adrodd yn ôl atoch.
Trefnydd, rŷn ni wedi clywed yn barod am y pryderon sydd wedi cael eu mynegi gan drigolion canolbarth a gogledd Cymru am y bwriad posibl o ad-drefnu gwasanaethau Ambiwlans Awyr Cymru. Ac rŷn ni wedi clywed gan y Prif Weinidog efallai mai nid lle Llywodraeth Cymru yw delio â hyn. Ond buaswn i'n dadlau bod y gwasanaeth ambiwlans yn rhan o'r jig-sô mawr yna, yn rhan o'r ystod o wasanaethau sydd yn delio ag achosion brys mewn ardaloedd gwledig.
Nawr, yn ogystal â'r pryder am yr ambiwlans awyr, mae yna bryder hefyd am amseroedd ymateb ambiwlansys cyffredin. Ym Mhowys, dim ond 43 y cant o alwadau coch ddechrau'r flwyddyn hon oedd yn cael eu hateb o fewn yr amser targed. Felly, yn sgil yr holl bryderon, a gaf i ddatganiad gan y Llywodraeth am ba gamau sy'n cael eu cymryd i wella darpariaeth iechyd brys yn ein cymunedau gwledig?
Trefnydd, we've already heard about the concerns expressed by residents in mid and north Wales on the possible intention of reconfiguring Wales Air Ambulance services. We've heard from the First Minister that perhaps it's not the role of Welsh Government to deal with this issue, but I would argue that the air ambulance service is part of that bigger jigsaw, part of the range of services that deal with emergency cases in rural areas.
Now, in addition to concerns about the air ambulance, there's also concern about response times for ordinary ambulances. Within Powys, only 43 per cent of red calls at the beginning of this year were responded to within the target time. So, given all these concerns, could we have a statement from Government on the steps being taken to improve emergency healthcare provision in our rural communities?
Thank you. Well, as you said, the First Minister addressed this during his question and answer session, and I certainly don't disagree, and I don't think the First Minister would, that the air ambulance is part of a jigsaw. However, it is fiercely independent. I remember, when I was health Minister, 11 years ago, they were fiercely independent then also. They don't receive any direct funding from the Welsh Government, so the decisions that they're taking now are absolutely a matter for them, and I do hope Members will take up the invitation from their chief executive to have ongoing discussions with Members. In relation to ambulance times and ambulance services, the Minister regularly makes statements in relation to that.
Diolch. Wel, fel y gwnaethoch chi ddweud, gwnaeth y Prif Weinidog gyfeirio at hyn yn ystod ei sesiwn holi ac ateb, ac yn bendant, nid wyf i'n anghytuno, a dydw i ddim yn credu y byddai'r Prif Weinidog, bod yr ambiwlans awyr yn rhan o jig-so. Fodd bynnag, mae'n ffyrnig annibynnol. Rwy'n cofio, pan oeddwn i'n Weinidog Iechyd, 11 mlynedd yn ôl, roedden nhw'n ffyrnig annibynnol bryd hynny hefyd. Nid ydyn nhw'n cael unrhyw arian uniongyrchol gan Lywodraeth Cymru, felly mae'r penderfyniadau y maen nhw'n eu cymryd nawr yn fater iddyn nhw'n llwyr, ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd Aelodau yn derbyn y gwahoddiad gan eu prif weithredwr i gael trafodaethau parhaus gydag Aelodau. O ran amseroedd ambiwlans a gwasanaethau ambiwlans, bydd y Gweinidog yn gwneud datganiadau yn rheolaidd o ran hynny.
I call for two Welsh Government statements, the first on support for children and young people impacted by migraine. During the last week of the Senedd summer recess, 4 September to 10 September, Migraine Awareness Week was held, and, at the start of the week, the Migraine Trust published a short report outlining research they've conducted into the impact on children and young people and putting forward recommendations to improve their well-being at school and in other settings, because an estimated one in 10 children and young people live with migraine and this can impact their development and participation in education, social activities and other key parts of growing up. Their aim is to ensure children and young people receive effective tailored information and support and guidance for carers, schools and healthcare professionals. I call for a statement accordingly.
My final request for a statement relates to support and empowerment for deaf people in Wales. This month, September, is International Deaf Awareness Month. This week, 19 September to 25 September, is International Week of Deaf People, and next Sunday is world deaf day. Deaf awareness is a great opportunity—or the deaf awareness month is a great opportunity—to really celebrate and support the deaf community, encourage accessibility and educate ourselves and others about deafness. The theme of the International Week of Deaf People for this year is building inclusive communities for all, and the World Day of the Deaf on Sunday recognises the rights of deaf people all around the world and calls on different organisations to uphold these rights.
You're aware that at UK level there's been a recent British Sign Language Act, but that doesn't extend reporting or guidance duties to the Welsh or Scottish Governments, and only Welsh legislation can do so. As a north Wales constituent and BSL user recently e-mailed me, 'The voice of disabled people is still not heard. Nearly all products and services are still controlled by the non-disabled and hearing people who still use the medical model of disability. Moving to the social model of disability is vital for my community and disabled consumers'. So, I call for a statement accordingly both in the context of the month, week and forthcoming day on Sunday, but also in the context of the Welsh Government's proposals to fill the gap in Wales that now has been filled in England in relation to legislation that doesn't apply to services for which the Welsh Government is responsible.
Rwy'n galw am ddau ddatganiad gan Lywodraeth Cymru, y cyntaf ar gefnogaeth i blant a phobl ifanc sy'n cael eu heffeithio gan feigryn. Yn ystod wythnos olaf toriad haf y Senedd, ar 4 Medi i 10 Medi, cafodd Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Meigryn ei chynnal, ac ar ddechrau'r wythnos, cyhoeddodd yr Ymddiriedolaeth Meigryn adroddiad byr yn nodi ymchwil y maen nhw wedi'i gynnal i'r effaith ar blant a phobl ifanc a chyflwyno argymhellion i wella eu lles yn yr ysgol ac mewn lleoliadau eraill, oherwydd yr amcangyfrif yw bod un o bob 10 plentyn a phobl ifanc yn byw gyda meigryn a gall hyn effeithio ar eu datblygiad a'u cyfranogiad mewn addysg, gweithgareddau cymdeithasol a rhannau allweddol eraill o dyfu i fyny. Eu nod yw sicrhau bod plant a phobl ifanc yn cael gwybodaeth a chefnogaeth a chanllawiau effeithiol yn benodol ar gyfer gofalwyr, ysgolion a gweithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol. Rwy'n galw am ddatganiad yn unol â hynny.
Mae fy nghais olaf am ddatganiad yn ymwneud â chefnogi a grymuso pobl fyddar yng Nghymru. Y mis hwn, mis Medi, mae'n Fis Ymwybyddiaeth o Fyddardod Rhyngwladol. Yr wythnos hon, 19 Medi i 25 Medi, mae'n Wythnos Ryngwladol Pobl Fyddar, a dydd Sul nesaf mae'n Ddiwrnod Ymwybyddiaeth o Fyddardod y Byd. Mae ymwybyddiaeth o fyddardod yn gyfle gwych—neu mae'r mis ymwybyddiaeth o fyddardod yn gyfle gwych—i wir ddathlu a chefnogi'r gymuned fyddar, annog hygyrchedd ac addysgu ein hunain ac eraill am fyddardod. Thema Wythnos Ryngwladol Pobl Fyddar eleni yw datblygu cymunedau cynhwysol i bawb, ac mae Diwrnod Byd Pobl Fyddar ddydd Sul yn cydnabod hawliau pobl fyddar ledled y byd ac yn galw ar sefydliadau gwahanol i gynnal yr hawliau hyn.
Rydych chi'n ymwybodol, ar lefel y DU, fod Deddf Iaith Arwyddion Prydain wedi bod yn ddiweddar, ond nid yw honno'n ymestyn dyletswyddau adrodd na chanllawiau i Lywodraethau Cymru na'r Alban, a dim ond deddfwriaeth Cymru a all wneud hynny. Fel y gwnaeth etholwr o'r gogledd a defnyddiwr Iaith Arwyddion Prydain ddweud mewn e-bost ataf yn ddiweddar, 'nid yw llais pobl anabl yn cael ei glywed o hyd. Mae bron pob cynnyrch a gwasanaeth yn dal i gael eu rheoli gan bobl nad ydyn nhw'n anabl a phobl sy'n gallu clywed sy'n ddefnyddio'r model meddygol o anabledd. Mae symud i'r model cymdeithasol o anabledd yn hanfodol i fy nghymuned a defnyddwyr anabl'. Felly, rwy'n galw am ddatganiad yn unol â hynny yng nghyd-destun y mis, yr wythnos a'r diwrnod sydd i ddod ddydd Sul, ond hefyd yng nghyd-destun cynigion Llywodraeth Cymru i lenwi'r bwlch yng Nghymru sydd nawr wedi'i lenwi yn Lloegr o ran deddfwriaeth nad yw'n berthnasol i wasanaethau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gyfrifol amdanyn nhw.
Thank you. Both the questions you asked, I think it shows the importance of having awareness days or weeks or months. I wasn't aware actually that it is deaf awareness month. I normally have a long list ahead of the business statement, but I wasn't aware of that, so thank you very much for highlighting that. Both of the conditions that you refer to are very debilitating, and I think the points that you raise around migraine in children and young people—if you'd like to send that report to the Minister for Health and Social Services I'm sure she'd be very happy to look at the recommendations. I think it is important that we do build inclusivity as much as we can for people who suffer from deafness. I think exclusion is something that's unacceptable in this day and age.
Diolch. Y ddau gwestiwn y gwnaethoch chi eu gofyn, rwy'n credu ei bod yn dangos pwysigrwydd cael diwrnodau neu wythnosau neu fisoedd ymwybyddiaeth. Nid oeddwn i'n ymwybodol mewn gwirionedd ei bod hi'n fis ymwybyddiaeth o fyddardod. Fel arfer mae gen i restr hir cyn y datganiad busnes, ond nid oeddwn i'n ymwybodol o hynny, felly diolch yn fawr iawn am dynnu sylw at hynny. Mae'r ddau gyflwr yr ydych chi'n cyfeirio atyn nhw yn gwanychu'n fawr, ac rwy'n credu bod y pwyntiau yr ydych chi'n eu codi ynghylch meigryn mewn plant a phobl ifanc—os hoffech chi anfon yr adroddiad hwnnw at y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol rwy'n siŵr y byddai'n hapus iawn i edrych ar yr argymhellion. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig ein bod ni'n datblygu cynwysoldeb gymaint ag y gallwn ni ar gyfer pobl sy'n dioddef o fyddardod. Rwy'n credu bod allgáu yn rhywbeth sy'n annerbyniol yn yr oes sydd ohoni.
Hoffwn godi ddau fater efo'r Trefnydd y prynhawn yma. Gobeithio bydd y teulu brenhinol yn cael cyfle am alaru tawel, personol, rŵan bod y cyfnod galaru cyhoeddus ar ben. Mae yna rai cwestiynau pwysig yn codi o rai o gyhoeddiadau'r wythnos diwethaf, a hoffwn wybod sut mae'r Llywodraeth am ymateb i'r rhain. Yn benodol, wrth gwrs, mae'r penderfyniad i roi'r teitl 'Tywysog Cymru' i William, a hynny heb ymgynghori efo Llywodraeth na phobl Cymru. Yna, mae adroddiadau am gynllunio arwisgiad. Mae gan Lywodraeth Cymru rôl allweddol rŵan i arwain sgwrs genedlaethol efo pobl Cymru ar y materion yma, ac mae gan y Senedd hefyd rôl hollbwysig fel y corff gafodd ei ethol yn ddemocrataidd i gynrychioli barn pobl Cymru. Felly, a wnewch chi gadarnhau bod y Llywodraeth yn cynllunio i neilltuo amser yn yr amserlen seneddol i ganiatáu i'r Senedd gael pleidlais ystyrlon ar y materion yma?
Ac, yn ail, mi hoffwn i ofyn am ddatganiad gan y Gweinidog addysg yn rhoi diweddariad am gyflwyno addysg rhyw a pherthnasoedd fel rhan statudol o'r Cwricwlwm i Gymru. Mae Plaid Cymru'n gwbl gefnogol i'r newid yma, ond rydym ni'n ymwybodol bod newyddion ffug yn cael ei ledaenu a bod protestiadau ar sail cam wybodaeth wedi cael eu cynnal, gan gynnwys yn fy etholaeth i yng Nghaernarfon. Mae aelod cabinet addysg Gwynedd, Beca Brown, wedi'i thargedu mewn modd cwbl anfoddhaol, ond rwy'n sefyll efo hi. Hoffwn i ofyn i'r Llywodraeth egluro beth maen nhw'n ei wneud i atal lledaenu newyddion ffug o'r math yma, sydd yn arwain at ymddygiad cwbl amhriodol gan rai o fewn ein cymdeithas.
I would like to raise two issues with the Trefnydd this afternoon. I hope that the royal family will have an opportunity to grieve in peace now that the period of public grief is now at an end. There are some important issues arising from statements made last week, and I would like to know how the Government will respond to these. Specifically, the decision to give the title 'Prince of Wales' to William, without consultation with Government or the people of Wales. There are also plans for an investiture. The Welsh Government has a key role now in leading a national conversation with the people of Wales on these issues, and the Senedd too has a crucial role as the democratically elected body representing the views of the people of Wales. So, will you confirm that the Government is planning to allocate time in the parliamentary timetable to allow the Senedd to have a meaningful vote on these issues?
And, secondly, I'd like to ask for a statement from the Minister for education, providing an update on the introduction of sex and relationships education as a statutory part of the Curriculum for Wales. Plaid Cymru is entirely supportive of this change, but we are aware that there is some fake news being spread and that protests have been held based on that news, including in my constituency in Caernarfon. The cabinet member for education in Gwynedd, Beca Brown, has been targeted in an entirely inappropriate way, but I stand shoulder to shoulder with her. I would ask the Government to explain what they are doing to prevent the spread of this misinformation, which is leading to totally inappropriate behaviour by some within our society.
Thank you. In relation to your second question, the Minister for Education and the Welsh Language has already published a written statement on 26 August regarding the very factually incorrect information that unfortunately was being discussed in a public domain from a certain group of people. I think the Minister for education was very clear in his written statement—I do hope you've had the opportunity to see it—to set out the Welsh Government's position.
In relation to your first question, I absolutely agree with you that I do hope the royal family will now be able to grieve. I think it's been absolutely incredible the way they've been going around the country, particularly the King and the Queen Consort, to talk to people and visit the different parts of the UK. I do hope they have that private time now.
You will be aware, because it's been out in the public domain, that even if the Prime Minister couldn't find two minutes to speak to the First Minister, the Prince of Wales did during his time of grieving call the First Minister. This decision has been taken now, and I think that's really important to recognise. But what the First Minister made very clear was that it's important how he develops his role going forward, and there is a debate to be had around that.
Diolch. O ran eich ail gwestiwn, mae Gweinidog y Gymraeg ac Addysg eisoes wedi cyhoeddi datganiad ysgrifenedig ar 26 Awst ynghylch yr wybodaeth ffeithiol anghywir iawn a oedd, yn anffodus, yn cael ei thrafod mewn parth cyhoeddus gan grŵp penodol o bobl. Rwy'n credu bod y Gweinidog addysg yn glir iawn yn ei ddatganiad ysgrifenedig—rwy'n gobeithio eich bod chi wedi cael y cyfle i'w weld—i nodi safbwynt Llywodraeth Cymru.
O ran eich cwestiwn cyntaf, rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â chi fy mod i'n gobeithio y bydd y teulu brenhinol nawr yn gallu galaru. Rwy'n meddwl ei fod wedi bod yn hollol anhygoel y ffordd maen nhw wedi bod yn mynd o amgylch y wlad, yn enwedig y Brenin a'r Frenhines Gydweddog, i siarad â phobl ac ymweld â gwahanol rannau'r DU. Rwy'n gobeithio bod ganddyn nhw'r amser preifat yna nawr.
Byddwch chi'n ymwybodol, oherwydd ei fod wedi bod yn y parth cyhoeddus, hyd yn oed os nad oedd y Prif Weinidog wedi gallu dod o hyd i ddwy funud i siarad â'r Prif Weinidog, gwnaeth Tywysog Cymru, yn ystod ei gyfnod o alaru, ffonio'r Prif Weinidog. Mae'r penderfyniad yma wedi cael ei wneud nawr, ac rwy'n credu bod hynny'n bwysig iawn i'w gydnabod. Ond yr hyn y gwnaeth y Prif Weinidog yn glir iawn oedd ei bod hi'n bwysig sut mae'n datblygu ei rôl wrth fwrw ymlaen, ac mae dadl i'w chael ynghylch hynny.
Thank you, business Minister. I'd like to request a statement from the Minister for education—as he turns around. Over the summer, I, like many other MSs, have seen a deluge of e-mails from concerned parents who are fearful of the Welsh Government's intentions when it comes to potential changes in homeschooling. There are real concerns that proposals laid down by this Government are over-reaching and negative towards the homeschooling community. Could I ask for an oral statement from the Minister for education that will provide clarity for homeschoolers up and down Wales on any Government proposals that could significantly impact them? Thank you.
Diolch yn fawr. Hoffwn i ofyn am ddatganiad gan y Gweinidog addysg—wrth iddo droi o gwmpas. Yn ystod yr yr haf, rydw i, fel nifer o Aelodau eraill y Senedd, wedi gweld llwyth o e-byst gan rieni pryderus yn ofni bwriad Llywodraeth Cymru pan ddaw hi at newidiadau posibl mewn addysgu gartref. Mae pryderon gwirioneddol bod cynigion sydd wedi'u gosod gan y Llywodraeth hon yn mynd yn rhy bell, ac yn negyddol tuag at y gymuned addysgu gartref. A gaf i ofyn am ddatganiad llafar gan y Gweinidog addysg a fydd yn rhoi eglurder i addysgwyr gartref ar hyd a lled Cymru ar unrhyw gynigion gan y Llywodraeth a allai effeithio arnyn nhw'n sylweddol? Diolch.
Thank you. Well, no proposals have been published at the current time—they will be in due course—but I know the Minister for education is talking to the relevant organisations and partners.
Diolch. Wel, nid oes unrhyw gynigion wedi'u cyhoeddi ar hyn o bryd—fe fyddan nhw maes o law—ond rwy'n gwybod bod y Gweinidog addysg yn siarad â'r sefydliadau a'r partneriaid perthnasol.
Diolch i'r Trefnydd am hynny.
I thank the Trefnydd for that.
Datganiad gan y Prif Weinidog sydd nesaf, ar ddiweddariad ar gostau byw. Dwi'n galw ar y Prif Weinidog i wneud ei ddatganiad.
A statement from the First Minister is next, an update on the cost of living. I call on the First Minister to make his statement.

Llywydd, diolch yn fawr. Yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwethaf, mae ein gwaith fel Llywodraeth ac fel Senedd wedi ei ddominyddu gan gyfres o argyfyngau cenedlaethol, o effaith mesurau cyni i baratoi i adael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd, fel roedd Alun Davies yn sôn amdano yn gynharach, i ymateb i argyfwng yr hinsawdd a delio â phandemig y coronafeirws.
Thank you very much, Llywydd. In recent years, our work as a Government and as a Senedd has been dominated by a series of national emergencies, from the impact of austerity to preparing to leave the EU, as Alun Davies mentioned earlier, to responding to the climate emergency and dealing with the coronavirus pandemic.
Llywydd, none of these matters are over. All are compounded by the latest emergency to face the United Kingdom: the escalating cost of living.
The war in Ukraine has seen millions of people seeking shelter and sanctuary from conflict. Many thousands of people, mainly women and children, have been welcomed here to Wales. That war is one of the reasons why food, fuel and energy prices are increasing globally and driving rising inflation. Those pressures are felt in every part of Welsh life, whether that's businesses facing bills that simply cannot be passed on to consumers, farmers dealing with rapid and rocketing costs, or public services trying to respond to never-reducing demands and ever-growing costs as budgets are eroded by the highest rates of inflation for 40 years. The Welsh Government's own budget is now worth at least £600 million less than when fixed in the UK Government's comprehensive spending review less than a year ago. And, of course, families up and down Wales face a winter not knowing how they will be able to afford the basics of food, warmth and shelter. This afternoon, Llywydd, I want to concentrate on the immediate actions we, with others, will take to address the domestic impacts of this crisis. Other ministerial colleagues will come forward with proposals to address other sectors as we understand more of the proposals emerging from the UK administration.
Llywydd, nid oes unrhyw un o'r materion hyn wedi dod i'w derfyn. Fe gaiff y cyfan ohonyn nhw eu dwysáu gan yr argyfwng diweddaraf i wynebu'r Deyrnas Unedig: sef costau byw cynyddol.
Mae'r rhyfel yn Wcráin wedi gweld miliynau o bobl yn ceisio lloches a noddfa rhag yr ymladd. Mae miloedd lawer o bobl, menywod a phlant yn bennaf, wedi cael eu croesawu yma yng Nghymru. Mae'r rhyfel hwn yn un o'r rhesymau pam mae prisiau bwyd, tanwydd ac ynni yn cynyddu drwy'r byd ac yn achosi i chwyddiant gynyddu. Mae'r pwysau hwnnw'n cael ei deimlo ym mhob rhan o fywyd Cymru, boed hynny yn fusnesau sy'n wynebu biliau na ellir dim ond eu pasio ymlaen i ddefnyddwyr, yn ffermwyr sy'n ymdopi â chostau sy'n saethu i fyny, neu'n wasanaethau cyhoeddus sy'n ceisio ymateb i alwadau nad ydyn nhw fyth yn prinhau a chostau sy'n cynyddu o hyd wrth i gyllidebau gael eu herydu gan y cyfraddau uchaf o chwyddiant ers 40 mlynedd. Mae cyllideb Llywodraeth Cymru ei hun nawr werth o leiaf £600 miliwn yn llai na phan gafodd ei bennu yn adolygiad gwariant cynhwysfawr Llywodraeth y DU lai na blwyddyn yn ôl. Ac wrth gwrs, mae teuluoedd dros Gymru yn wynebu gaeaf heb wybod sut y byddan nhw'n gallu fforddio hanfodion bwyd, gwres a chysgod. Brynhawn heddiw, Llywydd, rwy'n dymuno canolbwyntio ar y camau gweithredu y byddwn ni, gydag eraill, yn eu cymryd i fynd i'r afael ag effeithiau domestig yr argyfwng hwn. Fe fydd cydweithwyr gweinidogol eraill yn cyflwyno cynigion i fynd i'r afael â sectorau eraill wrth i ni ddeall mwy am y cynigion a ddaw i'r amlwg oddi wrth lywodraeth y DU.
Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd (David Rees) i’r Gadair.
The Deputy Presiding Officer (David Rees) took the Chair.

Dirprwy Lywydd, I welcome any action to reduce the impact of this cost-of-living crisis on families, but if the cap on energy bills is to be financed by borrowing, then that really is, to quote so many previous Conservative Ministers, mortgaging our children's future. Instead of opting to fund this by using a windfall tax on the extraordinary and unanticipated profits made by oil and gas producers, the new Government appears to choose to load debt onto the lives of every UK citizen for years and years to come. And in doing so, it will, by deliberate decision, provide the most help to those who need it least, and the least help to those who need it most. The Resolution Foundation has estimated that the energy cap, coupled with the expected reversal of the previous Conservative Government's rise in national insurance contributions, will provide the top 10 per cent of UK earners with £4,700, and the lowest 10 per cent with £2,200—an outcome described by the new Prime Minister as one that is 'fair'. Now, as the pound depreciates further on international exchanges, and the bond markets demand higher interest rates to lend money to the United Kingdom, the result will be yet further rises in the cost of domestic borrowing, and that means more expensive mortgages and more expensive credit for Welsh citizens. Dirprwy Lywydd, this is why we will focus all our efforts this autumn on doing everything we can to support people through this crisis.
A new cost-of-living Cabinet committee has been established to take forward this work. It will meet weekly, I will chair it, and it will involve key social partners from beyond the Government. Here are just four ways in which we hope that all that work will be a real difference. Firstly, we will reframe, refocus and add to the many actions we already take to maximise the money left in the pockets of Welsh citizens to extend the help already available. And we will set new expectations for our partners to play their part in this effort. In this year alone, we will spend over £1.5 billion on schemes that put money back in people’s pockets—schemes that have a direct impact on the cost-of-living crisis. These are programmes such as the council tax reduction scheme, free prescriptions here in Wales, the education maintenance allowance, free bus travel for the over-60s, free breakfasts in primary schools, the most generous schemes for student support and funded childcare, as well as help for families with the cost of the school day.
Dirprwy Lywydd, rwy'n croesawu unrhyw gamau i leihau effaith yr argyfwng costau byw hwn ar deuluoedd, ond os caiff y cap ar filiau ynni ei ariannu trwy fenthyca, yna mae hynny mewn gwirionedd, i ddyfynnu llawer iawn o Weinidogion Ceidwadol blaenorol, yn golygu gwerthu dyfodol ein plant ni. Yn hytrach na dewis ariannu hyn drwy ddefnyddio treth ffawddelw ar yr elw rhyfeddol ac annisgwyl a wnaeth cynhyrchwyr olew a nwy, mae hi'n ymddangos bod y Llywodraeth newydd yn dewis llwytho'r ddyled ar fywydau pob dinesydd yn y DU am flynyddoedd lawer iawn i ddod. Ac wrth wneud hynny, fe fydd hi, drwy benderfyniad bwriadol, yn rhoi'r cymorth mwyaf i'r rhai sydd â'r angen lleiaf amdano, a'r cymorth lleiaf i'r rhai sydd â'r angen mwyaf amdano. Mae'r Resolution Foundation wedi amcangyfrif y bydd y cap ynni, ynghyd â'r gwrthdroad disgwyliedig yn y cynnydd a wnaeth y Llywodraeth Geidwadol flaenorol o ran cyfraniadau yswiriant gwladol, yn rhoi i'r 10 y cant uchaf o enillwyr y DU £4,700, ac i'r 10 y cant isaf £2,200—canlyniad a ddisgrifir gan y Prif Weinidog newydd fel un sy'n 'deg'. Nawr, wrth i'r bunt ddibrisio ymhellach ar y cyfnewidiadau rhyngwladol, a'r marchnadoedd bond yn mynnu cyfraddau llog uwch wrth fenthyca arian i'r Deyrnas Unedig, y canlyniad fydd cynnydd pellach yng nghost benthyca domestig, ac mae hynny'n golygu morgeisi drytach a chredyd drytach i ddinasyddion Cymru. Dirprwy Lywydd, dyma pam y byddwn ni'n canolbwyntio ein holl ymdrechion ni'r hydref hwn ar wneud popeth sydd yn ein gallu i gefnogi pobl trwy gydol yr argyfwng hwn.
Mae pwyllgor Cabinet costau byw wedi ei sefydlu o'r newydd i ddatblygu'r gwaith hwn. Bydd hwnnw'n cyfarfod yn wythnosol. Fi fydd yn ei gadeirio, ac fe fydd yn cynnwys partneriaid cymdeithasol allweddol o'r tu hwnt i'r Llywodraeth. Dyma bedair ffordd yn unig yr ydym ni'n gobeithio y bydd yr holl waith hwnnw gwneud gwahaniaeth gwirioneddol. Yn gyntaf, fe fyddwn ni'n ail-lunio, yn canolbwyntio eto ac yn ychwanegu at y llu o gamau yr ydym ni'n eu cymryd eisoes i wneud y mwyaf o'r arian sydd ar ôl ym mhocedi dinasyddion Cymru i ymestyn y cymorth sydd eisoes ar gael. Ac fe fyddwn ni'n gosod disgwyliadau newydd ar ein partneriaid ni wrth iddyn nhw fod â'u rhan yn yr ymdrech hon. Eleni yn unig, fe fyddwn ni'n gwario dros £1.5 biliwn ar gynlluniau sy'n rhoi arian yn ôl ym mhocedi pobl—cynlluniau sy'n cael effaith uniongyrchol ar yr argyfwng costau byw. Rhaglenni yw'r rhain fel y cynllun gostwng treth gyngor, presgripsiynau rhad ac am ddim yma yng Nghymru, y lwfans cynhaliaeth addysg, teithio rhad ac am ddim ar fysiau i bobl dros 60 oed, brecwast rhad ac am ddim mewn ysgolion cynradd, y cynlluniau mwyaf hael ar gyfer cymorth i fyfyrwyr a gofal plant a ariennir, yn ogystal â chymorth i deuluoedd â chost y diwrnod ysgol.
Dirprwy Lywydd, that is only a selection of the schemes that I could have identified. And now there is to be more. Earlier this month, as part of the co-operation agreement, we started the roll-out of free school meals in our primary schools. Next week, we will open applications again for our unique winter fuel support payment, extending the eligibility so that, this time, 400,000 people in Wales will be entitled to help.
Next week, our new fuel bank scheme, which offers help to people on pre-payment meters and those who buy energy off-grid, will become operational. And next month, as the education Minister will set out in a statement later this afternoon, and in discussion with our co-operation agreement partners, we will extend free school meals again during the school holidays for the rest of this financial year. All of those measures, Dirprwy Lywydd, result in money being retained in the pockets of those citizens who need that help the most.
And in a second strand, we will fund a further round of our successful Claim What's Yours campaign this autumn. We know that millions of pounds' worth of help from UK Government schemes go unclaimed here in Wales. Forty per cent of Healthy Start vouchers, available for families with children under the age of four, are not taken up. They are worth £4.25 every week. For a family with two children under four, that's £442 a year. And every extra pound we can draw down from those schemes to which people are already entitled will go directly into the budgets of the poorest Welsh families.
As we move into what will be a very difficult winter, it is vital that every part of the public sector here in Wales plays its part to make sure that people are able to benefit from all those sources of help—whether that's governing bodies in schools making sure that every eligible child gets a free school meal, or looking at how they can reduce the costs of school uniforms, to health visitors encouraging families to claim all the help that is available there for them. We need to make sure that, in this winter, every contact really does count.
Dirprwy Lywydd, my third strand today focuses on financial exclusion. For many Welsh households, even without the current inflationary pressures, there is little or nothing left between money coming into the household and money going out. Now, we have a network of credit unions here in Wales, which can help, and we have some innovative finance organisations that provide responsible lending to Welsh residents. But there are other examples that we can draw on in other parts of the United Kingdom to help more people who face the very real prospect of falling into debt this winter. We will bring this network of organisations and individuals in Wales together. We will involve other organisations, such as the mutual sector, our own plans for a community bank, and providers of essential services, such as Dŵr Cymru, to find new targeted solutions to help those most at risk.
For this afternoon, the final area that I want to focus on is one that is already attracting widespread attention and activity: 'warm banks', as they are called, in local communities—places where people can come to stay warm this winter. Dirprwy Lywydd, it's very difficult to believe that we have reached the point where community councils, faith groups, sports clubs, community centres are having to plan to prevent people from facing extreme fuel poverty this winter. And while we applaud these efforts, of course, motivated as they are by a determination to make a difference, every organisation I have met over this summer has told me that they wish that that sort of help were not needed.
As a starting point, we will make as a Welsh Government an additional £1 million available to support those efforts, extending their reach and their remit. A modest addition of, say, £10,000 can be the difference between enabling the effort I have mentioned to succeed, and it failing to get off the ground.
Dirprwy Lywydd, dyna ddim ond ychydig o'r cynlluniau y gallwn i fod wedi eu nodi. Ac yn awr fe fydd yna fwy. Yn gynharach y mis hwn, yn rhan o'r cytundeb cydweithredu, fe wnaethom ni ddechrau cyflwyno prydau ysgol yn rhad ac am ddim yn ein hysgolion cynradd ni. Wythnos nesaf, fe fyddwn ni'n agor ceisiadau eto ar gyfer ein taliad cymorth tanwydd gaeaf unigryw, gan ymestyn y cymhwysedd fel y bydd hawl, y tro hwn, i 400,000 o bobl yng Nghymru gael eu helpu.
Wythnos nesaf, fe fydd ein cynllun banc tanwydd newydd, sy'n cynnig help i bobl ar fesuryddion talu ymlaen llaw a'r rhai sy'n prynu ynni oddi ar y grid, yn dod yn weithredol. Ac yn y mis nesaf, fel bydd y Gweinidog addysg yn ei nodi mewn datganiad yn ddiweddarach y prynhawn yma, ac wrth drafod â'n partneriaid yn y cytundeb cydweithredu, fe fyddwn ni'n ymestyn prydau ysgol am ddim eto yn ystod gwyliau'r ysgol am weddill y flwyddyn ariannol hon. Mae'r holl fesurau hyn, Dirprwy Lywydd, yn arwain at gadw arian ym mhocedi'r dinasyddion hynny sydd ag angen mwyaf am gymorth.
A'r ail bwynt, fe fyddwn ni'n ariannu rownd arall yr hydref hwn o'n hymgyrch lwyddiannus ni Hawliwch yr hyn sy’n ddyledus i chi. Rydym ni'n gwybod bod gwerth miliynau o bunnoedd o gymorth oddi wrth gynlluniau Llywodraeth y DU yn mynd heb eu hawlio yma yng Nghymru. Nid yw 40% o dalebau Dechrau Iach, sydd ar gael i deuluoedd sydd â phlant o dan bedair oed, yn cael eu hawlio. Mae hynny'n werth £4.25 bob wythnos. I deulu gyda dau o blant dan bedair oed, mae hynny'n golygu £442 y flwyddyn. Ac fe fydd pob punt ychwanegol y gallwn ni ei thynnu i lawr o'r cynlluniau hynny y mae pobl eisoes â hawl iddyn nhw'n mynd yn uniongyrchol i gyllidebau'r teuluoedd mwyaf anghenus yng Nghymru.
Wrth i ni fynd i mewn i'r gaeaf hwn a fydd yn un anodd iawn, mae hi'n hanfodol y bydd pob rhan o'r sector cyhoeddus yma yng Nghymru yn gwneud ei ran i sicrhau y bydd pobl yn gallu elwa ar y ffynonellau o gymorth hyn i gyd—boed hynny'n gyrff llywodraethu mewn ysgolion sy'n sicrhau bod pob plentyn cymwys yn cael pryd ysgol am ddim, neu ystyried sut y gallan nhw leihau costau gwisg ysgol, i ymwelwyr iechyd yn annog teuluoedd i hawlio'r holl gymorth sydd ar gael yno ar eu cyfer nhw. Mae angen i ni sicrhau, y gaeaf hwn, fod pob cyswllt yn cyfrif yn wirioneddol.
Dirprwy Lywydd, mae'r trydydd pwynt sydd gen i heddiw yn canolbwyntio ar allgáu ariannol. I lawer o aelwydydd Cymru, hyd yn oed heb ystyried y pwysau cyfredol o ran chwyddiant, nid oes fawr yn weddill, os o gwbl, o'r arian sy'n dod i mewn i'r aelwyd ar ôl i'r biliau gael eu talu. Nawr, mae gennym ni rwydwaith o undebau credyd yma yng Nghymru, sy'n gallu helpu, ac mae gennym ni sefydliadau cyllid arloesol sy'n darparu benthyca cyfrifol i drigolion Cymru. Ond fe geir enghreifftiau eraill y gallwn ni dynnu arnyn nhw mewn rhannau eraill o'r Deyrnas Unedig i helpu mwy o bobl sy'n wynebu'r posibilrwydd gwirioneddol iawn o fynd i ddyled y gaeaf hwn. Fe fyddwn ni'n dwyn y rhwydwaith hwn o sefydliadau ac unigolion yng Nghymru at ei gilydd. Fe fyddwn ni'n cynnwys sefydliadau eraill, fel y sector cydfuddiannol, ein cynlluniau ni ein hunain ar gyfer banc cymunedol, a darparwyr gwasanaethau hanfodol, fel Dŵr Cymru, i ddod o hyd i atebion newydd sydd â'r nod o helpu'r rhain sy'n wynebu'r perygl mwyaf.
Am y prynhawn yma, mae'r maes olaf yr wyf i'n awyddus i ganolbwyntio arno yn un sydd eisoes yn denu sylw a gweithgarwch eang: 'banciau cynnes', fel y'u gelwir nhw, mewn cymunedau lleol—lleoedd y gall pobl ddod i gadw yn gynnes y gaeaf hwn. Dirprwy Lywydd, mae hi'n anodd iawn credu ein bod ni wedi cyrraedd y pwynt lle mae cynghorau cymuned, grwpiau ffydd, clybiau chwaraeon, canolfannau cymunedol yn gorfod cynllunio ar gyfer rhwystro pobl rhag wynebu tlodi tanwydd eithafol y gaeaf hwn. Ac er ein bod ni'n cymeradwyo'r ymdrechion hyn, wrth gwrs, a ysgogir drwy benderfyniad i wneud gwahaniaeth, mae pob sefydliad yr wyf i wedi cyfarfod ag ef dros yr haf eleni wedi dweud wrthyf i eu bod nhw'n gresynu bod cymorth fel hyn yn angenrheidiol.
Yn fan cychwyn, fe fyddwn ni'n sicrhau bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn rhoi £1 miliwn ychwanegol ar gael i gefnogi'r ymdrechion hyn, gan ymestyn eu cyrhaeddiad a'u cylch gwaith nhw. Fe all ychwanegiad cymedrol o, dyweder, £10,000 olygu'r gwahaniaeth rhwng sicrhau llwyddiant i'r ymdrech yr wyf i wedi sôn amdani, a methu â'i rhoi hi ar waith o gwbl.
Dirprwy Lywydd, mae'r gaeaf fel arfer yn gyfnod heriol i ni i gyd, yn ogystal ag i'n gwasanaethau cyhoeddus. Ond mae'r argyfwng costau byw a biliau ynni eithriadol, hyd yn oed gyda chap y Llywodraeth, yn rhoi pwysau anhygoel ar bob teulu a busnes yng Nghymru. Mae'r Swyddfa Cyfrifoldeb Cyllidebol wedi rhybuddio y gallai effaith yr argyfwng yma arwain at y gostyngiad mwyaf mewn safonau byw a welwyd erioed yn y cyfnod modern. Fel Llywodraeth yma yng Nghymru, byddwn yn parhau i wneud popeth y gallwn i gefnogi pobl drwy'r argyfwng. Diolch yn fawr.
Deputy Llywydd, winter is usually a challenging time for all of us and for our public services. But the cost-of-living crisis and extraordinary energy bills, even with the Government’s cap, put incredible pressures on every family and business in Wales. The Office for Budget Responsibility has warned that the impact of this crisis could lead to the biggest drop in living standards ever seen in modern times. As a Government here in Wales, we will continue to do everything we can to support people through this crisis. Thank you.
First Minister, thank you for your statement this afternoon. It is without doubt the biggest crisis that we are facing in the current climate—the cost-of-living crisis that every household and every business is facing, whether that's here in Wales, whether that's across the rest of the United Kingdom, or indeed across the globe, in fact. There isn't a country that's immune from the pressures coming from the Ukrainian conflict, or indeed the fallout from the COVID pandemic and the squeeze on productivity around the world.
It is a fact that there will be a major financial statement on Friday highlighting how the new Government in Westminster will be making available money to households to the tune of £150 billion—£50 billion for businesses and approximately £100 billion for domestic households. That shows the strength of the union working together to bring money to the table to alleviate many of these cost-of-living pressures that we're seeing, building on the work that the UK Government has done to date, with the £37 billion that has been put on the table to alleviate the cost-of-living pressures that we've seen to date. And only today we're seeing £150 going to 6 million individuals who benefit from disability claims, going straight in to help them with cost-of-living pressures, along with the energy payments that have been made to date across the United Kingdom as part of that £37 billion.
But I welcome some of the measures that the Welsh Government are undertaking, in particular the way the First Minister's configuring the Government to deal with this by having a sub-committee within the Government to look at this on a week-by-week, day-by-day, month-by-month basis. This is going to be a challenging winter; no-one is underestimating that whatsoever. But it is a fact that we must all make sure that, when we do put policies forward, they are affordable and, above all, they can be delivered and don't offer false hope to people, wherever they live in these islands.
And I do have concerns—I'm quite happy to put that on the record—as to the quantum of money that would be required. But I think the quantum of money that is required emphasises the scale of the problem that not only this country is facing, but all countries are facing. I did notice that the First Minister talked about farmers and the pressures that farmers are facing. Farmers aren't immune to those cost pressures, just like everyone else. But I did offer a solution some four months ago, where the Government had within their powers—and I declare an interest as a partner in a farming business—and where they could have brought forward the single farm payment window to July, to put money into farm bank accounts so that seeds and fertilisers could be bought and so that this autumn planting season could have put crops in the ground that could be harvested. I was told at that time by the rural affairs Minister I was chasing a press release. Today, farmers in Wales have to stand shoulder to shoulder with English farmers who have their single farm payment in the bank account, but, here in Wales, we don't have that. That is one tangible implication of what the Government could have done for one particular sector to get money into bank accounts.
I welcome the initiative around school meals, although I'm not convinced on the universal nature of the school meal concept. The First Minister and I have debated this, but when resources are tight, is it sensible that 40, 45 per cent of taxpayers benefit from the universality of school meals? But that's an ideological debate that the First Minister and I can have. The reality on the ground is that the Government is rolling this scheme out, so what I'd like to hear from the First Minister is whether schools and education authorities will be reimbursed for all the costs associated with the reconfiguration of kitchens, the increase in staffing levels that might be required for this policy, and any other associated costs specifically related to this roll out of the policy that the Government are continuing to roll out across Wales.
I'd also like to try and understand whether the First Minister will be using any of the levers around taxation that he has to raise money here in Wales. The First Minister has highlighted how he doesn't believe there should be tax cuts. I'm someone who does believe in tax cutting as a way of incentivising people to go out, put that extra shift in, put that extra overtime shift in that brings more money into the household, but the First Minister does have—[Interruption.] The First Minister—. Well, I can hear the backbench chuntering away and the finance Secretary, but if the Minister wants to raise money, he has the ability to do that by using the financial levers that were passed to him by the various Wales Acts from the Conservative Government in Westminster, and I'd be grateful to understand whether the First Minister is considering using any of those levers for the 40 or 45 per cent tax rates that are able to be adjusted accordingly, should the Government here think that necessary. It's not a route that I would suggest, but, ultimately, from his ideological position, from your ideological position, where you talk about raising taxes, you have that ability to do that.
What I would also like and fully endorse and support the First Minister in his measures around awareness, because his statement clearly identifies that money is going unclaimed. The example that he uses about a family that could be claiming an additional £450 into their household budget is a good example, because that is real money that is going unclaimed by many people across Wales, and that will help greatly with the cost-of-living pressures that they might be facing today.
I would also like to try and understand how the First Minister is addressing the child poverty numbers that we're seeing here in Wales. Loughborough University brought forward some research work that they did just before the summer recess that indicated that, across the rest of the UK, child poverty levels were declining down to 27 per cent—still too high a figure—but regrettably, here in Wales, it has gone up to 34 per cent. Now, this statement has many initiatives that the Government have brought forward over many years, but, regrettably, we are seeing increased levels of child poverty here in Wales rather than following the UK trend, which is a declining trend. Those aren't my figures; those are Loughborough University's figures. And also, only today—
Prif Weinidog, diolch am eich datganiad y prynhawn yma. Yn ddiamau, hwn yw'r argyfwng mwyaf yr ydym ni'n ei wynebu yn yr hinsawdd sydd ohoni—yr argyfwng costau byw y mae pob aelwyd a phob busnes yn ei wynebu, boed hynny yma yng Nghymru, boed hynny ar draws gweddill y Deyrnas Unedig, neu'n fyd-eang yn wir, mewn gwirionedd. Nid oes unrhyw wlad yn ddiogel rhag y pwysau sy'n dod oherwydd yr ymladd yn Wcráin, nac yn wir oherwydd canlyniadau pandemig COVID a'r wasgfa sydd ar gynhyrchiant ledled y byd.
Mae hi'n ffaith y bydd datganiad ariannol o bwys ddydd Gwener yn tynnu sylw at sut y bydd llywodraeth newydd San Steffan yn darparu arian i aelwydydd hyd at £150 biliwn—£50 biliwn i fusnesau a thua £100 biliwn i aelwydydd. Mae hynny'n dangos cryfder yr undeb yn cydweithio wrth ddod ag arian i'r fei i leddfu llawer o'r pwysau yr ydym ni'n ei weld o ran costau byw, gan adeiladu ar y gwaith a wnaeth Llywodraeth y DU hyd yma, gyda'r £37 biliwn sydd wedi ei roi gerbron i leddfu'r pwysau costau byw a welsom ni hyd yn hyn. A dim ond heddiw fe welsom ni £150 i'w roi i 6 miliwn o unigolion sy'n elwa ar hawliadau anabledd, yn mynd yn uniongyrchol i'w helpu nhw gyda phwysau costau byw, ynghyd â'r taliadau ynni a wnaethpwyd hyd yn hyn ledled y Deyrnas Unedig yn rhan o'r £37 biliwn hwnnw.
Ond rwy'n croesawu rhai o'r mesurau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ymgymryd â nhw, yn enwedig y ffordd y mae'r Prif Weinidog yn trefnu'r Llywodraeth i ymdrin â hyn trwy gael is-bwyllgor o fewn y Llywodraeth i edrych ar hyn o wythnos i wythnos, o ddydd i ddydd, o fis i fis. Bydd hwn yn aeaf heriol; nid oes neb yn dibrisio hynny o gwbl. Ond mae hi'n ffaith ei bod hi'n rhaid i ni i gyd sicrhau, pan fyddwn ni'n rhoi polisïau gerbron, eu bod nhw'n fforddiadwy ac, yn anad dim, y gellir eu cyflawni nhw ac nid yn rhoi gobaith ffug i bobl, ble bynnag maen nhw'n byw yn yr ynysoedd hyn.
Ac mae gen i bryderon—ac rwy'n ddigon hapus i roi hynny ar y cofnod—o ran maint yr arian a fyddai ei angen. Ond rwy'n credu bod faint o arian sydd ei angen yn pwysleisio maint y broblem a wynebir nid yn unig yn y wlad hon, ond ym mhob gwlad. Mi wnes i sylwi bod y Prif Weinidog yn sôn am ffermwyr a'r pwysau y mae ffermwyr yn ei wynebu. Nid yw ffermwyr yn ddiogel rhag y pwysau hynny o ran costau, fel pawb arall. Ond fe wnes i gynnig datrysiad ryw bedwar mis yn ôl, lle'r oedd gan y Llywodraeth o fewn ei phwerau—ac rwy'n datgan buddiant fel partner mewn busnes ffermio—a lle gallen nhw fod wedi cyflwyno ffenestr y taliad sengl i ffermydd ym mis Gorffennaf, i roi arian yng nghyfrifon banc y ffermydd fel y gellid prynu hadau a gwrtaith ac fel y gallai'r tymor plannu yn yr hydref hwn fod wedi rhoi cnydau yn y ddaear y gellid bod yn eu cynaeafu. Fe gefais i wybod bryd hynny gan y Gweinidog materion gwledig mai dim ond mynd ar ôl datganiad i'r wasg yr oeddwn i. Heddiw, mae'n rhaid i ffermwyr yng Nghymru sefyll ysgwydd wrth ysgwydd â ffermwyr yn Lloegr sydd wedi cael eu taliad sengl yn eu cyfrifon banc, ond, yma yng Nghymru, nid yw hwnnw i'w gael gennym ni. Dyna un o'r goblygiadau pendant o'r hyn y gallai'r Llywodraeth fod wedi ei wneud i un sector penodol fod ag arian yn y cyfrifon banc.
Rwy'n croesawu'r fenter o ran prydau ysgol, er nad ydw i wedi fy argyhoeddi o ran pa mor gyffredinol y dylai'r cysyniad o brydau ysgol am ddim fod. Mae'r Prif Weinidog a minnau wedi trafod hyn, ond pan fo adnoddau yn brin, a yw hi'n synhwyrol bod 40, 45 y cant o drethdalwyr yn elwa ar gyffredinolrwydd prydau ysgol? Ond mae honno'n ddadl ideolegol y gallai'r Prif Weinidog a minnau ei chael. Y sefyllfa wirioneddol ar lawr gwlad yw bod y Llywodraeth yn cyflwyno'r cynllun hwn, felly'r hyn yr hoffwn ei glywed gan y Prif Weinidog yw a fydd ysgolion ac awdurdodau addysg yn cael eu had-dalu am yr holl gostau sy'n gysylltiedig ag ad-drefnu ceginau, y cynnydd mewn lefelau staffio a allai fod yn ofynnol ar gyfer y polisi hwn, ac unrhyw gostau cysylltiedig eraill sy'n ymwneud yn benodol â'r broses hon o gyflwyno'r polisi y mae'r Llywodraeth yn dal i'w gyflwyno ledled Cymru.
Fe hoffwn i geisio deall hefyd a fydd y Prif Weinidog yn defnyddio unrhyw un o'r ysgogiadau o ran trethiant sydd ganddo i godi arian yma yng Nghymru. Mae'r Prif Weinidog wedi tynnu sylw at sut na ddylid torri trethiant. Rwy'n un sy'n credu mewn torri trethi fel ffordd o annog pobl i fynd allan, a gweithio'r sifft ychwanegol honno, a gweithio sifft goramser sy'n dod â mwy o arian i'r aelwyd, ond mae gan y Prif Weinidog—[Torri ar draws.] Mae gan y Prif Weinidog—. Wel, gallaf glywed y meinciau cefn yn grwgnach a'r Ysgrifennydd cyllid hefyd, ond os yw'r Gweinidog yn dymuno codi arian, mae ganddo ef y gallu i wneud hynny drwy ddefnyddio'r ysgogiadau ariannol a roddwyd iddo gan wahanol Ddeddfau Cymru gan y Llywodraeth Geidwadol yn San Steffan, ac fe fyddwn i'n ddiolchgar o gael deall a yw'r Prif Weinidog yn ystyried defnyddio unrhyw un o'r ysgogiadau hynny ar gyfer y cyfraddau treth o 40 neu 45 y cant y gellir eu haddasu yn unol â hynny, pe byddai'r Llywodraeth yma o'r farn bod angen. Nid llwybr y byddwn i'n ei awgrymu mohono, ond, yn y pen draw, o'i safbwynt ideolegol ef, o'ch safbwynt ideolegol chi, pan fyddwch chi'n sôn am godi trethi, mae'r gallu gennych chi i wneud hynny.
Yr hyn yr hoffwn i ei gymeradwyo yn llawn hefyd a chefnogi'r Prif Weinidog yw ei fesurau ef o ran codi ymwybyddiaeth, oherwydd mae ei ddatganiad ef yn nodi yn eglur fod arian yn mynd heb ei hawlio. Mae'r enghraifft y mae ef yn ei defnyddio o deulu a allai fod yn hawlio £450 yn ychwanegol i'w cyllideb ar yr aelwyd yn enghraifft dda, oherwydd mae hwnnw'n arian go iawn sy'n mynd heb ei hawlio gan lawer o bobl ledled Cymru, ac fe fydd hwnnw'n gymorth mawr gyda'r pwysau o ran costau byw y gallen nhw fod yn eu hwynebu heddiw.
Fe hoffwn i geisio deall hefyd sut mae'r Prif Weinidog am fynd i'r afael â'r niferoedd o ran tlodi plant yr ydym ni'n eu gweld yma yng Nghymru. Cyhoeddodd Prifysgol Loughborough rywfaint o waith ymchwil o'u gwaith ryw ychydig cyn toriad yr haf a oedd yn nodi, ledled gweddill y DU, bod cyfraddau tlodi plant yn gostwng i 27 y cant—sy'n parhau i fod yn ffigwr rhy uchel—ond yn anffodus, yma yng Nghymru, maen nhw wedi cynyddu i 34 y cant. Nawr, mae gan y datganiad hwn lawer o fentrau y mae'r Llywodraeth wedi'u cyflwyno dros nifer o flynyddoedd, ond, yn anffodus, rydym ni'n gweld cyfraddau uwch o dlodi plant yma yng Nghymru yn hytrach na dilyn tuedd y DU, sy'n lleihau. Nid fy ffigyrau i yw'r rhain; ffigyrau Prifysgol Loughborough ydyn nhw. A hefyd, dim ond heddiw—
The Member has used an awful lot of his time, and gone beyond it. I've been generous.
Mae'r Aelod wedi defnyddio llawer iawn o'i amser, ac wedi mynd drosto. Rwyf i wedi bod yn hael iawn.
My final point then, if I may. And only today, we've seen figures come out about female employment in the workplace where, again, in the rest of the UK the numbers are going up, with greater numbers of females employed in the workplace, but, regrettably, in Wales we've seen a declining headcount in the workplace—a 3.5 per cent decline. What is the Welsh Government doing to make sure that there is equality in the workplace, so that we can follow the rest of the UK in increasing female participation in the workplace to get people bringing home a wage to pay those household bills? Thank you, First Minister.
Fy mhwynt olaf felly, os caf i. A dim ond heddiw, rydym ni wedi gweld cyhoeddi ffigurau ynglŷn â chyflogaeth menywod yn y gweithle sydd, unwaith eto, yn nodi bod y niferoedd yn codi yng ngweddill y DU, a mwy o fenywod yn cael eu cyflogi yn y gweithle, ond, yn anffodus, yng Nghymru rydym ni wedi gweld niferoedd yn gostwng yn y gweithle—gostyngiad o 3.5 y cant. Beth mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i sicrhau cydraddoldeb yn y gweithle, i ninnau allu dilyn gweddill y DU o ran cynnydd yng nghyfranogiad menywod yn y gweithle er mwyn gweld pobl yn dod â chyflog adref i dalu'r biliau aelwyd? Diolch i chi, Prif Weinidog.

Dirprwy Lywydd, thank you very much. Can I say in opening that I think, in answering First Minister's questions, I failed to recognise the generosity of the leader of the opposition's remarks about the work of Welsh Government officials over the last week? And if I failed to do so, then I want to make sure I've put it on the record now, because extraordinary efforts were made and I was grateful to the leader of the opposition for the way in which he recognised that.
I'll focus, if I can, on the specific points that have been raised. In relation to farmers and cost pressures, 70 per cent of people's single farm payment will be in the hands of almost all farmers in Wales in October of this year. Ninety-seven per cent of all farmers in Wales received those payments in October last year, and we'll be aiming to do the same again.
On school meals, I don't think it can be fair to say that this is an ideological difference between us. The measures that the Conservative Government in London will announce on Friday will go to every family in the land. In fact, more help will go to the best-off families than will go to the worst-off families. It is a universal approach that the UK Government will be taking. And it seems to me that if it is good enough to make sure that help goes to everybody in the energy crisis, then it can't be an ideological difference to say that help should go to every child in a primary school in Wales when it comes to free school meals. There are very good reasons why the universal approach is being taken, particularly in the free school meal sense, to make sure that we avoid the stigma that, sadly, has, for so many years, been associated with free school meals uptake.
The point that Andrew R.T. Davies raises in relation to the costing of it all: we'll provide £260 million to support local authorities to deliver that policy; £60 million of that is capital and £35 million of the £60 million was announced in detail on 7 September, to make sure that your local education authorities have the certainty that the money is there for them to improve kitchens, buy equipment and so on, to deliver the policy successfully.
I continue to be a bit bemused by the Member's question, when he tells me that he believes in cutting taxes, but wants to know what plans I have to raise them. And I've explained to him before that, if you look at what we said in our programme for government, we took a decision at the start of this term not to raise more money in taxes from people in Wales while the economy was seeking to recover from the impact of the pandemic. The stresses and strains on our economy, for all the reasons we've already explained—the impact of the war in Ukraine; the continuing impact of leaving the European Union—does not lead me to conclude that the circumstances that led us to that conclusion have been ameliorated.
On the issue of unclaimed benefit, of course we absolutely want to draw down everything that Welsh families are entitled to. And to give another example there, Dirprwy Lywydd, we believe that at the moment, in Wales today, up to £70 million may be unclaimed from child trust funds. So, children who had child trust funds deposited for them—and I know that the leader of the opposition will remember that we decided here in this Chamber to add money into the child trust funds of looked-after children, for example, in Wales—well, that money has stayed there for 18 years and now children are becoming entitled to draw it down. But because the scheme was ended back in 2010 by the coalition Government, the publicity around the scheme has diminished considerably. And already £70 million, which is there waiting to be claimed by young people in Wales, has not been drawn down. So, there clearly is more that we can do together to make sure that we do better in that way, and that will help, as will many of the measures I've outlined today, with issues of poverty in families and with children.
As to employment rates, employment rates in Wales are higher than employment rates across the United Kingdom, and the growth in employment rates has outstripped the growth in employment rates across the United Kingdom as well. One of the real challenges for the incoming UK Government is that the total workforce in the United Kingdom is still lower than it was before the pandemic hit. Many people, for whatever reason that may be, have decided not to return to the workforce, having found themselves outside it as a result of the COVID experience. Of course we want to make sure that, here in Wales, women and men have equal access to the employment market, but there are more fundamental issues at play here. The leader of the opposition began by referring to the productivity gap and one of the real constraints in being able to deal with the productivity gap is the fact that we do not have workers, sufficient workers in the United Kingdom, in order to be able to do the jobs that are available for them.
Dirprwy Lywydd, diolch yn fawr iawn i chi. A gaf i ddweud wrth agor fy mod i'n credu, wrth ateb cwestiynau'r Prif Weinidog, fy mod i wedi methu â chydnabod haelfrydedd sylwadau arweinydd yr wrthblaid o ran gwaith swyddogion Llywodraeth Cymru dros yr wythnos ddiwethaf? Ac os methais i â gwneud hynny, yna fe hoffwn i wneud yn siŵr fy mod i'n gwneud hynny ar y cofnod nawr, oherwydd fe wnaethpwyd ymdrechion rhyfeddol ac roeddwn i'n ddiolchgar i arweinydd yr wrthblaid am y ffordd y gwnaeth gydnabod hynny.
Rwyf i am ganolbwyntio, os caf i, ar y pwyntiau penodol a godwyd. O ran ffermwyr a'r pwysau sydd arnyn nhw o ran costau, fe fydd 70 y cant o daliadau sengl pobl yn nwylo bron i bob ffermwr yng Nghymru ym mis Hydref eleni. Fe dderbyniodd 97% o holl ffermwyr Cymru'r taliadau hynny ym mis Hydref y llynedd, a byddwn â'r nod o wneud yr un peth eto.
O ran prydau ysgol, nid wyf i o'r farn ei bod yn deg dweud mai gwahaniaeth ideolegol rhyngom ni yw hynny. Bydd y mesurau a gaiff eu cyhoeddi gan y Llywodraeth Geidwadol yn Llundain yn mynd i bob teulu yn y wlad. Yn wir, fe fydd yna fwy o gymorth yn mynd i'r teuluoedd mwyaf cefnog nag a fydd yn mynd i'r teuluoedd mwyaf anghenus. Dull cyffredinol yw'r un y bydd Llywodraeth y DU yn ei gymryd. Ac mae hi'n ymddangos i mi os yw hi'n briodol i wneud yn siŵr bod cymorth yn mynd at bawb yn yr argyfwng ynni, yna ni all dweud y dylai cymorth fynd i bob plentyn mewn ysgol gynradd yng Nghymru fod yn wahaniaeth ideolegol o ran prydau ysgol am ddim. Fe geir rhesymau da iawn pam mae'r dull cyffredinol yn cael ei fabwysiadu, yn enwedig gyda phrydau ysgol am ddim, i wneud yn siŵr ein bod yn osgoi'r gwarthnod sydd, yn anffodus, wedi bod, ers cymaint o flynyddoedd, yn gysylltiedig â manteisio ar brydau ysgol am ddim.
Y pwynt y mae Andrew R.T. Davies yn ei godi o ran cost y cyfan: rydym ni am ddarparu £260 miliwn i gefnogi awdurdodau lleol i gyflawni'r polisi hwnnw; mae £60 miliwn o hwnnw'n gyfalaf ac fe gyhoeddwyd £35 miliwn o'r £60 miliwn yn fanwl ar 7 Medi, i wneud yn siŵr bod eich awdurdodau addysg lleol yn cael y sicrwydd bod yr arian ar gael iddyn nhw ar gyfer gwella ceginau, prynu offer ac yn y blaen, a chyflwyno'r polisi yn llwyddiannus.
Rwy'n parhau i fod ychydig yn bryderus ynglŷn â chwestiwn yr Aelod, wrth iddo ddweud wrthyf i ei fod o blaid torri trethi, ond yn dymuno gwybod pa gynlluniau sydd gennyf i i'w codi nhw. Ac rwyf i wedi egluro iddo o'r blaen, pe byddech chi'n ystyried yr hyn y gwnaethom ni ei ddweud yn ein rhaglen lywodraethu, fe wnaethom ni benderfyniad ar ddechrau'r tymor hwn i beidio â chodi mwy o arian gyda threthiant ar bobl yng Nghymru tra bydd yr economi yn ceisio adfer ar ôl effaith y pandemig. Mae'r straen a'r pwysau ar ein heconomi ni, am yr holl resymau a esboniwyd gennym ni eisoes—effaith y rhyfel yn Wcráin; effaith barhaus ymadael â'r Undeb Ewropeaidd—yn fy arwain i ddod i'r casgliad y bydd yr amgylchiadau a'n harweiniodd ni i'r casgliad hwnnw wedi cael eu lleddfu.
Ar y mater budd-dal heb ei hawlio, rydym ni'n gwbl awyddus, wrth gwrs, i dynnu i lawr popeth y mae gan deuluoedd Cymru hawl i'w gael. Ac i roi enghraifft arall o hynny, Dirprwy Lywydd, rydym ni'n credu y gallai hyd at £70 miliwn, ar hyn o bryd, yng Nghymru heddiw, fod heb ei hawlio o gronfeydd ymddiriedolaeth plant. Felly, fe fydd plant yr adneuwyd cronfeydd ymddiriedolaeth plant ar eu cyfer—ac rwy'n gwybod y bydd arweinydd yr wrthblaid yn cofio ein bod ni wedi penderfynu yma yn y Siambr hon i ychwanegu arian at gronfeydd ymddiriedolaeth plant i blant sy'n derbyn gofal, er enghraifft, yng Nghymru—wel, mae'r arian hwnnw wedi gorwedd yno am 18 mlynedd ac fe fydd plant â'r hawl nawr i dynnu allan ohono. Ond am fod y cynllun wedi cael ei derfynu nôl yn 2010 gan Lywodraeth y glymblaid, mae'r cyhoeddusrwydd o amgylch y cynllun wedi lleihau yn sylweddol. Ac mae £70 miliwn eisoes, sydd yno'n aros i gael ei hawlio gan bobl ifanc yng Nghymru, heb gael ei dynnu allan. Felly, mae hi'n amlwg bod yna fwy y gallwn ni ei wneud gyda'n gilydd i wneud yn siŵr ein bod ni'n gwneud yn well yn hynny o beth, ac fe fydd hynny'n helpu, fel gwna llawer o'r mesurau a amlinellais i heddiw, gyda materion ynglŷn â thlodi mewn teuluoedd a gyda phlant.
O ran cyfraddau cyflogaeth, mae cyfraddau cyflogaeth yng Nghymru yn uwch na chyfraddau cyflogaeth ledled y Deyrnas Unedig, ac mae'r twf mewn cyfraddau cyflogaeth wedi rhagori ar y twf mewn cyfraddau cyflogaeth ledled y Deyrnas Unedig hefyd. Un o'r heriau gwirioneddol i Lywodraeth y DU sy'n dod i mewn yw bod cyfanswm y gweithlu yn y Deyrnas Unedig yn parhau i fod yn is nag yr oedd cyn i'r pandemig daro. Mae llawer o bobl, am ba reswm bynnag a allai hynny fod, wedi penderfynu peidio â dychwelyd i'r gweithlu, ar ôl cael eu hunain y tu allan iddo o ganlyniad i brofiadau COVID. Wrth gwrs rydym ni'n dymuno sicrhau, yma yng Nghymru, fod menywod a dynion â chyfartaledd o ran y farchnad gyflogaeth, ond fe geir materion mwy sylfaenol ar waith yn hyn o beth. Fe ddechreuodd arweinydd yr wrthblaid drwy gyfeirio at y bwlch cynhyrchiant ac un o'r cyfyngiadau gwirioneddol o ran gallu mynd i'r afael â'r bwlch cynhyrchiant yw'r ffaith nad oes gennym ni weithwyr, digon o weithwyr yn y Deyrnas Unedig, i allu cyflawni'r swyddi sydd ar gael iddyn nhw.
Mae yna nifer o bethau i'w croesawu yn y datganiad heddiw, yn arbennig, wrth gwrs, y cytundeb rŷn ni wedi dod iddo fe o ran medru darparu prydau ysgol am ddim yn ystod y gwyliau. Mae hynny’n mynd i helpu llawer iawn o deuluoedd sy’n wynebu cyni ar hyn o bryd. A hefyd, yn arbennig, y banciau cynhesu roedd y Prif Weinidog wedi cyfeirio atyn nhw ar y diwedd. Er ei fod yn resyn o beth ein bod ni’n gorfod cyfeirio at y math hwn o beth, wrth gwrs, yn yr unfed ganrif ar hugain, mawr yw eu hangen ysywaeth ar hyn o bryd.
There are a number of things to be welcomed in today's statement, particularly, of course, the agreement that we've come to in terms of the provision of free school meals during school holidays. That will help very many families that are facing hardship at the moment. And, particularly, the warm banks that the First Minister referred to. Although it is regrettable that we do have to refer to these kinds of developments in the twenty-first century, they are much needed, unfortunately, at the moment.
The Scottish Government has recently announced a set of proposals as part of its response to the cost-of-living crisis, and I was wondering if I could ask you, Prif Weinidog, if you also have plans to introduce measures that they have announced in relation to housing, particularly a moratorium on evictions similar to the one that was introduced in the pandemic and an associated rent freeze across all sectors—public, private and social. We’re seeing huge inflation, aren’t we, in rent costs in Wales? Indeed, the Centre for Cities recently pointed out that, actually, Wales was one of the worst areas in terms of inflationary costs in the UK. In fact, it’s Wales and the north of England that are actually seeing the highest rises in costs for families. So, the proposal that the Scottish Government has introduced is, I think, absolutely imperative here in Wales.
In relation to energy, of course, investing in insulation, important for environmental, long-term reasons, is now even more important as a result of this immediate crisis. So, we seem to be in a little bit of an interregnum between the old programmes that are coming to an end and the very extensive, ambitious plans that the Welsh Government has to meet its targets for decarbonisation and energy insulation by the end of this decade. Can we pump prime now? Can we bring forward those capital investment plans, so that we can provide as much immediate help to families as we can, again using that dual purpose of addressing the cost-of-living crisis while doing something that we need to do for more longer term reasons?
Bringing you back, of course, to transport, which we discussed earlier. And, by the way, the Scottish Labour Party is criticising the fare freeze in Scotland, saying that it’s not going far enough; it’s calling for the halving of rail fares in Scotland. But could the First Minister say when we can expect an announcement at least on rail fares in Wales for next year?
You mentioned the educational maintenance allowance. Of course, I think it was created about 20 years ago; it hasn’t kept up with inflation. So, could we not see that increase to £45, which is where it would be if it had kept up with inflation? Now, surely, is the time to do that, when so many young people are suffering the worst effects of this cost-of-living crisis.
You refer to the ‘Claim what’s yours’ campaign. I absolutely support making sure that people claim what they’re entitled to. Are we doing the same for Welsh Government funds, so that we make sure that there isn’t underclaiming there as well? Perhaps if you could say what plans you have on that.
And, in relation to the Scottish Government as well, one thing that they have been able to do in the areas where there is devolution of welfare payments—so, about 15 per cent, there or there about, of welfare payments are devolved—they’ve uprated those using the power that they have. Surely, this is the strongest argument in favour of the devolution of welfare payments. That 15 per cent of welfare payments is not devolved to Wales, therefore we are entirely dependent on the decisions of the Conservative Government in Westminster, which is not as progressive. So, surely now is the time as well to make sure that we are making the strongest case possible for the devolution of those powers.
You said you were focusing here on the domestic aspect of the crisis, but can I just ask, obviously, the effect on businesses is going to have a domestic consequence, isn’t it, if people lose their jobs? So, is the Welsh Government going to propose increasing the level of funding for businesses that are also facing extreme economic pressure, which in many, many cases will drive those businesses into bankruptcy and lead to unemployment? Welsh Government urgent support for the business sector is critically important at this time as well.
Cyhoeddodd Llywodraeth yr Alban gyfres o gynigion yn ddiweddar yn rhan o'i hymateb i'r argyfwng costau byw, a meddwl oeddwn i tybed a gawn i ofyn i chi, Prif Weinidog, a oes gennych chithau hefyd gynlluniau i gyflwyno mesurau fel yr un a gyhoeddwyd yno o ran tai, yn enwedig moratoriwm ar droi allan yn debyg i'r un a gyflwynwyd yn y pandemig a rhewi rhent cysylltiedig ar draws pob sector—cyhoeddus, preifat a chymdeithasol. Rydym ni'n gweld chwyddiant aruthrol, on'd ydym ni, mewn costau rhent yng Nghymru? Yn wir, fe dynnodd y Centre for Cities sylw yn ddiweddar at y ffaith mai Cymru, mewn gwirionedd, oedd un o'r ardaloedd gwaethaf o ran costau chwyddiant yn y DU. Yn wir, Cymru a gogledd Lloegr sydd, mewn gwirionedd, yn gweld y cynnydd uchaf mewn costau i deuluoedd. Felly, mae'r cynnig y mae Llywodraeth yr Alban wedi ei gyflwyno, rwy'n credu, yn gwbl hanfodol yma yng Nghymru.
O ran ynni, wrth gwrs, mae buddsoddi mewn insiwleiddio, sy'n bwysig am resymau amgylcheddol, hirdymor, yn bwysicach fyth erbyn hyn o ganlyniad i'r argyfwng uniongyrchol hwn. Felly, mae hi'n ymddangos ein bod ni mewn cyfnod pontio rhwng yr hen raglenni sy'n dod i ben a'r cynlluniau helaeth iawn, uchelgeisiol sy'n pennu bod yn rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru gyrraedd ei nodau ar gyfer datgarboneiddio ac inswleiddio ynni erbyn diwedd y degawd hwn. A gawn ni hybu gweithgarwch drwy fuddsoddi nawr? A gawn ni gyflwyno'r cynlluniau buddsoddi cyfalaf hynny, ar gyfer gallu darparu cymaint o gymorth ar unwaith i deuluoedd ag y gallwn ni, unwaith eto gan ddefnyddio'r pwrpas deuol hwnnw o fynd i'r afael â'r argyfwng costau byw wrth wneud rhywbeth y mae angen i ni ei wneud am resymau mwy hirdymor?
Gan ddod â chi yn ôl, wrth gwrs, at drafnidiaeth, y gwnaethom ni ei drafod yn gynharach. A gyda llaw, mae Plaid Lafur yr Alban yn beirniadu rhewi prisiau teithio yn yr Alban, gan ddweud nad yw hynny'n mynd yn ddigon pell; mae'n galw am haneru prisiau tocynnau rheilffordd yn yr Alban. Ond a wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddweud wrthym ni pa bryd y gallwn ni ddisgwyl cyhoeddiad o leiaf ynglŷn â phrisiau trenau yng Nghymru ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf?
Fe wnaethoch chi sôn am y lwfans cynhaliaeth addysg. Wrth gwrs, rwy'n creu i hwnnw gael ei greu tua 20 mlynedd yn ôl; nid yw wedi cadw i fyny gyda chwyddiant. Felly, oni chawn ni weld y cynnydd hwnnw i £45, sef yr hyn a fyddai pe bai wedi cadw i fyny â chwyddiant? Nawr, siawns gen i, yw'r amser i wneud hynny, pan fo cymaint o bobl ifanc yn dioddef effeithiau gwaethaf yr argyfwng costau byw hwn.
Fe wnaethoch chi sôn am ymgyrch 'Hawliwch yr hyn sy'n ddyledus i chi'. Rwy'n llwyr gefnogi sicrhau bod pobl yn hawlio'r hyn y mae ganddyn nhw hawl iddo. A ydym ni'n gwneud yr un peth ar gyfer cronfeydd Llywodraeth Cymru, fel ein bod ni'n gwneud yn siŵr nad oes yna ddiffyg hawlio yn hynny o beth hefyd? Efallai y gallech chi ddweud wrthym ni pa gynlluniau sydd gennych chi ynglŷn â hynny.
Ac, o ran Llywodraeth yr Alban hefyd, un peth y maen nhw wedi gallu ei wneud yn y meysydd lle ceir datganoli taliadau lles—felly, tua 15 y cant, neu tua hynny, o daliadau lles sydd wedi'u datganoli—maen nhw wedi cynyddu'r rhai hynny gan ddefnyddio'r pŵer sydd ganddyn nhw. Yn ddiamau, dyma'r ddadl gryfaf o blaid datganoli taliadau lles. Ni chaiff y 15 y cant hwn o daliadau lles eu datganoli i Gymru, felly rydym ni'n gwbl ddibynnol ar benderfyniadau'r Llywodraeth Geidwadol yn San Steffan, nad yw hi mor flaengar. Felly siawns mai nawr yw'r amser i wneud yn siŵr hefyd ein bod ni'n dadlau'r achos cryfaf posibl ar gyfer datganoli'r pwerau hynny.
Roeddech chi'n dweud eich bod chi'n canolbwyntio yma ar agwedd ddomestig yr argyfwng, ond a gaf i ddim ond gofyn, yn amlwg, fe fydd yr effaith ar fusnesau yn cael effaith ddomestig, oni bydd, os bydd pobl yn colli eu swyddi? Felly, a fydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn cynnig cynyddu cyfradd y cyllid i fusnesau sy'n wynebu pwysau economaidd eithafol hefyd, a fydd, mewn llawer o achosion, yn gwneud y busnesau hynny'n fethdalwyr ac yn arwain at ddiweithdra? Mae cefnogaeth Llywodraeth Cymru ar fyrder i'r sector busnes yn hanfodol bwysig ar hyn o bryd hefyd.

Diolch yn fawr i Adam Price am beth ddywedodd e i ddechrau. Rŷn ni'n awyddus nawr i wneud mwy i helpu teuluoedd yn ystod y gwyliau ym mis Hydref, dros y Nadolig, ym mis Chwefror ac yn y Pasg hefyd. Mae hynny yn mynd i gostio miliynau o bunnoedd, a dwi'n ddiolchgar am y trafodaethau rŷn ni wedi'u cael i ddod at y casgliad hwnnw.
Thank you very much to Adam Price for what he said at the beginning of his contribution. We are eager now to do more to help families during the holidays in October, at Christmas, in February and at Easter too. That is going to cost millions of pounds, and I'm very grateful for the discussions that we've had to come to that conclusion.
Llywydd, I find myself in much the same position as I was earlier in the afternoon. There is a strong case to be made, I'm quite sure, for almost everything that the leader of Plaid Cymru would like us to spend more money on: more money on insulation, more money on EMAs, more money on rail fares, more money on businesses. Every one of those will have a case to be made for it.
The Scottish Government, of course, faces the same dilemma as we do. In order to fund the additional measures that they have taken, they have had to reduce other budgets by £700 million, and alongside the additional things they are doing, they have already outlined £560 million of cuts that they will make to things that otherwise they would have been able to do. That's the point I make to the Member, really: that for every one of the things that we could do more of, you can only do it by doing less of something you've already planned to do. Our budget is 100 per cent committed and more. Our capital budget in this year is overprogrammed to the tune of £100 million. There is no reserve. There is no sum of money waiting to be drawn on for these new purposes.
As he will know, we had long negotiations over the sums of money needed to support the 47 items in the co-operation agreement to make sure that they can be properly implemented, including the £260 million on universal free school meals in primary schools. So, there is no difference between us on the idea that there is more that we could do, or would want to do, but we face the same dilemma that the Scottish Government face, that if we want to do anything new, it can only be done by stopping doing something that we are already doing. That's the more difficult conversation that has to be had, alongside listing all the good things that could be added to that list.
We have a rent freeze in the public sector here in Wales until the end of March, because we've already announced any increases in those rents. We will continue to work, as we are committed to doing, on proposals that we will bring forward in a White Paper on rent controls here in Wales. Because I agree there as well with the leader of Plaid Cymru that there are particular costs that drive inflation and the impact on families here in Wales, including, as we often say here, the impact of standing charges in the energy field—standing charges that I've long regarded as being ought to be part of the past, not the current way in which we charge for energy, and that fall particularly heavily on consumers in Wales.
Llywydd, rwy'n fy ngweld fy hun yn yr un sefyllfa i raddau helaeth ag yr oeddwn i ynddi yn gynharach yn y prynhawn. Mae yna achos cryf dros, rwy'n gwbl sicr, bopeth bron yr hoffai arweinydd Plaid Cymru i ni wario mwy o arian arno: mwy o arian ar insiwleiddio, mwy o arian ar lwfansau cynhaliaeth addysg, mwy o arian ar docynnau trenau, mwy o arian ar fusnesau. Mae achos i'w ddadlau dros bob un o'r rhain.
Mae Llywodraeth yr Alban, wrth gwrs, yn wynebu'r un cyfyng-gyngor â ninnau. Er mwyn ariannu'r mesurau ychwanegol y gwnaethon nhw eu cymryd, bu raid iddyn nhw leihau cyllidebau eraill £700 miliwn, ac ochr yn ochr â'r pethau ychwanegol y maen nhw'n eu gwneud, maen nhw eisoes wedi amlinellu £560 miliwn o doriadau y bydd yn rhaid eu gwneud i bethau y bydden nhw wedi gallu eu gwneud fel arall. Dyna'r pwynt yr wyf i'n ei wneud i'r Aelod, mewn gwirionedd: am bob un o'r pethau y gallem ni fod yn gwneud mwy yn ei gylch, dim ond trwy wneud llai ynghylch rhywbeth arall yr ydych chi wedi bwriadu ei wneud eisoes y gallwch chi wneud hynny. Mae 100 y cant a mwy o'n cyllideb ni wedi ei hymrwymo. Mae ein cyllideb gyfalaf yn y flwyddyn hon wedi'i gorymestyn hyd at £100 miliwn. Nid oes dim wrth gefn. Nid oes swm o arian yn aros i gael ei dynnu i lawr at y dibenion newydd hyn.
Fel y gŵyr ef, fe gawsom ni drafodaethau maith ynghylch y symiau o arian yr oedd eu hangen i gefnogi'r 47 eitem sydd yn y cytundeb cydweithredu i wneud yn siŵr y gellir eu gweithredu nhw'n iawn, gan gynnwys y £260 miliwn ar brydau ysgol am ddim i bawb mewn ysgolion cynradd. Felly, nid oes unrhyw anghytundeb rhyngom ni o ran y syniad o fod â mwy y gallem ni ei wneud, neu y byddem ni'n hoffi ei wneud, ond rydym ni'n wynebu'r un cyfyng-gyngor ag y mae Llywodraeth yr Alban yn ei wynebu, sef na ellir gwneud unrhyw beth newydd heb ddiarddel rhywbeth yr ydym ni'n ei wneud eisoes. Dyna'r sgwrs fwy anodd sy'n rhaid ei chael, ochr yn ochr â rhestru'r holl bethau da y gellid eu hychwanegu at y rhestr hon.
Bydd ein rhenti ni'n cael eu rhewi yn y sector cyhoeddus yma yng Nghymru tan ddiwedd mis Mawrth, am ein bod ni wedi cyhoeddi unrhyw gynnydd o ran y rhenti hynny eisoes. Fe fyddwn ni'n parhau i weithio, fel rydym ni wedi ymrwymo, ar gynigion y byddwn ni'n eu cyflwyno mewn Papur Gwyn ar reolaethau rhent yma yng Nghymru. Oherwydd fy mod i'n cytuno yn hyn o beth hefyd ag arweinydd Plaid Cymru sef bod costau penodol sy'n ysgogi chwyddiant a'r effaith ar deuluoedd yma yng Nghymru, gan gynnwys, fel y dywedwn ni'n aml yn y fan hon, effaith taliadau sefydlog ym maes ynni—taliadau sefydlog yr wyf i wedi bod o'r farn ers amser y dylen nhw fod yn rhan o'r gorffennol, ac nid yn ffordd gyfredol o godi tâl arnom ni am ynni, ac sy'n dod i ran defnyddwyr yng Nghymru yn arbennig o drwm.
I can't be alone in feeling my blood boiling when I listen to the weasel words of the Conservative Party and when I watch their crocodile tears whilst they wring their hands at the consequences of the policies that they themselves are delivering: lifting the limits on bankers' bonuses, tax cuts for the rich, whilst cutting services for the poorest. It is appalling. And they walk away from it, of course. They leave the Chamber when we are talking about poor people and when we are talking about how poor people are suffering the consequences of their policies, because they're not interested.
The comparison between what we hear from there and what we hear from the First Minister couldn't be clearer. It's a Government that is taking all of the actions that it can in Wales to protect people, a Government that is using its power as a catalyst to bring people together, to bring communities together, to act as a catalyst to protect people, and a Government that is mobilising the whole resources of Welsh taxpayers to help people when they're at their most needy. That is the sort of Government that we need. First Minister, it is a credit to you and the team of Ministers that we can rely on a Welsh Government at a time of crisis like this, and it's a credit to this Government that they are taking the actions they are taking.
Could you, First Minister, assure me that you will be doing everything that you can to communicate what you are doing to protect people to people in Blaenau Gwent and across the whole of Wales so that people know what help is available, people understand what the Welsh Government is doing, people know that they've got a Government that is on their side when they're facing a time of crisis? It is important, when we'll hear from the so-called Chancellor of the Exchequer later this week that they are protecting the interests of the richest and party donors in London, that this is a Government that will stand with the people of Blaenau Gwent and the people of Wales and will ensure that every resource we have available to us is put at the disposal of the neediest, the most vulnerable and the poorest in this country.
Ni allaf fod yr unig un sy'n teimlo fy ngwaed yn berwi wrth wrando ar eiriau bwriadol amwys y Blaid Geidwadol a phan fyddaf yn gwylio eu dagrau crocodeil wrth iddyn nhw wasgu eu dwylo mewn anobaith oherwydd canlyniadau'r polisïau y maen nhw eu hunain yn eu darparu: codi'r cyfyngiadau ar fonysau bancwyr, toriadau yn y trethi i'r cyfoethog, a hynny wrth dorri gwasanaethau i'r mwyaf anghenus. Mae hynny'n warthus. Ac maen nhw'n golchi eu dwylo o hynny, wrth gwrs. Maen nhw'n gadael y Siambr pan fyddwn ni'n siarad am bobl dlawd a phan fyddwn ni'n sôn am sut mae pobl dlawd yn dioddef canlyniadau eu polisïau nhw, oherwydd nid oes ganddyn nhw unrhyw ddiddordeb.
Ni allai'r gymhariaeth rhwng yr hyn yr ydym ni'n ei glywed o'r fan honno a'r hyn yr ydym ni'n ei glywed gan Brif Weinidog Cymru fod yn fwy eglur. Mae'r Llywodraeth hon yn cymryd yr holl gamau y gall hi yng Nghymru i ddiogelu pobl, Llywodraeth sy'n defnyddio ei phŵer fel catalydd i ddod â phobl at ei gilydd, i ddod â chymunedau at ei gilydd, a gweithredu fel catalydd i amddiffyn pobl, ac yn Llywodraeth sy'n ysgogi holl adnoddau trethdalwyr Cymru i helpu pobl pan fyddan nhw yn eu hangen mwyaf. Dyna'r math o Lywodraeth sydd ei hangen arnom ni. Prif Weinidog, mae hi'n glod i chi ac i'r tîm o Weinidogion ein bod ni'n gallu dibynnu ar Lywodraeth Cymru mewn cyfnod o argyfwng fel hwn, ac mae hi'n glod i'r Llywodraeth hon ei bod hi'n cymryd y camau y mae hi'n eu cymryd.
A wnewch chi, Prif Weinidog, fy sicrhau i y byddwch chi'n gwneud popeth y gallwch chi i gyfathrebu'r hyn yr ydych chi'n ei wneud i amddiffyn pobl i bobl ym Mlaenau Gwent a thros Gymru gyfan fel bod pobl yn gwybod pa gymorth sydd ar gael, a bod pobl yn deall beth mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud, bod pobl yn gwybod bod ganddyn nhw Lywodraeth sydd ar eu hochr nhw pan ydyn nhw'n wynebu cyfnod o argyfwng? Mae hi'n bwysig, pan fyddwn ni'n clywed gan Ganghellor honedig y Trysorlys yn ddiweddarach yr wythnos hon eu bod nhw'n amddiffyn buddiannau'r cyfoethocaf a'r rhai sy'n cyfrannu at eu plaid yn Llundain, fod pobl Blaenau Gwent a phobl Cymru yn gwybod mai Llywodraeth yw hon a fydd yn sefyll gyda nhw ac yn sicrhau y bydd pob adnodd sydd ar gael i ni yn cael ei estyn i'r anghenus, y mwyaf bregus a'r tlotaf yn y genedl hon.

I absolutely agree with Alun Davies that, in this crisis, we have to do absolutely everything we can and that that is not a job just for the Welsh Government. We fund a single advice service here in Wales. It's one of the things that Lord Thomas, in his report on the devolution of justice, pointed out—that increasingly Welsh Governments have had to take on responsibilities for plugging the gap in services that are not devolved. We're glad to do it, because those advice services really matter to people. But if we think that those advice services are going by themselves to shoulder the burden of all the need for advice that there will be in Wales this autumn and winter, then I'm afraid that is unlikely to be something that they will be able to sustain.
I am very clear in my mind that in every single encounter that a public service worker has with a family in need this winter, there will be a responsibility on that public service to make sure that that person or that family is getting every piece of help that they can. When a social worker is out there meeting a family, making sure that every scheme that the Welsh Government can offer, every bit of help that can be drawn down from the UK Government—. That should be a responsibility that they are prepared to shoulder. As I said in health visitor terms, when a health visitor is there with a family, the financial health of that family will be having a direct impact on the physical health of that family as well. And this winter, of all winters, all public service contact should have that income maximisation, drawing down whatever help is available, at the forefront of their mind. We will want to do that as a Welsh Government, but we need to rely on that wider army of people that we have in Wales, whether they are in the third sector, in voluntary organisations and in our public services. When they are in contact with a family who needs help, as well as all the other things that I know they have to do, this winter, that cost-of-living lens must be one that I think they apply. In that way, I think we will be able to make the inroads we want to make so that nobody misses out on help that is available to them, because that help is going to be so urgently needed.
Rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr ag Alun Davies ein bod hi'n rhaid i ni, yn yr argyfwng hwn, wneud popeth a allwn ni ac nid gwaith i Lywodraeth Cymru yn unig mohono. Rydym ni'n ariannu gwasanaeth cynghori unigol yma yng Nghymru. Dyma un o'r pethau a nododd yr Arglwydd Thomas, yn ei adroddiad ar ddatganoli cyfiawnder—bod mwy a mwy o Lywodraethau Cymru wedi gorfod ysgwyddo cyfrifoldebau dros lenwi'r bwlch mewn gwasanaethau sydd heb eu datganoli. Rydym ni'n falch o wneud hynny, oherwydd mae'r gwasanaethau cynghori hynny o bwys gwirioneddol i bobl. Ond os ydym ni'n credu bod y gwasanaethau cynghori hynny yn ysgwyddo'r baich i gyd o ran yr holl angen am gyngor a fydd yng Nghymru'r hydref a'r gaeaf hwn, yna mae gen i ofn nad yw hynny'n debygol iawn o fod yn rhywbeth sy'n gynaliadwy iddyn nhw.
Rwy'n eglur iawn fy meddwl, ym mhob un cyfarfyddiad a fydd gan weithiwr gwasanaeth cyhoeddus â theulu mewn angen y gaeaf hwn, y bydd cyfrifoldeb ar y gwasanaeth cyhoeddus hwnnw i wneud yn siŵr bod yr unigolyn hwnnw neu'r teulu hwnnw'n cael pob cymorth posibl. Pan fydd gweithiwr cymdeithasol ar lawr gwlad yn cwrdd â theulu, bydd pob cynllun y gall Llywodraeth Cymru ei gynnig, bob tamaid o gymorth y gellir ei ddwyn i lawr oddi wrth Lywodraeth y DU—. Fe ddylai hwnnw fod yn gyfrifoldeb y maen nhw'n barod i'w ysgwyddo. Fel y dywedais i o ran ymwelwyr iechyd, pan fydd ymwelydd iechyd gyda theulu, fe fydd iechyd ariannol y teulu hwnnw'n cael effaith uniongyrchol ar iechyd corfforol y teulu hwnnw hefyd. A'r gaeaf hwn, o bob gaeaf, fe ddylai pob cyswllt gwasanaeth cyhoeddus fod â gwneud y mwyaf o'r incwm hwnnw, gan dynnu i lawr pa gymorth bynnag sydd ar gael, flaenaf yn eu hystyriaethau nhw. Fe fyddwn ni'n awyddus i wneud hynny yn y Llywodraeth yng Nghymru, ond mae angen i ni ddibynnu ar y fyddin ehangach yna o bobl sydd gennym ni yng Nghymru, boed honno yn y trydydd sector, mewn sefydliadau gwirfoddol ac yn ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus ni. Pan fydden nhw mewn cysylltiad â theulu sydd ag angen am gymorth, yn ogystal â'r holl bethau eraill yr wyf i'n gwybod eu bod yn rhaid iddyn nhw eu gwneud, y gaeaf yma, fe fydd yn rhaid iddyn nhw edrych ar y cyfan mewn perthynas â chostau byw yn fy marn i. Drwy wneud hynny, rwy'n credu y byddwn ni'n gallu gwneud y cynnydd yr ydym ni'n awyddus i'w gael fel na fydd unrhyw un yn colli allan ar gymorth sydd ar gael, oherwydd fe fydd y cymorth hwnnw'n gwbl angenrheidiol.
First Minister, there is no doubt that very many families in the most vulnerable circumstances in Wales are extremely worried at what will come at them this winter, and I think we can all understand that, given the situation that we face. This does require urgent action, I believe, from all levels of Government and partner organisations. And of course, the UK Government has the prime responsibility, given the levers that are available to it, including the benefits system. I chair the cross-party group on poverty in the Senedd, as you know, First Minister, and we're very concerned at the UK Government's approach to universal credit: removing the £20 uplift; the long waits that people face as new claimants; the deductions that are made, very often, to those benefits because of either overpayments or debt; and also the UK Government's approach to sanctioning. I know that the House of Commons Work and Pensions Committee has called for a pause to deductions to recover debts to give some breathing space to families at such a difficult time. Will you, First Minister, support the calls of that committee, and take every opportunity to urge the UK Government to do the right thing and help our struggling families during this incredibly difficult time to come?
Prif Weinidog, nid oes amheuaeth o gwbl fod llawer iawn o deuluoedd dan yr amgylchiadau mwyaf bregus yng Nghymru yn gofidio llawr iawn ynglŷn â'r hyn sydd o'u blaenau y gaeaf hwn, ac rwy'n credu y gallwn ni i gyd ddeall hynny, o ystyried y sefyllfa sy'n ein hwynebu ni. Mae hyn yn gofyn am weithredu ar unwaith, yn fy marn i, ar bob lefel o'r Llywodraeth a sefydliadau partner. Ac wrth gwrs, Llywodraeth y DU sydd â'r cyfrifoldeb pennaf, o ystyried yr ysgogiadau sydd ar gael iddi, gan gynnwys y system fudd-daliadau. Rwyf i'n cadeirio'r grŵp trawsbleidiol ar dlodi yn y Senedd, fel y gwyddoch chi, Prif Weinidog, ac rydym ni'n bryderus iawn ynghylch dull Llywodraeth y DU o ran credyd cynhwysol: diddymu'r codiad o £20; yr amser maith y mae pobl yn aros wrth hawlio o'r newydd; y didyniadau sy'n cael eu gwneud, yn aml iawn, i'r buddion hynny oherwydd naill ai ordaliadau neu ddyledion; a dull Llywodraeth y DU o gosbi hefyd. Fe wn i fod Pwyllgor Gwaith a Phensiynau Tŷ'r Cyffredin wedi galw am oediad i ddidyniadau ar gyfer adennill dyledion i roi rhyw gymaint o gyfle i deuluoedd ennill ychydig o dir ar adeg mor anodd. A fyddech chi, Prif Weinidog, yn cefnogi galwadau'r pwyllgor hwnnw, ac yn manteisio ar bob cyfle i annog Llywodraeth y DU i wneud y peth cyfiawn a helpu ein teuluoedd ni sy'n ei chael hi'n anodd yn ystod y cyfnod hynod anodd hwn sydd i ddod?

I thank John Griffiths for those important points. He's right; families across Wales face this coming autumn and winter with a real sense of trepidation. We've been in a sort of phoney war, haven't we, on this, really, because people are yet to see the real impact of the increasing bills that began on 1 April this year. During the long summer months, people are in some ways able to make adjustments—you don't have to heat the house, you don't have to turn the light on in the early evening—but they see October coming and they know that that way of coping will no longer be available to them. John Griffiths is absolutely right about the sense of foreboding that that creates for so many families.
The benefits system ought to take the heavy lifting of all this. That's what it was designed to do. That is why James Griffiths, the Member of Parliament for Llanelli, designed the social security system in the way that he did, so that no family should be fearful of destitution here in the United Kingdom. But with £1,200 taken out of the budgets of families just as these bills begin to rise, the holes in the safety net become ever greater. Thousands of people in Wales now rely on the discretionary assistance fund to see them through the five-week waiting period, the five weeks before you get any help out of the UK system. Thankfully, our discretionary assistance fund allows families to draw down some help to get them through that very difficult period.
While I don't agree with all the points that the leader of Plaid Cymru made earlier about the dismemberment of a UK benefits system—because in the end, it has the potential to be a great engine for redistribution in the hands of the right Government—I do agree, and have said so previously, with the conclusions of the committee in the last Senedd term that John Griffiths chaired, that devolution of the administration of social security would make a real difference here in Wales. Of course we would have a different sanctioning regime if it was in the hands of this Senedd; of course we would have a different approach to deductions from people's bare-bone benefits for debts that they owe elsewhere. The case for devolution of administration of welfare has become even stronger since his committee first investigated it and made those recommendations. I'm very pleased indeed to associate myself strongly with those proposals.
Diolch i John Griffiths am y pwyntiau pwysig hynny. Mae'n iawn; mae teuluoedd ledled Cymru yn wynebu'r hydref a'r gaeaf hwn sy'n dod gydag ymdeimlad gwirioneddol o anesmwythder. Rydym ni wedi bod mewn rhyw fath o ryfel ffug, onid ydym ni, yn hyn, mewn gwirionedd, oherwydd nid yw pobl wedi gweld gwir effaith y biliau cynyddol eto a ddechreuodd ar 1 o fis Ebrill eleni. Yn ystod misoedd hir yr haf, mae pobl mewn rhai ffyrdd yn gallu gwneud addasiadau—nid oes raid i chi wresogi'r tŷ, nid oes raid i chi droi'r golau ymlaen yn gynnar gyda'r nos—ond maen nhw'n gweld mis Hydref yn dod ac maen nhw'n gwybod na fydd y ffordd honno o ymdopi ar gael iddyn nhw bellach. Mae John Griffiths yn llygad ei le o ran yr ymdeimlad drwgargoelus y mae hynny'n ei greu i gymaint o deuluoedd.
Fe ddylai'r system fudd-daliadau ysgwyddo'r gwaith trymaf yn hyn o beth. Dyna beth y cafodd ei chynllunio i'w gyflawni. Dyna pam y dyluniodd James Griffiths, Aelod Seneddol Llanelli, y system nawdd cymdeithasol yn y ffordd y gwnaeth, fel na ddylai'r un teulu fod yn ofni ansefydlogrwydd yma yn y Deyrnas Unedig. Ond gyda £1,200 yn cael ei dynnu allan o gyllidebau teuluoedd yn union wrth i'r biliau hyn ddechrau codi, mae'r tyllau yn y rhwyd ddiogelwch yn dod yn fwy amlwg nag erioed. Mae miloedd o bobl yng Nghymru yn dibynnu erbyn hyn ar y gronfa cymorth dewisol i'w cynnal trwy'r cyfnod aros o bum wythnos, y pum wythnos cyn i chi gael unrhyw gymorth o system y DU. Diolch byth, mae ein cronfa cymorth dewisol ni'n caniatáu i deuluoedd gael rhywfaint o gymorth yn ystod y cyfnod anodd iawn hwnnw.
Er nad wyf i'n cytuno â phob pwynt y gwnaeth arweinydd Plaid Cymru yn gynharach o ran drylliad y system fudd-daliadau yn y DU—oherwydd yn y diwedd, mae'r posibilrwydd ganddi hi i fod yn beiriant rhagorol ar gyfer ailddosbarthu yn nwylo'r Llywodraeth gywir—rwyf i'n cytuno, ac wedi dweud hynny o'r blaen, gyda chasgliadau'r pwyllgor yn nhymor diwethaf y Senedd a gadeiriodd John Griffiths, y byddai datganoli gweinyddu nawdd cymdeithasol yn gwneud gwahaniaeth gwirioneddol yma yng Nghymru. Wrth gwrs fe fyddai gennym ni drefn wahanol o gosbi pe byddai hynny yn nwylo'r Senedd hon; wrth gwrs, fe fyddai gennym ni ddull gwahanol o dynnu didyniadau o fudd-daliadau llwm pobl oherwydd dyledion sydd ganddyn nhw mewn mannau eraill. Mae'r achos dros ddatganoli gweinyddu lles wedi mynd yn gryfach eto ers i'w bwyllgor ef ymchwilio i hyn yn gyntaf a gwneud yr argymhellion hynny. Rwyf i'n falch iawn yn wir o allu ategu'r cynigion hynny'n gadarn.
I really value these measures coming forward, but to deliver them, we need public services, and I'm really concerned; I've heard from the Prime Minister about funding for businesses and also for households, but nothing for public services, and they're facing the rising energy costs as well, and the cost-of-living crisis. They've had 10 years of austerity, so they're already cut to the bone going forward, struggling to recruit, and dealing with the pandemic as well, and they're needed more than ever, I think, to help people. Does the First Minister know if the funding for businesses will include public services? If not, would you be able to have conversations with the UK Government Treasury regarding funding for public services going forward, so they can deal with rising energy costs as well? Regarding the discretionary assistance fund, I've been contacted by different agencies including the Flintshire Local Voluntary Council. Could I ask that you look at whether that could rise from a £250 payment to a £500 payment, so that residents could afford to buy a tankful of oil? Because they cannot at the moment with the £250. Thank you.
Rwyf i wir yn gwerthfawrogi'r mesurau hyn sy'n cael eu cyflwyno, ond i'w cyflawni nhw, bydd angen gwasanaethau cyhoeddus arnom ni, ac rwy'n wirioneddol bryderus; rwyf wedi clywed oddi wrth y Prif Weinidog am gyllid i fusnesau ac aelwydydd hefyd, ond dim o ran gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, ac maen nhw'n wynebu costau ynni cynyddol hefyd, a'r argyfwng costau byw. Maen nhw wedi gweld 10 mlynedd o gyni, felly maen nhw eisoes wedi cael eu torri hyd yr asgwrn wrth symud ymlaen, yn cael trafferthion wrth recriwtio, ac yn ymdrin â'r pandemig hefyd, ac mae'r angen amdanyn nhw'n fwy nag erioed, yn fy marn i, i helpu pobl. A yw'r Prif Weinidog yn gwybod a fydd yr arian ar gyfer busnesau yn cynnwys gwasanaethau cyhoeddus? Os na fydd, a allech chi gael sgyrsiau gyda Thrysorlys Llywodraeth y DU ynghylch cyllid ar gyfer gwasanaethau cyhoeddus i'r dyfodol, fel gallan nhw ymdrin â chostau ynni cynyddol hefyd? O ran y gronfa cymorth dewisol, mae gwahanol asiantaethau wedi cysylltu â mi gan gynnwys Cyngor Gwirfoddol Lleol Sir y Fflint. A gaf i ofyn i chi edrych a allai hwnnw godi o daliad o £250 i daliad o £500, er mwyn i drigolion allu fforddio prynu llond tanc o olew? Oherwydd gallan nhw ddim ar hyn o bryd gyda £250. Diolch i chi.

I thank Carolyn Thomas for those questions, Llywydd. In relation to public service funding, there are two different issues, aren't there? There is the issue of energy costs, and the announcement on 8 September did suggest that there would be help for public services with energy costs, as well as help to businesses, but we will not know any more than that until we see the mini budget, or whatever it is to be called, on Friday of this week.
But, beyond the energy costs, there is the general impact of inflation, which erodes the purchasing power of the budgets of all public services. I said earlier: the Welsh Government's own budget will buy £600 million and more less value than it would have in November last year. In November last year, the UK Government, in their comprehensive spending review, decided how much money the Welsh Government needed to discharge its responsibilities. In effect, we now have hundreds of millions of pounds less than they said we needed then. So, I think it's a completely legitimate expectation that the UK Government will want to put public services back in the position that they themselves had decided was necessary less than a year ago.
As to the discretionary assistance fund, it is under enormous pressure. The claims on it go up every month from people who have nowhere else to go. Fortunately, in relation to the specific point that Carolyn Thomas made about people who are off-gas and therefore have to buy heating oil, the fuel bank scheme that will become operational this month will offer help for people in those circumstances. People on pre-payment meters—nothing at all in the Government's announcement to help them, the poorest people who buy the most expensive energy, and nothing to help people who are off-grid either. Our fuel bank scheme will do both.
Rwy'n diolch i Carolyn Thomas am y cwestiynau hynny, Llywydd. O ran cyllid i wasanaethau cyhoeddus, mae dau fater ar wahân, onid oes? Fe geir mater o ran costau ynni, ac roedd y cyhoeddiad ar 8 Medi yn awgrymu y byddai cymorth ar gael i wasanaethau cyhoeddus gyda chostau ynni, yn ogystal â chymorth i fusnesau, ond ni fyddwn ni'n gwybod mwy na hynny tan y byddwn ni'n gweld y gyllideb fach, neu beth bynnag y bydd hi'n cael ei galw, ddydd Gwener yr wythnos hon.
Ond, y tu hwnt i'r costau ynni, fe geir effaith gyffredinol chwyddiant, sy'n erydu pŵer prynu cyllidebau'r gwasanaethau cyhoeddus i gyd. Fe ddywedais i'n gynharach: fe fydd cyllideb Llywodraeth Cymru ei hun yn prynu dros £600 miliwn yn llai o werth nag y byddai hi ym mis Tachwedd y llynedd. Ym mis Tachwedd y llynedd, fe benderfynodd Llywodraeth y DU, yn ei hadolygiad cynhwysfawr o wariant, faint o arian oedd ei angen ar Lywodraeth Cymru i gyflawni ei chyfrifoldebau. I bob pwrpas, mae gennym ni gannoedd o filiynau o bunnoedd yn llai erbyn hyn na'r hyn a ddywedon nhw y byddai ei angen arnom ni bryd hynny. Felly, rwy'n credu mai disgwyliad cwbl ddilys yw i Lywodraeth y DU roi gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yn ôl yn yr un sefyllfa â'r hyn y penderfynwyd ganddyn nhw eu hunain oedd ei angen lai na blwyddyn yn ôl.
O ran y gronfa cymorth dewisol, mae honno dan bwysau aruthrol. Mae'r galwadau arni hi'n codi bob mis oddi wrth bobl sydd heb unrhyw le arall i droi. Yn ffodus, o ran pwynt penodol a wnaeth Carolyn Thomas am bobl sydd heb brif gyflenwad nwy ac felly'n gorfod prynu olew i wresogi, fe fydd y cynllun banc tanwydd a fydd yn dod yn weithredol y mis hwn yn cynnig cymorth i bobl yn yr amgylchiadau hynny. Pobl ar fesuryddion talu ymlaen llaw—dim byd o gwbl yng nghyhoeddiad y Llywodraeth i'w helpu nhw, y bobl fwyaf anghenus sy'n prynu egni yn y ffordd fwyaf costus, a dim oll i helpu pobl sydd oddi ar y grid chwaith. Fe fydd ein cynllun banc tanwydd ni'n gwneud y ddau beth hynny.
Behind every threat, there is an opportunity, and I've long been an advocate of community-focused schools. So, I've already had conversations about heat banks in schools, in community centres, in churches, and people are really pulling together. And I just wondered if we can somehow extend the remit of community-focused schools to enable us to offer community learning, community-focused homework, community sport in the schools that we are already funding as part of the taxpayers' contributions. This would obviously be hugely beneficial to enable people to get together and learn together, rather than simply be shivering in front of a metal box.
Ceir cyfle yr tu ôl i unrhyw fygythiad ac rwyf i wedi cefnogi ysgolion bro ers amser maith iawn. Felly, rwyf wedi cael sgyrsiau eisoes ynglŷn â banciau gwres mewn ysgolion, mewn canolfannau cymunedol, mewn eglwysi, ac mae pobl yn gwneud trwy ei gilydd yn wirioneddol. Ac roeddwn i'n meddwl tybed a allwn ni ymestyn cylch gwaith ysgolion bro mewn rhyw ffordd i'n galluogi ni i gynnig gwaith cartref sy'n canolbwyntio ar y gymuned, chwaraeon cymunedol yn yr ysgolion yr ydym ni'n eu hariannu eisoes yn rhan o gyfraniadau'r trethdalwyr. Fe fyddai hyn yn hynod fuddiol, yn amlwg, o ran galluogi pobl i ddod at ei gilydd a dysgu gyda'i gilydd, yn hytrach na dim ond rhynnu o flaen bocs metel.

Llywydd, they are really important points that Jenny Rathbone makes. The only way that we will be able to succeed in creating banks that people can use is by using facilities that are already there and operating. And community-focused schools is one of those, but there are many, many others—rugby clubs that are open and are the focus of many communities; maybe they can do more if there is a bit of help for them. Voluntary and faith group-run centres that could extend their opening hours if they had a bit of extra help.
We can't start this from scratch; we're talking about this coming October. We have to build on what is already available and get that to do more. And then, we have to bend the budgets of other organisations to support them in that work. I absolutely expect the arts council and the sports council, for example, to be looking at their budgets and asking whether there are things that they could do, so if people are coming together in new facilities of that sort, there are things for them to do. The idea that people just come there and sit there all day and do nothing is not going to be attractive to anybody. So, we have to see that all the budgets that are there, in every part of the public sector, are being interrogated again through the lens that we've been discussing this afternoon. And then, as Jenny Rathbone says, opportunities for sport, opportunities for learning, opportunities for creativity—all those things that will make people's time, if they come to such centres, productive and worthwhile, we need to see all that being part of this rapidly needed new set of arrangements.
Llywydd, mae'r rhain yn bwyntiau pwysig iawn y mae Jenny Rathbone yn eu codi. Yr unig ffordd y byddwn ni'n gallu creu banciau y gall pobl eu defnyddio yn llwyddiannus yw drwy ddefnyddio cyfleusterau sydd yno eisoes ac ar waith. Ac mae ysgolion bro yn un o'r rhain, ond mae yna lawer, llawer o rai eraill—clybiau rygbi sydd ar agor ac sy'n ganolbwynt i lawer o gymunedau; efallai y gallan nhw wneud mwy pe byddai dipyn o gymorth ar gael iddyn nhw. Fe allai canolfannau sy'n cael eu rhedeg gan grwpiau gwirfoddol a ffydd ymestyn eu horiau agor efallai pe byddai ychydig o gymorth ychwanegol ar gael.
Ni allwn ni ddechrau gwneud hyn o ddim byd; sôn am fis Hydref sydd ar ddod yr ydym ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni adeiladu ar yr hyn sydd ar gael yn barod a gwneud mwy â hwnnw. Ac wedyn, mae'n rhaid i ni blygu cyllidebau sefydliadau eraill i'w cefnogi nhw gyda'r gwaith hwnnw. Rwy'n llawn ddisgwyl i gyngor y celfyddydau a'r cyngor chwaraeon, er enghraifft, fod yn edrych ar eu cyllidebau nhw a gofyn a oes yna bethau y gallen nhw eu gwneud, felly pe byddai pobl yn dod at ei gilydd mewn cyfleusterau newydd o'r math yna, fe fyddai ganddyn nhw bethau i'w gwneud. Nid yw'r syniad y bydd pobl yn mynd yno i wneud dim ond eistedd drwy'r dydd a gwneud dim byd arall am fod yn ddeniadol i neb. Felly, mae'n rhaid i ni weld y bydd yr holl gyllidebau sydd ar gael, ym mhob rhan o'r sector cyhoeddus, yn cael eu harchwilio unwaith eto drwy'r lens yr ydym ni wedi bod yn ei drafod y prynhawn yma. Ac yna, fel dywed Jenny Rathbone, bydd cyfleoedd i chwaraeon, cyfleoedd i ddysgu, cyfleoedd i greadigrwydd—yr holl bethau hynny a fydd yn gwneud amser pobl, pe bydden nhw'n mynd i ganolfannau o'r fath, yn gynhyrchiol ac yn werth chweil, ac mae angen i ni weld popeth sy'n rhan o'r gyfres newydd hon sydd ei hangen ar fyrder.
Ac, yn olaf, Sioned Williams.
And, finally, Sioned Williams.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Prif Weinidog, you've rightly outlined the crucial importance of getting what support is available into eligible people's pockets. So, could I ask you: what evaluation of the last round of the winter fuel support scheme across local authorities has taken place? Because I'm sure that you agree with me that we need to know what worked well and what needs to be improved, especially around processing and engagement procedures and practices, to ensure maximum take-up.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Prif Weinidog, rydych chi, yn briodol, wedi amlinellu pwysigrwydd hanfodol rhoi y cymorth sydd ar gael yn nwylo'r bobl sy'n gymwys i'w gael. Felly, a gaf i ofyn i chi: pa werthusiad sydd wedi bod ar draws yr awdurdodau lleol o ran y rownd ddiwethaf o gynllun cymorth tanwydd y gaeaf? Oherwydd rwy'n siŵr eich bod chi'n cytuno â mi ynglŷn â'r angen i ni wybod beth oedd yn gweithio yn dda a'r hyn sydd ag angen ei wella, yn enwedig o ran gweithdrefnau ac arferion prosesu ac ymgysylltu, i sicrhau y gall y nifer mwyaf posibl fanteisio arno.

Thanks to Sioned Williams for that important question. So, there is an evaluation of it all. It has led to the change in the eligibility criteria that I mentioned earlier to make sure that some people who, the first time around, the rules didn't accommodate them, didn't respond to their circumstances, will now be able to take advantage of the scheme. That's why the number of people who we hope to help can be as high as 400,000 people.
There are things that local authorities will want to do to help as well. We know that some local authorities in Wales do better in the business of automaticity. If you are entitled to one form of help, without you having to do anything, it opens the door to all sorts of other help that you might be able to get. Other local authorities require people to apply time and time again; every time you want a piece of help, you've got to apply again. Unsurprisingly, local authorities that have the first approach have higher levels of take-up than local authorities that go for the second way of doing things. And we've been talking with the Welsh Local Government Association to make sure that the experience of those local authorities that—I can't think of the right word—automatically provide the help to which people are entitled as soon as they first ask for help do better in fuel bank delivery, as well as in other things; in winter fuel delivery, as well as in other aspects. And we want more local authorities to learn from the experience of the successful ones.
Diolch i Sioned Williams am y cwestiwn pwysig hwnnw. Felly, mae yna werthusiad o'r cyfan. Mae wedi arwain at y newid yn y meini prawf cymhwysedd y soniais amdanyn nhw yn gynharach i wneud yn siŵr y bydd rhai pobl nad oedd y rheolau, y tro cyntaf, yn eu cwmpasu, yn ymateb i'w hamgylchiadau, nawr yn gallu manteisio ar y cynllun. Dyna pam y gall nifer y bobl yr ydym ni'n gobeithio eu helpu fod mor uchel â 400,000 o bobl.
Mae yna bethau y bydd awdurdodau lleol eisiau ei wneud i helpu hefyd. Gwyddom fod rhai awdurdodau lleol yng Nghymru yn gwneud yn well yn y busnes o awtomateiddio. Os oes gennych hawl i un math o gymorth, heb i chi orfod gwneud unrhyw beth, mae'n agor y drws i bob math o gymorth arall y gallech chi ei gael efallai. Mae awdurdodau lleol eraill yn mynnu bod pobl yn gwneud cais dro ar ôl tro; bob tro yr ydych chi eisiau darn o gymorth, mae'n rhaid i chi wneud cais eto. Nid yw'n syndod bod gan awdurdodau lleol sydd â'r dull cyntaf lefelau uwch o bobl sy'n derbyn na'r awdurdodau lleol sy'n mynd am yr ail ffordd o wneud pethau. Ac rydym ni wedi bod yn siarad â Chymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru i wneud yn siŵr bod profiad yr awdurdodau lleol hynny sy'n—alla i ddim meddwl am y gair cywir—rhoi'r cymorth yn awtomatig y mae gan bobl hawl iddo cyn gynted ag y byddan nhw'n gofyn am gymorth i wneud yn well wrth ddarparu banciau tanwydd, yn ogystal ag mewn pethau eraill; wrth ddarparu tanwydd yn y gaeaf, yn ogystal ag mewn agweddau eraill. Ac rydym ni eisiau i fwy o awdurdodau lleol ddysgu o brofiad y rhai llwyddiannus.
Diolch, Prif Weinidog.
I thank the First Minister.
Eitem 4, datganiad gan y Cwnsler Cyffredinol a Gweinidog y Cyfansoddiad: Bil Diogelu'r Amgylchedd (Cynhyrchion Plastig Untro) (Cymru). Galwaf ar y Cwnsler Cyffredinol, Mick Antoniw.
Item 4 is the statement by the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution on the Environmental Protection (Single-use Plastic Products) (Wales) Bill. I call on the Counsel General, Mick Antoniw.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Heddiw, gosododd y Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd Fil Diogelu'r Amgylchedd (Cynhyrchion Plastig Untro) (Cymru) gerbron y Senedd, ynghyd â'r memorandwm esboniadol. Rwy'n gwneud yr anerchiad hwn oherwydd nad yw'n gallu bod yma i wneud hynny ei hun.
Mae gwastraff plastig yn hollbresennol, yn barhaus ac yn llygru, ac mae'n hanfodol cymryd camau ar fyrder i'w atal rhag llifo i mewn i'n hamgylchedd. Mae'n gallu bod yn anodd ailgylchu nwyddau plastig ac yn aml, maen nhw'n cael eu gollwng fel sbwriel neu eu tipio yn anghyfreithlon. Mae gweddillion microblastigion wedi cael eu canfod ar ein mynyddoedd uchaf, yn ein bwyd, y cyflenwadau dŵr, yn yr aer rydym ni'n ei anadlu ac yn ein cyrff. Yng Nghylch yr Arctig gellid dod o hyd i wastraff plastig o'r Deyrnas Unedig sy'n mynd i mewn i'r môr. Ar ôl iddo fynd i'r amgylchedd, mae plastig yn atynnu llygryddion eraill, gan eu gwneud yn fwy peryglus i anifeiliaid, planhigion a phobl sy'n dod ar eu traws.
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. Today, the Minister for Climate Change laid the Environmental Protection (Single-use Plastic Products) (Wales) Bill together with the explanatory memorandum before the Senedd. I am making this address, as she cannot be here herself.
Plastic waste is pervasive, persistent and polluting, and it is urgent that we take steps to prevent the flow of plastic waste into our environment. It can be difficult to recycle plastic goods and they are frequently littered or fly-tipped. Microplastic residues have been found on our highest mountains, in our food and in our water supplies, in the air that we breathe and inside our bodies. In the Arctic Circle, plastic waste from the UK has entered the oceans. Once in the environment, plastic attracts other pollutants, making it more hazardous to animals, plants and humans encountering it.
Plastic products have supported technological development in areas like healthcare, workplace safety and energy efficiency. Yet, these benefits have come with a growing environmental cost that is not sustainable. As part of developing a more responsible approach to using plastics, the first step must be eliminating its unnecessary use, particularly for items designed for single use.
Most plastic is made from fossil fuels. Reducing it can assist our efforts towards net zero, helping reduce our carbon footprint to minimise the worst impacts of the climate emergency. A 2015 study found that twice as much fossil energy is burned for plastic production as is contained in the plastic itself. So, changing our habits to reduce demand for plastics and encourage reuse will help save this colossal waste. A wholesale switch to plant-based plastics is not the answer. While these products can help reduce carbon, their production can compete with food crops for increasingly valuable agricultural land and water. Wherever possible, we must first reduce the need for plastic products, including, where relevant, by making the switch to reusables.
Mae cynhyrchion plastig wedi cefnogi datblygiad technolegol mewn meysydd fel gofal iechyd, diogelwch yn y gweithle ac effeithlonrwydd ynni. Eto i gyd, mae'r manteision hyn wedi dod gyda chost amgylcheddol gynyddol nad yw'n gynaliadwy. Fel rhan o ddatblygu dull mwy cyfrifol o ddefnyddio plastigion, y cam cyntaf gofynnol yw dileu ei ddefnydd diangen, yn enwedig ar gyfer eitemau sydd wedi'u cynllunio at ddefnydd untro.
Mae'r rhan fwyaf o blastig wedi'i wneud o danwydd ffosil. Gall ei leihau helpu ein hymdrechion tuag at sero net, gan helpu i leihau ein hôl-troed carbon i leihau effeithiau gwaethaf yr argyfwng hinsawdd. Yn ôl astudiaeth yn 2015, mae dwywaith gymaint o ynni ffosil yn cael ei losgi ar gyfer cynhyrchu plastig nag sydd yn y plastig ei hun. Felly, bydd newid ein harferion i leihau'r galw am blastigion ac annog ailddefnyddio yn helpu i arbed y gwastraff aruthrol hwn. Nid newid cyfan gwbl i blastigau o blanhigion yw'r ateb. Er y gall y cynhyrchion hyn helpu i leihau carbon, gall y broses o'u cynhyrchu gystadlu â chnydau bwyd ar dir amaethyddol a dŵr cynyddol werthfawr. Pryd bynnag y bo modd, rhaid i ni leihau'r angen am gynhyrchion plastig yn gyntaf, gan gynnwys, pan fo'n berthnasol, drwy newid i bethau y gellir eu hailddefnyddio.
People and businesses in Wales are already making changes. As a Government, we are committed to supporting them, building on their enthusiasm for change. People are demanding that this Government and their Senedd builds on their efforts, and that is what this Bill does today. It sends a clear message to everyone living and working in Wales. It will encourage more of us to change our habits and reduce plastic waste. To do this, we will all need to get used to doing things differently. We are alive to the fact that some people and businesses will find changes more difficult than others will, and they will need time and guidance to do so. Nevertheless, such change is entirely possible. As a Government, we must not shy away from the urgent need to accelerate the rate of change already in train.
The purpose of the Bill is to reduce the flow of plastic pollution into our environment. This Bill forms part of our response to the climate and nature emergencies. The Bill will build on the momentum created by communities across Wales who have already chosen to go plastic free, defy throw-away culture, and help tackle littering.
Dirprwy Lywydd, on 15 August, we published a draft of the Bill to give Senedd Members and interested stakeholders an opportunity to see the proposed scope and direction of the Bill, and the Climate Change, Environment and Infrastructure Committee an opportunity to consult on the proposal. In the same spirit of openness, the Minister for Climate Change has written to the Chair of the Climate Change, Environment and Infrastructure Committee today to set out some changes that we intend to propose to the Bill at Stage 2. The changes are technical and legal clarifications that do not alter the purpose or intent of the Bill. As we work together in the coming months, I hope that you will support these amendments that will provide the necessary clarity for the Bill.
The Bill will make it a criminal offence to supply or to offer to supply to a consumer in Wales the single-use plastic items in the Schedule. It will also make provision for Ministers to introduce civil sanctions as an alternative means of enforcing the ban on prohibited single-use plastic products, which is similar to the arrangements for the existing ban on plastic microbeads in place since 2018. The Bill will also allow us to introduce regulations to ban or restrict more products as evidence of harm and the impact of these actions becomes available. Ministers will be required to report on the items they are considering banning under this provision. Such regulations will be subject to the approval of the Senedd by affirmative procedures.
Many items in the Schedule of items to be banned include everyday products associated with food and drink on-the-go. This includes single-use plastic cutlery, plates, drink stirrers, expanded and foamed polystyrene fast-food containers and cups, as well as polystyrene lids for fast-food containers and cups. We are also banning drinking straws, which have an exemption to ensure that they can still be provided to those who, for medical reasons, need them to eat or drink. We have also included plastic-stemmed cotton buds and balloon sticks. And we also intend to ban all products made of oxo-degradable plastic, which is a type of plastic to which additives have been added that have been shown to alter the way it breaks down.
Dirprwy Lywydd, building on the success of the 5p charge for single-use carrier bags, the Bill will take our ambition to cut waste from these products to the next level. Research shows that most households have changed their habits such that they no longer require these products. So, thin, single-use bags will also now be banned.
This Bill will enable Wales to be at the forefront of action on plastics by removing single-use items from the supply chain. It will help achieve our ambition to develop the circular economy by focusing on reuse, generating value whilst reducing overall demand. It will help to address the visual and ecological impact of littered plastic and take us a step closer to being a nation that takes responsibility for what we consume, using no more than our fair share of the world's resources. Together, we can make a difference and we can create a better environment for current and future generations.
So, Dirprwy Lywydd, I hope all Senedd Members will agree that the time for action is now. All Members of the Senedd will have been approached in their constituencies to act on this important matter. I hope Members are supportive of our proposals throughout the scrutiny process that will now follow, as I'm keen to see that this legislation is passed to achieve a greener, fairer and more prosperous Wales and to help make this Bill a success. Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd.
Mae pobl a busnesau yng Nghymru eisoes yn gwneud newidiadau. Fel Llywodraeth, rydym wedi ymrwymo i'w cefnogi nhw, gan adeiladu ar eu brwdfrydedd dros newid. Mae pobl yn mynnu bod y Llywodraeth hon a'u Senedd yn adeiladu ar eu hymdrechion, a dyna mae'r Bil hwn yn ei wneud heddiw. Mae'n anfon neges glir at bawb sy'n byw ac yn gweithio yng Nghymru. Bydd yn annog mwy ohonon ni i newid ein harferion a lleihau gwastraff plastig. Er mwyn gwneud hyn, bydd angen i ni gyd ddod i arfer â gwneud pethau'n wahanol. Rydyn ni'n ymwybodol o'r ffaith y bydd rhai pobl a busnesau yn gweld newidiadau anos nag eraill, a bydd angen amser ac arweiniad arnyn nhw i wneud hynny. Serch hynny, mae newid o'r fath yn gwbl bosibl. Fel Llywodraeth, rhaid i ni beidio ag osgoi yr angen brys i gyflymu cyfradd y newid sydd eisoes ar waith.
Pwrpas y Bil yw lleihau llif llygredd plastig i'n hamgylchedd. Mae'r Bil hwn yn rhan o'n hymateb i'r argyfyngau hinsawdd a natur. Bydd y Bil yn adeiladu ar y momentwm a grëwyd gan gymunedau ledled Cymru sydd eisoes wedi dewis mynd yn ddi-blastig, diwylliant taflu i ffwrdd, a helpu i fynd i'r afael â sbwriel.
Dirprwy Lywydd, ar 15 Awst, cyhoeddwyd drafft o'r Bil er mwyn rhoi cyfle i Aelodau'r Senedd a rhanddeiliaid sydd â buddiant weld cwmpas a chyfeiriad arfaethedig y Bil, a chyfle i'r Pwyllgor Newid Hinsawdd, yr Amgylchedd a Seilwaith i ymgynghori ar y cynnig. Yn yr un ysbryd o fod yn agored, mae'r Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd wedi ysgrifennu at Gadeirydd y Pwyllgor Newid Hinsawdd, yr Amgylchedd a Seilwaith heddiw i nodi rhai newidiadau yr ydym yn bwriadu eu cynnig i'r Bil yng Nghyfnod 2. Mae'r newidiadau yn esboniadau technegol a chyfreithiol nad ydynt yn newid pwrpas na bwriad y Bil. Wrth i ni weithio gyda'n gilydd dros y misoedd nesaf, gobeithio y byddwch yn cefnogi'r gwelliannau hyn a fydd yn rhoi'r eglurder angenrheidiol i'r Bil.
Bydd y Bil yn ei gwneud yn drosedd i gyflenwi neu gynnig cyflenwi i ddefnyddiwr yng Nghymru yr eitemau plastig untro yn yr Atodlen. Bydd hefyd yn gwneud darpariaeth i Weinidogion gyflwyno cosbau sifil fel ffordd amgen o orfodi'r gwaharddiad ar gynhyrchion plastig untro sydd wedi'u gwahardd, sy'n debyg i'r trefniadau ar gyfer y gwaharddiad presennol ar ficrobelenni plastig sydd ar waith ers 2018. Bydd y Bil hefyd yn caniatáu inni gyflwyno rheoliadau i wahardd neu gyfyngu mwy o gynhyrchion wrth i dystiolaeth o niwed ac effaith y camau hyn ddod ar gael. Bydd yn ofynnol i Weinidogion adrodd ar yr eitemau y maen nhw'n ystyried eu gwahardd o dan y ddarpariaeth hon. Bydd rheoliadau o'r fath yn amodol ar gymeradwyaeth y Senedd drwy weithdrefnau cadarnhaol.
Mae llawer o'r eitemau yn yr Atodlen o eitemau i'w gwahardd yn cynnwys cynhyrchion bob dydd sy'n gysylltiedig â bwyd a diod pan fyddwch allan. Mae hyn yn cynnwys eitemau plastig untro fel cyllyll a ffyrc, platiau, troyddion diod, cynwysyddion bwyd a chwpanau wedi'u gwneud o bolystyren ehangedig neu bolystyren allwthiedig ewynnog, yn ogystal â chaeadau polystyren ar gyfer cynwysyddion bwyd a chwpanau. Rydym hefyd yn gwahardd gwellt yfed, sydd ag eithriad i sicrhau eu bod yn dal i allu cael eu darparu i'r bobl hynny sydd, am resymau meddygol, eu hangen i fwyta neu yfed. Rydym hefyd wedi cynnwys ffyn cotwm sydd â choesau plastic a ffyn balwnau plastig. Ac rydym hefyd yn bwriadu gwahardd yr holl gynhyrchion sydd wedi'u gwneud o blastig ocso-diraddadwy, sy'n fath o blastig y mae ychwanegion wedi'u hychwanegu ato sydd wedi'i ddangos i newid y ffordd y mae'n torri i lawr.
Dirprwy Lywydd, i ategu llwyddiant y tâl 5c am fagiau siopa untro, bydd y Bil yn mynd â'n huchelgais i atal gwastraff o'r cynhyrchion hyn i'r lefel nesaf. Mae ymchwil yn dangos bod y rhan fwyaf o aelwydydd wedi newid eu harferion fel nad oes angen y cynhyrchion hyn arnyn nhw mwyach. Felly, bydd bagiau tenau, untro hefyd bellach yn cael eu gwahardd.
Bydd y Bil hwn yn galluogi Cymru i fod ar flaen y gad o ran gweithredu ar blastigau drwy dynnu eitemau untro o'r gadwyn gyflenwi. Bydd yn helpu i gyflawni ein huchelgais i ddatblygu'r economi gylchol drwy ganolbwyntio ar ailddefnyddio, cynhyrchu gwerth gan leihau'r galw cyffredinol. Bydd yn helpu i fynd i'r afael ag effaith weledol ac ecolegol sbwriel plastig ac yn mynd â ni gam yn nes at fod yn genedl sy'n cymryd cyfrifoldeb am yr hyn yr ydym ni'n ei ddefnyddio, gan ddefnyddio dim mwy na'n cyfran deg o adnoddau'r byd. Gyda'n gilydd, gallwn wneud gwahaniaeth a gallwn greu amgylchedd gwell ar gyfer cenedlaethau'r presennol a chenedlaethau'r dyfodol.
Felly, Dirprwy Lywydd, rwy'n gobeithio y bydd holl Aelodau'r Senedd yn cytuno mai nawr yw'r amser i weithredu. Bydd holl Aelodau'r Senedd wedi cael cais yn eu hetholaethau i weithredu ar y mater pwysig hwn. Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd yr Aelodau yn gefnogol i'n cynigion drwy gydol y broses graffu a fydd yn awr yn dilyn, gan fy mod yn awyddus i weld bod y ddeddfwriaeth hon yn cael ei phasio i sicrhau Cymru werddach a mwy ffyniannus ac i helpu i sicrhau bod y Bil hwn yn llwyddiant. Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd.
I realise, of course, the Minister isn't here to introduce this today, but the Counsel General has very ably pointed out the problems that we have with so much plastic. By the time I've actually given my contribution, around 5 million plastic bottles will have actually been purchased, because 1 million are purchased every minute on our planet.
The plastic plague, of course, is here in Wales. Single-use plastic was found on 64.2 per cent of our streets in 2021. Three beach cleans that I've been involved with, held by the Marine Conservation Society and One Global Ocean at Llandudno, Colwyn Bay and Rhyl saw nearly 100 volunteers cleaning up and recording over 70 kg of litter. And if you've ever undertaken a beach clean, that is one of our biggest issues.
Certainly, as this legislation comes in, and the Bill, which we welcome, as well as this statement, I would hope that we as Welsh Conservatives can have some say and some influence to ensure that we actually look at addressing all kinds of other types of plastic, for instance, the thousands of plastic-tipped cigarette ends that you find on beaches, which are really damaging to our marine environment. If we follow a business-as-usual model, where countries do not reduce the amount of plastic produced or recycled, the World Economic Forum has estimated that there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans by 2050.
Already, Scotland has introduced bans on plastic drink stirrers, plastic-stemmed cotton buds, plastic drinking straws, disposable plastic plates, single-use plastic cutlery, balloon sticks and expanded polystyrene containers, which I think are absolutely dreadful things, when you buy food. Since October 2020, the UK Government themselves have banned the supply of plastic drink stirrers, plastic-stemmed cotton buds and plastic drinking straws.
So, whilst it is the Counsel General introducing this today, I would like to ask some questions. Counsel General, do you agree with me that it is regrettable that we've had to wait so long for this legislation when we're so far behind England and Scotland and it really is contributing to our climate crisis? Even when considering the responses to the reducing single-use plastic in Wales consultation, it was apparent that there is disappointment that the bans are not already in place. We've called for this for years.
So, having read the draft Bill, I do have serious concerns about enforcement. You're relying an awful lot, once again, as you often do with your legislation coming forward, on our local authorities, and in particular our enforcement regulatory departments. It is stated many times in our Senedd that these departments are vastly under-resourced. In my own authority, vastly under-resourced because of a very poor settlement by the Welsh Labour Government. So, how on earth do you expect local authorities to pick up the mantle with this? What extra resources will you actually be putting into this legislation? I'm worried that section 7 gives local authorities a legal right to investigate complaints in respect of offences under section 5. What other steps do you take with a view to reducing the incidence of offences under section 5?
Counsel General, can you clarify whether every local authority in Wales has been consulted on their ability to take on further enforcement responsibility, and can we have some of that feedback here today? I genuinely, and my colleagues in the Welsh Conservative group genuinely, want this legislation to work. Will you work with us to consider possible amendments to the draft Bill so that enforcement responsibility is given to another body, perhaps, that is not a local authority? As it stands, this so-called made-in-Wales Bill, which is supposed to enable the Welsh Government to be at the forefront of action on plastic and place Welsh Ministers in the driving seat for future action in this area, does pass the buck to local authorities. There's so much of this Bill—. It is a good Bill coming forward, but you've got to be open—none of the political dogma that we've seen in past legislation that comes through, where the Welsh Conservatives put forward some really good and constructive suggestions only to have them overruled and ruled out simply because it has come from Conservative Members in the Senedd. If we all work together on—
Rwy'n sylweddoli, wrth gwrs, nad yw'r Gweinidog yma i gyflwyno hyn heddiw, ond mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi tynnu sylw yn fedrus iawn at y problemau sydd gennym gyda chymaint o blastig. Erbyn i mi roi fy nghyfraniad i, bydd tua 5 miliwn o boteli plastig wedi'u prynu mewn gwirionedd, oherwydd bod 1 miliwn yn cael eu prynu bob munud ar ein planed.
Mae'r pla plastig, wrth gwrs, yma yng Nghymru. Cafwyd hyd i blastig untro ar 64.2 y cant o'n strydoedd yn 2021. Mae tri sesiwn glanhau traeth yr wyf i wedi bod yn gysylltiedig â nhw, sy'n cael eu gynnal gan y Marine Conservation Society ac One Global Ocean yn Llandudno, Bae Colwyn a'r Rhyl wedi gweld bron i 100 o wirfoddolwyr yn glanhau ac yn cofnodi dros 70 kg o sbwriel. Ac os ydych chi erioed wedi gwneud sesiwn glanhau traeth, dyna un o'n problemau mwyaf.
Yn sicr, wrth i'r ddeddfwriaeth hon gael ei chyflwyno, a'r Bil, yr ydym yn ei groesawu, yn ogystal â'r datganiad hwn, byddwn i'n gobeithio y gallwn ni fel Ceidwadwyr Cymreig gael rhywfaint o lais a rhywfaint o ddylanwad i sicrhau ein bod mewn gwirionedd yn edrych ar fynd i'r afael â phob math o fathau eraill o blastig, er enghraifft, y miloedd o sigaréts â phen plastig yr ydych yn dod o hyd iddynt ar draethau, sy'n niweidiol iawn i'n hamgylchedd morol. Os ydym ni'n dilyn model busnes-fel-arfer, lle nad yw gwledydd yn lleihau faint o blastig sy'n cael ei gynhyrchu neu ei ailgylchu, mae Fforwm Economaidd y Byd wedi amcangyfrif y bydd mwy o blastig na physgod yn y cefnforoedd erbyn 2050.
Eisoes, mae'r Alban wedi cyflwyno gwaharddiadau ar droyddion diod plastig, ffyn cotwm sydd â choesau plastig, gwellt yfed plastig, platiau plastig tafladwy, cyllyll a ffyrc plastig untro, ffyn balwnau a chynhwysyddion polystyren ehanedig, sy'n bethau hollol ofnadwy, yn fy marn i, pan fyddwch chi'n prynu bwyd. Ers mis Hydref 2020, mae Llywodraeth y DU eu hunain wedi gwahardd cyflenwi troyddion diod plastig, ffyn cotwm sydd â choesau plastig a gwellt yfed plastig.
Felly, er mai'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol sy'n cyflwyno hyn heddiw, hoffwn ofyn rhai cwestiynau. Cwnsler Cyffredinol, ydych chi'n cytuno â mi ei bod hi'n anffodus ein bod wedi gorfod aros cyhyd am y ddeddfwriaeth hon pan ydym ni mor bell y tu ôl i Loegr a'r Alban ac mae wir yn cyfrannu at ein hargyfwng hinsawdd? Hyd yn oed wrth ystyried yr ymatebion i'r ymgynghoriad ar leihau plastig untro yng Nghymru, roedd hi'n amlwg bod yna siom nad yw'r gwaharddiadau eisoes mewn grym. Rydym ni wedi galw am hyn ers blynyddoedd.
Felly, ar ôl darllen y Bil drafft, mae gen i bryderon difrifol am orfodaeth. Rydych chi'n dibynnu llawer iawn, unwaith eto, fel rydych chi'n aml yn ei wneud gyda'r ddeddfwriaeth yr ydych yn ei chynnig, ar ein hawdurdodau lleol, ac yn arbennig ein hadrannau rheoleiddio gorfodi. Nodir droeon yn ein Senedd nad oes digon o adnoddau gan yr adrannau hyn. Yn fy awdurdod fy hun, does dim digon o adnoddau o gwbl oherwydd setliad gwael iawn gan Lywodraeth Lafur Cymru. Felly, sut ar wyneb y ddaear yr ydych chi'n disgwyl i awdurdodau lleol gymryd y cyfrifoldeb am hyn? Pa adnoddau ychwanegol y byddwch chi'n eu rhoi yn y ddeddfwriaeth hon mewn gwirionedd? Rwy'n poeni bod adran 7 yn rhoi hawl gyfreithiol i awdurdodau lleol ymchwilio i gwynion o ran troseddau o dan adran 5. Pa gamau eraill ydych chi'n eu cymryd gyda'r bwriad o leihau nifer yr achosion o droseddau o dan adran 5?
Cwnsler Cyffredinol, a wnewch chi egluro a ymgynghorwyd â phob awdurdod lleol yng Nghymru ar eu gallu i ysgwyddo cyfrifoldeb rhagor o orfodaeth, ac a allwn ni gael rhywfaint o'r adborth hwnnw yma heddiw? Rydw i wir, ac mae fy nghydweithwyr yng ngrŵp y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig wir eisiau i'r ddeddfwriaeth yma weithio. A wnewch chi weithio gyda ni i ystyried gwelliannau posibl i'r Bil drafft fel bod y cyfrifoldeb am orfodi yn cael ei roi i gorff arall, efallai, nad yw'n awdurdod lleol? Fel mae'n sefyll, mae'r Bil hwn a wnaed yng Nghymru, fel y'i gelwir, sydd i fod i alluogi Llywodraeth Cymru i fod ar flaen y gad o ran gweithredu ar blastig a rhoi Gweinidogion Cymru wrth y llyw ar gyfer gweithredu yn y maes hwn yn y dyfodol, yn pasio'r cyfrifoldeb i awdurdodau lleol. Mae cymaint o'r Bil hwn—. Mae'r Bil sy'n cael ei gyflwyno yn un da, ond mae'n rhaid i chi fod yn agored—dim o'r dogma gwleidyddol yr ydym wedi'i weld mewn deddfwriaeth yn y gorffennol sy'n cael ei chyflwyno, lle mae'r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig wedi cynnig awgrymiadau gwirioneddol dda ac adeiladol dim ond iddyn nhw gael eu diystyru a'u gwrthod dim ond oherwydd eu bod wedi dod gan Aelodau Ceidwadol yn y Senedd. Os byddwn ni i gyd yn gweithio gyda'n gilydd—
Janet, can you conclude now, please?
Janet, wnewch chi ddod i ben nawr, os gwelwch yn dda?
Yes, of course. If we all work together on this, then we could have a Bill to be proud of here in Wales. Diolch.
Gwnaf wrth gwrs. Os gwnawn ni i gyd gydweithio ar hyn, yna gallem fod â Bil i ymfalchïo ynddo yma yng Nghymru. Diolch.
Can I firstly thank the Member for the earlier comments? The point I think I do agree with is that the issue of single-use plastic, the contamination of our environment, the need to tackle that challenge, is a global one, but it's one where we have to do what we can within Wales in terms of our own responsibilities, and that that, in general, is a cross-party issue; it's not an issue that creates political divisions between us. We can all see what is happening. I've been out with volunteers myself in Beddau woods in my constituency; you see the amount of plastics and the fantastic work the volunteers do in recovering that. I very much welcome that spirit of support for protecting our environment.
You ask why it takes so long and why we are so far behind. I always get a bit despondent when legislation is treated as though somehow it is some form of Olympian race in terms of first, second, third. There are various different things that are happening in Scotland and in England. England has introduced secondary legislation, back in April 2020, relating to straws, cotton buds and stirrers. It's considering expanding its list to include some of the things that we are actually starting to legislate on ourselves, and, of course, I think you'd be supportive of the fact that we, in terms of our devolved responsibilities, are and should be legislating within Wales itself. Scotland banned cotton buds in 2019; in June 2022, they added some additional items. They are looking at the issue of oxo-degradable plastic, which we are legislating on. What I will say is that, in legislating in these areas, it is not really just a question of trying to look up a list; the issue of definitions and impact is considerably complex. I think our Bill goes further, and the Welsh Bill will be the most extensive piece of legislation. But, importantly, what it also does is that it will create powers—and, again, subject to affirmative resolution in the Senedd—to enable the list to continue to be worked on, because this is a changing environment. We know there are other items we would like to see added but where there is still further evidential work that is needed. But we do need a framework, which is what the Bill creates, to actually add, or, indeed, to delete from that.
In terms of enforcement, what I'd say is local authorities, I think, with their environmental responsibilities and, in fact, responsibilities that well extend into areas of health and safety as well, are the natural body to actually take enforcement action. Of course, any reasonable proposal that comes forward will be properly considered. I do reject the fact—. I don't think any resolution is rejected, any proposal is rejected, on the basis that it comes from the Conservatives. I think there are, clearly, very clear ideological reasons why proposals coming from the Conservatives are rejected, but I think that is a different matter.
And then perhaps just one final point. Obviously, any technical amendments and so on that would improve the legislation are obviously things that would want to be considered. And again, as I have said, Government will bring forward its own amendments, which are very much of a technical nature. And again, the Bill was tabled early in draft form to enable the committee to start a consultation process. That process has, I understand, been under way and—if I believe rightly—has been completed, and Government at the moment is considering its response to that consultation at the moment.
Gaf i ddiolch yn gyntaf i'r Aelod am y sylwadau cynharach? Y pwynt yr wyf, rwy'n credu, yn cytuno â hi yw bod mater plastig untro, halogi ein hamgylchedd, yr angen i fynd i'r afael â'r her honno, yn un byd-eang, ond mae'n un lle mae'n rhaid i ni wneud yr hyn a allwn o fewn Cymru o ran ein cyfrifoldebau ein hunain, a bod hynny, yn gyffredinol, yn fater trawsbleidiol; dydy e ddim yn fater sy'n creu rhaniadau gwleidyddol rhyngom ni. Gallwn ni i gyd weld beth sy'n digwydd. Rwyf wedi bod allan gyda gwirfoddolwyr fy hun yng nghoedwig Beddau yn fy etholaeth i; rydych chi'n gweld faint o blastigion a'r gwaith ffantastig mae'r gwirfoddolwyr yn ei wneud yn eu casglu. Rwy'n croesawu'r ysbryd hwnnw o gefnogaeth i amddiffyn ein hamgylchedd yn fawr.
Rydych chi'n gofyn pam mae'n cymryd cyhyd a pham ein bod mor bell ar ei hôl hi. Rwyf i wastad yn anobeithio ryw ychydig pan fo deddfwriaeth yn cael ei thrin fel petai yn rhyw fath o ras Olympaidd o ran cyntaf, ail a thrydydd. Mae amryw o bethau gwahanol yn digwydd yn yr Alban ac yn Lloegr. Mae Lloegr wedi cyflwyno deddfwriaeth eilaidd, yn ôl ym mis Ebrill 2020, yn ymwneud â gwellt, ffyn cotwm a throellwyr. Mae'n ystyried ehangu ei rhestr i gynnwys rhai o'r pethau yr ydym ni mewn gwirionedd yn dechrau deddfu arnon nhw ein hunain, ac, wrth gwrs, rwy'n credu y byddech chi'n gefnogol i'r ffaith ein bod ni, o ran ein cyfrifoldebau datganoledig, yn deddfu o fewn Cymru ei hun ac y dylen ni fod yn gwneud hynny. Gwaharddodd yr Alban ffyn cotwm yn 2019; ym mis Mehefin 2022, fe wnaethon nhw ychwanegu rhai eitemau eraill. Maen nhw'n edrych ar fater plastig ocso-diraddadwy, yr ydym ni'n deddfu arno. Yr hyn y dywedaf i yw, wrth ddeddfu yn y meysydd hyn, nad mater o geisio edrych ar restr yn unig ydyw mewn gwirionedd; mae'r mater o ddiffiniadau ac effaith yn gymhleth iawn. Rwy'n credu bod ein Bil ni yn mynd ymhellach, a Bil Cymru fydd y darn mwyaf helaeth o ddeddfwriaeth. Ond, yn bwysig, yr hyn y mae hefyd yn ei wneud yw y bydd yn creu pwerau—ac, unwaith eto, yn amodol ar benderfyniad cadarnhaol yn y Senedd—i'n galluogi ni i barhau i weithio ar y rhestr, oherwydd mae hyn yn amgylchedd sy'n newid. Rydym ni'n gwybod bod eitemau eraill yr hoffem ni eu gweld yn cael eu hychwanegu ond pan fo gwaith tystiolaeth pellach o hyd sydd ei angen. Ond mae angen fframwaith arnom, sef yr hyn y mae'r Bil yn ei greu, i ychwanegu ati mewn gwirionedd, neu, yn wir, i ddileu ohoni.
O ran gorfodaeth, yr hyn y byddwn i'n ei ddweud yw mai awdurdodau lleol, rwy'n credu, gyda'u cyfrifoldebau amgylcheddol ac, mewn gwirionedd, cyfrifoldebau sy'n ymestyn ymhell i feysydd iechyd a diogelwch hefyd, yw'r corff naturiol i gymryd camau gorfodi mewn gwirionedd. Wrth gwrs, bydd unrhyw gynnig rhesymol sy'n cael ei gyflwyno yn cael ei ystyried yn iawn. Rwy'n gwrthod y ffaith—. Dydw i ddim yn credu bod unrhyw benderfyniad yn cael ei wrthod, unrhyw gynnig yn cael ei wrthod, ar y sail ei fod yn dod gan y Ceidwadwyr. Rwy'n credu bod yna resymau ideolegol clir iawn, yn amlwg, pam mae cynigion sy'n dod gan y Ceidwadwyr yn cael eu gwrthod, ond rwy'n credu bod hynny'n fater gwahanol.
Ac yna efallai dim ond un pwynt olaf. Yn amlwg, mae unrhyw welliannau technegol ac ati a fyddai'n gwella'r ddeddfwriaeth yn amlwg yn bethau y byddem eisiau eu hystyried. Ac eto, fel y dywedais, bydd y Llywodraeth yn cyflwyno ei gwelliannau ei hun, sydd o natur dechnegol gan fwyaf. Ac eto, cafodd y Bil ei gyflwyno'n gynnar ar ffurf ddrafft i alluogi'r pwyllgor i ddechrau proses ymgynghori. Mae'r broses honno, rwy'n deall, wedi bod ar y gweill ac—os ydw i'n iawn—wedi ei chwblhau, ac mae'r Llywodraeth ar hyn o bryd yn ystyried ei hymateb i'r ymgynghoriad hwnnw ar hyn o bryd.
Diolch yn fawr, Cwnsler Cyffredinol. Rŷm ni fel plaid yn croesawu'r datganiad yma. Rydyn ni wedi bod yn ymgyrchu i wahardd plastig untro am flynyddoedd. Ond, ers y cynnydd ym mhoblogrwydd plastig yn y 1960au, mae wedi dod yn rhan amlwg iawn o'n bywydau ni, o becynnu bwyd i gael ei blethu i mewn i'n dillad ni—y plastig gweladwy, ond hefyd y plastig anweladwy sydd o'n cwmpas ni yn llwyr.
Er bod llygredd plastig yn wybodus i ni—llawer o waith da gan rywun fel Syr David Attenborough, gyda rhaglen The Blue Planet wedi gwneud hynny yn amlwg iawn inni—mae enghreifftiau fel COVID-19 wedi cyflymu effaith niweidiol plastig ar ein hamgylchedd a bioamrywiaeth. Byddwn i gyd, siŵr o fod, yn cofio'r ddelwedd drist yna o aderyn yn methu â symud oherwydd bod mwgwd o amgylch ei goesau, ac yna y pysgodyn â'i fol yn llawn o blastigau. Fel y dywedasoch chi yn y datganiad, o'r uchelderau i ddyfnderau y ddaear hon, mae plastig ym mhob man.
Thank you very much, Counsel General. We as a party welcome this statement. We've been campaigning for years to ban single-use plastics. But, since the growth in plastic's popularity in the 1960s, it has become a prominent part of our lives, from food packaging to plastic fibres being blended into our clothing—so, that's visible and invisible plastic around us and surrounding us.
Although we have all become aware of plastic pollution—a great deal of good work has been done by Sir David Attenborough on The Blue Planet programme, which has brought the issue to the fore—issues such as COVID-19 have accelerated the harmful impact of plastics on our environment and our biodiversity. We will all remember that distressing image of a bird unable to move because it was tangled in a face mask, or that fish with its stomach full of plastics. As you said in your statement, from the heights to the depths of this planet, plastic is to be found.
We can all agree that we want the elimination of such plastic waste, but I am afraid that the path ahead of us is riddled by obstacles—riddled by man-made obstacles, Westminster-made obstacles. The infamous internal market Act—not only does that Act enable UK Government to spend within devolved areas and ignore the devolved settlement, it also enables the UK Government to ignore food and environmental standards set here in Wales.
Why does that matter? I hear some complaining from the benches opposite. Why does that matter? It matters because it means that if this Senedd legislates—the democratic voice of the people of Wales legislates—to ban single-use plastics, products made elsewhere in the United Kingdom would be legally allowed to be sold here.
According to the Institute of Welsh Affairs, the internal market Act and its principles, which is totally inappropriately called 'mutual recognition'—there is only one-way mutual recognition there—are likely to significantly reduce the ability of the Welsh Government and this Senedd to pass effective legislation with regards to the regulation of goods and services. The minimum regulatory standard in any of the four constituent parts of the UK will apply across the United Kingdom. And in reality, what that will mean is that the English market rules of anything goes in the pursuit of profit over the environment will apply here in Wales.
We cannot allow the hard work of the good tradition here, within our young Senedd, of protecting the environment, such as the first charge on carrier bags back at the beginning of the last decade—we cannot allow these good works to be undone by political dogma, by the internal market Act. We must continue to resist its effects. Otherwise, colleagues, we face the death of devolution and our environment. What assessment has the Minister made of the impact of the United Kingdom Internal Market Act 2020 on the effectiveness of the proposed ban on single-use plastics? And will you use it as a practical example in a new court challenge against the Act?
I agree that this is a good, practical example, and I do hope that the Counsel General will use it for a future challenge. But I hope that, in the rush to do that, we do not bypass proper scrutiny of this Act. This Act is far too popular to be rushed through without proper scrutiny within committees and here on the floor of the Senedd. I hope that you bear that in mind.
Finally, I want to make the point about accessible alternatives. There are many alternatives to plastics; unfortunately, many of them are far more expensive than plastics. To persuade, to enable people to switch from plastics to alternatives, we need to make sure that we do the right choices—that those choices in terms of materials are in fact affordable to the vast majority of the people who live within our communities. What steps will the Welsh Government take to ensure plastic-free alternatives are readily affordable and accessible to consumers? Diolch yn fawr.
Gallwn ni i gyd gytuno ein bod ni eisiau cael gwared ar wastraff plastig o'r fath, ond mae gen i ofn bod y llwybr sydd o'n blaenau yn llawn rhwystrau—yn llawn rhwystrau a grëwyd gan ddyn, rhwystrau a grëwyd gan San Steffan. Mae'r Ddeddf marchnad fewnol ddrwgenwog—nid yn unig y mae'r Ddeddf honno'n galluogi Llywodraeth y DU i wario o fewn meysydd datganoledig ac anwybyddu'r setliad datganoledig, mae hefyd yn galluogi Llywodraeth y DU i anwybyddu safonau bwyd ac amgylcheddol a bennwyd yma yng Nghymru.
Pam mae hynny'n bwysig? Rwy'n clywed rhai yn cwyno o'r meinciau gyferbyn. Pam mae hynny'n bwysig? Mae'n bwysig oherwydd ei fod yn golygu, os yw'r Senedd hon yn deddfu—llais democrataidd pobl Cymru yn deddfu—i wahardd plastig untro, byddai cynhyrchion a wneir mewn rhannau eraill o'r Deyrnas Unedig yn gallu cael eu gwerthu'n gyfreithiol yma.
Yn ôl y Sefydliad Materion Cymreig, mae'r Ddeddf Marchnad Fewnol a'i hegwyddorion, a elwir yn gwbl amhriodol yn 'gydnabyddiaeth gilyddol'—dim ond cydnabyddiaeth unffordd sydd yna—yn debygol o leihau gallu Llywodraeth Cymru a'r Senedd hon yn sylweddol i basio deddfwriaeth effeithiol o ran rheoleiddio nwyddau a gwasanaethau. Bydd y safon reoleiddiol ofynnol yn unrhyw un o bedair rhan cyfansoddol y DU yn berthnasol ledled y Deyrnas Unedig. Ac mewn gwirionedd, beth fydd hynny'n ei olygu yw y bydd rheolau marchnad Lloegr, sef blaenoriaethu unrhyw beth wrth fynd ar drywydd elw, dros yr amgylchedd, yn berthnasol yma yng Nghymru.
Ni allwn ganiatáu i waith caled y traddodiad da yma, yn ein Senedd ifanc, o ddiogelu'r amgylchedd, megis y tâl cyntaf ar fagiau siopa yn ôl ar ddechrau'r degawd diwethaf—ni allwn ganiatáu i'r gwaith da hwn gael ei ddadwneud gan ddogma gwleidyddol, gan y Ddeddf marchnad fewnol. Mae'n rhaid i ni barhau i wrthsefyll ei effeithiau. Fel arall, gyd-Aelodau, rydym yn wynebu marwolaeth datganoli a'n hamgylchedd. Pa asesiad mae'r Gweinidog wedi'i wneud o effaith Deddf Marchnad Fewnol y Deyrnas Unedig 2020 ar effeithiolrwydd y gwaharddiad arfaethedig ar blastig untro? Ac a fyddwch chi'n ei defnyddio fel esiampl ymarferol mewn her llys newydd yn erbyn y Ddeddf?
Rwy'n cytuno bod hon yn enghraifft dda, ymarferol, ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd y Cwnsler Cyffredinol yn ei defnyddio ar gyfer her yn y dyfodol. Ond rwy'n gobeithio, yn y rhuthr i wneud hynny, nad ydym yn osgoi craffu'n briodol ar y Ddeddf hon. Mae'r Ddeddf hon yn llawer rhy boblogaidd i'w rhuthro drwyddi heb graffu priodol mewn pwyllgorau ac yma ar lawr y Senedd. Gobeithio y gwnewch chi ddwyn hynny mewn cof.
Yn olaf, rwyf eisiau gwneud y pwynt am ddewisiadau amgen hygyrch. Mae llawer o ddewisiadau amgen i blastigion; yn anffodus, mae llawer ohonyn nhw'n llawer drytach na phlastigion. Er mwyn dwyn perswâd, er mwyn galluogi pobl i newid o blastig i ddewisiadau amgen, mae angen i ni sicrhau ein bod yn gwneud y dewisiadau cywir—bod y dewisiadau hynny o ran deunyddiau mewn gwirionedd yn fforddiadwy i'r mwyafrif helaeth o'r bobl sy'n byw yn ein cymunedau. Pa gamau fydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i sicrhau bod dewisiadau di-blastig amgen yn fforddiadwy yn rhwydd ac yn hygyrch i ddefnyddwyr? Diolch yn fawr.
Thank you for those questions, and perhaps just one statistic to put in to add to those: of course, within Wales alone, in one year—or, I think, in the last two years—there have been produced an estimated 100 million plastic cup lids. So, that’s an indication, I think, of the scale. And of course you referred to the pollution of the seas, and of course that’s why our concern about the banning of oxo-degradables as well, because all they do is actually break down the plastic, but they don’t eliminate the plastic—the plastic just gets into even smaller items, miniscule items, to contaminate our seas, our waterways and our land.
You raised some very important issues with regard to the United Kingdom Internal Market Act 2020, and of course this is a matter I’ve spoken on on many occasions. In fact, I made a statement on 18 August with regard to the Supreme Court rejecting our application for permission to appeal the order of the Court of Appeal that our claim for judicial review of the Act was premature. So, we were disappointed with that, but that was a judgment very much to do with process. But in terms of this legislation, and I suppose in accordance with the points that the Member has raised, our position—and this is why we sought the judicial review through the Supreme Court—is that UKIMA does not have the capacity to take away our devolved competence, and I am confident that this legislation is within our competence. If a different view is taken, then there are options that are open. There are options for me, if I thought it appropriate, to refer the matter under section 112 of the Government of Wales Act 2006, to refer a Bill to the Supreme Court. I see no reason why that would arise on this occasion. It was also open, of course, to the UK Government to take similar measures. But our view is that the Bill is within competence. We do not expect the UK Government to refer the Bill to the Supreme Court, and if actions are taken, then obviously we will consider our position at that stage, and in particular with all the issues and arguments that we wanted to raise in the Supreme Court, where the Supreme Court said they would rather have an example of legislation that they could test it against. It seems to me that the appropriate course of action at this moment in time is to base the assessed competence on our analysis of what the competence is, and that is UKIMA does not have the competence to overturn our statutory devolution powers, and therefore it is within competence.
You correctly raise issues of scrutiny. We do want the Bill to move forward quickly. This is one of the reasons why the draft Bill was tabled as early as possible, to enable yet further consultation by the committee. But it is a relatively simple Bill. There are technical complexities—those, as I mentioned earlier, in terms of how you actually define something, and of course in legislation, as the Member will know, you have to be very clear about what you’re defining, what it is you are talking about and what action can actually be taken. But of course I will do everything I can, and I know the Minister will, in respect of supporting the scrutiny.
In terms of the longer term issues, of course there’s ongoing work that perhaps it’s fair for me to mention now—not within my portfolio, but certainly within the portfolio of the Minister—looking at the issues of reusable bottles and bottle banks and so on; deposit schemes, packaging and so on. Those are discussions that are under way. Policy is being developed and, in actual fact, this legislation also enables us not only to add to the list, but also to support adding to that list by looking at alternative schemes and encouraging those schemes, and also through educational processes and the work that governments naturally do to shift culture, to change culture in terms of our orientation, our reliance on and our addiction to the use of single-use plastics. But I think this particular Bill is a very significant step forward and is the most comprehensive piece of legislation in this area in the UK.
Diolch am y cwestiynau hynny, ac efallai dim ond un ystadegyn i'w ychwanegu at y rhai hynny: wrth gwrs, o fewn Cymru yn unig, mewn un flwyddyn—neu, rwy'n credu, yn y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf—mae amcangyfrif o 100 miliwn o gaeadau cwpanau plastig wedi'u cynhyrchu. Felly, mae hynny'n arwydd, rwy'n credu, o'r raddfa. Ac wrth gwrs fe gyfeirioch chi at lygru'r moroedd, ac wrth gwrs dyna pam mae ein pryder am wahardd eitemau ocso-ddiraddadwy hefyd, oherwydd y cyfan maen nhw'n ei wneud yw torri lawr y plastig mewn gwirionedd, ond dydyn nhw ddim yn cael gwared ar y plastig—mae'r plastig yn mynd yn ddarnau llai byth, darnau bach bach, i halogi ein moroedd, ein dyfrffyrdd a'n tir.
Gwnaethoch chi godi rhai materion pwysig iawn o ran Deddf Marchnad Fewnol y Deyrnas Unedig 2020, ac wrth gwrs mae hwn yn fater yr wyf wedi sôn amdano droeon. Mewn gwirionedd, fe wnes i ddatganiad ar 18 Awst am y Goruchaf Lys yn gwrthod ein cais am ganiatâd i apelio yn erbyn gorchymyn y Llys Apêl bod ein cais am adolygiad barnwrol o'r Ddeddf yn gynamserol. Felly, cawsom ein siomi gyda hynny, ond roedd hynny'n ddyfarniad a oedd yn bennaf yn ymwneud â phroses. Ond o ran y ddeddfwriaeth hon, ac mae'n debyg fy mod yn cytuno â'r pwyntiau y mae'r Aelod wedi'u codi, ein safbwynt ni—a dyma pam y gwnaethom ofyn am yr adolygiad barnwrol drwy'r Goruchaf Lys—yw nad oes gan y ddeddf hon y gallu i ddileu ein cymhwysedd datganoledig, ac rwy'n hyderus bod y ddeddfwriaeth hon o fewn ein cymhwysedd. Os cymerir golwg wahanol, yna mae yna opsiynau sydd ar agor. Mae yna opsiynau i mi, pe bawn i'n credu ei bod yn briodol, i gyfeirio'r mater o dan adran 112 o Ddeddf Llywodraeth Cymru 2006, i gyfeirio Bil at y Goruchaf Lys. Ni welaf unrhyw reswm pam y byddai hynny'n codi y tro hwn. Roedd hefyd yn agored, wrth gwrs, i Lywodraeth y DU gymryd camau tebyg. Ond ein barn ni yw bod y Bil o fewn cymhwysedd. Nid ydym yn disgwyl i Lywodraeth y DU gyfeirio'r Bil at y Goruchaf Lys, ac os bydd camau'n cael eu cymryd, yna yn amlwg byddwn yn ystyried ein safbwynt ar y cam hwnnw, ac yn benodol gyda'r holl faterion a dadleuon yr oeddem ni eisiau eu codi yn y Goruchaf Lys, lle dywedodd y Goruchaf Lys y byddai'n well ganddynt gael enghraifft o ddeddfwriaeth y gallent ei phrofi yn ei herbyn. Mae'n ymddangos i mi mai'r cwrs gweithredu priodol ar hyn o bryd yw seilio'r cymhwysedd a aseswyd ar ein dadansoddiad ni o'r hyn yw'r cymhwysedd, sef nad oes gan y ddeddf y cymhwysedd i wrthdroi ein pwerau datganoli statudol, ac felly mae o fewn cymhwysedd.
Rydych yn gywir wrth godi materion craffu. Rydym yn dymuno i'r Bil symud ymlaen yn gyflym. Dyma un o'r rhesymau pam y cafodd y Bil drafft ei gyflwyno mor gynnar â phosib, er mwyn galluogi ymgynghoriad pellach eto gan y pwyllgor. Ond mae'n Fil cymharol syml. Mae cymhlethdodau technegol—y rhai hynny, fel y soniais yn gynharach, o ran sut rydych chi'n diffinio rhywbeth mewn gwirionedd, ac wrth gwrs mewn deddfwriaeth, fel y bydd yr Aelod yn gwybod, mae'n rhaid i chi fod yn glir iawn am yr hyn yr ydych chi'n ei ddiffinio, yr hyn yr ydych yn sôn amdano a pha gamau y gellir eu cymryd mewn gwirionedd. Ond wrth gwrs mi wnaf bopeth y gallaf, ac rwy'n gwybod y gwnaiff y Gweinidog hynny, o ran cefnogi'r craffu.
O ran y materion tymor hirach, wrth gwrs mae yna waith parhaus y mae'n deg i mi sôn amdano, efallai, yn awr—nid o fewn fy mhortffolio, ond yn sicr o fewn portffolio'r Gweinidog—gan edrych ar faterion poteli y gellir eu hailddefnyddio a banciau poteli ac ati; cynlluniau dychwelyd ernes, pecynnu ac ati. Mae'r rheiny'n drafodaethau sydd ar y gweill. Mae polisi yn cael ei ddatblygu ac, mewn gwirionedd, mae'r ddeddfwriaeth hon hefyd yn ein galluogi nid yn unig i ychwanegu at y rhestr, ond hefyd i gefnogi ychwanegu at y rhestr honno drwy edrych ar gynlluniau amgen ac annog y cynlluniau hynny, a hefyd drwy brosesau addysgol a'r gwaith y mae llywodraethau'n naturiol yn ei wneud i symud diwylliant ymlaen, i newid diwylliant o ran ein cyfeiriadaeth, ein dibyniaeth ar a'n caethiwed i'r defnydd o blastig untro. Ond rwy'n credu bod y Bil penodol hwn yn gam sylweddol iawn ymlaen a dyma'r darn mwyaf cynhwysfawr o ddeddfwriaeth yn y maes hwn yn y DU.
Thank you very much for making this statement, and I'm sorry our very able Minister for Climate Change is unable to be with us, but we wish her a speedy recovery, I'm sure. I just wanted to ask you why the Bill is proposing to make it a criminal offence for somebody to supply single-use plastics, but it would be a civil offence only for somebody to wilfully leave their plastic rubbish on the beach or in the countryside rather than taking it home. Because it seems to me that where there's such clarity about the need not to do this that we ought to have quite strong sanctions, given the implications of the results.
The other question I had was: why the hesitancy in banning single-use plastic straws? Because to pick up on Rhys ab Owen's point, there are already—and have been for years and years—alternatives to plastic straws. Personally, I was brought up on paper straws, but, equally, there are excellent metal straws that can be washed and reused, and so there is absolutely no need for any plastic straws for the number of people who do need straws to help them drink. Whether they're very young people, frail elderly people or people with certain disabilities, straws are very useful, but there's absolutely no need for plastic straws. So, I just wondered why we're not being a little bit firmer on this, in the sense that there are perfectly good alternatives available.
Diolch yn fawr iawn i chi am wneud y datganiad hwn, ac mae'n ddrwg gen i nad yw ein Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd galluog iawn yn gallu bod gyda ni, ond rydym yn dymuno gwellhad buan iddi, rwy'n siŵr. Roeddwn i ond eisiau gofyn i chi pam mae'r Bil yn cynnig ei gwneud yn drosedd i rywun gyflenwi plastig untro, ond y byddai'n drosedd sifil dim ond i rywun adael eu sbwriel plastig ar y traeth neu yng nghefn gwlad yn fwriadol yn hytrach na mynd ag ef adref. Oherwydd mae'n ymddangos i mi, pan fo'r fath eglurder ynghylch yr angen i beidio â gwneud hyn y dylen ni gael cosbau eithaf cryf, o ystyried goblygiadau'r canlyniadau.
Y cwestiwn arall oedd gen i oedd: pam y petruster wrth wahardd gwellt plastig untro? Oherwydd, i godi pwynt Rhys ab Owen, mae yna eisoes—ac wedi bod ers blynyddoedd a blynyddoedd—dewisiadau amgen i wellt plastig. Yn bersonol, cefais fy magu ar wellt papur, ond, yn yr un modd, mae gwellt metel rhagorol y gellir eu golchi a'u hailddefnyddio, ac felly nid oes angen unrhyw wellt plastig o gwbl ar gyfer nifer y bobl sydd angen gwellt i'w helpu i yfed. P'un a ydyn nhw'n bobl ifanc iawn, yn bobl oedrannus fregus neu'n bobl ag anableddau penodol, mae gwellt yn ddefnyddiol iawn, ond does dim angen gwellt plastig o gwbl. Felly, meddwl oeddwn i tybed pam nad ydyn ni'n bod ychydig yn gadarnach ar hyn, yn yr ystyr bod dewisiadau amgen da iawn ar gael.
Thank you for the question. In terms of the issues around the criminal offence and the power for civil sanctions, well, of course, a criminal offence is where someone has created an offence and you are basically penalising or prosecuting them for breaching the law. Civil sanctions give you an additional power, in the sense that if you know something is happening or something is proposed to be done that would be breaching it, it gives you the power also to seek reliefs that actually prevent them from doing it—to apply, perhaps, for an injunction or whatever it is to prevent something being done, so, in some ways, to prevent the criminal offence actually being caused in the first place.
It's the sort of thing that exists also in health and safety. You can say with regard to health and safety that you can be prosecuted for a criminal act, but there are also sanctions that can be taken that you'd call more like a civil sanction, which might prevent you doing something, making something, or acting or producing in a way that might lead to a criminal offence. So, it really just, I think, gives a more comprehensive set of powers in terms of ensuring the enforceability of the objectives of the legislation.
With regard to plastic straws versus paper, of course, as a child I have to say I was never appointed a milk monitor, so I never had the direct personal experience of having to distribute these straws, but we only ever had the paper wax straws, so plastic straws were something relatively more modern in my life. I think it's a consequence coming out of the consultations. There were concerns expressed that in some fairly small sectors, but areas where there were particular types of need, there were reasons why it was felt that a different type of straw—a paper straw, for example—might not be appropriate where plastic and those examples were given. It was felt appropriate that there should be exemptions where that could be justified.
So, I think within the scale of things, it was a relatively small part of it. There's no comparison in terms of the scale of the number of straws that are in general use as opposed to those that are for a fairly specialised use. And it would only be within that context that that would be acceptable, but for reasons that have arisen and been accepted as valid within the consultation process.
Diolch i chi am y cwestiwn. O ran y materion yn ymwneud â'r drosedd a'r pŵer ar gyfer cosbau sifil, wel, wrth gwrs, trosedd yw pan fo rhywun wedi creu trosedd ac rydych chi yn y bôn yn cosbi neu'n eu herlyn am dorri'r gyfraith. Mae cosbau sifil yn rhoi pŵer ychwanegol i chi, yn yr ystyr, os ydych chi'n gwybod bod rhywbeth yn digwydd neu os cynigir gwneud rhywbeth a fyddai'n ei dorri, mae'n rhoi'r pŵer i chi hefyd geisio rhyddhadau sy'n eu hatal mewn gwirionedd rhag ei wneud—i wneud cais, efallai, am waharddeb neu beth bynnag, i atal rhywbeth rhag cael ei wneud, felly, mewn rhai ffyrdd, i atal y drosedd rhag cael ei chyflawni yn y lle cyntaf mewn gwirionedd.
Dyma'r math o beth sy'n bodoli hefyd mewn iechyd a diogelwch. Gallwch chi ddweud o ran iechyd a diogelwch y gallwch chi gael eich erlyn am weithred droseddol, ond mae cosbau hefyd y gellir eu defnyddio y byddech chi'n eu galw mwy fel cosb sifil, a allai eich atal rhag gwneud rhywbeth, gwneud rhywbeth, neu weithredu neu gynhyrchu mewn ffordd a allai arwain at drosedd. Felly, mewn gwirionedd, rwy'n credu, mae'n rhoi set fwy cynhwysfawr o bwerau o ran sicrhau y gellir gorfodi amcanion y ddeddfwriaeth.
O ran gwellt plastig o'u cymharu â rhai papur, wrth gwrs, fel plentyn mae'n rhaid i mi ddweud na chefais i erioed fy mhenodi yn fonitor llaeth, felly ni chefais erioed y profiad personol uniongyrchol o orfod dosbarthu'r gwellt hyn, ond dim ond y gwellt cwyr papur a gawsom ni erioed, felly roedd gwellt plastig yn rhywbeth cymharol fwy modern yn fy mywyd i. Rwy'n credu ei fod o ganlyniad i'r hyn sy'n dod o'r ymgynghoriadau. Mynegwyd pryderon, mewn rhai sectorau gweddol fach, ond meysydd lle'r oedd mathau penodol o angen, fod rhesymau pam y teimlwyd na fyddai math gwahanol o wellt—gwellt papur, er enghraifft—efallai yn briodol a rhoddwyd plastig a'r enghreifftiau hynny. Teimlwyd yn briodol y dylid bod ag eithriadau lle gellid cyfiawnhau hynny.
Felly, rwy'n credu o fewn graddfa pethau, roedd yn rhan gymharol fach ohono. Does dim cymhariaeth o ran graddfa y nifer o wellt sydd mewn defnydd cyffredinol yn hytrach na'r rhai sydd at ddefnydd eithaf arbenigol. A dim ond o fewn y cyd-destun hwnnw y byddai hynny'n dderbyniol, ond am resymau sydd wedi codi a chael eu derbyn yn ddilys o fewn y broses ymgynghori.
Thank you, Counsel General. My party are very glad that this legislation is coming forward because we need to do as much as we can to reduce single-use plastics right across the globe, because it is the great scourge of our time that we are seeing plastics littering our oceans and killing our animals, and that is totally unacceptable.
With the Welsh Government going further, banning more items than they have in England, this is going to cause problems—as my colleague Rhys ab Owen has said—with the internal market Act. The Scottish Government went further than what they did in England and managed to get exclusions agreed on the list. And I'd like to know, Counsel General—it's probably more your brief than the climate change Minister's—what discussions you are having with the UK Government to see if we can get exclusions put in, to make sure that this legislation can pass through this Senedd quite seamlessly, to make sure we can get this in place to reduce single-use plastics. Because, unlike my colleague Rhys ab Owen, I don't want to see this going to the Supreme Court; I want this actually going where both Governments can work together to get good legislation through this place and to respect the devolution settlement here in Wales.
Diolch, Cwnsler Cyffredinol. Mae fy mhlaid yn falch iawn bod y ddeddfwriaeth hon yn cael ei chyflwyno oherwydd mae angen i ni wneud cymaint ag y gallwn i leihau plastigion untro ledled y byd, oherwydd dyma bla mawr ein cyfnod ein bod yn gweld plastigion yn ein cefnforoedd ac yn lladd ein hanifeiliaid, ac mae hynny'n gwbl annerbyniol.
Gan fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi mynd ymhellach, a gwahardd mwy o eitemau nag a wnaed yn Lloegr, mae hyn yn mynd i achosi problemau—fel mae fy nghyd-Aelod Rhys ab Owen wedi dweud—gyda'r Ddeddf marchnad fewnol. Aeth Llywodraeth yr Alban ymhellach na'r hyn wnaethon nhw yn Lloegr gan lwyddo i gael eithriadau wedi'u cytuno ar y rhestr. Ac fe hoffwn i wybod, Cwnsler Cyffredinol—mae'n debyg ei fod yn fwy eich briff chi na'r Gweinidog newid hinsawdd—pa drafodaethau yr ydych chi'n eu cael gyda Llywodraeth y DU i weld a allwn ni gael eithriadau wedi'u cynnwys, er mwyn sicrhau y gall y ddeddfwriaeth hon basio drwy'r Senedd hon yn eithaf di-drafferth, i wneud yn siŵr ein bod yn gallu cael hyn ar waith i leihau plastig untro. Oherwydd, yn wahanol i fy nghyd-Aelod Rhys ab Owen, dydw i ddim eisiau gweld hyn yn mynd i'r Goruchaf Lys; rwyf am i hyn fynd lle mae'r ddwy Lywodraeth yn gallu cydweithio i fod â deddfwriaeth dda drwy'r lle hwn ac i barchu'r setliad datganoli yma yng Nghymru.
Well, listen, thank you for those comments, and perhaps taking from the end part that you raised, of course there were framework discussions, so the internal market Act was never necessary. The whole objective of the frameworks was, basically, a co-operative agreement on it, and it's the internal market Act that drove a coach and horses through those fundamental principles.
There has been engagement with officials at the UK level. There has been no indication that there was any aspect of this Bill that would be challenged, but, you know, that doesn't mean that there won't be. It's a matter, obviously, that UK Government will consider in due course. I suppose that all I can really say on it is this: my assessment of this is that this is within competence. And it's within competence because, as I've explained in this Chamber before, I don't believe that the internal market Act actually does take away that devolved competence, but there was an unclarity there that we wanted to have resolved. That unclarity actually remains, but my view, and the view of the Welsh Government, is that this Bill is within our competence, and if issues do arise, well, we'll assess those as and when they arise, under the normal processes.
Wel, gwrandewch, diolch am y sylwadau hynny, ac efallai gan gymryd o'r rhan olaf a godwyd gennych, wrth gwrs bu trafodaethau fframwaith, felly doedd y Ddeddf marchnad fewnol byth yn angenrheidiol. Holl amcan y fframweithiau oedd, yn y bôn, cael cytundeb cydweithredol arno, a Deddf y farchnad fewnol wnaeth luchio'r egwyddorion sylfaenol hynny o'r neilltu.
Bu ymgysylltu â swyddogion ar lefel y DU. Does dim arwydd wedi bod bod unrhyw agwedd ar y Bil hwn fyddai'n cael ei herio, ond, wyddoch chi, dydy hynny ddim yn golygu na fydd yna. Mae'n fater, yn amlwg, y bydd Llywodraeth y DU yn ei ystyried maes o law. Mae'n debyg mai'r cyfan y gallaf i ddweud mewn gwirionedd yw hyn: fy asesiad o hyn yw bod hyn o fewn cymhwysedd. Ac mae o fewn cymhwysedd oherwydd, fel yr wyf wedi egluro yn y Siambr hon o'r blaen, dydw i ddim yn credu bod Deddf y farchnad fewnol mewn gwirionedd yn dileu'r cymhwysedd datganoledig hwnnw, ond roedd yna amwysedd yno yr oeddem eisiau ei fod wedi'i ddatrys. Mae'r amwysedd hwnnw yn parhau mewn gwirionedd, ond fy marn i, a barn Llywodraeth Cymru, yw bod y Bil hwn o fewn ein cymhwysedd ni, ac os bydd materion yn codi, wel, byddwn yn asesu'r rheini pan fyddant yn codi, o dan y prosesau arferol.
Ac yn olaf, Joyce Watson.
And finally, Joyce Watson.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd, and of course I welcome the Bill. We've all seen the unnecessary devastating impact that single-use plastics have on our environment and our wildlife. So, what are we talking about? Well, currently, 11 million metric tonnes of plastic waste is entering our ocean every year. If we keep on as we are now, that will double by 2040. And, according to the Pew Charitable Trusts, if it is the case that, globally, we cannot deal with reusing any of that plastic, it's going to triple by 2040. So, we're talking about a potential 33 million metric tonnes of plastic waste in our sea alone by 2040. So, that is why I welcome this Bill. We have to act and we have to act now.
The one question I have is that I notice there's a list of things that are single-use plastic, but we all know that we suddenly discover that there's plastic in other things that we didn't know about, and wet wipes are a good example of that. So, my question is clear: can we then use that existing legislation, if we need to, to add things that we become aware of, which we might not be aware of now, that are single use and that have plastic in them? Thank you.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd, ac wrth gwrs rwy'n croesawu'r Bil. Rydyn ni i gyd wedi gweld yr effaith ddinistriol ddiangen y mae plastigau untro yn ei chael ar ein hamgylchedd a'n bywyd gwyllt. Felly, am beth rydym ni'n siarad? Wel, ar hyn o bryd, mae 11 miliwn tunnell fetrig o wastraff plastig yn mynd i mewn i'n cefnfor bob blwyddyn. Os ydyn ni'n dal ati fel yr ydym ni nawr, bydd hynny'n dyblu erbyn 2040. Ac, yn ôl Ymddiriedolaethau Elusennol Pew, os yw'n wir, yn fyd-eang, na allwn ymdopi ag ailddefnyddio dim o'r plastig hwnnw, mae'n mynd i dreblu erbyn 2040. Felly, rydyn ni'n sôn am 33 miliwn tunnell fetrig posib o wastraff plastig yn ein môr yn unig erbyn 2040. Felly, dyna pam rwy'n croesawu'r Bil hwn. Mae'n rhaid i ni weithredu ac mae'n rhaid i ni weithredu nawr.
Yr un cwestiwn sydd gen i yw fy mod i'n sylwi bod yna restr o bethau sy'n blastig untro, ond rydyn ni i gyd yn gwybod ein bod ni'n darganfod yn sydyn fod yna blastig mewn pethau eraill nad oedden ni'n gwybod amdanyn nhw, ac mae cadachau gwlyb yn enghraifft dda o hynny. Felly, mae fy nghwestiwn i'n glir: a allwn ni wedyn ddefnyddio'r ddeddfwriaeth bresennol honno, os oes angen i ni, i ychwanegu pethau rydyn ni'n dod yn ymwybodol ohonyn nhw, ac efallai nad ydym ni'n ymwybodol ohonyn nhw nawr, sy'n ddefnydd untro ac sydd â phlastig ynddyn nhw? Diolch.
Well, thank you. That is a really important question, because, you know, we are not in a static environment. It's not about producing a list and then we can all go away and be satisfied that everything is satisfactory. And, of course, your question partly led on to what's been asked earlier, and that is, 'What are the other areas?' And, of course, we can all identify, I think, other areas that we'd be concerned with, and we wonder whether there should be changes there—particularly deposit schemes. I mentioned about the paper straws earlier. Well, as a kid, I spent a lot of my time hanging around building sites at the age of six and seven, picking up the bottles, because there was fourpence—four old pence—on each bottle, and that was how you got your pocket money in those days. And it was really disappointing that we never retained something that was so logical to use.
But I think you mentioned about other items, such as wet wipes, for example, well, those are things that are being looked at. There are certain complications over wet wipes, because there are issues to do with labelling. Wet wipes apparently aren't as simple a product as they’re made out to be; some of them contain different substances and so on. There are probably good reasons why wet wipes should be banned in any event because of the impact they have on the sewage systems. But, of course, one of the issues is labelling as well. Product labelling is not devolved to Wales but is reserved to the UK Government. But, it’s an area that we’re looking at and there are other areas as well that will be looked at.
The importance of this legislation is that it creates powers, but it does obviously retain anything that’s added or removed from the list—the power remains by the affirmative resolution within this Senedd. I think that is something that is extremely important. I suppose I should add also, of course, that under section 79(2) of the Government of Wales Act, a sustainability report has to be produced each year, and what the legislation does do, which again I think is important, is it creates a duty on Government to actually set out to the Senedd in that report what other items it is looking at, what progress is being made, what other items may be listed. So, this is an ongoing, continuing debate, as it should be, that will take place within this Senedd. So, this legislation is really the start of that process and not the conclusion of it, I suppose. Banning single-use plastic items is a process, not an event.
Diolch. Mae hynny'n gwestiwn pwysig iawn, oherwydd, wyddoch chi, dydym ni ddim mewn amgylchedd statig. Nid cynhyrchu rhestr yw hyn ac yna gallwn ni gyd fynd i ffwrdd a bod yn fodlon fod popeth yn foddhaol. Ac, wrth gwrs, roedd eich cwestiwn yn arwain yn rhannol at yr hyn a ofynnwyd yn gynharach, sef, 'Beth yw'r meysydd eraill?' Ac, wrth gwrs, gallwn ni i gyd nodi, rwy'n credu, meysydd eraill y byddem yn pryderu amdanyn, ac yn meddwl tybed a ddylai fod newidiadau yn y fan yno—yn enwedig cynlluniau dychwelyd ernes. Soniais am y gwellt papur yn gynharach. Wel, fel plentyn, treuliais lawer o fy amser yn hongian o gwmpas safleoedd adeiladu yn chwech a saith oed, yn codi'r poteli, oherwydd roedd pedair ceiniog—pedair hen geiniog—ar bob potel, a dyna sut yr oeddech chi'n cael eich arian poced yn y dyddiau hynny. Ac roedd yn siomedig iawn na wnaethon ni erioed gadw rhywbeth oedd mor rhesymegol i'w ddefnyddio.
Ond rwy'n credu y gwnaethoch chi sôn am eitemau eraill, fel cadachau gwlyb, er enghraifft, wel, mae'r rheiny'n bethau sy'n cael eu hystyried. Mae rhai cymhlethdodau ynghylch cadachau gwlyb, oherwydd mae problemau yn ymwneud â labelu. Mae'n debyg nad yw cadachau gwlyb yn gynnyrch mor syml ag y mae'n ymddangos; mae rhai ohonyn nhw'n cynnwys gwahanol sylweddau ac yn y blaen. Mae'n debyg bod rhesymau da pam y dylid gwahardd cadachau gwlyb beth bynnag oherwydd yr effaith maen nhw'n ei gael ar y systemau carthion. Ond, wrth gwrs, un o'r materion yw labelu hefyd. Nid yw labelu cynnyrch wedi'i ddatganoli i Gymru ond mae wedi'i gadw'n ôl i Lywodraeth y DU. Ond, mae'n faes yr ydym ni'n ei ystyried ac mae meysydd eraill hefyd y byddwn yn eu hystyried.
Pwysigrwydd y ddeddfwriaeth hon yw ei bod yn creu pwerau, ond mae'n amlwg yn cadw unrhyw beth sy'n cael ei ychwanegu neu ei dynnu oddi ar y rhestr—mae'r pŵer yn parhau i fod drwy benderfyniad cadarnhaol o fewn y Senedd hon. Rwy'n credu bod hynny'n rhywbeth hynod o bwysig. Am wn i, dylwn i ychwanegu hefyd, wrth gwrs, mai o dan adran 79(2) o Ddeddf Llywodraeth Cymru, mae'n rhaid cynhyrchu adroddiad cynaliadwyedd bob blwyddyn, a'r hyn y mae'r ddeddfwriaeth yn ei wneud, sydd eto yn bwysig yn fy marn i, yw mae'n creu dyletswydd ar Lywodraeth i nodi mewn gwirionedd i'r Senedd yn yr adroddiad hwnnw pa eitemau eraill y mae'n eu hystyried, pa gynnydd sy'n cael ei wneud, pa eitemau eraill y gellir eu rhestru. Felly, mae hon yn ddadl barhaus, fel y dylai fod, a gynhelir o fewn y Senedd hon. Felly, y ddeddfwriaeth hon, mewn gwirionedd, yw dechrau'r broses honno ac nid ei chasgliad, mae'n debyg. Proses yw gwahardd eitemau plastig untro, nid digwyddiad.
Diolch i'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol.
I thank the Counsel General.
Yr eitem nesaf yw'r datganiad gan y Gweinidog Cyllid a Llywodraeth Leol ar ymgynghoriad ar ardoll ymwelwyr. Galwaf ar y Gweinidog i wneud y datganiad—Rebecca Evans.
The next item is the statement by the Minister for Finance and Local Government on a visitor levy consultation. I call on the Minister to make her statement—Rebecca Evans.

Today, I'm pleased to announce the launch of a public consultation on enabling local authorities to raise a visitor levy. The proposals set out in the consultation have been developed with Plaid Cymru as part of the co-operation agreement. Our collective ambition is to grow tourism for the good of Wales with economic growth, environmental sustainability and social and cultural well-being at the heart of that ambition. We are working together to ensure our local communities are given the support and the tools that they need to thrive.
Wales is not alone in pursuing this approach. Over 40 countries have visitor levies in place, including Greece, the Netherlands, France and New Zealand. Many of us will have paid a levy when traveling abroad, and some will have done so without even noticing. Across the world, more and more destinations are opting to use visitor levies to enhance local services and infrastructure. These taxes can enable a more sustainable form of tourism. Following a call for public ideas for new taxes in 2017, it was suggested that a visitor levy be considered. We are now taking forward this idea through our programme for government commitment.
Local taxes support the funding of local infrastructure and services, from keeping beaches, footpaths and coastlines clean to providing local transport infrastructure and maintaining areas of natural beauty. These are vital ingredients for successful tourism destinations. Is it not fair that visitors should make a small contribution to these costs? This is an increasingly common and well understood approach, which more and more places are looking to adopt. Revenues raised from a levy could provide additional funds to safeguard local areas for future generations. Within the UK, Wales might be one of the first places to introduce a visitor levy, but I doubt it will be the last. Other parts of the UK have actively called for similar powers to be introduced, recognising the benefits a levy can bring to local areas.
In publishing this consultation document, I want to be clear about our intentions. This policy is consistent with our long-standing support for Wales’s tourism industry. Tourism-related expenditure in Wales was estimated to be over £5 billion in 2019 and we want to continue to see a thriving tourism industry in Wales as part of a strong recovery following the impact of COVID-19. It is well known that public services and infrastructure are integral to the visitor experience, and a levy will help encourage their continued investment.
I want to emphasise that the proposed levy would be fairly applied in a manner consistent with our core tax principles. Any visitor levy introduced would be clear, stable and simple, and it would strive to create a more equal Wales. Our intention is to bring about a sense of shared responsibility between residents and visitors, to protect and invest in our local areas. A levy would represent a small charge and would encourage a more sustainable approach to tourism. It's important to remember that our proposal considers discretionary powers for local authorities; we want local areas to decide if a levy is right for them. We are fortunate to live in a country that has such a diverse offering for visitors. We recognise that the scale and the impact of the visitor economy varies across Wales. Our goal for any levy proposal taken forward is for a consistent manner of application across those destinations that choose to implement it.
Over the past eight months, we have engaged with a wide range of partners to understand and consider differing perspectives. These views are reflected in the consultation document and the impact assessment, to support others when providing their responses. Discussions have been held with local authorities, businesses, third sector representatives, industry bodies and officials in overseas administrations that have well-developed visitor levies. I am grateful to all partners who have contributed to the process so far.
We will be issuing a partial regulatory impact assessment alongside the consultation that will outline the potential costs and benefits of the different options for introducing a visitor levy. We hope that this provides a solid foundation on which to elicit more evidence and feedback. This work will help inform a final impact assessment for any measures taken forward, alongside outputs from the independent research that we have commissioned.
A decision on how we proceed will be made following due consideration of the consultation responses and other evidence. Enabling a discretionary visitor levy across Wales would take several years following this consultation, and follow a careful process of design and implementation. This would provide ample time for businesses, local government and local communities to plan ahead.
Llywydd, there will always be a warm welcome for visitors in Wales. This progressive policy is about supporting local areas, ensuring that visitors, whether they have travelled from within Wales or from further afield, make a small contribution towards maintaining and enhancing the place they are visiting. Done properly and fairly, this can be of great benefit, and provide an opportunity to enhance our beautiful country. I encourage all of those with an interest to get involved in the consultation to ensure that their views help shape our plans as we take them forward.
Heddiw, rwy'n falch o gyhoeddi lansiad ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus ar alluogi awdurdodau lleol i godi ardoll ymwelwyr. Mae'r cynigion a nodir yn yr ymgynghoriad wedi'u datblygu gyda Phlaid Cymru yn rhan o'r cytundeb cydweithredu. Ein huchelgais ar y cyd yw datblygu twristiaeth er lles Cymru gyda thwf economaidd, cynaliadwyedd amgylcheddol a lles cymdeithasol a diwylliannol wrth wraidd yr uchelgais honno. Rydym yn gweithio gyda'n gilydd i sicrhau bod ein cymunedau lleol yn cael y gefnogaeth a'r offer sydd eu hangen arnynt i ffynnu.
Nid Cymru yw'r unig un sy'n dilyn y dull hwn. Mae gan dros 40 o wledydd ardollau ymwelwyr, gan gynnwys Gwlad Groeg, yr Iseldiroedd, Ffrainc a Seland Newydd. Bydd llawer ohonom ni wedi talu ardoll wrth deithio dramor, a bydd rhai wedi gwneud hynny heb sylwi hyd yn oed. Ar draws y byd, mae mwy a mwy o gyrchfannau yn dewis defnyddio ardollau ymwelwyr i wella gwasanaethau a seilwaith lleol. Gall y trethi hyn alluogi math mwy cynaliadwy o dwristiaeth. Yn dilyn galwad am syniadau cyhoeddus am drethi newydd yn 2017, awgrymwyd y dylid ystyried ardoll ymwelwyr. Rydym ni bellach yn bwrw ymlaen â'r syniad hwn drwy ein hymrwymiad rhaglen lywodraethol.
Mae trethi lleol yn cefnogi'r gwaith o ariannu seilwaith a gwasanaethau lleol, o gadw traethau, llwybrau troed ac arfordiroedd yn lân, darparu seilwaith trafnidiaeth leol a chynnal ardaloedd o harddwch naturiol. Mae'r rhain yn gynhwysion hanfodol ar gyfer cyrchfannau twristiaeth llwyddiannus. Onid yw'n deg y dylai ymwelwyr wneud cyfraniad bach at y costau hyn? Mae hwn yn ddull sy'n fwyfwy cyffredin ac y mae dealltwriaeth gynyddol well ohono, y mae mwy a mwy o lefydd yn ceisio ei fabwysiadu. Gallai refeniw sy'n cael ei godi o ardoll ddarparu arian ychwanegol i ddiogelu ardaloedd lleol ar gyfer cenedlaethau'r dyfodol. Yn y Deyrnas Unedig, efallai mai Cymru fydd un o'r llefydd cyntaf i gyflwyno ardoll ymwelwyr, ond rwy'n amau mai hon fydd yr olaf. Mae rhannau eraill o'r DU wedi galw'n frwd am gyflwyno pwerau tebyg, gan gydnabod y buddion y gall ardoll eu cynnig i ardaloedd lleol.
Wrth gyhoeddi'r ddogfen ymgynghori hon, hoffwn fod yn glir am ein bwriadau. Mae'r polisi hwn yn gyson â'n cefnogaeth hirsefydlog i ddiwydiant twristiaeth Cymru. Amcangyfrifwyd bod gwariant sy'n gysylltiedig â thwristiaeth yng Nghymru dros £5 biliwn yn 2019 ac fe hoffem ni barhau i weld diwydiant twristiaeth ffyniannus yng Nghymru yn rhan o adferiad cryf yn dilyn effaith COVID-19. Mae'n hysbys bod seilwaith a gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yn rhan annatod o brofiad yr ymwelwyr, a bydd ardoll yn helpu i annog buddsoddiad parhaus ynddynt.
Hoffwn bwysleisio y cai'r ardoll arfaethedig ei gymhwyso'n deg mewn modd sy'n gyson â'n hegwyddorion treth craidd. Byddai unrhyw ardoll ymwelwyr a gyflwynir yn glir, sefydlog a syml, a byddai'n ymdrechu i greu Cymru fwy cyfartal. Ein bwriad yw sicrhau ymdeimlad o gydgyfrifoldeb rhwng trigolion ac ymwelwyr, er mwyn gwarchod a buddsoddi yn ein hardaloedd lleol. Byddai ardoll yn cynrychioli tâl bychan a byddai'n annog ymagwedd fwy cynaliadwy at dwristiaeth. Mae'n bwysig cofio bod ein cynnig yn ystyried pwerau dewisol i awdurdodau lleol; hoffem i ardaloedd lleol benderfynu a yw ardoll yn iawn iddyn nhw. Rydym ni'n ffodus i fyw mewn gwlad sydd ag arlwy mor amrywiol i ymwelwyr. Rydym yn cydnabod bod graddfa ac effaith yr economi ymwelwyr yn amrywio ar draws Cymru. Ein nod ar gyfer unrhyw gynnig ardoll a weithredir arno yw y bydd y cyrchfannau hynny sy'n dewis ei weithredu yn gyson wrth wneud hynny.
Dros yr wyth mis diwethaf, rydym wedi ymgysylltu ag ystod eang o bartneriaid i ddeall ac ystyried safbwyntiau gwahanol. Caiff y safbwyntiau hyn eu hadlewyrchu yn y ddogfen ymgynghori a'r asesiad effaith, i gefnogi eraill wrth ddarparu eu hymatebion. Cynhaliwyd trafodaethau gydag awdurdodau lleol, busnesau, cynrychiolwyr o'r trydydd sector, cyrff diwydiant a swyddogion mewn gweinyddiaethau tramor sydd ag ardollau ymwelwyr aeddfed eu datblygiad. Rwy'n ddiolchgar i'r holl bartneriaid sydd wedi cyfrannu at y broses hyd yn hyn.
Byddwn ni'n cyhoeddi asesiad effaith rheoleiddiol rhannol ochr yn ochr â'r ymgynghoriad a fydd yn amlinellu costau a manteision posibl y gwahanol ddewisiadau ar gyfer cyflwyno ardoll ymwelwyr. Gobeithiwn fod hyn yn rhoi sylfaen gadarn i ennyn mwy o dystiolaeth ac adborth arno. Bydd y gwaith hwn yn helpu i lywio asesiad effaith terfynol ar gyfer unrhyw fesurau a weithredir arnynt, ochr yn ochr â chanlyniadau o'r ymchwil annibynnol yr ydym wedi'i gomisiynu.
Penderfynir ar sut y byddwn yn bwrw ymlaen yn dilyn ystyriaeth ddyledus o'r ymatebion i'r ymgynghoriad a thystiolaeth arall. Byddai galluogi ardoll ymwelwyr yn ôl disgresiwn ar draws Cymru yn cymryd sawl blwyddyn yn dilyn yr ymgynghoriad hwn, ac yn dilyn proses ofalus o ddylunio a gweithredu. Byddai hyn yn rhoi digon o amser i fusnesau, llywodraeth leol a chymunedau lleol gynllunio o flaen llaw.
Llywydd, fe fydd yna wastad groeso cynnes i ymwelwyr yng Nghymru. Bwriad y polisi blaengar yma yw cefnogi ardaloedd lleol, sicrhau bod ymwelwyr, boed nhw wedi teithio o rywle arall yng Nghymru neu o bellach i ffwrdd, yn gwneud cyfraniad bach tuag at gynnal a gwella'r lle y maent yn ymweld ag o. Wedi'i wneud yn iawn ac yn deg, gall hyn fod o fudd mawr, a rhoi cyfle i wella ein gwlad brydferth. Rwy'n annog pawb sydd â diddordeb i gymryd rhan yn yr ymgynghoriad i sicrhau bod eu barn yn helpu i lywio ein cynlluniau wrth i ni eu symud ymlaen.
Daeth y Llywydd i’r Gadair.
The Llywydd took the Chair.
Can I thank the Minister for her statement? I must admit, I did have to check who the Minister was with responsibility for tourism today, because it's the finance Minister, yet again, who is making another announcement from the frontbench on the Welsh Government's approach to tourism, rather than the economy Minister who is responsible for it. Indeed, the economy Minister, responsible for the tourism industry here in Wales, has never made an oral statement in the Chamber on plans for the sector since taking the role. That's because the Welsh Government sees tourism in Wales not as something to nurture, protect and enhance, but something to tax instead. And the fact that we're pressing ahead with a consultation on a tourism tax only underpins that further.
I'm afraid that when it comes to the Welsh Government and consultation to do with the tourism industry, you'll forgive me, Minister, for not being overly enthusiastic about your track record. The recent consultation on the changes to holiday let properties had only 1 per cent of the total number of respondents backing the increase to 182 days, but you totally ignored their views and pressed ahead with the changes anyway. How on earth can the tourism sector in Wales have any faith that this will be a fair consultation undertaken by your Welsh Government when your track record is so poor?
This industry has felt so ignored and so taken for granted by this Welsh Government for so long that, over the summer, we saw a farcical situation where Welsh Government Ministers were banned from visiting one of Wales's premier tourism attractions, Dan-yr-Ogof caves, because of it. In a statement that they released on the announcement of this unprecedented move, they said, and I quote:
'Owing to the Welsh Government’s anti-tourism, and anti-English policies being imposed on the Welsh tourism industry, members of the Welsh Government are no longer welcome at this attraction. Their policies will lead to tourism businesses being forced to close, and thousands of tourism jobs lost.'
Your own evidence backs that up. The partial regulatory impact assessment that you mentioned states, and I quote:
'Reduced competitiveness is a possibility'.
They also cited a study that states clearly in the abstract that
'The study’s empirical evidence suggests a strong case for reduced taxes on tourists in order to improve the competitiveness of tourist destinations and support the local tourism sector.'
That's in your evidence. The real effect of this tax being introduced will put livelihoods at risk in Wales, as one in seven jobs—around 200,000—rely on the tourism industry. This is the wrong policy at the wrong time. People across the world are dealing with high levels of inflation and an increased cost of living. Adding another bill only increases the probability of potential visitors choosing to stay away.
We know that the hospitality sector in Wales specifically, which includes tourism, has been the worst hit from COVID-19 after being locked down longer than their counterparts in the rest of the UK. Not only that, but such a tax targets exactly the people that we want to encourage to come to Wales in the first place. If this tax, as seems likely, will take the form of a charge on overnight visitors, we're taxing exactly the people who spend the most money in our local economies. But the sector has been telling you this all along, Minister, and they'll tell you again in the consultation, but they'll need to feel like they've been listened to. You also say that tourism taxes are common across the world, but under 'tax purpose and scope' in the document, it says that some destinations use visitor levies as a mechanism to restrict or reduce visitor numbers—the key side effect of your policy explained in your own document in black and white.
And finally, as I've asked time and time again during these statements, I'm still yet to hear any assurance from the Minister, or anyone in the Welsh Government for that matter, that introducing this tax will actually increase spending by councils on tourism. Buried in the small print of the consultation, actually, is the concession by the Welsh Government that whilst there will be an expectation that local authorities will use the revenue raised through a visitor levy to fund activity that is of benefit to the visitor experience and that local stakeholders are consulted in this process, there will be no formal requirements set out in a national framework. So, there we have it: we're launching a consultation on a tax where the Welsh Government has a track record of ignoring the results. It will damage businesses across the country, reduce competitiveness and won't even see any financial benefit to the communities affected. Surely now, Minister, isn't this the time to ditch this scheme for good?
A gaf i ddiolch i'r Gweinidog am ei datganiad? Mae'n rhaid i mi gyfaddef, bu'n rhaid i mi wirio pwy oedd y Gweinidog â chyfrifoldeb am dwristiaeth heddiw, oherwydd y Gweinidog cyllid, unwaith eto, sy'n gwneud cyhoeddiad arall o'r fainc flaen ar ddull Llywodraeth Cymru o ymdrin â thwristiaeth, yn hytrach na Gweinidog yr Economi sy'n gyfrifol am hynny. Yn wir, nid yw Gweinidog yr Economi, sy'n gyfrifol am y diwydiant twristiaeth yma yng Nghymru, erioed wedi gwneud datganiad llafar yn y Siambr ar gynlluniau ar gyfer y sector ers ysgwyddo'r swyddogaeth. Mae hynny oherwydd bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweld twristiaeth yng Nghymru nid fel rhywbeth i'w feithrin, ei amddiffyn a'i wella, ond yn rhywbeth i'w drethu yn lle. Ac mae'r ffaith ein bod yn bwrw ymlaen gydag ymgynghoriad ar dreth dwristiaeth ond yn sail bellach i hynny.
O ran Llywodraeth Cymru ac ymgynghori i wneud â'r diwydiant twristiaeth, mae arnaf i ofn y bydd yn rhaid ichi faddau i mi, Weinidog, am beidio â bod yn or-frwdfrydig o ystyried eich hanes yn y maes yma. Dim ond 1 y cant o gyfanswm yr ymatebwyr oedd yn cefnogi'r cynnydd i 182 diwrnod yn yr ymgynghoriad diweddar ar y newidiadau i lety gwyliau, ond fe wnaethoch chi anwybyddu eu barn yn llwyr a bwrw ymlaen gyda'r newidiadau beth bynnag. Sut yn y byd y gall y sector twristiaeth yng Nghymru gael unrhyw ffydd y bydd hwn yn ymgynghoriad teg a gynhaliwyd gan eich Llywodraeth pan fo gennych chi hanes mor wael?
Mae'r diwydiant hwn wedi teimlo ei fod wedi ei anwybyddu gymaint ac wedi ei gymryd yn ganiataol gan y Llywodraeth hon ers cyhyd fel ein bod ni, dros yr haf, wedi gweld sefyllfa chwerthinllyd lle gwaharddwyd Gweinidogion Llywodraeth Cymru rhag ymweld ag un o brif atyniadau twristiaeth Cymru, ogofâu Dan-yr-Ogof, oherwydd hynny. Mewn datganiad a ryddhawyd ganddyn nhw wrth gyhoeddi'r cam digynsail hwn, fe ddywedon nhw, ac rwy'n dyfynnu:
'Oherwydd bod pholisïau gwrth-dwristiaeth a gwrth-Seisnig Llywodraeth Cymru yn cael eu gorfodi ar ddiwydiant twristiaeth Cymru, does dim croeso bellach i aelodau Llywodraeth Cymru yn yr atyniad yma. Bydd eu polisïau yn arwain at orfodi busnesau twristiaeth i gau, a cholli miloedd o swyddi twristiaeth.'
Mae eich tystiolaeth eich hun yn cefnogi hynny. Mae'r asesiad effaith rheoleiddiol rhannol y gwnaethoch chi sôn amdano yn datgan, ac rwy'n dyfynnu:
'Mae llai o gystadlu yn bosibilrwydd'.
Fe wnaethon nhw gyfeirio hefyd at astudiaeth sy'n datgan yn glir yn y crynhoad fod
'tystiolaeth empirig yr astudiaeth yn awgrymu achos cryf dros drethi llai ar dwristiaid er mwyn gwella cystadleurwydd cyrchfannau twristiaeth a chefnogi'r sector twristiaeth leol.'
Mae hynny yn eich tystiolaeth. Bydd gwir effaith y dreth hon sy'n cael ei chyflwyno yn peryglu bywoliaeth yng Nghymru, gan fod un ym mhob saith swydd—tua 200,000—yn dibynnu ar y diwydiant twristiaeth. Dyma'r polisi anghywir ar yr adeg anghywir. Mae pobl ar draws y byd yn delio gyda chwyddiant mawr a chostau byw uwch. Mae ychwanegu bil arall ond yn cynyddu'r tebygolrwydd y bydd ymwelwyr posib yn dewis cadw draw.
Rydym yn gwybod mai'r sector lletygarwch yng Nghymru'n benodol, sy'n cynnwys twristiaeth, sydd wedi dioddef waethaf o COVID-19 ar ôl cael eu cadw ar gau yn hirach na'u cymheiriaid yng ngweddill y DU. Nid yn unig hynny, ond mae treth o'r fath yn targedu yr union bobl yr ydym ni am eu hannog i ddod i Gymru yn y lle cyntaf. Os yw'r dreth hon, fel sy'n ymddangos yn debygol, yn cymryd ffurf tâl ar ymwelwyr dros nos, rydym yn trethu'r union bobl sy'n gwario'r fwyaf o arian yn ein heconomïau lleol. Ond mae'r sector wedi bod yn dweud hyn wrthych chi drwy'r adeg, Weinidog, a byddan nhw'n dweud wrthych chi eto yn yr ymgynghoriad, ond bydd angen iddyn nhw deimlo fel eu bod nhw wedi cael gwrandawiad. Dywedwch hefyd fod trethi twristiaeth yn gyffredin ar draws y byd, ond o dan 'diben a chwmpas y dreth' yn y ddogfen, mae'n dweud bod rhai cyrchfannau yn defnyddio ardollau ymwelwyr fel dull o gyfyngu neu leihau nifer yr ymwelwyr—sgil-effaith allweddol eich polisi a eglurir yn eich dogfen eich hun mewn du a gwyn.
Ac yn olaf, gan fy mod wedi gofyn dro ar ôl tro yn ystod y datganiadau hyn, rydw i'n dal eto i glywed unrhyw sicrwydd gan y Gweinidog, neu unrhyw un yn Llywodraeth Cymru o ran hynny, y bydd cyflwyno'r dreth hon yn cynyddu gwariant gan gynghorau ar dwristiaeth mewn gwirionedd. Wedi'i gladdu ym mhrint mân yr ymgynghoriad, mewn gwirionedd, yw'r consesiwn gan Lywodraeth Cymru, er y bydd yna ddisgwyliad y bydd awdurdodau lleol yn defnyddio'r refeniw a godwyd trwy ardoll ymwelwyr i ariannu gweithgarwch sydd o fudd i brofiad yr ymwelwyr ac yr ymgynghorir gyda rhanddeiliaid lleol yn y broses hon, na fydd gofynion ffurfiol wedi'u nodi mewn fframwaith cenedlaethol. Felly, dyna ni: rydym ni'n lansio ymgynghoriad ar dreth lle mae gan Lywodraeth Cymru hanes o anwybyddu'r canlyniadau. Bydd yn niweidio busnesau ledled y wlad, yn lleihau cystadleurwydd ac ni fydd hyd yn oed yn gweld unrhyw fudd ariannol i'r cymunedau sy'n cael eu heffeithio. Siawns nad nawr, Weinidog, yw'r amser i anghofio'r cynllun hwn am byth?
He finally got to a question in the very last sentence. No, this isn't the time to ditch this idea. This is the time to launch a consultation to engage widely and to take as many views as we possibly can on the idea that has come forward.
This goes back, of course, to the Holtham work, which suggested that this might be a particular tax area that would be a good fit for Wales. It came forward again in 2017 when the now First Minister asked people in Wales for their ideas of taxes that could be introduced in Wales, and a tourism levy or an overnight levy came forward as one of those ideas. People came up with that idea because they'd experienced it for themselves and they'd seen the benefits for themselves when they had gone abroad to a whole range of countries across the globe that have introduced a tourism levy, and done so with success and done so in a way in which they're able to reinvest in their local tourism infrastructure to make those conditions for successful, sustainable tourism.
I think that there are very clearly, as set out in the documentation that you see before you today, a whole range of benefits that can be brought forward as a result. We've seen investment in public spaces, for example, in countries that have a tourism levy, we have seen investment in sustainable local transport. There will be lots of options, I think, for local authorities to consider in terms of where the pressures are because of tourism in their areas and how those can be alleviated, but also the ways in which the investment in the infrastructure can enhance the local area and invest in those conditions that make tourism a success.
We have consulted widely over the course of the development of this policy. We've had a whole range of engagement with the sector, with local government, with the third sector, with all sorts of parties who have an interest in this, and we'll be doing more of that work in the period ahead. Myself and the designated Member, Cefin Campbell, will be up in north Wales on Friday, in Portmeirion, holding a round-table event for the sector so that they can get into some of the proposals and give their particular responses to those. I know the First Minister and the leader of Plaid Cymru are planning on holding similar events to listen directly to the views of those who will be interested in these proposals.
It is true that any tax can be introduced for one of two reasons. You have behavioural taxes, which seek to change people's behaviour. We have some examples of those that we're considering in Wales and that we already see being implemented across the UK. For example, in Wales, we've got the landfill disposals tax. That's about changing behaviours and reducing the amount of waste that goes to landfill. But then at the same time, we have those taxes that aim to raise revenues. In Venice, for example, they want to reduce the number of tourists who are visiting Venice because of the extreme pressure that they are under. However, in a whole range and almost the vast majority of other areas, they introduce these taxes to raise revenues to reinvest in those communities and the services that make tourism a success. And that's the space that we're in; we're not seeking to reduce the number of people who come to Wales, we're seeking to support sustainable tourism where people who visit Wales can make a fair and small contribution to the upkeep of local areas.
So, as I say, we are only launching the consultation today. I think it's important that we all recognise that. I know that colleagues on the Conservative benches, as on other benches, will all take their opportunity to be part of that consultation, and we look forward to hearing more views as we move forward.
O'r diwedd holodd gwestiwn yn y frawddeg olaf un. Na, nid dyma'r amser i anghofio'r syniad hwn. Dyma'r amser i lansio ymgynghoriad i ymgysylltu'n eang ac i ystyried cymaint o safbwyntiau â phosib ar y syniad a gyflwynwyd.
Mae hyn yn deillio'n ôl, wrth gwrs, i waith Holtham, a awgrymodd y gallai hyn fod yn faes treth arbennig a fyddai'n addas iawn i Gymru. Cyflwynwyd y syniad eto yn 2017 pan ofynnodd Prif Weinidog Cymru bellach i bobl Cymru am eu syniadau o drethi allai gael eu cyflwyno yng Nghymru, ac ardoll twristiaeth neu ardoll dros nos oedd un o'r syniadau hynny. Cafodd pobl y syniad hwnnw am eu bod wedi ei brofi drostynt eu hunain ac roedden nhw wedi gweld y manteision drostynt eu hunain pan oedden nhw wedi mynd dramor i amryw o wledydd ledled y byd sydd wedi cyflwyno ardoll twristiaeth, ac wedi gwneud hynny gyda llwyddiant a gwneud hynny mewn ffordd y maen nhw'n gallu ail-fuddsoddi yn eu seilwaith twristiaeth lleol i greu'r amodau hynny ar gyfer twristiaeth lwyddiannus, gynaliadwy.
Rwy'n credu bod yna, fel y nodir yn y dogfennau a welwch chi o'ch blaen heddiw, beth wmbreth o fanteision y gellir eu cyflwyno o ganlyniad. Rydym ni wedi gweld buddsoddiad mewn mannau cyhoeddus, er enghraifft, mewn gwledydd sydd ag ardoll twristiaeth, rydym ni wedi gweld buddsoddiad mewn trafnidiaeth leol gynaliadwy. Bydd sawl posibilrwydd, rwy'n credu, i awdurdodau lleol eu hystyried o ran ble mae'r pwysau oherwydd twristiaeth yn eu hardaloedd a sut y gellir lleddfu'r rheini, ond hefyd y ffyrdd y gall y buddsoddiad yn y seilwaith wella'r ardal leol a buddsoddi yn yr amodau hynny sy'n gwneud twristiaeth yn llwyddiant.
Rydym ni wedi ymgynghori'n eang yn ystod datblygiad y polisi hwn. Rydym ni wedi ymgysylltu gryn dipyn â'r sector, gyda llywodraeth leol, gyda'r trydydd sector, gyda phob math o bobl a chyrff sydd â diddordeb yn hyn, a byddwn yn gwneud mwy o'r gwaith hwnnw yn y cyfnod sydd i ddod. Byddaf i a'r Aelod dynodedig, Cefin Campbell, yn y gogledd ddydd Gwener, ym Mhortmeirion, yn cynnal digwyddiad bwrdd crwn ar gyfer y sector fel y gallant graffu ar rai o'r cynigion a rhoi eu hymatebion penodol i'r rheini. Rwy'n gwybod bod y Prif Weinidog ac arweinydd Plaid Cymru yn bwriadu cynnal digwyddiadau tebyg i wrando'n uniongyrchol ar farn y rhai fydd â diddordeb yn y cynigion yma.
Mae'n wir y gellir cyflwyno unrhyw dreth am un o ddau reswm. Mae gennych chi drethi ymddygiad, sy'n ceisio newid ymddygiad pobl. Mae gennym ni rai enghreifftiau o'r rhai hynny yr ydym yn eu hystyried yng Nghymru a'n bod eisoes yn gweld y cânt eu gweithredu ar draws y DU. Er enghraifft, yng Nghymru, mae gennym ni'r dreth gwarediadau tirlenwi. Mae hynny'n ymwneud â newid arferion a lleihau faint o wastraff sy'n mynd i safleoedd tirlenwi. Ond wedyn ar yr un pryd, mae gennym ni'r trethi hynny sy'n anelu at godi refeniw. Yn Fenis, er enghraifft, maen nhw eisiau lleihau nifer y twristiaid sy'n ymweld â Fenis oherwydd y pwysau eithafol sydd arnyn nhw. Fodd bynnag, mewn amrywiaeth fawr a bron yn y mwyafrif llethol o feysydd eraill, maent yn cyflwyno'r trethi hyn i godi refeniw i ail-fuddsoddi yn y cymunedau hynny a'r gwasanaethau sy'n gwneud twristiaeth yn llwyddiant. A dyna lle'r ydym ni; dydym ni ddim yn ceisio lleihau nifer y bobl sy'n dod i Gymru, rydym ni'n ceisio cefnogi twristiaeth gynaliadwy lle gall pobl sy'n ymweld â Chymru wneud cyfraniad teg a bach i gynnal a chadw ardaloedd lleol.
Felly, fel y dywedais i, dim ond heddiw yr ydym ni'n lansio'r ymgynghoriad. Rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig ein bod ni i gyd yn cydnabod hynny. Rwy'n gwybod y bydd cyd-Aelodau ar feinciau'r Ceidwadwyr, fel ar feinciau eraill, i gyd yn manteisio ar eu cyfle i fod yn rhan o'r ymgynghoriad hwnnw, ac rydym yn edrych ymlaen at glywed rhagor o safbwyntiau wrth i ni symud ymlaen.
Diolch i'r Gweinidog am ei datganiad. Y peth cyntaf i'w ddweud yw bod pwysigrwydd y sector twristiaeth yn ddiamau; byddwn i a fy mhlaid a phawb arall fan hyn, dwi'n meddwl, yn cydnabod y cyfraniad pwysig mae'r sector yn ei wneud. Yr hyn y mae'n rhaid inni ochel rhagddo fe yw ffeindio'n hunain mewn sefyllfa lle mae yna ormod o dwristiaeth echdynnol. Hynny yw, rŷn ni wedi ffeindio enghreifftiau dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf o le mae hynny wedi bod yn broblem mewn cymunedau ar draws Cymru, felly, symud tuag at sefyllfa fwy cynaliadwy sydd angen i ni ei wneud.
Rŷn ni wedi gweld y straen ar adnoddau seilwaith lleol, gwasanaethau lleol ac adnoddau naturiol. Y llynedd, mae yna gynnydd wedi bod, ac mae ystadegau i ddangos cynnydd mewn gwersylla anghyfreithlon, sbwriel, gwastraff dynol yn cael ei adael ar lwybrau, meysydd parcio ac yn y blaen, ac erydu llwybrau yn broblem gynyddol. Felly, er mwyn creu dyfodol mwy llewyrchus i'r sector, mae angen inni symud at fodel o dwristiaeth mwy cynaliadwy, ac nid mecanwaith—yn fy marn i, beth bynnag—yw lefi fel hyn i gosbi y sector nac i gosbi unrhyw un. Dwi'n gweld e fel ffynhonnell fydd yn creu refeniw fydd yn gallu cael ei fuddsoddi mewn isadeiledd, nid yn unig i wella profiad cymunedau sy'n croesawu pobl, ond y bobl sydd yn ymweld, a bod e'n gwella profiad ymwelwyr, fydd, yn y pen draw, gobeithio, yn help i ddenu mwy o ymwelwyr—virtuous circle, hynny yw, bod gennym ni sefyllfa fwy cynaliadwy na beth sydd gennym ni nawr.
Ymgynghoriad, wrth gwrs, yw hwn; cychwyn ymgynghoriad, trafodaeth, sgwrs. Gobeithio bydd y sylwadau rŷn ni'n clywed gan y Ceidwadwyr ddim yn golygu na fydd y sector yn dod i'r bwrdd, a bod nhw ddim yn rhannu'r un sinigiaeth rŷn ni wedi clywed yn y cyfraniad blaenorol. Mae e yn gyfle i bawb—y sector, y cymunedau a phawb arall—i rannu eu barn, ac os caiff e ei wneud yn iawn, ac os ydy e yn rhywbeth sydd yn cael ei gyd-gynhyrchu, yna dwi yn teimlo y byddai rhywbeth fel hyn â photensial i ddod â budd i'r sector. A phŵer disgresiwn rŷn ni’n sôn am fan hyn i awdurdodau lleol. Bydd neb yn cael eu gorfodi i weithredu hwn.
Mae'r Ceidwadwyr yn licio'n hatgoffa ni yn aml iawn: dyw datganoli ddim yn stopio ym Mae Caerdydd—digon teg. Wel, dyma chi enghraifft ymarferol o ymbweru awdurdodau lleol i fynd i'r afael â mater—ac rŷch chi'n gwrthwynebu. Os ŷch chi o ddifrif ynglŷn â helpu'r sector yng Nghymru, yna siaradwch â'ch Canghellor eich hunain ynglŷn â threth ar werth. Mae yna ddigon o gyfleoedd eraill y gallwch chi fod yn cefnogi'r sector. Mae'r Ceidwadwyr mewn rhannau eraill o'r Deyrnas Unedig yn cefnogi'r cam yma. Mae Ceidwadwyr yn arwain yn Ynys Wyth, mae Cyngor Caerfaddon a Gogledd Ddwyrain Gwlad yr Haf wedi bod yn galw am hyn; mae arweinydd y Ceidwadwyr yn y Cotswolds hefyd yn dweud eu bod nhw'n cefnogi hyn. Rŷn ni wedi clywed am y dwsinau lawer o wledydd eraill sydd â lefi o'r fath, felly mae'n rhaid inni weithiau weld y cyfle mewn pethau fel hyn, a ddim jest gweld y broblem.
Felly, cwpwl o gwestiynau gen i, Weinidog. Mae yna wahanol ffyrdd, wrth gwrs, o gyflwyno lefi—aros dros nos yw'r un amlwg—ond dwi jest eisiau eglurder ynglŷn ag a ydy'r Llywodraeth yn meddwl mai dyna yw'r modd rŷch chi'n bwriadu symud ymlaen, neu ydych chi'n feddwl agored i ffyrdd eraill o gasglu lefi o'r fath?
Rŷn ni wedi clywed, ac yn berffaith iawn i glywed, fod yna greisis costau byw; sut rŷch chi, felly, am sicrhau y byddai unrhyw ardoll yn gymesur ac yn deg ar bocedi'r bobl fydd disgwyl iddyn nhw gyfrannu tuag ato fe? Allwch chi hefyd gadarnhau mai'ch bwriad chi yw—mae e'n implicit; dwi ddim yn siŵr os ydy e'n ddigon explicit—mai'r bwriad yw y bydd unrhyw bres sy'n cael ei godi'n lleol yn cael ei wario'n lleol? Dwi'n meddwl bod yna gwestiwn pwysig angen ei ateb yn fanna.
Ac rŷn ni'n clywed pobl yn dweud y bydd e'n cymryd ambell i flwyddyn i hwn ddod yn realiti, os ydy e yn digwydd. Ai'r bwriad yw y bydd hynny'n digwydd o fewn y Senedd yma, neu ydych chi'n rhagweld efallai y gallai fod yn linell amser hirach na hynny? Diolch.
Thank you to the Minister for her statement. The first thing to say, of course, is that the importance of the tourism sector is undoubted; myself and my party and everyone else here would recognise the important contribution made by the sector. What we must guard against is finding ourselves in a position where there is too much extractive tourism. We have found examples over recent years where that has been a problem in communities across Wales, so we need to move to a more sustainable position—that’s what we need to do.
We've seen the pressure on local infrastructure, local services, natural resources. Last year, there was an increase, and there are statistics to show an increase in littering, human waste being left on pathways, wild camping and the erosion of pathways. So, in order to create a more sustainable future for the sector, we need to move towards a more sustainable model, and a levy like this—for me, at least—isn't a punishment for the sector or a punishment for anyone else. I see it as a source of revenue that can be invested in infrastructure, not only to improve the experiences of communities welcoming people, but also the experiences of the visitors themselves, who will ultimately attract more visitors—that's a virtuous circle, that is, that we have a more sustainable situation than we currently have.
This, of course, is a consultation; the beginning of a consultation, a discussion and a conversation. Hopefully, the comments we hear from the Conservatives won't mean that the sector won't come to the table, and that they don't share the cynicism that we heard in the previous contribution. It is an opportunity for everyone—the sector, the communities and everyone else—to share their views, and if it's done properly and if it is something that is co-produced, then I do think that something like this has the potential to bring real benefit to the sector. And we're talking about a discretionary power here for local authorities. They won't be required to implement this.
The Conservatives often remind us that devolution doesn't stop in Cardiff Bay—well, fair enough, but here's a practical example of empowering local authorities to tackle an issue—and you're opposing it. If you're serious about helping the sector in Wales, then speak to your own Chancellor about value added tax. There are plenty of other opportunities whereby you could be supporting the sector. The Conservatives in other parts of the UK support this step. Conservatives leading on the Isle of Wight and Bath and North East Somerset Council have been calling for this. The Conservative leader in the Cotswolds is also saying they support this. We've heard about the many tens of other countries that have such levies, so we sometimes have to identify the opportunity and not just identify the problem.
So, just a few questions from me, Minister. There are different ways, of course, of introducing a levy—the overnight levy is the most prominent—but I wanted some clarity as to whether the Government thinks that is the way forward, or are you open-minded in terms of other approaches in terms of such a levy?
We've heard quite rightly that there is a cost-of-living crisis; how will you ensure, therefore, that any levy would be proportionate and fair for those people who will be paying such a levy? Can you also confirm that it is your intention—it's implicit; I'm not sure if it's sufficiently explicit—that the intention is that any funding raised locally will be spent locally? I think there's an important question that needs to be answered there.
And we hear people saying that it'll take a few years for this to become a reality, if it does happen. Is it the intention that that would happen within this Senedd term, or do you anticipate that it could be a longer timeline than that? Thank you.
I'm very grateful for that series of questions, and for the contribution that started off, really, about talking about how this does not have to be something that causes antagonism between Government and the tourism sector. Quite the contrary, it can be something that can be co-produced effectively with the sector, understanding the benefits that could be brought to the local offering for tourism through a levy. We see it across the globe, really, in terms of the benefits that are being brought forward.
In New Zealand, for example, they funded 10 projects in their 2019-20 scheme through their international visitor conservation and tourism levy. They aim to protect sensitive and ecologically valuable landscapes; to upgrade visitor amenities, footpaths and signs; protect endangered species; enhance visitor access through opening new car parks and walking and cycling trails; and promote tourism careers. I think all of those things are things that we would like to be seeing more of happening here in Wales. A tourism levy would allow local authorities to be able to take initiative and to do that as well. So, I think that there are great examples that we can look to in those places that have introduced them.
Llyr Gruffydd also referred to some of the other parts of the UK that have also called for a tourism levy. Of course, we see the work being taken forward now very seriously by Scotland, but also those Conservative councils and former Conservative councils that have called for the power to be given to them to introduce a tourism levy. And Llyr Gruffydd gave a whole list of them, including the Isle of Wight and the formerly Conservative Bath, and I'd add Cornwall to that list as well. So, I think that there is a growing interest across the UK in introducing a levy.
In terms of what kind of levy, I think that our consultation is clear that the development of the thinking thus far has been around an overnight levy, given that that is the most popular kind of levy globally and it's where we've been drawing our inspiration from. But it is important to recognise that the consultation document does have that open question to people: are we focusing our efforts in the right place or do they have ideas for a day-visitor levy, for example? You see it working quite effectively for cruise ship or ferry passengers; you see that happening in places like Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Catalonia, where they have that day-visitor levy for cruise ship and ferry passengers. That, I think, reflects the high number of those visitors that they have very frequently.
Elsewhere, you have entertainment taxes, for example, in Amsterdam, and that's for operators of boat tours, renters of canoes and peddle boats, tour operators and city tours. That's not the area where we've been putting our effort into in terms of developing policy, but we are aware that there are different models elsewhere, and we very openly welcome any contributions, through the consultation document, to that.
'Proportionate' and 'fair' are two of the things that are very much our core principles that guide, really, our thinking in terms of tax, which is why we're really keen to explore some of the questions as to at what point we pitch the rate. So, we've done some work around price elasticity, which we're publishing alongside our document today, which will help us with some of the thinking around that. Also, the consultation document asks people for their views in terms of do we charge the room per night, do we charge per person per night, or do we do something that would be about a percentage of the cost of the room per night or a combination of those things. So, again, this is very early in terms of our consultation and we're keen to hear the views of people and their ideas as to what they think would work best.
In terms of whether the funding would be spent locally, it's very much the case that, in giving local authorities the power to raise funds locally, we would expect them to be used for the enhancement and the protection of the services that tourists come to Wales for because they know we have them and they love them. We have an idea in our consultation document, again, about how we can add some transparency around that, so perhaps an annual report from local government. We do have to be proportionate in terms of the level of reporting that we require on this, bearing in mind that we are going to be talking about relatively small but important sums of money but, again, that's something in the consultation document in terms of the level of transparency that we're able to produce for people who'll be rightly interested, both visitors and, of course, the tourism industry.
Rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn am y gyfres honno o gwestiynau, ac am y cyfraniad a ddechreuodd, mewn gwirionedd, gan sôn am sut nad oes rhaid i hyn fod yn rhywbeth sy'n achosi drwgdeimlad rhwng y Llywodraeth a'r sector twristiaeth. I'r gwrthwyneb, gall fod yn rhywbeth y gellir ei gyd-gynhyrchu'n effeithiol gyda'r sector, gan ddeall y manteision y gellid eu cyflwyno i'r arlwy lleol ar gyfer twristiaeth trwy ardoll. Rydym ni'n ei weld ar draws y byd, mewn gwirionedd, o ran y buddion sy'n cael eu cyflwyno.
Yn Seland Newydd, er enghraifft, fe wnaethon nhw ariannu 10 prosiect yn eu cynllun 2019-20 drwy eu hardoll cadwraeth ymwelwyr a thwristiaeth rhyngwladol. Eu nod yw diogelu tirweddau sensitif ac ecolegol werthfawr; uwchraddio mwynderau, llwybrau troed ac arwyddion i ymwelwyr; amddiffyn rhywogaethau sydd mewn perygl; gwella mynediad i ymwelwyr trwy agor meysydd parcio newydd a llwybrau cerdded a beicio; a hyrwyddo gyrfaoedd twristiaeth. Rwy'n credu bod yr holl bethau hynny'n bethau yr hoffem fod yn gweld mwy ohonynt yn digwydd yma yng Nghymru. Byddai ardoll twristiaeth yn caniatáu i awdurdodau lleol allu mentro a gwneud hynny hefyd. Felly, rwy'n credu bod enghreifftiau gwych y gallwn ni edrych atynt yn y llefydd hynny sydd wedi eu cyflwyno.
Cyfeiriodd Llyr Gruffydd hefyd at rai o rannau eraill y DU sydd hefyd wedi galw am ardoll twristiaeth. Wrth gwrs, rydym ni'n gweld y gwaith yn cael ei ddatblygu nawr o ddifrif gan yr Alban, ond hefyd y cynghorau Ceidwadol hynny a'r cyn-gynghorau Ceidwadol sydd wedi galw am roi'r pŵer iddyn nhw gyflwyno ardoll twristiaeth. Ac mi roddodd Llyr Gruffydd restr gyfan ohonynt, gan gynnwys Ynys Wyth a Chaerfaddon, a arferai fod yn Geidwadol, ac fe fyddwn i'n ychwanegu Cernyw at y rhestr honno hefyd. Felly, rwy'n credu bod diddordeb cynyddol ledled y DU mewn cyflwyno ardoll.
O ran pa fath o ardoll, rwy'n credu bod ein hymgynghoriad yn glir bod datblygiad y meddylfryd hyd yma wedi bod ynghylch ardoll dros nos, o ystyried mai dyna'r math mwyaf poblogaidd o ardoll yn fyd-eang a dyma fu craidd ein hysbrydoliaeth ohono. Ond mae'n bwysig cydnabod bod y ddogfen ymgynghori yn holi'r cwestiwn agored hwnnw i bobl: a ydym yn canolbwyntio ein hymdrechion yn y lle cywir neu a oes ganddynt syniadau ar gyfer ardoll ymwelwyr dydd, er enghraifft? Rydych chi'n ei weld yn gweithio'n eithaf effeithiol ar gyfer teithwyr ar longau mordaith neu deithwyr fferi; gwelwch hynny'n digwydd mewn llefydd fel Amsterdam, Rotterdam a Chatalonia, lle mae ganddyn nhw'r ardoll ymwelwyr dydd hwnnw ar gyfer teithwyr ar longau mordaith a theithwyr fferi. Mae hynny, rwy'n credu, yn adlewyrchu'r nifer fawr o'r ymwelwyr hynny sydd ganddyn nhw yn aml iawn.
Mewn mannau eraill, mae gennych chi drethi adloniant, er enghraifft, yn Amsterdam, a hynny ar gyfer gweithredwyr teithiau cychod, rhentwyr canŵs a chychod pedol, gweithredwyr teithiau a theithiau dinas. Nid dyna'r maes y buom yn canolbwyntio arno o ran datblygu polisi, ond rydym yn ymwybodol bod modelau gwahanol mewn mannau eraill, ac rydym yn croesawu'n agored iawn unrhyw gyfraniadau, drwy'r ddogfen ymgynghori, i hynny.
Mae 'cymesur' a 'teg' yn ddau o'r pethau sy'n egwyddorion craidd i ni sy'n arwain, mewn gwirionedd, ein ffordd o feddwl o ran treth, a dyna pam rydyn ni'n awyddus iawn i archwilio rhai o'r cwestiynau ynglŷn ag ymhle rydym ni'n cyflwyno'r gyfradd. Felly, rydym ni wedi gwneud ychydig o waith ynghylch elastigrwydd prisiau, yr ydym yn ei gyhoeddi ochr yn ochr â'n dogfen heddiw, a fydd yn ein helpu gyda rhywfaint o'r meddylfryd ynghylch hynny. Hefyd, mae'r ddogfen ymgynghori yn gofyn i bobl am eu barn o ran ydym ni'n codi tâl ar yr ystafell fesul noson, ydym ni'n codi tâl fesul person y noson, neu ydym ni'n gwneud rhywbeth fyddai'n ymwneud â chanran o gost yr ystafell y noson neu gyfuniad o'r pethau hynny. Felly, eto, mae hyn yn gynnar iawn o ran ein hymgynghoriad ac rydym yn awyddus i glywed barn pobl a'u syniadau ynglŷn â'r hyn maen nhw'n meddwl fyddai'n gweithio orau.
O ran a gai'r cyllid ei wario'n lleol, mae'n wir, o ran rhoi'r grym i awdurdodau lleol godi arian yn lleol, y bydden ni'n disgwyl i'r arian gael ei defnyddio i wella ac amddiffyn y gwasanaethau y daw twristiaid i Gymru o'u herwydd gan eu bod yn gwybod ein bod yn eu cynnig a'u bod nhw yn eu hoffi. Mae gennym ni syniad yn ein dogfen ymgynghori, eto, am sut y gallwn ni ychwanegu rhywfaint o dryloywder ynghylch hynny, felly adroddiad blynyddol gan lywodraeth leol efallai. Mae'n rhaid i ni fod yn gymesur o ran faint o adrodd sydd ei angen arnom ni ar hyn, gan gofio y byddwn yn sôn am symiau cymharol fach ond pwysig o arian ond, eto, mae hynny'n rhywbeth yn y ddogfen ymgynghori o ran faint o dryloywder y gallwn ei gynnig i'r bobl a fydd â'r diddordeb priodol, yn ymwelwyr ac, wrth gwrs, y diwydiant twristiaeth.
I'm grateful to you, Minister. Members will be pleased to hear that I'll just make a short intervention this afternoon. I'm fully in support of a consultation, and fully in support of the levy that you are proposing. I believe that we do need to have a real debate about the nature of tourism and the impact of tourism on our communities. All too often in this Chamber, we make assumptions and we work on the basis of assumptions, and one of those assumptions is that mass tourism is only for the good. But we know that there are very negative impacts from mass tourism on many communities, and we've had that debate about the place of housing, homelessness and the ability of people to live in their own communities. So, I think we do need a real debate about how tourism impacts Wales in a positive way, as well as some of the more negative issues.
I pay a visitor levy, or a tourism tax—whatever you want to call it—when I travel, in many places, and it doesn't affect me at all. In fact, I think I have a very real duty to pay for the services that I use when I'm visiting another place, and I think I have a responsibility to do that as well. I want the tourism that I embark upon as an individual or as a family, whatever, to benefit other places, and if that means contributing towards infrastructure, I'm very pleased to be able to do that, and I think we should argue for that.
I would say to you, Minister: I hope that you will explore the options that will be available to local government in terms of delivering this tourism levy. I hope also that you will look at examples elsewhere in the world. I have, for example, paid a toll, if you like, to drive into a national park in the United States, as well as paying a room tax, or a city tax, in places across Europe. I think there's a whole range of different options available to us. And I hope, Minister, you will not listen to the siren voices behind you, but you will look at the hard facts from different parts of the world, where a tourism levy helps contribute to the integrity of the community that is being served, and we should ensure that the community, that people, come first. I know that the Tories always prioritise profit—they'll be doing it on Friday again in London, they're doing it today. But I want this Government to prioritise communities, people and people's livelihoods, because I think that's what the people of Wales expect us to do.
Rwy'n ddiolchgar i chi, Weinidog. Bydd yr Aelodau'n falch o glywed y byddaf ond yn gwneud ymyrraeth fer y prynhawn yma. Rwy'n llwyr gefnogi ymgynghoriad, ac yn llwyr gefnogi'r ardoll yr ydych yn ei chynnig. Rwy'n credu bod angen i ni gael dadl go iawn am natur twristiaeth ac effaith twristiaeth ar ein cymunedau. Yn rhy aml o lawer yn y Siambr hon, rydym yn gwneud rhagdybiaethau ac rydym yn gweithio ar sail rhagdybiaethau, ac un o'r rhagdybiaethau hynny yw mai dim ond er lles y mae twristiaeth dorfol. Ond rydym ni'n gwybod bod twristiaeth dorfol yn effeithio'n negyddol iawn ar nifer o gymunedau, ac rydym wedi cael y drafodaeth honno am le tai, digartrefedd a gallu pobl i fyw yn eu cymunedau eu hunain. Felly, rwy'n credu bod angen trafodaeth go iawn ynglŷn â sut mae twristiaeth yn effeithio ar Gymru mewn ffordd gadarnhaol, yn ogystal â rhai o'r materion mwy negyddol.
Rwy'n talu ardoll ymwelwyr, neu dreth twristiaeth—beth bynnag rydych chi am ei alw—pan fyddaf yn teithio, mewn llawer o lefydd, ac nid yw'n effeithio arnaf i o gwbl. A dweud y gwir, rwy'n credu bod gen i ddyletswydd wirioneddol i dalu am y gwasanaethau rwy'n eu defnyddio pan wy'n ymweld â lle arall, ac rwy'n credu bod gen i gyfrifoldeb i wneud hynny hefyd. Mae arnaf i eisiau i'r dwristiaeth rwy'n cychwyn arni fel unigolyn neu fel teulu, beth bynnag, i fod o fudd i lefydd eraill, ac os yw hynny'n golygu cyfrannu tuag at seilwaith, rwy'n falch iawn o allu gwneud hynny, ac rwy'n credu y dylem ni ddadlau dros hynny.
Byddwn yn dweud wrthoch chi, Weinidog: Gobeithio y byddwch yn archwilio'r posibiliadau fydd ar gael i lywodraeth leol o ran darparu'r ardoll dwristiaeth hon. Gobeithio hefyd y byddwch yn edrych ar enghreifftiau mewn mannau eraill yn y byd. Er enghraifft, rwyf wedi talu toll, os mynnwch chi, i yrru i mewn i barc cenedlaethol yn yr Unol Daleithiau, yn ogystal â thalu treth ystafell, neu dreth dinas, mewn mannau ar draws Ewrop. Rwy'n credu bod yna amryw o bosibiliadau gwahanol ar gael i ni. A gobeithio, Weinidog, na fyddwch yn gwrando ar y lleisiau croch y tu ôl i chi, ond y byddwch yn edrych ar y ffeithiau caled o wahanol rannau o'r byd, lle mae ardoll twristiaeth yn helpu i gyfrannu at uniondeb y gymuned sy'n cael ei gwasanaethu, ac fe ddylem ni sicrhau bod y gymuned, bod pobl, yn dod yn gyntaf. Rwy'n gwybod bod y Torïaid wastad yn blaenoriaethu elw—byddan nhw'n gwneud hynny ddydd Gwener eto yn Llundain, maen nhw'n ei wneud heddiw. Ond fe hoffwn i i'r Llywodraeth yma flaenoriaethu cymunedau, pobl a bywoliaeth pobl, achos rwy'n credu mai dyna mae pobl Cymru yn disgwyl i ni ei wneud.
I'm very grateful to Alun Davies for his comments and his support for the consultation that is launched today. He's absolutely right that whilst we of course want to share what we have here in Wales with people from across the globe, we also need to ensure that tourism is done in a way that is sustainable and that doesn't harm communities. And it is important to get that balance right. Also, I think this really ties into some of the work that my colleague Vaughan Gething is doing in terms of ensuring that kind of year-round tourism can grow in Wales, so that we have a better balance throughout the seasons, and we're better able to meet the expectations of people when they come to visit us here in Wales. And they will absolutely always be assured of a really warm Welsh welcome when they come to us here in Wales.
I think that the point about feeling that shared responsibility is a really important one, because when you do feel that responsibility to the community that you visit, it does give you a different emotional tie, I think, to the place in which you're taking your holiday or visiting. And I think that, for people to have an emotional tie with Wales and then leave, is a lovely thing, and they'd probably be very keen to come back to see us again.
The voices behind me are many things; siren voices I wouldn't describe them as. But, absolutely, we'll be looking at what the evidence tells us in terms of developing the proposals for the tourism levy. We'll look really hard at what's happening in other countries. We've engaged with places such as Philadelphia in the US, for example, to get a sense of their experience. We had representatives from Amsterdam speaking at our tax conference last year. And we're learning many things from them, not only about how the taxes are developed locally, but the implementation of those taxes. We don't have to be the same as another part of the globe to learn from them in terms of implementation of taxes and delivery of taxes and so on. So, I think that the more that we can learn from other countries, the better. We have world-class tourism destinations putting in place tourism levies and it doesn't turn people off. Why don't the Conservatives have the same level of ambition for Wales to be that world-class tourism destination where people will come back to year after year?
Rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn i Alun Davies am ei sylwadau a'i gefnogaeth i'r ymgynghoriad sy'n cael ei lansio heddiw. Mae'n hollol gywir bod arnom ni wrth gwrs eisiau rhannu beth sydd gyda ni yma yng Nghymru gyda phobl o bob cwr o'r byd, mae angen i ni hefyd sicrhau bod twristiaeth yn gynaliadwy ac nad yw'n niweidio cymunedau. Ac mae'n bwysig cael y cydbwysedd yna'n iawn. Hefyd, rwy'n credu bod hyn yn cysylltu mewn gwirionedd â rhywfaint o'r gwaith y mae fy nghyd-Aelod Vaughan Gething yn ei wneud o ran sicrhau bod y math yna o dwristiaeth gydol y flwyddyn yn gallu tyfu yng Nghymru, fel bod gennym ni well cydbwysedd trwy gydol y tymhorau, ac y gallwn ni fodloni disgwyliadau pobl yn well pan ddônt i ymweld â ni yma yng Nghymru. A byddan nhw wastad yn sicr o groeso Cymreig cynnes iawn pan fyddan nhw'n dod atom ni yma yng Nghymru.
Rwy'n credu bod y sylw am deimlo'r cyd-gyfrifoldeb hwnnw yn un pwysig iawn, oherwydd pan fyddwch chi'n teimlo'r cyfrifoldeb hwnnw i'r gymuned rydych chi'n ymweld â hi, mae hynny yn rhoi cwlwm emosiynol gwahanol i chi, rwy'n credu, gyda'r lle rydych chi ar eich gwyliau ynddo neu'n ymweld ag o. Ac rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n beth hyfryd, i bobl gael cwlwm emosiynol gyda Chymru ac wedyn gadael, a bydden nhw siŵr o fod yn awyddus iawn i ddychwelyd i'n gweld ni eto.
Mae'r lleisiau y tu ôl i mi yn sawl peth; ni fyddwn yn eu disgrifio yn lleisiau croch. Ond, yn bendant, byddwn ni'n edrych ar beth mae'r dystiolaeth yn ei dweud wrthym ni o ran datblygu'r cynigion ar gyfer yr ardoll dwristiaeth. Byddwn ni'n edrych yn fanwl iawn ar yr hyn sy'n digwydd mewn gwledydd eraill. Rydym ni wedi trafod â llefydd fel Philadelphia yn yr Unol Daleithiau, er enghraifft, i gael ymdeimlad o'u profiad. Cawsom gynrychiolwyr o Amsterdam yn siarad yn ein cynhadledd dreth y llynedd. Ac rydym ni'n dysgu llawer o bethau ganddyn nhw, nid yn unig am sut mae'r trethi'n cael eu datblygu'n lleol, ond gweithredu'r trethi hynny. Does dim rhaid i ni fod yr un fath â rhan arall o'r byd i ddysgu ganddyn nhw o ran gweithredu trethi a darparu trethi ac yn y blaen. Felly, rwy'n credu mai gorau po fwyaf y gallwn ni ei ddysgu o wledydd eraill. Mae gennym ni gyrchfannau twristiaeth o'r radd flaenaf sy'n rhoi ardollau twristiaeth ar waith ac nid yw'n rhwystr i bobl. Pam nad oes gan y Ceidwadwyr yr un uchelgais i Gymru fod yn gyrchfan dwristiaeth o'r radd flaenaf lle bydd pobl yn dychwelyd flwyddyn ar ôl blwyddyn?
Thank you for your statement, Minister. Minister, you are here today putting the idea of a visitor levy, also known as a tourism tax, to the people and businesses of Wales in the form of a consultation, although it's quite frankly staggering that it has got this far. It will punish the tourism sector, and as, Llyr, your own party leader, Adam Price, admitted, the money raised this Government doesn't even intend to go back into the tourism sector. This is a tax that industry experts such as Jim Jones, the north Wales tourism chief, deride, in saying, and I quote:
'A tax on tourism would be a hugely regressive step that would damage an industry that is already reeling after being battered by the pandemic'.
We want and need to be encouraging people to stay in Wales and to take staycations, not only for environmental reasons, but to stimulate our economy and to protect our local businesses. So, at a time of economic crisis, when many in our tourism sector have been battered by the pandemic and the economic crisis and need our support and help the most, what you do, Minister, is present to the people of Wales something that has been proven to have a detrimental effect in many countries as well across the world: a tourism tax, a tax that will put off people coming into Wales and staying in Wales.
Minister, you have talked about exemptions. You have said that you'd make some exemptions, but you've not said what those exemptions may be. Could we have some clarity on, in fact, who would be exempt from the tourism tax, and transparency around where the money goes, if this goes ahead, this ludicrous idea? If it goes ahead, we need to follow that money to see if it is, in fact, going back into the tourism industry, as it's not something that you can stand here and guarantee that it will, especially if it's up to local government. So, it's not something, surely, Minister, that you can sell it to do that.
Diolch am eich datganiad, Gweinidog. Gweinidog, rydych chi yma heddiw yn cyflwyno'r syniad o ardoll ymwelwyr, a elwir hefyd yn dreth dwristiaeth, i bobl a busnesau Cymru ar ffurf ymgynghoriad, er ei fod yn gwbl syfrdanol ei fod wedi mynd mor bell â hyn. Bydd yn cosbi'r sector twristiaeth, ac fel Llyr, cyfaddefodd arweinydd eich plaid eich hun, Adam Price, nad oes bwriad i'r arian a godir gan y Llywodraeth hon hyd yn oed fynd yn ôl i'r sector twristiaeth. Dyma dreth y mae arbenigwyr yn y diwydiant fel Jim Jones, prif swyddog twristiaeth y gogledd, yn ei wawdio, wrth ddweud, a dyfynnaf:
'Byddai treth ar dwristiaeth yn gam mawr yn ôl a fyddai'n niweidio diwydiant sydd eisoes yn gwegian ar ôl dioddef y pandemig'.
Mae arnom ni eisiau ac angen annog pobl i aros yng Nghymru a chymryd gwyliau gartref, nid yn unig am resymau amgylcheddol, ond i ysgogi ein heconomi ac i ddiogelu ein busnesau lleol. Felly, ar adeg o argyfwng economaidd, pan fo llawer yn ein sector twristiaeth wedi cael eu lambastio gan y pandemig a'r argyfwng economaidd ac angen ein cefnogaeth a'n helpu fwyaf, yr hyn rydych chi'n ei wneud, Gweinidog, yw cyflwyno i bobl Cymru rywbeth a brofwyd sydd wedi cael effaith andwyol mewn llawer o wledydd hefyd ar draws y byd: treth dwristiaeth, treth fydd yn annog pobl i beidio â dod i Gymru ac i aros yng Nghymru.
Gweinidog, rydych chi wedi sôn am eithriadau. Rydych chi wedi dweud y byddech chi'n gwneud rhai eithriadau, ond nid ydych chi wedi dweud beth allai'r eithriadau hynny fod. A allen ni gael rhywfaint o eglurder ynghylch mewn gwirionedd, pwy fyddai'n cael eu heithrio o'r dreth dwristiaeth, a thryloywder ynghylch ble mae'r arian yn mynd, os yw hyn yn mynd yn ei flaen, y syniad chwerthinllyd hwn? Os yw'n mynd yn ei flaen, mae angen i ni ddilyn yr arian yna i weld os yw, mewn gwirionedd, yn mynd yn ôl i'r diwydiant twristiaeth, gan nad yw'n rhywbeth y gallwch chi sefyll yma a gwarantu y bydd, yn enwedig os mai llywodraeth leol sy'n gyfrifol am hynny. Felly, nid yw'n rhywbeth, siawns, Gweinidog, y gallwch ei hyrwyddo fel rhywbeth sy'n gwneud hynny.
So, I'll just begin with this point about it being a time of economic crisis, which it absolutely is. We're facing a cost-of-living crisis, and let's hope that the Chancellor comes forward with a seriously strong package of support for business when he makes his announcement later this week. We are talking about an overnight levy, but we're not talking about it being introduced overnight. The point here is that what we're launching today is a consultation on the idea, so that people can engage with us and help us shape this proposal.
Colleagues will know very well that this will require legislation to be moved through this Assembly—sorry, through this Senedd—and that will require a serious amount of work. It's a four-stage process, so there is lots and lots of time for colleagues to look to scrutinise and to develop the idea with us. So, it absolutely isn't going to be introduced overnight. It takes a number of years in order to bring forward the legislation, to fully develop the ideas and then to move to the implementation phase, which in itself is a significant undertaking.
I think that the question about exemptions was an important one. I'm happy to share with colleagues the kinds of areas that we are looking towards in terms of exemptions. One would be Gypsy and Traveller sites. We'd look to exempt Roma and Gypsy primary residence sites from the levy because their lifestyle is inherently transient for cultural reasons. We would also look perhaps—and this is all part of our consultation, so views would be gratefully received—to exempt local authority-arranged emergency stays; for example, people who are experiencing homelessness or who are fleeing domestic violence.
Also, exemptions could include Home Office-arranged stays for asylum seekers and refugees and also others who are fleeing domestic abuse, perhaps staying in specialist accommodation for that purpose, and then emergency stays within premises operated by charitable or non-profit organisations—again, stays for respite or refuge purposes. It's our preferred position that visitor accommodation provided by a charity or non-profit organisation for the purposes of respite, refuge or shelter is not included in the scope of the levy.
So, the consultation document sets out a range of circumstances where we think that it might be inappropriate to introduce a levy, but of course we're asking for people to share their comments and their conclusions on that to help us, again, shape the levy. And I think I've already spoken to the point about transparency and the importance of the question in the consultation document that refers to annual reporting and other mechanisms. The document also talks about soft hypothecation and looks at different models that have been used in various different places, in order to help us further our ideas as we move forward.
The Member talks about places that have been destroyed by tourism levies across the globe, but we don’t see that. We have looked at examples of where tourism levies have not been successful—one would be the Balearic islands, which introduced an eco tax in 2001, perhaps before its time, and it did repeal the tax shortly after, because visitor numbers declined, but that was against a backdrop of globally declining visitor numbers anyway across a number of destinations at that time. But they have subsequently reintroduced the tax, many years later. They did it in 2015, and they saw an 11.2 per cent rise in international arrivals the following year. So, I think that, when you do look closely at the examples where this has been introduced elsewhere, you do see positive work that has been able to be undertaken because of the tourism levy, and it’s not viewed, in those countries that do operate one, as being one that stifles business; it’s viewed as something that creates investment to support those businesses.
Felly, fe wnaf i ddechrau gyda'r pwynt yma ynghylch ei fod yn gyfnod o argyfwng economaidd, ac mae hynny'n hollol wir. Rydym yn wynebu argyfwng costau byw, a gadewch i ni obeithio y bydd y Canghellor yn cyflwyno pecyn o gefnogaeth gref iawn i fusnesau pan fydd yn gwneud ei gyhoeddiad yn ddiweddarach yr wythnos hon. Rydym ni'n sôn am ardoll dros nos, ond dydyn ni ddim yn sôn am ei gyflwyno dros nos. Y pwynt yma yw bod yr hyn yr ydym ni'n ei lansio heddiw yn ymgynghoriad ar y syniad, fel y gall pobl ymgysylltu â ni a'n helpu i lunio'r cynnig hwn.
Bydd cyd-Aelodau yn gwybod yn iawn y bydd hyn yn ei gwneud hi'n ofynnol i ddeddfwriaeth gael ei symud drwy'r Cynulliad hwn—mae'n ddrwg gennyf, drwy'r Senedd hon—a bydd angen gwaith difrifol ar gyfer hynny. Mae'n broses pedwar cymal, felly mae llawer iawn o amser i gyd-Aelodau geisio craffu ac i ddatblygu'r syniad gyda ni. Felly, ni chaiff ei gyflwyno dros nos. Mae'n cymryd nifer o flynyddoedd er mwyn cyflwyno'r ddeddfwriaeth, i ddatblygu'r syniadau yn llawn ac yna symud i'r cyfnod gweithredu, sydd ynddo'i hun yn ymgymeriad sylweddol.
Rwy'n credu bod y cwestiwn am eithriadau yn un pwysig. Rwy'n hapus i rannu gyda chyd-Aelodau y mathau o feysydd yr ydym yn eu hystyried o ran eithriadau. Un fyddai safleoedd Sipsiwn a Theithwyr. Byddem yn ystyried eithrio prif safleoedd preswyl Roma a Sipsi o'r ardoll gan fod eu ffordd o fyw yn gynhenid grwydrol am resymau diwylliannol. Byddem hefyd yn ystyried efallai—ac mae hyn i gyd yn rhan o'n hymgynghoriad, felly byddai safbwyntiau'n cael eu derbyn yn ddiolchgar—eithrio arosiadau brys a drefnir gan awdurdodau lleol; er enghraifft, pobl sy'n dioddef digartrefedd neu sy'n ffoi rhag trais yn y cartref.
Hefyd, gallai eithriadau gynnwys arosiadau wedi'u trefnu gan y Swyddfa Gartref ar gyfer ceiswyr lloches a ffoaduriaid a hefyd eraill sy'n ffoi rhag cam-drin domestig, sydd efallai'n aros mewn llety arbenigol at y diben hwnnw, ac yna arosiadau brys mewn safleoedd sy'n cael eu gweithredu gan sefydliadau elusennol neu ddi-elw—eto, yn aros at ddibenion seibiant neu loches. Y sefyllfa rydym ni'n ei ffafrio yw nad yw llety ymwelwyr a ddarperir gan elusen neu sefydliad dielw at ddibenion seibiant, lloches neu gysgod yn cael ei gynnwys yng nghwmpas yr ardoll.
Felly, mae'r ddogfen ymgynghori yn nodi ystod o amgylchiadau lle credwn y gallai hi fod yn amhriodol cyflwyno ardoll, ond wrth gwrs rydym yn gofyn i bobl rannu eu sylwadau a'u casgliadau ar hynny i'n helpu, eto, i lunio'r ardoll. Ac rwy'n credu fy mod eisoes wedi sôn am y sylw ynghylch tryloywder a phwysigrwydd y cwestiwn yn y ddogfen ymgynghori sy'n cyfeirio at adrodd blynyddol a mecanweithiau eraill. Mae'r ddogfen hefyd yn sôn am neilltuaeth rannol ac yn edrych ar wahanol fodelau sydd wedi cael eu defnyddio mewn gwahanol fannau, er mwyn ein helpu i ddatblygu ein syniadau wrth i ni symud ymlaen.
Mae'r Aelod yn sôn am lefydd sydd wedi cael eu dinistrio gan ardollau twristiaeth ar draws y byd, ond dydym ni ddim yn gweld hynny. Rydym wedi edrych ar enghreifftiau o ble nad yw ardollau twristiaeth wedi bod yn llwyddiannus—un fyddai'r ynysoedd Balearaidd, a gyflwynodd dreth eco yn 2001, efallai cyn ei amser, ac fe ddiddymwyd y dreth yn fuan ar ôl hynny, oherwydd bod nifer yr ymwelwyr wedi gostwng, ond roedd hynny yn erbyn cefndir o niferoedd ymwelwyr yn gostwng yn fyd-eang beth bynnag ar draws nifer o gyrchfannau ar y pryd. Ond maen nhw wedi ailgyflwyno'r dreth wedyn, flynyddoedd lawer yn ddiweddarach. Fe wnaethon nhw hynny yn 2015, ac fe welon nhw gynnydd o 11.2 y cant yn yr ymwelwyr rhyngwladol y flwyddyn ganlynol. Felly, rwy'n credu, pan ydych chi'n edrych yn fanwl ar yr enghreifftiau lle mae hyn wedi'i gyflwyno mewn mannau eraill, rydych chi'n gweld gwaith cadarnhaol y bu modd ei wneud oherwydd yr ardoll twristiaeth, ac nid yw'n cael ei weld, yn y gwledydd hynny sy'n gweithredu'r fath ardoll, fel un sy'n mygu busnes; mae'n cael ei ystyried yn rhywbeth sy'n creu buddsoddiad i gefnogi'r busnesau hynny.
I met with Brecon Beacons Tourism recently, Minister, and they have many concerns, but one of their biggest concerns was the lack of clarity from the Government over this. The change in language used from a focus on tourism to a visitor levy has contributed to uncertainty. The First Minister himself said it isn’t just for people coming to Wales for tourism purposes—the levy will apply to visitors for other reasons as well. This is a big shift and will have massive consequences, but there has been no detail behind that, so I just wonder if you can expand on what the First Minister was talking about. Is this going to go further than overnight stays? Because there is no detail around that.
We’ve also heard the leader of Plaid Cymru saying that funds will be going towards paying for free school meals, and you've said yourself today, and in written statements, that this money will be invested back into local services. So, which is it here? Because the coalition between yourselves and Plaid Cymru doesn’t seem to know where it’s going. The left hand doesn’t know how further left the other hand is going. And I'd also like to know: can the Minister give proper assurances to those genuine businesses out there that this will affect—their livelihoods are affected, their families are affected—that you will listen to the consultation and, if the tourism industry does not want this, that you will respect their views and opinions? Because that’s what democratically elected Governments do—they listen to their people; they don’t dictate to them from the top.
Fe wnes i gyfarfod â Thwristiaeth Bannau Brycheiniog yn ddiweddar, Gweinidog, ac mae ganddyn nhw lawer o bryderon, ond un o'u pryderon mwyaf oedd y diffyg eglurder gan y Llywodraeth dros hyn. Mae'r newid mewn iaith a ddefnyddir o ganolbwyntio ar dwristiaeth i ardoll ymwelwyr wedi cyfrannu at ansicrwydd. Dywedodd y Prif Weinidog ei hun nad dim ond ar gyfer pobl sy'n dod i Gymru at ddibenion twristiaeth fydd hyn—bydd yr ardoll yn berthnasol i ymwelwyr am resymau eraill hefyd. Mae hwn yn newid mawr ac fe fydd canlyniadau enfawr, ond ni fu unrhyw fanylion ynghylch hynny, felly tybed a allwch chi ehangu ar yr hyn yr oedd y Prif Weinidog yn sôn amdano. Ydy hyn yn mynd i fynd ymhellach nag aros dros nos? Oherwydd does dim manylion ynghylch hynny.
Rydym ni hefyd wedi clywed arweinydd Plaid Cymru'n dweud y bydd arian yn mynd tuag at dalu am brydau ysgol am ddim, ac rydych chi wedi dweud eich hun heddiw, ac mewn datganiadau ysgrifenedig, y caiff yr arian yma ei fuddsoddi i wasanaethau lleol. Felly, beth fydd yn digwydd? Oherwydd nid yw'r glymblaid rhyngoch chi eich hunain a Phlaid Cymru ddim i'w gweld yn gwybod i ble mae'n mynd. Dydy'r llaw chwith ddim yn gwybod pa mor bell i'r chwith y mae'r llaw arall yn mynd. Ac fe hoffwn i wybod hefyd: a all y Gweinidog roi sicrwydd priodol i'r busnesau dilys hynny y bydd hyn yn effeithio arnynt—y bydd eu bywoliaeth yn cael ei heffeithio, eu teuluoedd yn cael eu heffeithio—y byddwch chi'n gwrando ar yr ymgynghoriad ac, os nad oes ar y diwydiant twristiaeth eisiau hyn, y byddwch chi'n parchu eu barn a'u sylwadau? Oherwydd dyna mae Llywodraethau a etholwyd yn ddemocrataidd yn ei wneud—maen nhw'n gwrando ar eu pobl; dydyn nhw ddim yn eu gorchymyn o'r brig.
Felly—[Torri ar draws.]
Allow the Minister to respond, please.
Gadewch i'r Gweinidog ymateb, os gwelwch yn dda.
So, I will address that point where the Member asked about the difference between a tourism tax and a visitor levy and why the language around that changed, because I do think that’s an important question. The reason that we moved away from the word 'tourism' to 'visitor' was because a tourism levy or a tourism tax didn’t fully capture everybody who would be undertaking an overnight stay in Wales. It would be our intention for business travellers, for example, to also pay the overnight levy, because they have a similar impact on the local environment, but also because you can’t always distinguish exactly between somebody’s business and a tourism visit, because often, of course, people on business trips undertake some leisure and tourism while they’re here and we want to continue to encourage that. So, that’s the reason why—because we wanted the visitor levy to encapsulate all of those who would be undertaking overnight stays apart from those exemptions that I've just given some examples of, of course. So, I hope that clarifies why we moved away from the wording 'tourism tax' to a 'visitor levy'.
In terms of the funds going back into local services and to being reinvested in those things that make tourism a success, I think that we’ve been amply clear, working with Plaid Cymru on this, to demonstrate, through the consultation document, which has been launched today, and through everything that we’ve been saying about the levy, that this is very much about investing in the things that make tourism successful—investing in local infrastructure, protecting local amenities and so on. We’re very clear on that. We’ve done lots and lots of good work with Plaid Cymru. You’ll be hearing a statement later on today on free school meals, in terms of our support for that. So, I think that these are two really clear examples of where the co-operation agreement is absolutely working very well. It’s working really collaboratively, and it’s absolutely going to be delivering for people in Wales.
I do want to say that of course the consultation is a genuine consultation and we want to hear all of the views. What we want are practical responses to the practical suggestions that we’ve made within the consultation document. I look forward to hearing as many views as possible and look forward to considering all of them. Similarly, I look forward to having the round-table discussions that we'll be having—the first one, as I mentioned earlier, with Cefin Campbell up in Portmeirion on Friday.
Felly, fe af i'r afael â'r pwynt hwnnw lle gofynnodd yr Aelod am y gwahaniaeth rhwng treth dwristiaeth ac ardoll ymwelwyr a pham y newidiodd yr iaith ynghylch hynny, oherwydd rwy'n credu bod hynny'n gwestiwn pwysig. Y rheswm ein bod ni'n newid pwyslais o'r gair 'twristiaeth' i 'ymwelwyr' oedd oherwydd nad oedd ardoll dwristiaeth neu dreth dwristiaeth yn cynnwys pawb fyddai'n aros dros nos yng Nghymru. Ein bwriad ni fyddai i deithwyr busnes, er enghraifft, dalu'r ardoll dros nos hefyd, oherwydd eu bod yn cael effaith debyg ar yr amgylchedd lleol, ond hefyd oherwydd na allwch chi bob amser wahaniaethu'n union rhwng busnes rhywun ac ymweliad twristiaeth, oherwydd yn aml, wrth gwrs, mae pobl ar deithiau busnes yn ymgymryd â rhywfaint o hamdden a thwristiaeth tra maen nhw yma ac rydym ni am barhau i annog hynny. Felly, dyna'r rheswm pam—oherwydd bod arnom ni eisiau i'r ardoll ymwelwyr gynnwys pawb fyddai'n aros dros nos ar wahân i'r eithriadau hynny yr wyf newydd roi rhai enghreifftiau ohonyn nhw, wrth gwrs. Felly, rwy'n gobeithio y bydd hynny'n egluro pam y gwnaethom ni newid y geiriad 'treth dwristiaeth' i 'ardoll ymwelwyr'.
O ran yr arian sy'n mynd yn ôl i wasanaethau lleol ac i gael ei ail-fuddsoddi yn y pethau hynny sy'n gwneud twristiaeth yn llwyddiant, rwy'n credu y buom ni'n gwbl glir, yn gweithio gyda Phlaid Cymru ar hyn, i ddangos, drwy'r ddogfen ymgynghori, sydd wedi ei lansio heddiw, a thrwy bopeth y buom ni'n ei ddweud am yr ardoll, bod hyn yn ymwneud yn fawr â buddsoddi yn y pethau sy'n gwneud twristiaeth yn llwyddiannus—buddsoddi mewn seilwaith lleol, diogelu amwynderau lleol ac yn y blaen. Rydym ni'n glir iawn ynghylch hynny. Rydym ni wedi gwneud llawer iawn o waith da gyda Phlaid Cymru. Byddwch yn clywed datganiad yn ddiweddarach heddiw ar brydau ysgol am ddim, o ran ein cefnogaeth i hynny. Felly, rwy'n credu bod y rhain yn ddwy enghraifft wirioneddol glir o ble mae'r cytundeb cydweithredu yn gweithio'n dda iawn. Mae'n gydweithio gwirioneddol, a bydd mewn difrif yn darparu ar gyfer pobl yng Nghymru.
Hoffwn ddweud bod yr ymgynghoriad yn ymgynghoriad dilys wrth gwrs ac mae arnom ni eisiau clywed barn pawb. Yr hyn mae arnom ni ei eisiau yw ymatebion ymarferol i'r awgrymiadau ymarferol rydym ni wedi'u gwneud yn y ddogfen ymgynghori. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at glywed cymaint o safbwyntiau â phosibl ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen at ystyried pob un ohonynt. Yn yr un modd, rwy'n edrych ymlaen at gael y trafodaethau bwrdd crwn y byddwn ni'n eu cael—yr un cyntaf, fel y soniais i yn gynharach, gyda Cefin Campbell ym Mhortmeirion ddydd Gwener.
Thank you, Minister, for the statement. Just a couple of things. This is a tax—it's not a levy—and it's Labour's prerogative to put taxes in, and they do that generally. That's why we're so different on this platform, certainly here in Wales. I would ask what evaluation have you already made of local authority spending plans and budgets around economic development and tourism, so they can achieve the goals you're trying to achieve with this levy. Because don't be naive in thinking that this levy will suddenly flow out to extra pavements and extra beach whatevers, or any attractions—this will go to fill gaps in hard-pressed budgets, and you won't see any additionality; you'll see an expectation of just clawing in an additional tax within that authority. I would like to know what reassurances you could give that those local authorities that decide not to do this aren't penalised through their future settlements as a result of not taking this up.
And again, a point that has been raised a couple of times—how will you ensure that that tourism tax goes to do what you want it to do and it doesn't just backfill or substitute already economic budgets that are then diverted to social services, education or whatever? I'm absolutely one for unhypothecated moneys running through to local authorities, but I'm fearful that in this time of great need in local authorities that additional taxes like this will just go to fill in some of the pressures that authorities are facing.
So, I would have said there's a far better way to have looked at some of the needs of our tourism communities, by working with local authorities and their current economic development strategies to enhance the offer we have in Wales. Many people in Wales—. What if you live in Wales and holiday in Wales? You're paying tax twice. You're paying tax into your local council tax to enhance the local economy and tourism, then you're asking them to pay again in Wales to stay and enjoy their holiday in Wales. So, there are so many things within this consultation that beg a lot of questions, and I think it's just an easy way out—just tax, tax, tax.
Diolch, Gweinidog, am y datganiad. Dim ond dau beth. Treth yw hon—nid ardoll mohono—a braint Llafur yw cyflwyno trethi, ac maen nhw'n gwneud hynny'n gyffredinol. Dyna pam rydym ni mor wahanol ar y llwyfan yma, yn sicr yma yng Nghymru. Byddwn i'n gofyn pa werthuso rydych chi eisoes wedi'i wneud o gynlluniau gwario awdurdodau lleol a chyllidebau ynghylch datblygu economaidd a thwristiaeth, fel y gallant gyflawni'r nodau rydych chi'n ceisio eu cyflawni gyda'r ardoll hwn. Oherwydd peidiwch â bod yn naïf wrth feddwl y bydd yr ardoll hwn yn arwain yn sydyn at balmentydd ychwanegol ac at bethau ychwanegol neu beth bynnag ar draethau, neu unrhyw atyniadau—bydd hyn yn mynd i lenwi bylchau mewn cyllidebau sydd dan bwysau mawr, ac ni fyddwch yn gweld unrhyw beth ychwanegol; fe welwch ddisgwyliad o ddim ond crafangu treth ychwanegol yn yr awdurdod hwnnw. Hoffwn wybod pa sicrwydd y gallwch ei roi na chaiff yr awdurdodau lleol hynny sy'n penderfynu peidio â gwneud hyn eu cosbi trwy eu setliadau yn y dyfodol o ganlyniad i beidio â gweithredu hyn.
Ac eto, sylw a wnaed ddwywaith—sut fyddwch chi'n sicrhau y bydd treth dwristiaeth yn gwneud yr hyn rydych chi am iddi ei wneud ac nid dim ond ychwanegu at neu ddisodli cyllidebau economaidd sydd eisoes yn cael eu dargyfeirio i wasanaethau cymdeithasol, addysg neu beth bynnag? Rwy'n gwbl gefnogol i roi arian heb ei glustnodi i awdurdodau lleol, ond rwy'n ofni yn y cyfnod yma o angen mawr mewn awdurdodau lleol y caiff trethi ychwanegol fel hyn dim ond eu defnyddio i liniaru peth o'r pwysau mae awdurdodau'n eu hwynebu.
Felly, byddwn wedi dweud bod ffordd lawer gwell o fod wedi edrych ar rai o anghenion ein cymunedau twristiaeth, drwy weithio gydag awdurdodau lleol a'u strategaethau datblygu economaidd presennol i wella'r cynnig sydd gennym ni yng Nghymru. Mae llawer o bobl yng Nghymru—. Beth os ydych chi'n byw yng Nghymru ac yn mynd ar wyliau yng Nghymru? Rydych yn talu treth ddwywaith. Rydych chi'n talu treth yn eich treth cyngor lleol i wella'r economi a thwristiaeth leol, yna rydych chi'n gofyn iddyn nhw dalu eto yng Nghymru i aros a mwynhau eu gwyliau yng Nghymru. Felly, mae cymaint o bethau yn yr ymgynghoriad hwn sy'n esgor ar lawer o gwestiynau, ac rwy'n credu ei fod yn ffordd hawdd o wynebu rhywbeth—trethu, trethu, trethu.
So, I'll begin by just responding to that very specific question in terms of local authorities being penalised through the RSG. I just want to be really clear that there is no link whatsoever to the revenue support grant from this work at all. This is about giving local authorities the power to choose to raise additional funding within their areas; it has no knock-on impact whatsoever on the revenue support grant. I think that's important for us to recognise. It will be a legal requirement that any funds raised from the levy must be used to fund local authority expenditure.
I think that you'll find within the consultation document some questions that we're keen to hear people's responses on in terms of how that should be reported, whether or not—you know, what level of hypothecation people believe would be appropriate. I think we have to strike a balance, really, between being pragmatic and practical in terms of the amount of information that we ask local authorities to gather and to share. And I think that perhaps that annual report that is suggested in the consultation document might be a good way to have that level of transparency and for people to hold their local authorities to account and for visitors to understand where their contribution has gone.
So, that's a suggestion in the consultation document. We're open to all ideas, because this is genuinely a consultation where we're seeking to hear as many views as we possibly can on the proposals, and, of course, I'd encourage all colleagues with an interest to have their say.
Felly, dechreuaf drwy ymateb i'r cwestiwn penodol iawn hwnnw o ran awdurdodau lleol yn cael eu cosbi trwy'r grant cynnal refeniw. Hoffwn fod yn glir iawn nad oes cysylltiad o gwbl rhwng y grant cymorth refeniw a'r gwaith hwn. Diben hyn yw rhoi'r grym i awdurdodau lleol ddewis codi arian ychwanegol yn eu hardaloedd; nid yw'n cael unrhyw effaith o gwbl ar y grant cymorth refeniw. Rwy'n credu bod hynny'n bwysig i ni ei gydnabod. Bydd yn ofyniad cyfreithiol bod rhaid defnyddio unrhyw arian a godir o'r ardoll i ariannu gwariant awdurdodau lleol.
Rwy'n credu y gwelwch chi yn y ddogfen ymgynghori rai cwestiynau yr ydym ni'n awyddus i glywed ymatebion pobl iddynt o ran sut y dylid adrodd am hynny, p'un a ydynt—wyddoch chi, faint o glustnodi mae pobl yn credu fyddai'n briodol. Rwy'n credu bod yn rhaid i ni gael cydbwysedd, mewn gwirionedd, rhwng bod yn bragmataidd ac ymarferol o ran faint o wybodaeth yr ydym yn gofyn i awdurdodau lleol ei chasglu a'i rhannu. Ac rwy'n credu efallai y gallai'r adroddiad blynyddol hwnnw sy'n cael ei awgrymu yn y ddogfen ymgynghori fod yn ffordd dda o sicrhau'r tryloywder hwnnw ac i bobl allu dal eu hawdurdodau lleol i gyfrif ac i ymwelwyr ddeall i ble'r aeth eu cyfraniad.
Felly, mae hynny'n awgrym yn y ddogfen ymgynghori. Rydym ni'n agored i bob syniad, oherwydd mae hwn mewn difrif calon yn ymgynghoriad lle rydym ni'm ceisio clywed cymaint o safbwyntiau ag y gallwn ni o bosib ynghylch y cynigion, ac, wrth gwrs, byddwn yn annog pob cyd-Aelod sydd â diddordeb i ddweud eu dweud.
Ac yn olaf, Sam Rowlands.
And finally, Sam Rowlands.
Diolch, Llywydd, and thank you, Minister, for bringing forward today's statement. Minister, you'll be aware, of course, that this summer's report by the Federation of Small Businesses on tourism showed that tourism accounts for over 17 per cent of Wales's gross domestic product, and accounted for over 12 per cent of employment here in Wales, showing how crucial that sector is to us as a country and to many of our communities across Wales. Within that report, Minister, you'll also be aware that they've stated—the FSB—that
'discussions on more tax are unhelpful, so tourism tax should be kept off the table'.
In addition to this, Minister, across the summer recess in my capacity as chair of the cross-party group on tourism, I had the delight of meeting a number of businesses within the tourism sector, listening to their concerns and the challenges that they are facing at the moment. And it's clear to me, from those in the sector, that this is the wrong time to introduce a tourism tax, and, in their words, it could be detrimental to their businesses. So, Minister, we have your side of the story, which seems to say that a tourism tax is a wonderful idea, and we've got hard-working businesses and the Federation of Small Businesses saying that this is not a good idea. So, who's wrong here, Minister? Is it them or is it you?
Diolch, Llywydd, a diolch i chi, Gweinidog, am gyflwyno datganiad heddiw. Gweinidog, byddwch yn ymwybodol wrth gwrs, bod yr adroddiad dros yr haf gan y Ffederasiwn Busnesau Bach ar dwristiaeth yn dangos mai twristiaeth sy'n gyfrifol am dros 17 y cant o gynnyrch domestig gros Cymru, ac yn cyfrif am dros 12 y cant o gyflogaeth yma yng Nghymru, gan ddangos pa mor hanfodol yw'r sector honno i ni fel gwlad ac i lawer o'n cymunedau ledled Cymru. O fewn yr adroddiad hwnnw, Gweinidog, byddwch chi hefyd yn ymwybodol eu bod nhw wedi datgan—y Ffederasiwn Busnesau Bach—
'Nid yw trafodaethau am fwy o dreth o unrhyw gymorth, felly dylid rhoi'r gorau i ystyried treth dwristiaeth'.
Yn ogystal â hyn, Gweinidog, yn ystod egwyl yr haf yn rhinwedd fy swydd yn gadeirydd y grŵp trawsbleidiol ar dwristiaeth, cefais y pleser o gwrdd â nifer o fusnesau yn y sector twristiaeth, gan wrando ar eu pryderon a'r heriau maen nhw'n eu hwynebu ar hyn o bryd. Ac mae'n amlwg i mi, o'r hyn a glywais gan y rhai yn y sector, mai dyma'r amser anghywir i gyflwyno treth dwristiaeth, ac, yn eu geiriau nhw, gallai fod yn niweidiol i'w busnesau. Felly, Gweinidog, mae gennym eich ochr chi o'r stori, sydd fel pe bai'n dweud bod treth dwristiaeth yn syniad gwych, ac mae gennym ni fusnesau diwyd a'r Ffederasiwn Busnesau Bach yn dweud nad yw hyn yn syniad da. Felly, pwy sy'n anghywir yma, Gweinidog? Ai nhw neu chi?
Well, I think you're wrong in the sense that we're not introducing a tourism levy imminently. I think this is something that I do regret that the Conservatives have been portraying to people in the tourism industry as if this is something that the Welsh Government is going to be introducing overnight and imminently. It's absolutely not. We're introducing a consultation today to hear people's views on the proposals. And as colleagues will know, this will take a number of years to come to fruition. So, it's certainly not something that will be introduced imminently and that's because we have to consult, we have to consider all of those responses to the consultation—and I'm expecting a really strong response to the consultation—and then, of course, we have to formalise our legislative proposals, bring them to the Senedd, go through all of those stages in committees, through scrutiny, through amendments and so on, and then obviously move on to the implementation phase; all of that time looking at the kind of infrastructure that would be needed to support the implementation of a levy. So, for example, the registration scheme for businesses in the accommodation sector. That might help as part of the model for delivering on the levy and allowing us to implement it. The consultation document looks at a number of ways in which it could be implemented, and I'd encourage colleagues to express their views on which of those would be the most appropriate way forward. So, all of this will take a number of years. There won't be any tourism levy introduced imminently, but you'd never guess that when you look at the contributions from the Conservatives on social media. So, I do think that it does no justice to the tourism sector to be making them worried about something that isn't going to happen for some time and which they will have the opportunity to help us shape, in partnership, as we move forward.
Wel, rwy'n credu eich bod chi'n anghywir yn yr ystyr nad ydym yn cyflwyno ardoll twristiaeth yn fuan. Rwy'n credu bod hyn yn rhywbeth rwy'n gresynu bod y Ceidwadwyr wedi bod yn ei bortreadu i bobl yn y diwydiant twristiaeth fel pe bai hyn yn rhywbeth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn mynd i fod yn ei gyflwyno dros nos ac yn fuan. Dydy o ddim o gwbl. Rydym yn cyflwyno ymgynghoriad heddiw i glywed barn pobl am y cynigion. Ac fel y bydd cyd-Aelodau yn gwybod, bydd hyn yn cymryd nifer o flynyddoedd i ddwyn ffrwyth. Felly, yn sicr nid yw'n rhywbeth sydd ar fin cael ei gyflwyno a hynny oherwydd bod yn rhaid i ni ymgynghori, mae'n rhaid i ni ystyried yr holl ymatebion hynny i'r ymgynghoriad—ac rwy'n disgwyl ymateb cryf iawn i'r ymgynghoriad—ac yna, wrth gwrs, mae'n rhaid i ni ffurfioli ein cynigion deddfwriaethol, dod â nhw i'r Senedd, mynd trwy'r holl gamau hynny mewn pwyllgorau, trwy graffu, trwy welliannau ac yn y blaen, ac yna'n amlwg yn symud ymlaen i'r cyfnod gweithredu; drwy'r amser hwnnw yn edrych ar y math o seilwaith fyddai ei angen i gefnogi gweithredu ardoll. Felly, er enghraifft, y cynllun cofrestru ar gyfer busnesau yn y sector llety. Gallai hynny helpu fel rhan o'r model ar gyfer cyflawni'r ardoll a chaniatáu i ni ei weithredu. Mae'r ddogfen ymgynghori yn edrych ar sawl ffordd y gellid ei gweithredu, a byddwn yn annog cydweithwyr i fynegi barn ynghylch pa rai o'r rheiny fyddai'r ffordd fwyaf priodol ymlaen. Felly, bydd hyn i gyd yn cymryd nifer o flynyddoedd. Ni fydd unrhyw ardoll twristiaeth yn cael ei gyflwyno ar fin digwydd, ond fyddech chi byth yn dyfalu hynny wrth edrych ar y cyfraniadau gan y Ceidwadwyr ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol. Felly, rwy'n credu nad yw'n gwneud cyfiawnder â'r sector twristiaeth i fod yn gwneud iddyn nhw boeni am rywbeth sydd ddim yn mynd i ddigwydd am beth amser ac y byddant yn cael y cyfle i'n helpu i lunio, mewn partneriaeth, wrth i ni symud ymlaen.
Diolch i'r Gweinidog.
I thank the Minister.
Yr eitem nesaf yw'r datganiad gan y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol ar ddiweddariad ar COVID a phwysau'r gaeaf. Dwi'n galw ar y Gweinidog nawr i wneud ei datganiad. Eluned Morgan.
The next item is the statement by the Minister for Health and Social Services on an update on COVID and winter pressures. And I call on the Minister now to make her statement. Eluned Morgan.

Diolch yn fawr, Llywydd.
Thank you very much, Llywydd.
We're approaching what is likely to be a very challenging winter period for the people in Wales as we face a cost-of-living and energy crisis and, of course, ongoing pressures within our health and care systems. Our planning for winter for the health and care system has been developed over the past few months within our existing planning arrangements. Our planned care plan, developed in conjunction with clinicians, contains a number of challenging but achievable ambitions, and is supported by £170 million of recurrent funding. Health boards’ and partners’ plans to support resilient, urgent and emergency care services this winter will build on local six goals for urgent and emergency care programme plans. Priorities will focus on increasing emergency ambulance capacity, opening new urgent primary care centres, introducing seven-day same-day emergency care services, and increasing available community capacity to support timely patient discharge. I will shortly provide a further written statement on these plans.
We're also preparing for a third winter of living with COVID. However, the situation regarding respiratory viruses is more uncertain than in previous years, as seasonal patterns have been significantly disrupted due to the pandemic. We could experience spikes in both COVID-19 and flu, and we must ensure that our communities and health social care systems are as prepared as they can be, particularly in the context of the current cost-of-living crisis. Today, I will update Members on the current situation regarding COVID-19 and the approach we are taking to prepare for a potential spike in respiratory illnesses in the coming months.
After an increase in COVID-19 cases over the summer, driven by the BA.4 and BA.5 omicron wave, community prevalence, thankfully, has continued to decrease, which has meant that pressure on our healthcare system associated with COVID-19 has also decreased, although other pressures remain. According to the latest Office for National Statistics coronavirus infection survey, the proportion of people in Wales testing positive for COVID-19 has once again decreased to one in 110 people, from one in 95 the previous week.
This decreasing prevalence, combined with the protection provided by other interventions such as vaccination, has allowed us to reduce testing, including a pause on regular asymptomatic testing from 8 September. In line with our long-term COVID-19 transition plan and our objective to protect the most vulnerable, we'll continue to provide symptomatic testing for patients, those eligible for COVID-19 treatments, health and care staff, care home residents and prisoners. And, we'll continue to test patients on discharge from hospitals to care homes.
While we are currently in a stable position, we know that seasonal flu and COVID-19 viruses have the potential to add substantially to the winter pressures faced by the NHS, particularly if infection waves from both viruses coincide. Therefore, we are adopting a joined-up approach across Welsh Government and Public Health Wales in our approach to respiratory viruses that will provide guidance to support health and social care colleagues and to our communities on preparedness and actions that can be taken.
Vaccination continues to offer the best protection from COVID-19 and flu, and our winter respiratory vaccination programme, launched on 1 September, integrates the COVID-19 and flu vaccination programmes this year to maximise uptake of both vaccines. ONS antibody data indicates that the 2022 spring booster has successfully maintained high antibody levels in vulnerable, older populations. So, we go on encouraging all those who are eligible to come forward for their vaccinations to do so. Invitations for a COVID-19 vaccine will be issued to all eligible individuals by the end of November, and the flu vaccine will be offered by the end of December. A national winter respiratory vaccination communications campaign will be launched next week.
Rydym yn agosáu at yr hyn sy'n debygol o fod yn gyfnod gaeaf heriol iawn i bobl Cymru wrth i ni wynebu argyfwng costau byw ac ynni ac, wrth gwrs, pwysau parhaus o fewn ein systemau iechyd a gofal. Mae ein gwaith cynllunio ar gyfer y gaeaf ar gyfer y system iechyd a gofal wedi cael ei ddatblygu dros y misoedd diwethaf o fewn ein trefniadau cynllunio presennol. Mae ein cynllun gofal arfaethedig, a ddatblygwyd ar y cyd â chlinigwyr, yn cynnwys nifer o uchelgeisiau heriol ond cyraeddadwy, ac fe'i cefnogir gan £170 miliwn o gyllid rheolaidd. Bydd cynlluniau byrddau iechyd a phartneriaid i gefnogi gwasanaethau gofal cydnerth a brys dros y gaeaf yn adeiladu ar chwe nod lleol ar gyfer cynlluniau rhaglenni gofal brys ac argyfwng. Bydd y blaenoriaethau'n canolbwyntio ar gynyddu capasiti ambiwlansys brys, agor canolfannau gofal sylfaenol brys newydd, cyflwyno gwasanaethau gofal brys saith diwrnod, ar yr un diwrnod, a chynyddu'r capasiti cymunedol sydd ar gael i gefnogi rhyddhau cleifion yn brydlon. Byddaf yn darparu datganiad ysgrifenedig pellach ar y cynlluniau hyn cyn bo hir.
Rydym hefyd yn paratoi am drydydd gaeaf o fyw gyda COVID. Fodd bynnag, mae'r sefyllfa o ran firysau anadlol yn fwy ansicr nag mewn blynyddoedd blaenorol, gan fod patrymau tymhorol wedi'u hamharu'n sylweddol oherwydd y pandemig. Gallem gael llawer o achosion o COVID-19 a'r ffliw, a rhaid i ni sicrhau bod ein systemau gofal cymunedol, iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol mor barod ag y gallant fod, yn enwedig yng nghyd-destun yr argyfwng costau byw presennol. Heddiw, byddaf yn rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Aelodau ar y sefyllfa bresennol ynglŷn â COVID-19 a'n dull o baratoi ar gyfer cynnydd posibl mewn afiechydon anadlol dros y misoedd nesaf.
Ar ôl cynnydd mewn achosion o COVID-19 dros yr haf, wedi'i ysgogi gan y don omicron BA.4 a BA.5, mae nifer yr achosion yn y gymuned, diolch byth, wedi parhau i leihau, sydd wedi golygu bod y pwysau ar ein system gofal iechyd sy'n gysylltiedig â COVID-19 hefyd wedi gostwng, er bod pwysau eraill yn parhau. Yn ôl arolwg haint coronafeirws diweddaraf y Swyddfa Ystadegau Gwladol, mae cyfran y bobl yng Nghymru sy'n profi'n bositif ar gyfer COVID-19 wedi gostwng unwaith eto i un ymhob 110 o bobl, o un ymhob 95 yr wythnos flaenorol.
Mae'r ffaith bod nifer yr achosion yn lleihau, ynghyd â'r amddiffyniad a ddarperir gan ymyriadau eraill fel brechu, wedi caniatáu inni leihau profion, gan gynnwys saib ar brofion heb symptomau rheolaidd o 8 Medi. Yn unol â'n cynllun pontio COVID-19 hirdymor a'n hamcan i amddiffyn y bobl fwyaf agored i niwed, byddwn yn parhau i ddarparu profion i gleifion â symptomau, y rhai hynny sy'n gymwys i gael triniaethau COVID-19, staff iechyd a gofal, preswylwyr cartrefi gofal a charcharorion. Ac fe fyddwn ni'n parhau i brofi cleifion wrth ryddhau cleifion o ysbytai i gartrefi gofal.
Er ein bod mewn sefyllfa sefydlog ar hyn o bryd, rydym ni'n gwybod bod gan firysau tymhorol a COVID-19 y potensial i ychwanegu'n sylweddol at bwysau'r gaeaf sydd yn wynebu'r GIG, yn enwedig os yw tonnau heintiau'r ddau firws yn cyd-daro. Felly, rydym yn mabwysiadu dull cydgysylltiedig ar draws Llywodraeth Cymru ac Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru yn ein dull o ddefnyddio firysau anadlol a fydd yn rhoi arweiniad i gefnogi cydweithwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol ac i'n cymunedau ar barodrwydd a chamau y gellir eu cymryd.
Mae brechu'n parhau i gynnig yr amddiffyniad gorau rhag COVID-19 a'r ffliw, ac mae ein rhaglen frechu anadlol dros y gaeaf, a lansiwyd ar 1 Medi, yn cyfuno'r rhaglenni brechu COVID-19 a'r ffliw eleni i sicrhau'r nifer fwyaf o bobl sy'n manteisio ar y ddau frechlyn. Mae data gwrthgyrff ONS yn dangos bod pigiad atgyfnerthu gwanwyn 2022 wedi llwyddo i gynnal lefelau gwrthgyrff uchel mewn poblogaethau agored i niwed, hŷn. Felly, rydym ni'n mynd ymlaen i annog pawb sy'n gymwys i ddod am eu brechiadau i wneud hynny. Bydd gwahoddiadau ar gyfer brechlyn COVID-19 yn cael ei roi i bob unigolyn cymwys erbyn diwedd mis Tachwedd, a bydd y brechlyn ffliw yn cael ei gynnig erbyn diwedd Rhagfyr. Bydd ymgyrch gyfathrebu genedlaethol ar frechu anadlol dros y gaeaf yn cael ei lansio'r wythnos nesaf.
Fel nodais i gynnau, mae ein timau profi ac olrhain cysylltiadau nawr yn canolbwyntio ar ddiogelu'r bobl sydd fwyaf agored i niwed yn ein cymdeithas. Mae pobl sy'n wynebu risg uchel o fynd yn ddifrifol wael o ganlyniad i COVID-19 yn gymwys i gael triniaeth gyda therapïau gwrthfirol neu wrthgyrff. Os yw'r bobl sy'n gymwys i gael triniaeth yn profi'n bositif am COVID-19 ac yn adrodd eu canlyniad prawf llif unffordd, fel arfer byddant yn cael neges destun neu alwad ffôn gan y gwasanaeth gwrthfirol cenedlaethol o fewn 48 awr yn cynnig triniaeth iddynt. Rŷn ni hefyd yn defnyddio profion PCR aml-ddangosiad ar gyfer y bobl fwyaf agored i niwed, gan gynnwys preswylwyr cartrefi gofal a phobl eraill, ac mae'r profion hyn yn profi am firysau anadlol eraill yn ogystal â COVID-19. Gall hyn gynorthwyo gyda rhoi triniaeth a rheoli achosion.
Y gaeaf hwn, byddwn yn cryfhau ein system wyliadwriaeth er mwyn adnabod unrhyw waethygiad yn y sefyllfa o ganlyniad i amrywiolion newydd sy'n peri pryder a firysau anadlol eraill. Un o brif ddibenion y system wyliadwriaeth yw penderfynu a yw Cymru wedi symud o sefyllfa COVID sefydlog i sefyllfa COVID brys, naill ai drwy'r dangosyddion—oh, gosh, mae'n anodd i ddweud hwn, onid yw e? Epidemiolegol. Neu drwy—. Oedd hwnna'n ocê—epidemiolegol? Neu drwy wyliadwriaeth genomig sy'n awgrymu presenoldeb amrywiolyn mwy difrifol.
Yn ystod yr hydref a'r gaeaf hwn, rŷn ni'n canolbwyntio ar wella a sefydlu systemau gwyliadwriaeth cymunedol ac ysbytai sy'n fwy cadarn ac a fydd yn cryfhau ymhellach y wybodaeth rŷn ni'n ei chael gan yr arolwg Swyddfa Ystadegau Gwladol, y dadansoddiad dŵr gwastraff a gwybodaeth arall. Mae asesiad cyson o'r ffynonellau data hyn yn cyfrannu at ein gwyliadwriaeth barhaus.
Er ein holl gynlluniau yn ymwneud â brechu, profi, triniaethau a gwyliadwriaeth, rŷn ni'n gwybod bod COVID-19 wedi rhoi pwysau cyson ar yr NHS yng Nghymru, ac mae hynny o ganlyniad i'r angen i drin pobl ar gyfer COVID-19 yn uniongyrchol a phobl sy'n profi'n bositif ond yn cael triniaeth am faterion eraill, ynghyd ag absenoldebau staff o ganlyniad i'r haint, gofynion i hunanynysu a salwch teuluol. Oherwydd natur neu raddfa eithriadol rhai o'r risgiau posibl sy'n ein hwynebu y gaeaf hwn, yn enwedig yn ymwneud â COVID a feirysau anadlol eraill, a gallu'r system i ymateb i'r galw, mae canllawiau ychwanegol ar gyfer cynllunio i weithredu yn ystod y gaeaf yn cael eu datblygu ar gyfer sefydliadau'r gwasanaeth iechyd. Bydd angen i sefydliadau'r NHS sicrhau bod cynlluniau cadarn a gwydn ar waith, gan gynnwys camau gweithredu ar y cyd drwy'r byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol.
Rŷn ni hefyd yn ymwybodol iawn o'r heriau sylweddol sy'n wynebu ein cymunedau y gaeaf hwn o ganlyniad i'r argyfwng costau byw. Byddwn yn datblygu cyngor ac arweiniad ymarferol i gefnogi unigolion a chymunedau i gadw'n iach y gaeaf hwn. Er enghraifft, rŷn ni'n gwybod bod sicrhau ymddygiadau allweddol sy'n ein hamddiffyn—ac rŷn ni i gyd yn gyfarwydd â nhw erbyn hyn—yn gallu arwain at fanteision sylweddol y tu hwnt i COVID-19. Bydd parhau â'r ymddygiadau hyn yn helpu i leihau effaith tonnau o'r haint yn y dyfodol ac yn lleihau effeithiau heintiau anadlol eraill hefyd. Er hyn, yng nghyd-destun yr argyfwng costau byw a thlodi tanwydd, rŷn ni'n cydnabod y bydd y rhain yn fwy heriol y gaeaf hwn ac yn ystod y tywydd oer. Felly, y neges allweddol i ddiogelu eich hunain, eich teulu ac eraill yw i sicrhau eich bod chi'n cael eich brechu ac yn manteisio ar unrhyw frechlynnau atgyfnerthu COVID-19. Diolch, Llywydd.
As I mentioned earlier, our testing and contact tracing teams are now focusing on targeting those who are most vulnerable to harm in our society. People who are at high risk of becoming severely ill due to COVID-19 are eligible for treatment with antiviral or antibody therapies. If those people who are eligible for treatment test positive for COVID-19 and report their lateral flow test result, they will usually be contacted by text or telephone call by the national antiviral service within 48 hours, and they will be offered treatment. We are also using multiplex PCR tests for our most vulnerable, including care home residents and others, and these tests test for other respiratory viruses alongside COVID-19 and can support treatment and manage outbreaks.
This winter, we will be strengthening our surveillance system to identify any deterioration in the situation, such as from new, harmful variants of concern and other respiratory viruses. A major purpose of the surveillance system will be to determine whether Wales has moved from a COVID-stable to a COVID-urgent state, either through the epidemiological—it's difficult to say that word, isn't it? Epidemiological indicators. Was that okay? Or from genomic surveillance indicating the presence of a more severe variant.
During this autumn and winter, we're focusing on enhancing and establishing more robust community and hospital surveillance systems that will further enhance the information we receive from the Office for National Statistics survey, as well as the wastewater analysis and other intelligence. The continual assessment of these data sources contributes to our ongoing surveillance.
Despite all of our plans around vaccination, testing, treatment and surveillance, we know that COVID-19 has placed sustained pressure on the NHS in Wales, both from people being treated directly for COVID-19 and people testing positive but being treated for other reasons, along with staff absence due to infection, the requirement to self-isolate or family illness. Given the exceptional nature or scale of some of the potential risks faced this winter, particularly in relation to COVID and other respiratory viruses, and the system's capacity and capability to respond to demand, additional winter operational planning guidance is being developed for NHS organisations. These NHS organisations will need to ensure that robust and resilient plans are in place, including joint action through regional partnership boards.
We are also acutely aware of the significant challenges faced by our communities this winter as a result of the cost-of-living crisis. We will be developing practical advice and guidance to support individuals and communities to keep well this winter. For example, we know that maintaining key protective behaviours—and we have all become familiar with them by now—can have significant benefits that go beyond COVID-19. Continuing with these behaviours will help to reduce impact of future waves of infection, and will also reduce the impacts from other respiratory infections. However, in the context of the cost-of-living crisis and fuel poverty, we recognise that these will be more challenging this winter and when we have cold weather. So, the key message to protect yourself, your family and others is to ensure that you are vaccinated and stay up to date with any COVID-19 booster vaccinations. Thank you, Llywydd.
Thank you, Minister, for your statement and update today. That's appreciated. I was pleased to see this agenda item added today. I was, though, expecting a statement today detailing your health and social care winter plan, but that's not it today. What I would ask today, Minister, is when are we going to get that plan, given the fact that, last year, the plan was significantly late. In fact, we were already substantially into the winter. Also, I suppose, as well, just to ask for clarity on who is delivering that plan. I think, last year, it was the regional partnership boards who prepared the winter plans. In previous years, it was health boards. So, can I just ask for that confirmation that it is the regional partnership boards that will be delivering that plan that you will be publishing?
Also on that, it would also be useful to understand how the NHS Wales delivery unit is included in the plans as well. Now, we know, or we expect, routine procedures to be highly likely to be put on hold in certain parts of the winter. That might be unfair and I'd appreciate your view on that. That would be my assessment. To help reduce the backlog in England, the English NHS is proposing to use technology to combat lengthy waiting lists, including an option on the NHS app to find hospitals who have capacity for specific treatments. Now, of course, we're still using fax machines and we're still waiting for e-prescriptions to be fully rolled out, and we have no live NHS app. So, can you tell me, Minister, how you're using technology to alleviate winter pressures, leading to helping to reduce the need to cancel routine procedures?
A few questions around the workforce, Minister, which you've mentioned in your statement today. There is, of course, a threat of strikes by nurses—that's going to ballot shortly. I'm aware that 6.2 per cent of staff in the NHS are currently off though illness. That's usually 5 per cent, in pre-COVID times, so keep that in mind. There are five health boards in Wales who have spent nearly £200 million on agency staff in just one financial year. So, a number of workforce issues in that regard. What are your plans to increase capacity in the NHS workforce so that health provision is, of course, delivered as it should be over the winter period?
I would also raise, Minister, alongside this, that the Welsh NHS Confederation has expressed concern about the capacity needed to deliver the Welsh Government's vaccine strategy for this winter, which includes the rolling out, of course, of both the flu and COVID vaccinations across a wide range of groups. So, in your assessment, is there capacity to deliver the vaccination strategy, and what challenges, Minister, do you foresee, given also the other workforce challenges that I've also outlined?
We also know that, of course, many people sadly died from COVID after actually going into hospital with another illness. And we know that that happened to a greater extent in Wales than in other parts of the UK. So, you've outlined some statements today in your contribution, but can I ask what lessons have been learned in terms of what will be done differently to ensure that hospital-acquired infections are kept to a minimum? They can't be entirely eliminated, but what is being done to keep that to a minimum?
And finally, Minister, we saw restrictions on people's lives introduced last Christmas due to the omicron variant. I wonder what lessons were learned from the Welsh Government's reaction to that new variant last year. What would you do differently this winter in a similar position? And effectively, what are your trigger points for introducing any restrictions this winter?
Diolch i chi, Gweinidog, am eich datganiad a'ch diweddariad heddiw. Mae hynny'n cael ei werthfawrogi. Roeddwn yn falch o weld yr eitem agenda hon yn cael ei hychwanegu heddiw. Er hynny, roeddwn i'n disgwyl datganiad heddiw yn manylu ar eich cynllun iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol dros y gaeaf, ond nid dyna yw hwn heddiw. Yr hyn y byddwn i'n ei ofyn heddiw, Gweinidog, yw pryd ydyn ni'n mynd i gael y cynllun hwnnw, o ystyried y ffaith bod y cynllun, y llynedd, wedi bod yn hwyr iawn. Yn wir, roeddem ni eisoes ymhell i mewn i'r gaeaf. Hefyd, mae'n debyg, dim ond gofyn am eglurder ynglŷn â phwy sy'n darparu'r cynllun hwnnw. Rwy'n credu, y llynedd, mai'r byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol wnaeth baratoi cynlluniau'r gaeaf. Mewn blynyddoedd blaenorol, byrddau iechyd wnaeth hynny. Felly, a gaf i ofyn am y cadarnhad hwnnw mai'r byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol fydd yn darparu'r cynllun hwnnw y byddwch yn ei gyhoeddi?
Hefyd ar hynny, byddai'n ddefnyddiol deall sut mae uned gyflawni GIG Cymru yn cael ei chynnwys yn y cynlluniau hefyd. Nawr, rydyn ni'n gwybod, neu rydyn ni'n disgwyl, bod triniaethau arferol yn debygol iawn o gael eu gohirio mewn ar adegau penodol o'r gaeaf. Efallai fod hynny'n annheg a byddwn i'n gwerthfawrogi eich barn am hynny. Dyna fyddai fy asesiad i. Er mwyn helpu i leihau'r ôl-groniad yn Lloegr, mae GIG Lloegr yn cynnig defnyddio technoleg i fynd i'r afael â rhestrau aros hir, gan gynnwys opsiwn ar ap y GIG i ddod o hyd i ysbytai sydd â chapasiti ar gyfer triniaethau penodol. Nawr, wrth gwrs, rydyn ni'n dal i ddefnyddio peiriannau ffacs ac rydyn ni'n dal i aros i e-bresgripsiynau gael eu cyflwyno'n llawn, a does gennym ni ddim ap GIG byw. Felly, allwch chi ddweud wrtha i, Gweinidog, sut rydych chi'n defnyddio technoleg i leddfu pwysau'r gaeaf, gan arwain at helpu i leihau'r angen i ganslo triniaethau arferol?
Ychydig o gwestiynau am y gweithlu, Gweinidog, yr ydych chi wedi sôn amdanynt yn eich datganiad heddiw. Wrth gwrs, mae yna fygythiad o streiciau gan nyrsys—mae hynny'n mynd i'r bleidlais yn fuan. Rwy'n ymwybodol bod 6.2 y cant o staff yn y GIG i ffwrdd ar hyn o bryd yn sgil salwch. Mae hynny fel arfer yn 5 y cant, yn y cyfnod cyn COVID, felly cadwch hynny mewn cof. Mae pum bwrdd iechyd yng Nghymru sydd wedi gwario bron i £200 miliwn ar staff asiantaeth mewn un flwyddyn ariannol yn unig. Felly, mae nifer o faterion yn ymwneud â'r gweithlu yn hynny o beth. Beth yw eich cynlluniau i gynyddu capasiti yng ngweithlu'r GIG fel bod darpariaeth iechyd, wrth gwrs, yn cael ei darparu fel y dylai fod dros gyfnod y gaeaf?
Byddwn hefyd yn codi, Gweinidog, ochr yn ochr â hyn, fod Conffederasiwn GIG Cymru wedi mynegi pryder am y capasiti sydd ei angen i gyflawni strategaeth frechu Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer y gaeaf hwn, sy'n cynnwys rhoi, wrth gwrs, y brechiadau ffliw a COVID ar draws ystod eang o grwpiau. Felly, yn eich asesiad, a oes capasiti i gyflawni'r strategaeth frechu, a pha heriau, Gweinidog, ydych chi'n eu rhagweld, o ystyried hefyd yr heriau eraill yn y gweithlu yr wyf hefyd wedi'u hamlinellu?
Rydym hefyd yn gwybod, wrth gwrs, fod llawer o bobl wedi marw o COVID, yn drist, ar ôl mynd i'r ysbyty gyda salwch arall, mewn gwirionedd. Ac rydyn ni'n gwybod bod hynny wedi digwydd i raddau mwy yng Nghymru na mewn rhannau eraill o'r DU. Felly, rydych chi wedi amlinellu rhai datganiadau heddiw yn eich cyfraniad, ond a gaf i ofyn pa wersi sydd wedi'u dysgu o ran beth fydd yn cael ei wneud yn wahanol i sicrhau bod heintiau sy'n cael eu caffael mewn ysbytai yn cael eu cadw cyn lleied â phosib? Does dim modd eu dileu'n llwyr, ond beth sy'n cael ei wneud i gadw hynny mor isel â phosib?
Ac yn olaf, Gweinidog, gwelsom gyfyngiadau ar fywydau pobl yn cael eu cyflwyno y Nadolig diwethaf yn sgil yr amrywiolyn omicron. Tybed pa wersi a ddysgwyd o ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru i'r amrywiolyn newydd hwnnw y llynedd. Beth fyddech chi'n ei wneud yn wahanol y gaeaf hwn mewn sefyllfa debyg? A beth, i bob pwrpas, yw eich sbardunau ar gyfer cyflwyno unrhyw gyfyngiadau dros y gaeaf?
Great. Thank you very much, Russell. I think I need to be absolutely clear that we have given very clear guidance to NHS boards that actually the winter planning has to be done early. So, we've asked them to do it as part of their normal planning, because if you leave it until now it's too late; you already need things in place. So, we've given them the money, they needed to build that into their programme. Their integrated medium-term plans have all considered what next winter will look like. And of course we've already given, for example, £25 million to roll out the six priorities for emergency and urgent care. So, all of that's gone, because if we'd waited until now, as you said, it would have been difficult for us to have rolled things out. So, they've known what was coming, we've given them very clear guidance in terms of what we expect as a result of that.
We still have a lot of issues in relation to delayed transfers of care. So, that is probably one of my biggest headaches at the moment: how do we get people out of hospitals when they are ready to be discharged, because there is considerable pressure because of those issues in building that community care capacity. So, we've got an initiative that the NHS has been working on with local government over the whole of the summer, where we're building that community care capacity. I can give you a bit more detail on that at a later date, but those are very advanced programmes, very detailed, and people have been working on that intensively over the summer.
In terms of hospital capacity, I'm very clear that I don't want a let-up in relation to planned care, which is why I have been asking, for example, in relation to orthopaedics, that we have reserved beds, because there is always going to be pressure. The pressure is not going to go away, but we need to get through those waiting lists. And when it comes to digital, I can assure you that this is one of the issues that is very much at the top of my agenda. I have almost weekly meetings on the various aspects of digital that we need to use to transform the way we deliver services in Wales. And there'll be some interesting news for you on the NHS app very shortly. So, I'm hoping that we won't have to cancel too many routine procedures this winter, but of course it does depend on what that wave may or may not look like. Staff sickness is obviously something we're very concerned about, which is why getting those rates down significantly lower than the rest of the four nations is a good place to be, but we know it's an undulating pattern, so we've got to keep an eye on that.
In terms of increasing capacity in the NHS workforce, you will be aware, Russell, that we have already undertaken significant recruitment during the pandemic. When it comes to the ambulance service, for example, over the past couple of years we've recruited at least another 200. There are going to be some changes to the ambulance roster soon, which is going to release an equivalent of about 72 additional people. So, I'm confident we've got a very clear plan in terms of what we need to do in relation to urgent and emergency care.
So, in terms of winter planning, then, we've set out a framework that sets out our expectations for health boards to work with partners to build on that six-goals programme, and some of those priorities include a national communications campaign to raise awareness of NHS 111, to optimise the role of the third-sector services, to recruit 100 new ambulance clinicians, and to make sure that we are reducing those long ambulance handover delays, because we know that if that pressure is heavy now, it's going to get more difficult later. Fixing that now is critical to us. So, building that community care capacity still remains very much at the top of my agenda.
Gwych. Diolch yn fawr, Russell. Rwy'n credu bod angen i mi fod yn gwbl glir ein bod ni wedi rhoi arweiniad clir iawn i fyrddau'r GIG, mewn gwirionedd, bod yn rhaid gwneud cynlluniau'r gaeaf yn gynnar. Felly, rydyn ni wedi gofyn iddyn nhw ei wneud fel rhan o'u gwaith cynllunio arferol, oherwydd os ydych chi'n ei adael tan nawr mae'n rhy hwyr; mae angen pethau yn eu lle yn barod. Felly, rydyn ni wedi rhoi'r arian iddyn nhw, roedd angen iddyn nhw gynnwys hwnnw yn eu rhaglen. Mae eu cynlluniau tymor canolig integredig i gyd wedi ystyried sut olwg fydd ar y gaeaf nesaf. Ac wrth gwrs rydym ni eisoes wedi rhoi, er enghraifft, £25 miliwn i gyflwyno'r chwe blaenoriaeth ar gyfer gofal brys ac argyfwng. Felly, mae hynny i gyd wedi mynd, achos pe bydden ni wedi aros tan nawr, fel y dywedoch chi, byddai wedi bod yn anodd i ni fod wedi cyflwyno pethau. Felly, maen nhw wedi gwybod beth oedd yn dod, rydyn ni wedi rhoi arweiniad clir iawn iddyn nhw o ran yr hyn rydyn ni'n ei ddisgwyl o ganlyniad i hynny.
Mae llawer o broblemau gennym o hyd o ran oedi wrth drosglwyddo gofal. Felly, mae'n debyg mai dyna'r prif beth sy'n achosi pen tost i mi ar hyn o bryd: sut mae cael pobl allan o ysbytai pan fyddan nhw'n barod i gael eu rhyddhau, oherwydd mae cryn bwysau oherwydd y mater hynny o gynyddu'r capasiti gofal cymunedol hwnnw. Felly, mae gennym ni fenter y mae'r GIG wedi bod yn gweithio arni gyda llywodraeth leol dros yr haf cyfan, lle rydyn ni'n adeiladu'r capasiti gofal cymunedol hwnnw. Gallaf roi ychydig mwy o fanylion i chi am hynny yn ddiweddarach, ond mae'r rheini'n rhaglenni datblygedig iawn, yn fanwl iawn, ac mae pobl wedi bod yn gweithio ar hynny'n ddwys dros yr haf.
O ran capasiti ysbytai, rwy'n glir iawn nad ydw i eisiau oedi o ran gofal wedi'i gynllunio, a dyna pam rwyf wedi bod yn gofyn, er enghraifft, o ran orthopaedeg, bod gennym ni welyau wedi'u cadw, oherwydd mae yna wastad bwysau yn mynd i fod. Nid yw'r pwysau'n mynd i fynd i ffwrdd, ond mae angen i ni fynd trwy'r rhestrau aros hynny. Ac o ran digidol, gallaf eich sicrhau bod hwn yn fater sydd ar frig fy rhestr o flaenoriaethau. Rwy'n cael cyfarfodydd bron yn wythnosol ar y gwahanol agweddau ar ddigidol y mae angen i ni eu defnyddio i drawsnewid y ffordd rydyn ni'n darparu gwasanaethau yng Nghymru. Ac mi fydd yna newyddion diddorol i chi ar ap y GIG yn fuan iawn. Felly, rwy'n gobeithio na fydd yn rhaid i ni ganslo gormod o driniaethau arferol dros y gaeaf, ond wrth gwrs mae'n dibynnu ar sut olwg allai fod ar y don honno neu beidio. Mae salwch staff yn amlwg yn rhywbeth rydyn ni'n poeni'n fawr amdano, a dyna pam mae cael y cyfraddau hynny i lawr yn sylweddol is na gweddill y pedair gwlad yn sefyllfa dda i fod ynddi, ond rydyn ni'n gwybod ei fod yn batrwm tonnog, felly mae'n rhaid i ni gadw llygad ar hwnnw.
O ran cynyddu capasiti yng ngweithlu'r GIG, fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol, Russell, ein bod eisoes wedi ymgymryd â recriwtio sylweddol yn ystod y pandemig. Pan fo'n dod at y gwasanaeth ambiwlans, er enghraifft, dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf ry'n ni wedi recriwtio o leiaf 200 arall. Bydd rhai newidiadau i'r rhestrau gwaith ambiwlans yn fuan, sy'n mynd i ryddhau cyfwerth â thua 72 o bobl ychwanegol. Felly, rwy'n hyderus bod gennym gynllun clir iawn o ran yr hyn y mae angen i ni ei wneud o ran gofal brys ac argyfwng.
Felly, o ran cynllunio'r gaeaf, yna, rydym wedi gosod fframwaith sy'n egluro ein disgwyliadau i fyrddau iechyd weithio gyda phartneriaid er mwyn datblygu'r rhaglen chwe amcan honno, ac mae rhai o'r blaenoriaethau hynny'n cynnwys ymgyrch gyfathrebu genedlaethol i godi ymwybyddiaeth o GIG 111, i optimeiddio rôl y gwasanaethau trydydd sector, i recriwtio 100 o glinigwyr ambiwlans newydd, ac i sicrhau ein bod yn lleihau'r oedi hir hynny wrth drosglwyddo ambiwlansys, oherwydd rydym yn gwybod os yw'r pwysau hwnnw'n drwm nawr, mae'n mynd i fynd yn anoddach yn nes ymlaen. Mae datrys hynny nawr yn hollbwysig i ni. Felly, mae cynyddu'r capasiti gofal cymunedol hwnnw yn dal i fod ar frig fy rhestr o flaenoriaethau.
Diolch yn fawr iawn i'r Gweinidog. Diolch am y datganiad. Mewn termau seneddol, rydyn ni'n gosod rhyw fath o baseline heddiw, am wn i. Mae'r datganiad yma'n dod reit ar ddechrau'r tymor ar amser sy'n pontio rhwng yr haf a'r gaeaf, neu gallwn i ddweud cyfnod o bwysau'r haf a chyfnod o bwysau y gaeaf, achos mae wedi dod yn fwy a mwy amlwg, wrth gwrs, bod yr NHS yn anghynaladwy ar bob adeg o'r flwyddyn, a bod yr haf yn llawn mor eithriadol â'r gaeaf. A dwi'n gwybod o brofiad personol yr haf yma beth ydy aros 10 awr am driniaeth mewn adran frys. Alla i ddim beirniadu'r staff oedd yn gweithio mor galed, yn gwneud eu gorau, ond dydy o ddim yn dderbyniol, a dwi'n diolch ac yn dymuno'n dda i'r staff ymroddgar ar draws NHS Cymru wrth iddyn nhw wynebu'r gaeaf yma.
Lle ydyn ni arni heddiw? Lle mae NHS Cymru arni? Mae gennym ni ddatganiad yma sydd yn cyfeirio at barhad pandemig, wrth gwrs, ond lle mae pwysau oherwydd COVID yn lleihau, meddai'r Gweinidog. Rydyn ni mewn stable position, meddai hi, ond rydyn ni yn cael darlun o'r bygythiadau rydyn ni'n eu hwynebu wrth i COVID a'r ffliw a firysau anadlol eraill ddod ar draws ei gilydd. Mae canllawiau ychwanegol ar gyfer y gaeaf yn cael eu paratoi, meddai'r Gweinidog, a bydd angen i sefydliadau'r NHS sicrhau bod cynlluniau cadarn a gwydn ar waith.
Thank you very much to the Minister. Thank you for the statement. In parliamentary terms, we're setting some sort of baseline today, I suppose. This statement comes at the very beginning of the term, at a time when we're in transition between summer and winter, or moving to summer pressures and winter pressures, because it has become more and more apparent that the NHS is unsustainable at all times of the year, and that the summer can be just as exceptional as the winter. I know from personal experience this summer what it's like to wait 10 hours for treatment in A&E. I can't criticise the staff, who were working so very hard and doing their very best, but it's not acceptable, and I thank and wish the committed staff across the NHS in Wales well, as they face the winter pressures.
Where are we today? Where is the Welsh NHS? We have a statement here that refers to an ongoing pandemic, of course, but where COVID pressures are reducing. The Minister said that we're in a stable position, but we do see an emerging picture of the threat that we face as COVID and flu and other respiratory viruses all come together. Additional guidance for the winter is being prepared, according to the Minister, and NHS institutions will need to ensure that robust and resilient plans are in place.
We need to ensure robust and resilient plans are in place, the Minister tells us. I agree with the Member for the Conservatives saying that those plans should already be in place. How on earth has Welsh Government left it until late September before being able to publish those assurances? Maybe the Minister can address that further.
But I would like to focus, if I can, on the worrying findings of a report published earlier this month and in print this week by the New Scientist, telling us that there have been well over 20,000—22,500—more deaths than we would expect in the UK between April and August this year, around 10 per cent more than the five-year average. It's thought that COVID has contributed to that directly, with figures suggesting there were twice as many deaths involving COVID-19 directly this summer compared with the summer of last year. But that only accounts for perhaps half of the excess deaths. For the rest, it is thought that indirect impacts of the pandemic could be at play here, and, in fact, that they are likely to be. We have a disrupted healthcare system. The cancer tests and treatment delays of lockdown are being felt now in the latter stages of 2022. Delays, of course, cost lives, which is why there was so much anger at treatments and appointments that were due to take place yesterday being cancelled.
Two questions arise from this. Those figures on excess deaths do detail the situation in Scotland and in Northern Ireland, but we don't have figures for Wales. Will the Minister commit to investigating how many excess deaths occurred in Wales? Because she surely will need that kind of data before being able to assess what led to what appears to be a significant surge in deaths. Don't those figures for the summer, assuming—and I think we can—that Wales will follow a similar pattern to Scotland and Northern Ireland, but coupled with the warnings that we've heard from the Minister herself today, tell us that we really cannot wait a day longer for that robust plan for this winter? It's already late in the day, and those figures in the New Scientist suggest to me that the usual winter pressures could be compounded this year by a general pattern of increased deaths already in place. That, I'm sure the Minister will agree, is a matter of some concern.
Mae angen i ni sicrhau bod cynlluniau cadarn a chydnerth ar waith, meddai'r Gweinidog wrthym. Rwy'n cytuno â'r Aelod dros y Ceidwadwyr wrth iddo ddweud y dylai'r cynlluniau hynny fod ar waith yn barod. Sut yn y byd y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ei gadael tan ddiwedd mis Medi cyn gallu cyhoeddi'r sicrwydd hynny? Efallai y gall y Gweinidog fynd i'r afael â hynny ymhellach.
Ond hoffwn ganolbwyntio, os caf i, ar ganfyddiadau pryderus adroddiad a gyhoeddwyd yn gynharach y mis hwn ac mewn print yr wythnos hon gan y New Scientist, yn dweud wrthym y bu ymhell dros 20,000—22,500—yn fwy o farwolaethau nag y byddem yn eu disgwyl yn y DU rhwng Ebrill ac Awst eleni, tua 10 y cant yn fwy na'r cyfartaledd pum mlynedd. Credir bod COVID wedi cyfrannu at hynny'n uniongyrchol, a'r ffigyrau'n awgrymu bod dwywaith cymaint o farwolaethau yn ymwneud â COVID-19 yn uniongyrchol dros yr haf o'i gymharu â haf y llynedd. Ond mae hynny ond yn cyfrif am efallai hanner y marwolaethau ychwanegol. I'r gweddill, credir y gallai effeithiau anuniongyrchol y pandemig fod ar waith yma, ac, mewn gwirionedd, eu bod yn debygol o fod. Mae yna darfu ar ein system gofal iechyd. Mae'r oedi mewn profion a thriniaeth am ganser yn sgil y cyfnod clo i'w teimlo nawr yng nghyfnod olaf 2022. Mae oedi, wrth gwrs, yn costio bywydau, a dyna pam roedd cymaint o ddicter pan gafodd triniaethau ac apwyntiadau a oedd i fod i ddigwydd ddoe eu canslo.
Mae dau gwestiwn yn codi o hyn. Mae'r ffigyrau hynny ar farwolaethau ychwanegol yn manylu ar y sefyllfa yn yr Alban ac yng Ngogledd Iwerddon, ond does gennym ni ddim ffigyrau ar gyfer Cymru. A fydd y Gweinidog yn ymrwymo i ymchwilio i faint o farwolaethau ychwanegol ddigwyddodd yng Nghymru? Oherwydd mae'n siŵr y bydd angen y math yna o ddata cyn gallu asesu'r hyn a arweiniodd at yr hyn sy'n ymddangos yn ymchwydd sylweddol mewn marwolaethau. Onid yw'r ffigyrau hynny ar gyfer yr haf, gan dybio—ac rwy'n credu y gallwn ni—y bydd Cymru'n dilyn patrwm tebyg i'r Alban a Gogledd Iwerddon, ond ynghyd â'r rhybuddion rydyn ni wedi'u clywed gan y Gweinidog ei hun heddiw, yn dweud wrthym na allwn ni aros diwrnod yn hirach am y cynllun cadarn hwnnw ar gyfer y gaeaf? Mae hi eisoes yn hwyr, ac mae'r ffigyrau hynny yn y New Scientist yn awgrymu i mi y gallai pwysau arferol y gaeaf gael eu dwysáu eleni gan batrwm cyffredinol o fwy o farwolaethau sydd eisoes ar waith. Mae hynny, rwy'n siŵr y bydd y Gweinidog yn cytuno, yn destun rhywfaint o bryder.
Diolch yn fawr. There is a huge pressure on our services at the moment. I'll just give you a sense of the difficulty we have, in particular in relation to delayed transfers of care. We're at a point now where we have around 1,200 people ready to leave our hospitals. Because of the difficulty of getting them out because the support system is not quite there in the communities, we have around 1,200 people waiting, which is quite a high proportion. So, it is a very difficult system, when it's clearly difficult to recruit to our care service despite the fact that we in Wales are paying the real living wage. Robust plans are in place already for winter, we have those within the IMTPs, and those I have signed off, so we have those plans already.
You asked about excess deaths, and, obviously, one death is too many when it comes to excess deaths when we weren't expecting it. My understanding is that our knowledge and analytics team have looked at the excess deaths in terms of ONS. These may be slightly older figures than you have, but certainly in England, it suggested excess deaths were at 14.5, and in Wales 11.7, so there's a slight difference there. Whereas in England deaths per 100,000 were at 217, per 100,000 in Wales it was 212. So, there's a slight difference. When people come and talk about these statistics, there is a standardised mortality figure that is usually used, so you do have to go into the detail of what exactly they are suggesting here.
I think the thing to bear in mind is the fact that Wales does have an older and sicker population. We've had some interesting evidence recently to suggest that, in terms of numbers of people who contracted the virus, we were significantly lower than other parts of England, but when it came to hospitalisation, our figures were higher. So, I think we need to just be aware that, actually, if that older, sicker population contract the virus, they are in deeper trouble. That's what we know about this virus: that it really hones in on those most vulnerable people.
Diolch yn fawr. Mae yna bwysau enfawr ar ein gwasanaethau ni ar hyn o bryd. Fe wnaf i ond rhoi syniad i chi o'r anhawster sydd gennym i chi, yn arbennig o ran oedi wrth drosglwyddo gofal. Rydym ni wedi cyrraedd pwynt nawr lle mae gennym ni tua 1,200 o bobl yn barod i adael ein hysbytai. Oherwydd yr anhawster o'u cael nhw allan oherwydd nad yw'r system gymorth yno yn y cymunedau, mae gennym ni tua 1,200 o bobl yn aros, sy'n gyfran eithaf uchel. Felly, mae'n system anodd iawn, pan fo'n amlwg yn anodd recriwtio i'n gwasanaeth gofal er gwaetha'r ffaith ein bod ni yng Nghymru yn talu'r cyflog byw go iawn. Mae cynlluniau cadarn ar waith yn barod ar gyfer y gaeaf, mae gennym ni'r rheini yn y cynlluniau tymor canolig integredig, a'r rhai rwyf i wedi'u cymeradwyo, felly mae gennym ni y cynlluniau hynny'n barod.
Fe wnaethoch chi holi am farwolaethau ychwanegol, ac, yn amlwg, mae un farwolaeth yn ormod o ran marwolaethau ychwanegol pan nad oeddem yn ei ddisgwyl. Fy nealltwriaeth i yw bod ein tîm gwybodaeth a dadansoddeg wedi edrych ar y marwolaethau ychwanegol o ran y Swyddfa Ystadegau Gwladol. Gallai'r rhain fod yn ffigyrau ychydig yn hŷn nag sydd gennych chi, ond yn sicr yn Lloegr, roedd yn awgrymu bod marwolaethau gormodol ar 14.5, ac yng Nghymru 11.7, felly mae ychydig o wahaniaeth yn y fan yna. Tra yn Lloegr roedd marwolaethau fesul 100,000 yn 217, fesul 100,000 yng Nghymru roedd yn 212. Felly, mae yna ychydig o wahaniaeth. Pan fydd pobl yn dod ac yn sôn am yr ystadegau hyn, mae yna ffigwr marwolaethau safonol sy'n cael ei ddefnyddio fel arfer, felly mae'n rhaid i chi fynd i fanylion beth yn union maen nhw'n ei awgrymu yma.
Rwy'n credu mai'r peth i gofio yw'r ffaith bod gan Gymru boblogaeth hŷn a salach. Rydym wedi cael ychydig o dystiolaeth ddiddorol yn ddiweddar i awgrymu ein bod ni, o ran nifer y bobl a ddaliodd y feirws, yn sylweddol is na rhannau eraill o Loegr, ond o ran y niferoedd a derbyniwyd i ysbyty, roedd ein ffigyrau ni yn uwch. Felly, rwy'n credu bod angen i ni fod yn ymwybodol, mewn gwirionedd, os yw'r boblogaeth hŷn, salach honno'n dal y feirws, eu bod mewn trafferth ddyfnach. Dyna rydyn ni'n ei wybod am y feirws hwn: ei fod wir yn effeithio ar y bobl fwyaf bregus hynny.
Diolch i'r Gweinidog.
I thank the Minister.
Yr eitem nesaf, felly, yw'r datganiad gan Weinidog y Gymraeg ac Addysg, diweddariad ar brydau ysgol am ddim. Dwi'n galw ar y Gweinidog i wneud ei ddatganiad—Jeremy Miles.
The next item, therefore, is the statement by the Minister for Education and Welsh Language, an update on free school meals. I call on the Minister to make his statement—Jeremy Miles.

Diolch, Llywydd. Hoffwn achub ar y cyfle hwn i gydnabod digwyddiadau ddoe a chyfleu fy nghydymdeimlad dwysaf gyda'r teulu brenhinol.
Mae ein rhaglen lywodraethu ni yn glir: byddwn ni'n sicrhau'r tegwch mwyaf i bawb ac yn dileu anghydraddoldeb ar bob lefel o gymdeithas. Bydd Cymru yn wlad lle nad oes neb yn cael ei ddal yn ôl a neb yn cael ei adael ar ôl. Ym myd addysg, mae ein huchelgais i wireddu'r nodau hyn wedi bod yn amlwg, gan flaenoriaethu dulliau a fydd yn lleihau'r anghydraddoldebau sy'n cael eu creu drwy anfantais economaidd-gymdeithasol, a sicrhau bod pob dysgwr yn cael y cyfleoedd gorau posibl i lwyddo.
Mae'r uchelgeisiau hyn wedi bod yr un mor amlwg yn ein cynllunio ac yng nghyflymder gweithredu ein hymrwymiad fel rhan o'n cytundeb cydweithio gyda Phlaid Cymru i ddarparu prydau ysgol am ddim i holl ddisgyblion ysgolion cynradd ar draws Cymru. Rydyn ni wedi ymrwymo i sicrhau nad oes unrhyw blentyn yn mynd heb fwyd yn yr ysgol. Cyhoeddwyd ein huchelgais ar y cyd ym mis Tachwedd ac, mewn llai na naw mis, rydyn ni wedi dechrau cyflawni ar gyfer rhai o'n disgyblion ieuengaf ledled Cymru.
Ond, Llywydd, nid her fach fu hon. Mae hyn wedi cynnwys archwiliadau seilwaith o fwy na 1,000 o ysgolion ledled Cymru a buddsoddiad cyfalaf o £60 miliwn mewn ceginau ysgol a chyfleusterau bwyta—buddsoddiad ymlaen llaw o £25 miliwn a ategwyd gan £35 miliwn pellach a gyhoeddwyd yn ddiweddar. Mae'n golygu bod 45,000 o ddisgyblion ychwanegol bellach yn gymwys i gael pryd o fwyd amser cinio yn eu hysgol, ac erbyn mis Ebrill y flwyddyn nesaf, bydd y ffigwr hwnnw'n cynyddu i 66,000. Erbyn diwedd cyflwyno'r cynllun, bydd ein buddsoddiad o £200 miliwn yn sicrhau y bydd 186,000 o ddisgyblion ychwanegol ledled Cymru yn elwa ar y cynnig o bryd bwyd maethlon tra byddan nhw yn yr ysgol.
Thank you, Llywydd. I'd like to take this opportunity to acknowledge yesterday's events and to pass on my deepest sympathy to the royal family.
Our programme for government is clear: we will maximise fairness for all and eliminate inequality at every level of society. Wales will be a country where nobody is held back and nobody is left behind. Within education, our ambition to help realise these aims has been evident, prioritising approaches that will lessen the inequalities created through socioeconomic disadvantage, and ensuring that all learners have the very best chances of success.
These ambitions have been no less prominent in our planning and in the speed of implementation of our commitment as part of our co-operation agreement with Plaid Cymru to deliver free school meals to all primary school pupils across Wales. We have committed to making sure that no child goes hungry in school. We announced our shared ambition in November and, in less than nine months, we have begun delivering for some of our youngest pupils across Wales.
But, Llywydd, this has been no small challenge. It has involved infrastructure audits of more than 1,000 schools across Wales and a capital investment of £60 million into school kitchens and dining facilities—a £25 million up-front investment supported by a further £35 million recently announced. It means that an additional 45,000 pupils are now eligible for a meal at lunchtime in their school, and by April next year, that figure will increase to 66,000. By the end of the roll-out, our £200 million investment will ensure that an additional 186,000 pupils across Wales will benefit from the offer of a nutritious meal while they are at school.
Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd (David Rees) i’r Gadair.
The Deputy Presiding Officer (David Rees) took the Chair.
Dirprwy Lywydd, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our local authority colleagues, as well as schools across Wales, for working with us to achieve this first milestone. It has taken significant partnership working and a team Wales approach, which is already benefiting thousands of pupils and immediately putting money back into their families' pockets.
We've worked at pace to develop an evidence-based initial unit rate per meal, which has allowed us to issue funding allocations to local authorities to begin delivery of universal provision. I have agreed that a review of the unit rate should be carried out using data on both fixed and variable costs provided by local authorities in order to develop a deeper understanding of real costs and, possibly, refine the unit rate for future years. That review is starting now.
We've also worked to ensure that our own policies, programmes of work and funding streams that rely on traditional free school meal eligibility as an indicator continue to work effectively. Over the summer, a national campaign has begun to promote free school meals, to encourage registration of pupils and, crucially, to make families aware of the additional wider support that we are making available to help them through the cost-of-living rises.
The vast majority of local authorities have confirmed that they are able to deliver to years 1 and 2, as well as reception, by April 2023. Eight authorities are already delivering to all of those year groups. A small number of authorities are yet to commit to that date, and we are working with them to overcome infrastructure challenges and to secure a firm commitment to the date from them. We will then publish roll-out plans across all local authorities for the first year of delivery. From September 2023, we will extend free school meals to all other primary school years. We don't want to hold anyone back, and I look forward to updating Members on our future roll-out plans.
Equity, well-being, and progression are at the heart of our strategic approach. Expanding our offer to all primary school children helps tackle the stigma that still is sometimes unfortunately associated with targeted support. It helps families who previously weren't eligible for free school meals but still struggle to make ends meet, and it levels the playing field for all primary children to sit together and enjoy the same meal, promoting their right to food and to education.
A nutritious school meal for all primary pupils is just the start. We are setting the scene to change the way that we eat in Wales, transforming school food culture and changing consumption habits. By creating an opportunity for all primary children to share and enjoy a meal together, we hope to reap the benefits of our investment in pupils' learning, in their social skills and in their longer term health. We know that our universal approach here is warranted. And we also now turn our focus to how we better use our levers to drive public procurement to support local food production and distribution, to benefit local economies and to better connect learners with the origins of the food that they eat. Our conditions of grant funding to local authorities for delivery of universal provision and our significant investment is providing a catalyst for this work to begin in earnest.
Finally, Dirprwy Lywydd, I wanted to update Members on our free school meal provision during school holiday periods. We should not forget that Wales has led the way in the UK throughout the pandemic in our delivery of food provision to those eligible for free school meals during school holiday periods. This has been supported by an investment of over £100 million to date. Our school holiday free school meal provision was due to finish at the end of the summer holidays this year. But working with our co-operation agreement partners, Plaid Cymru, in light of the increasing cost of living and the pressure that this is already putting on family budgets, today, I am pleased to confirm that, together, we've now been able to allocate funding to extend holiday food provision for pupils traditionally eligible for a free school meal until the end of the February half term next year. This means a further investment of £11 million to support some of our most disadvantaged learners.
I will continue to keep Members of the Senedd up to date, Dirprwy Lywydd, on the progress of the roll-out of our primary free school meals commitment.
Dirprwy Lywydd, hoffwn i achub ar y cyfle hwn i ddiolch i'n cydweithwyr yn yr awdurdodau lleol, yn ogystal ag ysgolion ledled Cymru, am weithio gyda ni i gyflawni'r garreg filltir gyntaf hon. Mae wedi cymryd gwaith partneriaeth sylweddol a dull gweithredu tîm Cymru, sydd eisoes o fudd i filoedd o ddisgyblion ac yn rhoi arian yn ôl ym mhocedi eu teuluoedd ar unwaith.
Rydym ni wedi gweithio'n gyflym i ddatblygu cyfradd uned gychwynnol fesul pryd o fwyd ar sail tystiolaeth, sydd wedi caniatáu i ni gyhoeddi dyraniadau cyllid i awdurdodau lleol i ddechrau cyflwyno darpariaeth gyffredinol. Rwyf i wedi cytuno y dylai adolygiad o gyfradd yr uned gael ei gynnal gan ddefnyddio data ar gostau sefydlog ac amrywiol y mae awdurdodau lleol yn eu darparu er mwyn datblygu dealltwriaeth ddyfnach o wir gostau ac, o bosibl, mireinio cyfradd yr uned ar gyfer blynyddoedd i ddod. Mae'r adolygiad hwnnw'n dechrau nawr.
Rydym ni hefyd wedi gweithio i sicrhau bod ein polisïau ein hunain, rhaglenni gwaith a ffrydiau ariannu sy'n dibynnu ar gymhwysedd traddodiadol ar gyfer prydau ysgol am ddim fel dangosydd yn parhau i weithio'n effeithiol. Yn ystod yr haf, mae ymgyrch genedlaethol wedi dechrau hyrwyddo prydau ysgol am ddim, i annog cofrestru disgyblion ac, yn hollbwysig, i wneud teuluoedd yn ymwybodol o'r gefnogaeth ehangach ychwanegol yr ydym ni'n ei darparu i'w helpu nhw drwy'r cynnydd mewn costau byw.
Mae'r mwyafrif helaeth o awdurdodau lleol wedi cadarnhau eu bod yn gallu darparu ar gyfer blynyddoedd 1 a 2, yn ogystal â'r dosbarthiadau derbyn, erbyn mis Ebrill 2023. Mae wyth awdurdod eisoes yn darparu ar gyfer pob un o'r grwpiau blwyddyn hynny. Mae nifer fach o awdurdodau eto i ymrwymo i'r dyddiad hwnnw, ac rydym ni'n gweithio gyda nhw i oresgyn heriau seilwaith ac i sicrhau ymrwymiad cadarn i'r dyddiad ganddyn nhw. Yna byddwn ni'n cyhoeddi cynlluniau cyflwyno ar draws yr holl awdurdodau lleol ar gyfer y flwyddyn gyntaf o ddarparu. O fis Medi 2023 ymlaen, byddwn ni'n ehangu prydau ysgol am ddim i bob blwyddyn ysgol gynradd arall. Nid ydym ni eisiau dal unrhyw un yn ôl, ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen at roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Aelodau ar ein cynlluniau cyflwyno yn y dyfodol.
Tegwch, lles, a dilyniant sydd wrth wraidd ein dull strategol. Mae ehangu ein cynnig i bob plentyn ysgol gynradd yn helpu i ymdrin â'r stigma sy'n dal i fod yn gysylltiedig weithiau yn anffodus â chefnogaeth benodol. Mae'n helpu teuluoedd nad oedd yn gymwys i gael prydau ysgol am ddim o'r blaen ond sy'n dal yn cael trafferth cael dau ben llinyn ynghyd, ac mae'n sicrhau chwarae teg fel bod bob plentyn cynradd yn eistedd gyda'i gilydd yn mwynhau'r un pryd o fwyd, gan hybu eu hawl i fwyd ac i addysg.
Dim ond cychwyn arni yw pryd ysgol maethlon i bob disgybl cynradd. Rydym ni'n creu sefyllfa fydd yn newid y ffordd yr ydym ni'n bwyta yng Nghymru, gan drawsnewid diwylliant bwyd ysgol a newid arferion bwyta. Drwy greu cyfle i bob plentyn cynradd rannu a mwynhau pryd gyda'i gilydd, rydym ni'n gobeithio elwa ar ein buddsoddiad yn nysgu disgyblion, yn eu sgiliau cymdeithasol ac yn eu hiechyd tymor hirach. Gwyddom ni fod modd cyfiawnhau ein dull cyffredinol yma. Ac rydym ni hefyd nawr yn troi i ganolbwyntio ar sut yr ydym ni'n defnyddio ein dulliau'n well i hybu caffael cyhoeddus i gefnogi cynhyrchu a dosbarthu bwyd lleol, er budd economïau lleol ac i gysylltu dysgwyr yn well â gwreiddiau'r bwyd y maen nhw'n ei fwyta. Mae ein hamodau cyllid grant i awdurdodau lleol ar gyfer darparu darpariaeth gyffredinol a'n buddsoddi sylweddol yn darparu catalydd i'r gwaith hwn ddechrau o ddifrif.
Yn olaf, Dirprwy Lywydd, roeddwn i eisiau rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i Aelodau am ein darpariaeth prydau ysgol am ddim yn ystod cyfnodau gwyliau ysgol. Ni ddylem ni anghofio bod Cymru wedi arwain y ffordd yn y DU drwy gydol y pandemig wrth i ni gyflwyno darparu bwyd i'r rhai sy'n gymwys i gael prydau ysgol am ddim yn ystod cyfnodau gwyliau ysgol. Cafodd hyn ei gefnogi gan fuddsoddi dros £100 miliwn hyd yma. Roedd disgwyl i'n darpariaeth prydau ysgol am ddim yn yr ysgol orffen ar ddiwedd gwyliau'r haf eleni. Ond drwy weithio gyda'n partneriaid yn y cytundeb cydweithio, Plaid Cymru, yn sgil costau byw cynyddol a'r pwysau y mae hyn eisoes yn ei roi ar gyllidebau teuluol, heddiw, rwy'n falch o gadarnhau ein bod ni nawr wedi gallu dyrannu cyllid i ymestyn darparu bwyd yn ystod y gwyliau i ddisgyblion sy'n draddodiadol yn gymwys i gael prydau ysgol am ddim tan ddiwedd hanner tymor mis Chwefror y flwyddyn nesaf. Mae hyn yn golygu buddsoddi £11 miliwn arall i gefnogi rhai o'n dysgwyr mwyaf difreintiedig.
Byddaf i'n parhau i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i Aelodau'r Senedd, Dirprwy Lywydd, ar gynnydd cyflwyno ein hymrwymiad prydau bwyd am ddim mewn ysgolion cynradd.
Thank you for your statement, Minister. I have three simple questions I'd like answers to. Minister, I understand and appreciate that new extra moneys have been made available to upgrade and expand kitchens, but the timing of the moneys given was of some concern to me. I was just wondering whether all the upgrades in our schools have been able to be made in time for the new term that has already begun, ensuring that schools do have the ability to deliver the increased number of those free school meals to all those who qualify. Is that the case, Minister?
And Minister, free school meals have historically been used as an easy marker to determine and identify those most in need. What is that replacement going to look like? How are you going to identify those children going forward? How will you ensure that no child is now going to slip through the cracks because of that change in identification?
Finally, Minister, how are you going to look to monitor the roll-out? I welcome this expansion, and I welcome that you recognise that this expansion of free school meals presents us with an opportunity to improve our school meals and to help local communities across Wales by ensuring that the produce is sourced locally where possible, and is as healthy as possible. In your statement, you say 'nutritious' meals twice, and you say that you want to change eating habits, all of which are very welcome, and I completely concur with you. But how exactly are you guaranteeing that, Minister? What work has already been done? And couldn't this have been done a lot sooner, because we've known about the roll-out of free school meals for some time now? Thank you.
Diolch am eich datganiad, Gweinidog. Mae gennyf i dri chwestiwn syml yr hoffwn i atebion iddyn nhw. Gweinidog, rwy'n deall ac yn gwerthfawrogi bod arian ychwanegol newydd wedi bod ar gael i uwchraddio ac ehangu ceginau, ond roedd amseru'r arian a gafodd ei roi yn destun rhywfaint o bryder i mi. Meddwl oeddwn i tybed a yw wedi bod yn bosibl cyflawni'r holl uwchraddio yn ein hysgolion mewn pryd ar gyfer y tymor newydd sydd eisoes wedi dechrau, gan sicrhau bod gan ysgolion y gallu i ddarparu'r nifer fwy o brydau ysgol am ddim hynny i bawb sy'n gymwys. Ai dyna'r sefyllfa, Gweinidog?
A Gweinidog, yn hanesyddol, mae prydau ysgol am ddim wedi cael eu defnyddio fel marciwr hawdd i benderfynu a nodi'r rhai sydd fwyaf mewn angen. Sut olwg fydd ar y drefn newydd honno? Sut ydych chi'n mynd i nodi'r plant hynny wrth symud ymlaen? Sut byddwch chi'n sicrhau nad oes yr un plentyn nawr yn mynd i lithro drwy'r craciau oherwydd y newid hwnnw o ran nodi?
Yn olaf, Gweinidog, sut ydych chi'n mynd i fonitro'r broses gyflwyno? Rwy'n croesawu'r ehangu hwn, ac rwy'n croesawu eich bod chi'n cydnabod bod ehangu prydau ysgol am ddim yn rhoi cyfle i ni wella prydau ysgol ac i helpu cymunedau lleol ledled Cymru drwy sicrhau fod y cynnyrch yn dod o ffynonellau lleol lle bo modd, a'i fod mor iach â phosibl. Yn eich datganiad, rydych chi'n dweud prydau bwyd 'maethlon' ddwywaith, ac rydych chi'n dweud eich bod chi eisiau newid arferion bwyta, ac mae croeso mawr i bob un ohonyn nhw, ac rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â chi. Ond sut yn union ydych chi'n gwarantu hynny, Gweinidog? Pa waith sydd eisoes wedi'i wneud? Ac oni allai hyn fod wedi cael ei wneud yn gynt o lawer, oherwydd rydym ni wedi bod yn ymwybodol am gyflwyno prydau ysgol am ddim ers tipyn nawr? Diolch.
I thank Laura Anne Jones for those three questions, and for her support for the policy. In relation to the first question on capital investment, she'll have heard me say that there has been a significant programme of investment in infrastructure upgrades. A lot of that has happened over the course of the summer, and the overall budget committed to that has now been increased to £60 million. The entirety of that work was never envisaged to take place over the summer; some of it will be taking place in advance of the April target date as well, so it'll be scheduled in that way. And there will, of course, be work that is done over next year's summer break as well in preparation for the roll-out in the second year of the programme.
The work that was done over the summer has meant that most schools in Wales are now delivering; the overwhelming majority are delivering to reception school children, and she will have heard me say that many are also delivering to years 1 and 2 already in advance of the April deadline. There are a small number of schools where the works, for example, for their kitchen upgrades, haven't been completed. In those very small numbers of schools, there is a short-term interim arrangement in place for cold food, but high-quality, nutritious cold food, to be provided on a temporary basis, and parents of children in those schools have been notified of that. But there is, as I say, an ongoing programme of work that will continue into the second of these two years in any event.
On the question of nutritious food, I think this is a really important opportunity for us as part of this roll-out, and, as I was saying in the statement, to connect children to the source and origins of their food. That fundamental insight is so important. It's also really important, by the way, as part of their broader learning as part of the school curriculum, and there are many schools in Wales that are already looking at how this offer can be used as part of their broader curriculum offer, which I absolutely welcome.
She will, I think, probably know that I've already announced our intention to undertake a review of the Healthy Eating in Schools (Nutritional Standards and Requirements) (Wales) Regulations 2013, and I'll be saying more about that shortly to Members. But what we have done in the interim, if you like, is to attach to the terms and conditions for the grant funding to local authority partners a set of interim requirements, pending that broader piece of work, which, again, requires—as you will not be surprised to hear—compliance with those regulations, but also local procurement and maximising, if you like, the opportunity for Welsh produce to appear on menus. So, that's already part of the arrangements currently in place, but there is a lot more that we want to do and a lot more that can be done. That work is under way. There are several work streams within the Government on food supply, on procurement, on the role of the foundational economy in this together with, as I was mentioning, the intended review of the healthy eating regulations. So, I hope to come back and talk further about that as this unfolds, but I do want to be very clear: I regard this as an important part of the offer.
And finally, she mentioned how will we keep an eye, if you like, on the roll-out. There are very clear target dates in the roll-out both for the first and second year. The vast majority of schools will be able to meet those dates; some, as you know, are already ahead of them. Where there are challenges—and there is a small number of authorities that are not yet able to say to us that they are confident that they can make sure that all of their schools can deliver to years 1 and 2 in April—we are working with those on the very specific challenges that they have. Sometimes, it's about infrastructure and capital works. Sometimes, there are other reasons, but we're working with them and we're confident that we'll be able to resolve those questions, and then I'll be able to publish the overall timetable for each school. But I want to give them the opportunity of committing to that timetable in advance.
Diolch i Laura Anne Jones am y tri chwestiwn yna, ac am ei chefnogaeth i'r polisi. O ran y cwestiwn cyntaf ar fuddsoddi cyfalaf, bydd hi wedi fy nghlywed i'n dweud bod rhaglen sylweddol o fuddsoddi wedi digwydd o ran uwchraddio seilwaith. Mae llawer o hynny wedi digwydd dros gyfnod yr haf, ac mae'r gyllideb gyffredinol sydd wedi ymrwymo i hynny nawr wedi'i chynyddu i £60 miliwn. Nid oedd erioed wedi'i ragweld y byddai'r gwaith hwnnw yn ei gyfanrwydd yn digwydd yn ystod yr haf; bydd peth ohono'n cael ei wneud cyn dyddiad targed mis Ebrill hefyd, felly bydd wedi'i drefnu yn y ffordd honno. A bydd gwaith, wrth gwrs, yn cael ei wneud yn ystod gwyliau'r haf y flwyddyn nesaf hefyd wrth baratoi ar gyfer cyflwyno'r rhaglen yn ail flwyddyn y rhaglen.
Mae'r gwaith a gafodd ei wneud yn ystod yr haf wedi golygu bod y rhan fwyaf o ysgolion yng Nghymru nawr yn darparu; mae'r mwyafrif llethol yn darparu ar gyfer plant ysgolion derbyn, a bydd hi wedi fy nghlywed i'n dweud bod llawer hefyd yn darparu ar gyfer blynyddoedd 1 a 2 eisoes, o flaen y terfyn amser ym mis Ebrill. Mae nifer fach o ysgolion lle nad yw'r gwaith, er enghraifft, ar gyfer uwchraddio eu cegin, wedi'i gwblhau. Yn y nifer fach iawn hynny o ysgolion, mae trefniant dros dro tymor byr mewn lle ar gyfer bwyd oer, ond bwyd oer maethlon o ansawdd uchel, i'w ddarparu dros dro, ac mae rhieni plant yn yr ysgolion hynny wedi cael gwybod am hynny. Ond mae yna, fel y dywedais i, raglen waith barhaus a fydd yn parhau yn yr ail o'r ddwy flynedd hyn beth bynnag.
O ran y cwestiwn o fwyd maethlon, rwy'n credu bod hwn yn gyfle pwysig iawn i ni fel rhan o'r broses gyflwyno hon, ac, fel yr oeddwn i'n dweud yn y datganiad, i gysylltu plant â ffynhonnell a gwreiddiau eu bwyd. Mae'r ddealltwriaeth sylfaenol honno mor bwysig. Mae hefyd yn bwysig iawn, gyda llaw, fel rhan o'u dysgu ehangach fel rhan o gwricwlwm ysgolion, ac mae llawer o ysgolion yng Nghymru sydd eisoes yn ystyried sut y mae modd defnyddio'r cynnig hwn fel rhan o'u cynnig ehangach ar gyfer y cwricwlwm, rhywbeth yr wyf i'n ei groesawu'n llwyr.
Bydd hi, rwy'n credu, fwy na thebyg yn gwybod fy mod i eisoes wedi cyhoeddi ein bwriad i gynnal adolygiad o Reoliadau Bwyta'n Iach mewn Ysgolion (Gofynion a Safonau Maeth) (Cymru) 2013, a byddaf i'n dweud mwy wrth Aelodau am hynny maes o law. Ond yr hyn yr ydym ni wedi'i wneud yn y cyfamser, os mynnwch chi, yw atodi set o ofynion dros dro i'r telerau ac amodau ar gyfer y cyllid grant i bartneriaid awdurdodau lleol, wrth aros am y darn ehangach hwnnw o waith, sydd, eto, yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol—gan na fyddwch chi'n synnu o glywed—cydymffurfio â'r rheoliadau hynny, ond hefyd caffael lleol a gwneud y mwyaf, os mynnwch chi, o'r cyfle i gynnyrch Cymru ymddangos ar fwydlenni. Felly, mae hynny eisoes yn rhan o'r trefniadau sydd ar waith ar hyn o bryd, ond mae llawer mwy yr ydym ni eisiau'i wneud a llawer mwy y mae modd ei wneud. Mae'r gwaith hwnnw ar y gweill. Mae sawl ffrwd waith o fewn y Llywodraeth ar gyflenwadau bwyd, ar gaffael, ar ran yr economi sylfaenol yn hyn ynghyd â, fel yr oeddwn i'n sôn, yr adolygiad arfaethedig o'r rheoliadau bwyta'n iach. Felly, rwy'n gobeithio dod yn ôl a siarad eto am hynny wrth i hyn ddatblygu, ond rwyf i eisiau bod yn glir iawn: rwy'n ystyried hyn yn rhan bwysig o'r cynnig.
Ac yn olaf, soniodd hi am sut y byddwn ni'n cadw llygad, os mynnwch chi, ar y broses gyflwyno. Mae dyddiadau targed clir iawn yn y broses o gyflwyno ar gyfer y flwyddyn gyntaf a'r ail flwyddyn. Bydd y mwyafrif helaeth o ysgolion yn gallu cwrdd â'r dyddiadau hynny; mae rhai, fel y gwyddoch chi, eisoes o'u blaenau. Lle mae heriau—ac mae nifer fach o awdurdodau nad ydyn nhw'n gallu dweud wrthym ni eto eu bod nhw'n hyderus y gallan nhw sicrhau bod pob un o'u hysgolion yn gallu darparu ar gyfer blynyddoedd 1 a 2 ym mis Ebrill—rydym ni'n gweithio gyda nhw ar yr heriau penodol iawn sydd ganddyn nhw. Weithiau, mae'n ymwneud â seilwaith a gwaith cyfalaf. Weithiau, mae rhesymau eraill, ond rydym ni'n gweithio gyda nhw ac rydym ni'n hyderus y byddwn ni'n gallu datrys y cwestiynau hynny, ac yna byddaf i'n gallu cyhoeddi'r amserlen gyffredinol ar gyfer pob ysgol. Ond rydw i eisiau rhoi'r cyfle iddyn nhw ymrwymo i'r amserlen honno ymlaen llaw.
Diolch, Weinidog, am y datganiad heddiw, mae o'n ddiweddariad pwysig dros ben. Heb os, dyma ddangos gwerth cydweithio rhwng ein pleidiau pan y gallwn gyflawni polisi o'r fath mewn ychydig fisoedd, a gwneud gwahaniaeth yn syth i ddisgyblion sydd yn eu derbyn a'u teuluoedd. Roedd cyflawni hyn yn flaenoriaeth i ni fel grŵp ac fel plaid yn ein maniffesto ar gyfer etholiadau'r Senedd yn 2021. Pan ddechreuwyd trafod cytundeb cydweithio, roeddem ni'n benderfynol bod hwn yn gorfod bod yn ganolog i hynny, a da yw gweld bod y polisi nid dim ond ar bapur, ond ar waith.
Wedi'r cyfan, mae darparu prydau ysgol am ddim yn un o'r camau pwysicaf y gallwn eu cymryd i fynd i’r afael â thlodi plant a newyn yng Nghymru, drwy wneud yn siŵr bod plant yn cael pryd maethlon ac am ddim fel rhan o’r diwrnod ysgol, ac ymestyn, fel rydych chi wedi sôn heddiw, am gyfnod arall i gynnwys y gwyliau hefyd.
Tra bod Prif Weinidog newydd y Deyrnas Unedig yn parhau i flaenoriaethu rhoi mwy o arian ym mhocedi busnesau mawr a’r rhai cyfoethocaf, mae’n dangos yn glir bod ein blaenoriaethau ni’n wahanol yn y Senedd hon a’n bod ni’n barod i gydweithio yma i fynd i'r afael â’r argyfwng.
Gallai’r polisi hwn wneud y gwahaniaeth rhwng plentyn yn mynd i'r gwely yn llwglyd neu beidio. Dyna pa mor bwysig ydy o. A hoffwn heddiw ddiolch o galon i'r rhai sy'n gweithio o fewn awdurdodau lleol ledled Cymru, fel y gwnaeth y Gweinidog, sef y staff arlwyo, y rhai sy'n dosbarthu ac yn cydlynu'r cyflwyno, a chydnabod pa mor bwysig yw hi inni gael hyn yn iawn i'n plant. Mae prydau ysgol am ddim yn gam tuag at wella bywydau pobl a gwneud ein cymunedau yn decach ac yn fwy cyfartal. Ac i ni fel plaid, cam cyntaf tuag at eu cyflwyno i bob oed yw hyn, ac, er mai dim ond prydau ysgol am ddim mewn ysgolion cynradd sydd yn y cytundeb, parhawn o’r farn y dylid hefyd ymestyn hwn i ysgolion uwchradd. Mae hyn yn rhywbeth y byddwn yn parhau i’w flaenoriaethu hyd nes y cawn arlwy cenedlaethol cynhwysfawr sy’n ymestyn i ysgolion uwchradd.
Er y newydd da bod cyflwyno cinio ysgol am ddim wedi dechrau, fel rydych chi wedi sôn, mae yna dal rhai cynghorau sydd ddim cweit wedi cyrraedd y nod, megis Caerdydd ac Abertawe, sydd ar ei hôl hi. Felly, pa gefnogaeth ychwanegol fydd yna yn cael ei rhoi iddyn nhw? Mae Laura Anne Jones hefyd wedi sôn, wrth gwrs, a rydych chi wedi ymateb o ran bwyd maethlon, a da gweld y pwyslais rydych chi'n ei roi o ran y datganiad ac yn eich ymateb ar hynny. Fydd modd cael diweddariad pellach fel ein bod ni'n deall beth ydy'r benchmark hynny ledled Cymru ar y funud o ran—rydych chi'n dweud eich bod chi wedi sôn am y caffael ac ati—inni allu monitro cynnydd o ran mynd rhagddo efo hynny? Oherwydd, yn amlwg, mae hi'n allweddol bwysig o ran economi lleol hefyd o ran sicrhau bod mwy o ddosbarthu a chynhyrchu bwyd lleol yn rhan o hyn, yn rhan o'n hagenda argyfwng hinsawdd ni hefyd, heb sôn am dyfu yn lleol a chefnogi busnesau lleol. Mae hynny'n bwysig iawn.
Ac yn olaf, hoffwn holi pa waith sydd yn mynd rhagddo o ran adolygu’r fframwaith cymhwysedd ar gyfer prydau ysgol am ddim i ystod ehangach o blant a phobl ifanc. Fel y canfu adolygiad tlodi plant Llywodraeth Cymru, nid yw pawb sydd angen prydau ysgol am ddim yn eu derbyn. Onid yw’n hanfodol ein bod yn ymestyn y meini prawf cymhwysedd ar gyfer prydau ysgol am ddim, a hynny ar fyrder, yn sgil yr argyfwng costau byw? Diolch.
Thank you, Minister, for today's statement, it's a very important update. Without a shadow of a doubt, it demonstrates the value of co-operation between our parties when we can achieve a policy of this kind in just a few months, and make an immediate difference to the pupils in receipt of free school meals and their families. Achieving this was a priority for us as a group and a party in our manifesto for the Senedd elections in 2021. And when discussions on co-operation began, we were determined to see this policy at the heart of the discussions, and it's good to see that the policy isn't just a paper exercise, but is now being actioned.
After all, providing free school meals is one of the most important steps that we can take to tackle child poverty and hunger in Wales, by ensuring that children receive a nutritious meal free of charge as part of the school day, and that this should be extended, as you've mentioned, to include the holidays too.
While the new UK Prime Minister continues to prioritise putting more money in the pockets of big business and the wealthiest in society, it shows clearly that our priorities are different in this Senedd and that we are ready to co-operate here to tackle the crisis.
This policy could make the difference between a child going to bed hungry or not. That is how important it is. And today, I’d like to express my heartfelt thanks to those working in local authorities across Wales, as the Minister did, namely the catering staff, those who distribute and co-ordinate this provision, and recognise how important it is that we get this right for our children. Free school meals are a step towards improving people’s lives and making our communities fairer and more equal. For us, as a party, this is a first step towards provision for all age groups, and, even though the agreement covers only free school meals in primary schools, we continue to be of the opinion that this should also be extended to secondary schools. This is something that we will continue to prioritise until we have comprehensive national provision that extends to secondary schools.
Despite the good news that the provision of free school meals has now begun, as you've mentioned, there are some councils that haven't quite reached the target, such as Cardiff and Swansea; they've fallen behind. So, what additional support will be provided to those councils? Laura Anne Jones has also mentioned, of course, and you've responded in terms of nutritious food, and it's good to see the emphasis that you have placed in the statement and your response on nutritious food. Could we have further updates so that we can understand what the benchmark is across Wales at the moment—you say that you you've talked about procurement and so on—so that we can monitor progress on that particular issue? Because it is vitally important in terms of local economies as well to ensure that there is more distribution and production of local food as part of our climate crisis agenda and so on, not to mention local growth of food and supporting local businesses. That is very important.
And finally, I'd like to ask what work is being done to review the eligibility framework for free school meals to cover a wider range of children and young people? As the Welsh Government’s child poverty review found, not all of those who need free school meals receive them. Is it not vital that we broaden the eligibility criteria for free school meals as a matter of urgency, as a result of the cost-of-living crisis? Thank you.
Diolch i Heledd Fychan am y cwestiynau hynny. Mae hyn yn dangos manteision cydweithio. Dyma un o'r elfennau polisi lle roedd gan y ddwy blaid flaenoriaeth i weithredu, felly yn gallu dod i gytundeb ar hyn yn y cytundeb sydd gyda ni. Ac rwy'n cytuno hefyd mai cam cyntaf yw hwn; rŷn ni i gyd eisiau gweld y polisi yn cael ei ymestyn y gorau gallwn ni. Dyw e ddim yn deg i ddweud bod awdurdodau ar ei hôl hi. Gwnes i sôn am ddau neu dri awdurdod sydd ddim heddiw yn gallu ymrwymo'n gyfan gwbl i'r targed ym mis Ebrill, ond fyddwn i ddim yn disgrifio hynny fel bod ar ei hôl hi; mae chwe mis arall cyn ein bod ni'n cyrraedd y targed hwnnw. Mae dwy ysgol rwy'n ymwybodol ohonyn nhw yn darparu prydau bwyd oer, sydd yn faethlon ac yn iachus, dros dro, ond dyw'r disgrifiad eu bod nhw ar ei hôl hi dwi ddim yn credu yn deg. Mae'r nod wedi'i gyrraedd bod pobl yn cael prydau fel rŷn ni'n disgwyl iddyn nhw eu cael ar y cychwyn, fel rŷn ni ar hyn o bryd.
O ran y gwaith sydd yn digwydd i sicrhau ein bod ni'n edrych ar gymhwysedd yn gyffredinol i sicrhau bod y gefnogaeth rŷn ni'n ei darparu yn addas, mae'r gwaith yna wedi bod yn digwydd ers cyfnod. Rŷn ni hefyd yn gweithio ar hyn o bryd i sicrhau bod y meini prawf sydd wedi bod yn cael eu defnyddio mor belled ar gyfer pob math o gefnogaeth mae'r Llywodraeth yn cynnig i bobl, bydd y rheini'n cael eu heffeithio gan y ffaith nad oes bellach rhaid profi eich bod chi'n gymwys ar gyfer pryd bwyd am ddim yn yr ysgol gynradd o leiaf. Mae gwaith yn digwydd ar hyn o bryd, gyda'n partneriaid, i edrych ar ddatblygu ffordd wahanol o ddisgrifio hynny, fel ein bod ni'n sicrhau, fel gwnaeth Laura Anne Jones hefyd ofyn yn ei chwestiwn, fod neb sydd eisoes yn manteisio ar y rheini yn colli allan yn y dyfodol. Un o'r pethau roeddwn i'n awyddus i'w sicrhau, wrth inni ymestyn yr hawl, fel petai, i brydau bwyd am ddim, yw ein bod ni'n ysgrifennu at rieni i'w hatgoffa nhw, er nad oes bellach rhaid iddyn nhw gymhwyso i gael pryd bwyd am ddim, fod ystod arall o bethau sydd ar gael o ran cefnogaeth ariannol i ddiwrnod ysgol, a'i bod hi'n bwysig cynnig am y rheini hefyd—gwisg ysgol ac ati.
Felly, mae'r gwaith hwnnw wedi bod yn digwydd, ond, fel clywsoch chi'r Prif Weinidog yn dweud yn gynharach heddiw, mae'n rhaid chwilio am bob cyfle posib i sicrhau bod unrhyw gysylltiad â'r sector cyhoeddus mewn unrhyw ffordd yn atgoffa pobl bod ganddyn nhw hawl i fudd-daliadau a chefnogaeth arall, fel eu bod nhw'n sicrhau eu bod nhw'n manteisio ar yr ystod ehangach o'r hyn sydd ar gael i'w cefnogi nhw mewn amser anodd iawn.
I thank Heledd Fychan for those questions. This does demonstrate the benefits of co-operation. This is one element of policy where both parties had a shared priority and could reach agreement on this in the co-operation agreement that we have. And I also agree that this is a first step; we all want to see the policy extended as best we can. It's not fair to say that some authorities are falling behind. I mentioned two or three authorities who, today, cannot fully commit to the target in April, but I wouldn't describe that as falling behind; we have six months before we get to that point. There are two schools that I'm aware of who are providing cold nutritious and healthy food on a temporary basis, but that description of falling behind isn't necessarily fair. The target has been reached and pupils are receiving meals as we had expected.
In terms of the work that's ongoing in order to ensure that we look at the support and that that support is appropriate, that's been ongoing for some time. We're also working now to ensure that the eligibility criteria that have been used to date for all sorts of support that Government provides, that those will be impacted by the fact that you don't have to prove that you are eligible for free school meals in primary schools at the moment. And our work is ongoing with partners in developing new descriptions of that, so that we ensure, as Laura Anne Jones mentioned in her question, that nobody who's already benefiting from that misses out in future. One of the things that we are keen to ensure, as we extend the right to free school meals, is that we write to parents to remind them that, although they don't now have to be eligible for a free school meal, there is also a range of other things available for school pupils, and it's important that they apply for those too—school uniform, for example.
But you will have heard the First Minister say earlier today that we're looking for all possible opportunities to ensure that any contact with the public sector does remind people that they have rights to benefits and other means of support, to ensure that they can take advantage of the broadest range of support available to them at a difficult time.
Free school meals for all primary school children will be known as a historic policy in this Chamber. This policy acknowledges that, despite the differences in background, when pupils enter the school gates they will be provided with equal access to food. Providing school meals prevents children from becoming collateral damage in an ever-changing economic situation that is completely out of their control.
So, I also want to take this opportunity to thank the Bridgend County Borough Council catering services staff for their exemplary commitment to provide nutritious meals for our children during the pandemic. And I know that they are dedicated and they set themselves very high standards to deliver on the Welsh Government free school meals roll-out.
However, as you've mentioned, Minister, with any policy change, there are logistics and systems that need to be put in place and often come with complex challenges. As you said, it's not that they've fallen behind; it's just that Bridgend County Borough Council have done a thorough assessment, and there are five—just five—schools at the moment that just simply do not have the infrastructure in place to be able to roll this out immediately and in time with everybody else, even though they're working extremely hard. They have fully co-operated with the Welsh Government assessment process, and they realise now it's just five, and they think that probably kitchen pods would be the best solution to that.
So, I know you've already mentioned this, Minister, but just, really, to ask you if there is any idea in terms of timeline and guidance around when that funding will be given, because, obviously, we all want to make sure that children are having quality and quantity. The meals that need to be made at—. Sorry. So many people need more meals now, so it's just about making sure that everybody gets equal and good nutritious warm food, especially over the winter.
Bydd prydau ysgol am ddim i bob plentyn ysgol gynradd yn cael ei adnabod fel polisi hanesyddol yn y Siambr hon. Mae'r polisi hwn yn cydnabod, er gwaethaf y gwahaniaethau o ran cefndir, pan fydd disgyblion yn mynd i mewn trwy gatiau'r ysgol byddan nhw'n cael cyfle cyfartal i gael bwyd. Mae darparu prydau ysgol yn atal plant rhag cael eu niweidio'n anuniongyrchol mewn sefyllfa economaidd sy'n newid yn barhaus ac sydd allan o'u rheolaeth yn llwyr.
Felly, rwyf i hefyd eisiau achub ar y cyfle hwn i ddiolch i staff gwasanaethau arlwyo Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr am eu hymrwymiad eithriadol i ddarparu prydau bwyd maethlon i'n plant yn ystod y pandemig. Ac rwy'n gwybod eu bod nhw wedi ymroi ac maen nhw'n gosod safonau uchel iawn i gyflawni ymgyrch prydau ysgol am ddim Llywodraeth Cymru.
Fodd bynnag, fel rydych chi wedi sôn, Weinidog, gydag unrhyw newid polisi, mae angen rhoi logisteg a systemau ar waith ac yn aml maen nhw'n cynnwys heriau cymhleth. Fel y dywedoch chi, nid oherwydd eu bod nhw wedi syrthio ar ei hôl hi; dim ond bod Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr wedi gwneud asesiad trylwyr, ac mae pum—dim ond pum—ysgol ar hyn o bryd nad oes ganddyn nhw'r seilwaith ar waith i allu cyflwyno hyn ar unwaith ac mewn pryd gyda phawb arall, er eu bod yn gweithio'n eithriadol o galed. Maen nhw wedi cydweithredu'n llawn â phroses asesu Llywodraeth Cymru, ac maen nhw'n sylweddoli nawr mai dim ond pump sydd, ac maen nhw'n meddwl mai podiau cegin fyddai'r ateb gorau i hynny mae'n debyg.
Felly, rwy'n gwybod eich bod chi eisoes wedi sôn am hyn, Weinidog, ond dim ond, mewn gwirionedd, i ofyn i chi a oes unrhyw syniad o ran llinell amser ac arweiniad ynghylch pryd y bydd y cyllid hwnnw'n cael ei roi, oherwydd, yn amlwg, rydym ni i gyd eisiau sicrhau bod plant yn cael bwyd da a digon ohono. Y prydau sydd angen eu gwneud—. Mae'n ddrwg gennyf i. Mae cymaint o bobl angen mwy o brydau bwyd nawr, felly mae'n ymwneud â gwneud yn siŵr bod pawb yn cael bwyd cynnes a maethlon cyfartal a da, yn enwedig yn ystod y gaeaf.
[Inaudible.]—that Sarah Murphy raises, Dirprwy Lywydd. And the question with which any Government in this situation wrestles, really, is, given the scale of the cost-of-living challenge that families are facing, there is a high premium on rolling out as much as possible across the system as quickly as possible. And that, at the end of the day, was the judgment that we reached, and, obviously, in agreement with Plaid Cymru. Does that mean that there aren't a small number of schools that aren't able to offer that full hot meal provision to all their reception—? So, there are, as I was saying, a handful of schools in that position. The funding, both the £25 million and the £35 million, has been allocated, so authorities know what it is from that pot of money—and they've known for some weeks—what it is from that pot of money that they are going to be able to draw on. So, that then supports them to do the work they need in order to be able to deliver the broader commitment.
I also wanted to be sure that no child currently having free school meals under the current—or the previous at this point—eligibility criteria would be any worse off as a consequence of rolling out the new extended arrangement. That was a very key principle for us at the heart of this.
But I just want to reiterate, really, the extraordinary effort that all local authorities in Wales have made to deliver on what has been a really punishing time frame in all honesty, against a number of other very important priorities and commitments that we would all want them to be focused on as well. And to be able to be in this position after only nine months, I think—. I can't remember the exact period, but, when Scotland introduced equivalent arrangements, I think it was probably twice as long as that. So, to be able to be at this point in time over that short period I think is a real testament to the level of collaboration and commitment, actually, in all authorities to making a success of this policy.
[Anghlywadwy.] —y mae Sarah Murphy yn ei godi, Dirprwy Lywydd. A'r cwestiwn y mae unrhyw Lywodraeth yn y sefyllfa hon yn ymgodymu ag ef, mewn gwirionedd, yw, o ystyried maint yr her costau byw y mae teuluoedd yn ei wynebu, mae mantais sylweddol i'w gael o gyflwyno cymaint â phosibl ledled y system cyn gynted â phosibl. A dyna, ar ddiwedd y dydd, oedd y farn y daethom ni iddi, ac, yn amlwg, yn gytûn â Phlaid Cymru. Ydy hynny'n golygu nad oes nifer fach o ysgolion nad ydyn nhw'n gallu cynnig y ddarpariaeth prydau poeth llawn hwnnw i'w holl ddosbarthiadau derbyn—? Felly, mae yna, fel yr oeddwn i'n dweud, llond dwrn o ysgolion yn y sefyllfa honno. Mae'r cyllid, y £25 miliwn a'r £35 miliwn, wedi'i ddyrannu, felly mae awdurdodau'n gwybod beth yw'r gronfa honno o arian—ac maen nhw wedi gwybod ers rhai wythnosau—beth yw'r gronfa honno o arian y maen nhw'n mynd i allu ei defnyddio. Felly, mae hynny wedyn yn eu cefnogi i wneud y gwaith sydd ei angen arnyn nhw er mwyn gallu cyflawni'r ymrwymiad ehangach.
Roeddwn i hefyd eisiau bod yn sicr nad oedd yr un plentyn sy'n cael prydau ysgol am ddim o dan y meini prawf cymwysedd presennol—neu o dan y rhai blaenorol ar hyn o bryd—yn waeth eu byd o ganlyniad i gyflwyno'r trefniant estynedig newydd. Roedd hynny'n egwyddor allweddol iawn i ni wrth wraidd hyn.
Ond rwyf i ond eisiau ailadrodd, mewn gwirionedd, yr ymdrech ryfeddol y mae pob awdurdod lleol yng Nghymru wedi'i gwneud i gyflawni'r hyn a fu'n amserlen lem iawn a dweud y gwir, yn erbyn nifer o flaenoriaethau ac ymrwymiadau pwysig iawn eraill y byddem ni i gyd eisiau iddyn nhw ganolbwyntio arnyn nhw hefyd. Ac i allu bod yn y sefyllfa hon ar ôl dim ond naw mis, rwy'n credu—. Ni fedraf i gofio'r union gyfnod, ond, pan gyflwynodd yr Alban drefniadau cyfatebol, rwy'n credu iddi gymryd dwywaith hynny, siŵr o fod. Felly, i allu bod ar y pwynt hwn ar hyn o bryd, yn ystod y cyfnod byr hwnnw, rwy'n credu ei fod wir yn dyst i lefel y cydweithio ac ymrwymiad, mewn gwirionedd, ym mhob awdurdod i wneud i'r polisi hwn lwyddo.
For me, knowing now, especially now given the cost-of-living crisis, that free school meals will be universal in primary schools is a moment of reflection, a moment to remember my own experiences in school, and a moment to remember as well the long battle to get to this point in the first place. I am proud that Plaid Cymru has never given up on this policy.
Looking at the current situation, we've heard from a number of colleagues today—Heledd Fychan, Laura Anne Jones, Sarah Murphy—that a number of councils are struggling to roll out free school meals and don't believe they'll meet the deadline the Welsh Government has set. Of course, this is a mammoth task and I'm very sympathetic with this. Looking close to home, Bridgend is one of those councils; the responsible cabinet member saying that some schools don't have the facilities. So, I think it's important the Welsh Government supports those councils as much as possible. I was wondering if the Minister could outline what support the Welsh Government has provided to councils like Bridgend so far, and what conversations has he had specifically with Bridgend County Borough Council. Within the county, we have some of the most deprived communities not just in Wales but in all of the UK, and it's important that we work to ensure that the council rolls out free school meals as soon as possible, and that they are fully supported by Welsh Government in doing so.
I mi, o wybod nawr, yn enwedig nawr o ystyried yr argyfwng costau byw, y bydd prydau ysgol am ddim yn gyffredinol mewn ysgolion cynradd, mae'n foment o fyfyrio, yn foment i gofio fy mhrofiadau fy hun yn yr ysgol, ac yn foment i gofio hefyd y frwydr hir i gyrraedd y pwynt hwn yn y lle cyntaf. Rwy'n falch nad yw Plaid Cymru erioed wedi ildio ar y polisi hwn.
O edrych ar y sefyllfa bresennol, rydym ni wedi clywed gan nifer o gydweithwyr heddiw—Heledd Fychan, Laura Anne Jones, Sarah Murphy—bod nifer o gynghorau yn ei chael hi'n anodd cyflwyno prydau ysgol am ddim ac nad ydyn nhw'n credu y byddan nhw'n cwrdd â'r terfyn amser y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ei osod. Wrth gwrs, mae hon yn dasg enfawr ac rwy'n cydymdeimlo'n fawr â hyn. Wrth edrych yn agos at adref, mae Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr yn un o'r cynghorau hynny; yr aelod cabinet cyfrifol yn dweud nad oes gan rai ysgolion y cyfleusterau. Felly, rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi'r cynghorau hynny gymaint â phosibl. Meddwl oeddwn i tybed a allai'r Gweinidog amlinellu pa gefnogaeth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i darparu i gynghorau fel Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr hyd yma, a pha sgyrsiau y mae ef wedi'u cael yn benodol gyda Chyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr. Yn y sir, mae gennym ni rai o'r cymunedau mwyaf difreintiedig nid yn unig yng Nghymru ond yn y DU i gyd, ac mae'n bwysig ein bod ni'n gweithio i sicrhau bod y cyngor yn cyflwyno prydau ysgol am ddim cyn gynted â phosibl, a'u bod yn cael cefnogaeth lawn gan Lywodraeth Cymru wrth wneud hynny.
Sorry, I just want to be clear: authorities are not struggling to deliver on this policy. They've worked incredibly hard to make sure—
Mae'n ddrwg gen i, rydw i eisiau bod yn glir: nid yw awdurdodau yn cael trafferth o ran cyflawni'r polisi hwn. Maen nhw wedi gweithio'n hynod o galed i wneud yn siŵr—
I'm not denying that at all.
Dydw i ddim yn gwadu hynny o gwbl.
They've worked incredibly hard to make sure that as many young people as possible are able to benefit from this policy, in accordance with a very, very short time frame, and that applies to all authorities in Wales. As I say, where there are a small number of schools that need still to make some infrastructure changes, they are complying with the policy in a different way: so, for example, providing the cold meals, as I was saying earlier, as an interim step to facilitate the roll-out of the broader programme, but that is in a way that is communicated to parents.
There are a number of authorities who are saying to us, 'We aren't yet able to commit to that further roll-out of years 1 and 2 in April', which is six months away from where we are now. We are working with those authorities to be able to—you know, where they have particular infrastructure challenges, to work with them to be able to solve those, so that we can get them to a position where they can also make that commitment. It's not a blanket position; it's particular schools in particular, in a very small number of authorities. But, as he will know, the judgment that you have to grapple with in this position is: do you only roll out when every authority can commit to every single school from day 1? Or, given the scale of the challenge, which I know the Member obviously recognises, I think the better judgment in this case is to make sure that the vast majority of children are getting it today, and to work over the interim period with other authorities to make sure that those targets are met as well, which is what we're all doing.
Maen nhw wedi gweithio'n anhygoel o galed i sicrhau bod cymaint o bobl ifanc â phosibl yn gallu elwa ar y polisi hwn, yn unol ag amserlen fer iawn, iawn, ac mae hynny'n berthnasol i bob awdurdod yng Nghymru. Fel y dywedais i, lle mae nifer fach o ysgolion y mae angen gwneud rhai newidiadau seilwaith o hyd, maen nhw'n cydymffurfio â'r polisi mewn ffordd wahanol: felly, er enghraifft, darparu'r prydau oer, fel yr oeddwn i'n dweud yn gynharach, fel cam dros dro i hwyluso cyflwyno'r rhaglen ehangach, ond mae hynny mewn ffordd sy'n cael ei gyfathrebu i rieni.
Mae nifer o awdurdodau sy'n dweud wrthym ni, 'Nid ydym ni eto'n gallu ymrwymo i gyflwyno hyn i flynyddoedd 1 a 2 ym mis Ebrill', sydd chwe mis i ffwrdd o lle'r ydym ni nawr. Rydym ni'n gweithio gyda'r awdurdodau hynny i allu—wyddoch chi, lle mae ganddyn nhw heriau seilwaith penodol, i weithio gyda nhw i allu datrys y rheiny, fel y gallwn ni eu cael nhw i sefyllfa lle gallan nhw hefyd wneud yr ymrwymiad hwnnw. Nid yw'n safle cyffredinol; mae'n ymwneud yn enwedig ag ysgolion penodol, mewn nifer fach iawn o awdurdodau. Ond, fel y bydd e'n gwybod, y penderfyniad y mae'n rhaid i chi ymrafael ag ef yn y sefyllfa hon yw: a ydych chi ond yn cyflwyno pan all pob awdurdod ymrwymo i bob un ysgol o'r diwrnod cyntaf? Neu, o ystyried maint yr her, yr wyf i'n gwybod bod yr Aelod yn amlwg yn ei chydnabod, rwy'n credu mai'r penderfyniad gwell yn yr achos hwn yw sicrhau bod y mwyafrif helaeth o blant yn ei gael heddiw, ac i weithio gydag awdurdodau eraill yn ystod y cyfnod dros dro, i wneud yn siŵr bod y targedau hynny'n cael eu cyflawni hefyd, sef yr hyn yr ydym ni i gyd yn ei wneud.
Ac yn olaf, Rhianon Passmore.
And finally, Rhianon Passmore.
Diolch, Deputy Llywydd. I very much welcome the statement from the Welsh Labour Government's education Cabinet member, and the further new additional investment for the extended school holiday period, so thank you very much. It is good news that the Welsh Labour Government is delivering on its programme for government in maximising fairness for all and eliminating inequality, and it is a sign of the Welsh Labour Government's ambitious plans that £35 million of new capital funding will support the roll-out of the scheme, in addition to the £25 million of capital funding previously allocated and a commitment of £200 million of revenue funding over the next few years. Also, I know from speaking directly to schools and pupils, parents and children across Islwyn, that these measures from the Welsh Labour Government are welcomed and greatly appreciated in these very dark times. I also welcome hugely the work of the WLGA in delivering, once again, real change on the ground. The Tory cost-of-living crisis, we know, will result in severe and negative consequences for the poorest communities in Wales. This is wrong, and it is not the role of any UK Government to harm and hurt its most vulnerable. Our Welsh Labour First Minister stated—
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Rwy'n croesawu'r datganiad gan aelod Cabinet addysg Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru, a'r buddsoddiad newydd ychwanegol arall ar gyfer cyfnod estynedig gwyliau ysgol, felly diolch yn fawr. Mae'n newyddion da bod Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru yn cyflawni ei rhaglen lywodraethu o ran sicrhau tegwch i bawb a dileu anghyfartaledd, ac mae'n arwydd o gynlluniau uchelgeisiol Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru y bydd £35 miliwn o gyllid cyfalaf newydd yn cefnogi cyflwyno'r cynllun, yn ychwanegol at y £25 miliwn o gyllid cyfalaf a gafodd ei ddyrannu'n flaenorol ac ymrwymiad o £200 miliwn o gyllid refeniw yn ystod y blynyddoedd nesaf. Hefyd, rwy'n gwybod o siarad yn uniongyrchol ag ysgolion a disgyblion, rhieni a phlant ar draws Islwyn, bod croeso mawr i'r mesurau hyn gan Lywodraeth Lafur Cymru a'u bod yn cael eu gwerthfawrogi'n fawr yn y cyfnod tywyll iawn hwn. Rwyf i hefyd yn croesawu gwaith aruthrol Cymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru wrth gyflawni, unwaith eto, newid gwirioneddol, ar lawr gwlad. Bydd argyfwng costau byw'r Torïaid, gwyddom ni, yn arwain at ganlyniadau difrifol a negyddol i gymunedau tlotaf Cymru. Mae hyn yn anghywir, ac nid swyddogaeth unrhyw Lywodraeth y DU yw niweidio a brifo ei rhai mwyaf bregus. Dywedodd ein Prif Weinidog Llafur Cymru—
Can you ask the question now, please?
A fedrwch chi ofyn y cwestiwn nawr, os gwelwch yn dda?
Thank you. Yes, I will. No children should go hungry. Minister, what assessment has the Welsh Labour Government made of the positive impact that the delivery of a nutritious school meal for all primary school pupils in Islwyn will have on educational outcomes and the well-being of Wales's youngest children? Thank you.
Diolch. Gwnaf. Ni ddylai unrhyw blant fynd heb fwyd. Weinidog, pa asesiad y mae Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru wedi'i wneud o'r effaith gadarnhaol y bydd darparu pryd ysgol maethlon i bob disgybl ysgol gynradd yn Islwyn yn ei gael ar ganlyniadau addysgol a lles plant ieuengaf Cymru? Diolch.
I thank Rhianon Passmore for that important question. I think there'll be a number of positive consequences in the lives of these young learners and their families. The first, immediate effect will be to contribute to alleviating, to some extent, aspects of the cost-of-living pressures that families are under. If you like, I think a longer term benefit will be both to be able to transform the role of food in our schools in terms of healthy eating but also in terms of the understanding of young people about food—the origins of food and nutrition and so on. And I think it will have the effect of raising the profile of healthy eating in schools more generally, but also it increases the range of food that pupils eat and it'll also have well-being benefits for individual learners, which will lead to educational improvement. And I think one of the key benefits of this universal policy, which we've heard a number of speakers raise already, is eliminating the stigma that often is attached to free school meals. And many people in the Chamber have spoken about that passionately from their own experience, and I think, given the pressures that families are under, as much as we can do to eliminate that stigma I think is really very, very important.
Diolch i Rhianon Passmore am y cwestiwn pwysig hwnnw. Rwy'n credu y bydd nifer o ganlyniadau cadarnhaol ym mywydau'r dysgwyr ifanc hyn a'u teuluoedd. Yr effaith gyntaf, ar unwaith fydd cyfrannu at leddfu, i ryw raddau, agweddau ar y pwysau costau byw y mae teuluoedd o danyn nhw. Os mynnwch chi, rwy'n credu y bydd budd tymor hirach yn gallu trawsnewid rôl bwyd yn ein hysgolion o ran bwyta'n iach ond hefyd o ran dealltwriaeth pobl ifanc am fwyd—tarddiad bwyd a maeth ac yn y blaen. Ac rwy'n credu y bydd yn cael yr effaith o godi proffil bwyta'n iach mewn ysgolion yn fwy cyffredinol, ond hefyd mae'n cynyddu'r amrywiaeth o fwyd y mae disgyblion yn ei fwyta a bydd ganddo fanteision lles hefyd i ddysgwyr unigol, a fydd yn arwain at welliant addysgol. Ac rwy'n credu mai un o brif fanteision y polisi cyffredinol hwn, yr ydym ni wedi clywed nifer o siaradwyr yn ei godi'n barod, yw dileu'r stigma sy'n aml ynghlwm wrth brydau ysgol am ddim. Ac mae llawer o bobl yn y Siambr wedi siarad am hynny'n angerddol o'u profiad eu hunain, ac rwy'n meddwl, o ystyried y pwysau mae teuluoedd o dan, mae gymaint ag y gallwn ni ei wneud i ddileu'r stigma yn hynod bwysig yn fy marn i.
Diolch i'r Gweinidog. Mae hynny'n dod â ni at ddiwedd busnes heddiw.
Thank you, Minister. That brings today's proceedings to a close.
Daeth y cyfarfod i ben am 18:00.
The meeting ended at 18:00.