WAQ79091 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 14/11/2019

Pa ystyriaeth y mae'r Gweinidog wedi'i rhoi i ddynodi parthau cadwraeth morol gwarchodedig-uchel yng Nghymru?

Wedi'i ateb gan Gweinidog yr Amgylchedd, Ynni a Materion Gwledig | Wedi'i ateb ar 22/11/2019

The priority in Wales is completing our contribution towards the coherence of the network of Marine Protected Areas and ensuring it is effectively managed. Work is underway to strengthen the network further by identifying a number of Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) to address gaps identified in the 2016 network assessment by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee. A MCZ Task and Finish Group has been established to develop an approach for identifying potential MCZs. All Welsh waters, inshore and offshore, are being looked at for the most ecologically suitable locations. Our approach is not to pre-determine the level of protection that will be afforded to MCZs. Protection and management will be informed by the requirements of the features, sensitivity to activities and what will be required to either maintain or achieve favourable condition.