WAQ78028 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 20/03/2019

Yn dilyn creu tair Ardal Gadwraeth Arbennig i lamhidyddion yr harbwr yng Nghymru, beth yw'r amcanion cadwraeth a pha gamau y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn disgwyl i swyddogion eu cymryd i fonitro a rheoli'r ardaloedd yn ystod 2019/20?

Wedi'i ateb gan Gweinidog yr Amgylchedd, Ynni a Materion Gwledig | Wedi'i ateb ar 26/03/2019

Publication of the finalised conservation objectives and management advice for the three Harbour Porpoise Special Areas of Conservation in Welsh waters is imminent. Draft conservation objectives, including advice on managing activities, have been available for some time on the Natural Resources Wales and Joint Nature Conservation Committee websites. The three Special Areas of Conservation will continue to be managed in line with the conservation objectives and activity advice.

Existing arrangements for monitoring Harbour Porpoise, such as through the SCANS (Small Cetaceans in the European Atlantic and North Sea) surveys, will continue to apply.